The Lessons of Lewiston, Maine

Here’s a depressing case study on how Somalis ruined an old mill town in Maine. They were initially enticed in by white liberals who apparently thought that the reason their kids kept moving away was because they craved the excitement and new ideas that only Diversity can bring. The bug chasing council deliberately pozzed their town with the NWO’s favorite biological weapon: A tribe of 68 IQ pirates with most able-bodied adults unemployed, up to 8 kids each (all at taxpayer expense), and a religion that tells them we owe them everything. Now mobs of gimmiegrant robbers have taken over the streets, the Diversity money-grubbing industry has taken over the government and is plundering the white taxpayers, and things will only get worse until collapse and civil war… which shouldn’t be too far off now.

They all have to go back.

Hommunism News

(source) Lewiston, Maine shows us two things: how quickly populations can change and why change matters.  In 2000, it was a sleepy, 95-percent white, mill town of fewer than 35,000 people. By 2010 it was only 86 percent white. This was almost entirely due to the arrival of Africans – mostly Somalis – who raised the black population from 1.07 percent to 8.67 percent in just 10 years. Africans have probably had a more dramatic and disturbing effect on Lewiston than virtually anything else in its entire history. Their arrival made a few headlines in the early 2000s, but has since been largely forgotten. Here is a timeline of what happened, drawing from local news stories and the American Renaissance archive.

January 2000: Some time this spring about 30 refugees from the West African country of Togo will arrive in this overwhelmingly white community. No one knows if…

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Starve the Beast

To all you good little white male wageslaves with taxes on your mind, consider this:

  • Is the swamp still as overflowing as ever? Are the swamp monsters untouchable?
  • Is there a shadow government? Is it ruled by satanists who want to establish a worldwide dictatorship? Do they see white males as the most likely fly in the ointment? Do they want whites to pay for their own destruction?
  • Does the middle class have a higher tax burden than billionaires and their pet underclass?
  • Do illegal immigrants have more rights than you?
  • Are you a second class serf in your own land?
  • Are you expected to delay or forgo having children while paying Somalis to have eight?
  • Is marriage like giving a flamethrower to a spoiled, mentally ill toddler?
  • Are you systematically discriminated against in employment, domestic disputes, college admissions, tax policy, and access to advocacy groups?
  • Does it seem like everyone else has a retinue of professional excuse-makers making excuses for them, and blaming every failing on you?
  • Did the Fed just print another half a trillion dollars and shovel it to the banks?
  • Did the government spend $6 trillion fighting wars for Israel, $35 billion for border security for Israel, pallets of cash for Iran, etc., but the government struggles to come up with $5 billion to defend you from an invasion from fucking Guatemala?
  • Did Epstein work for Mossad?  Did they fake his death and break him out of jail?  Did the FBI cover it up?
  • Is the Finders cult still out there?  Did the FBI cover it up?
  • After Michael Aquino schismed the church of satan because they weren’t evil enough, was he made a colonel in charge of the Army’s psychological warfare program, and was he given an entire daycare center full of servicemembers’ kids to fiddle?  Did the FBI cover it all up?
  • Are blackmailed pedophiles a significant fraction of politicians on both sides?
  • Did Hillary collude with Russia, sell national secrets to China, murder Ambassador Stevens, supply ISIS, try to start WWIII, embezzle billions of dollars from the Haiti earthquake fund, help abduct 33 Haitian children for walnut sauce, and does the FBI continue to cover it all up?
  • Was the head of ISIS allowed to enter America and kill 58 people as a distraction during a failed assassination attempt against the Saudi crown prince?  Was the patsy, Stephen Paddock, actually an arms dealer who was working for the Feds until he was double-crossed by traitors in the government?  Did the FBI cover it all up?
  • Did the Democratic establishment steal the 2016 primary from Bernie Sanders, murder the whistleblower, blame the Russians for the leaks, and frame Trump for colluding with Russia? Did the FBI cover it all up?
  • Did the shadow government attempt to steal the 2016 election and then attempt multiple legal coups against a duly elected president and get away with all of it?
  • Did Andrew McCabe just get let off?
  • Did Trump, our last hope of legal change, still sell us out to a slightly different group of oligarchs?
  • Is Qanon a trick to make us go quietly to the abattoir?
  • Did the FBI just declare that they will treat white supremacists as an extreme terror threat?  Note that the FBI doesn’t distinguish between white nationalists and white supremacists.  To them, and to the rest of the establishment, white people who don’t embrace serfdom and extinction are white supremacists.
  • Do the Feds still jail people for weed?
  • Has the entire legal system become a tool of oppression?

If the answer to ANY of these questions is yes, then tax avoidance is your patriotic duty! Good thing audits are at a four-decade low. There were only 636 criminal indictments for tax evasion in 2018. Half of all audits involve suspicious claims of the Earned Income Tax Credit. Many audits were flagged by an automatic trigger so if you can avoid these triggers you will most likely be fine. Complex stuff like partnerships, S corporations, and small business deductions are hard to audit. Cash under the table is hard to audit. Check out this article with many useful tips for tiptoeing around the IRS.

Black welfare chart

Taxes are the main driver of these racial budgetary impacts. The major welfare programs are considered. The study did not consider other expenses such as useless affirmative action employees, grants for “nonprofits” and other special programs which mainly benefit minorities, state and local programs, and extra spending on police and prisons. The study did not consider that the numbers don’t balance, therefore the national debt is increasing, and this debt must ultimately be inflated away, which will steal from savers, who are mostly white.

Welfare cliffCivic Nationalists, cuckservatives and capitalists will not fix things.

These people are either actively involved in looting the white middle class, or they are too comfortable and cowardly to speak up.  They think they can hide in their gated communities while benefiting from cheap labor.  Their little walls won’t protect them when the lights go out and the digits they spent their lives chasing become worthless.  These clueless boomers will be raided shortly after the barbarian hordes run out of city-dwelling white liberals to plunder.

Libertarians will not fix things.

Their little party has been crashed by hippies, assorted degenerates, and delusional anarcho-capitalists who think Somalia is secretly a utopia. Their last presidential candidate was a globalist stooge.

Libertarianism brings freedom and prosperity in the short term, but it ultimately sows the seeds of its own destruction: Libertarianism is a social construct which seems to only reach critical mass among white males. Libertarians apply the blessings of liberty to people who will then turn around and use corruption and collectivism to take over society. The libertarians don’t fight back because they see each person as an individual who must be given the benefit of the doubt. They tolerate capitalists who sell out the country. They tolerate social ills which lead to the destruction of a free society. They tolerate immigrants who vote commie every chance they get. Tolerance will be the death of Libertarians.

Libertarian Planet of the Apes

King George Bush II, a.k.a. Chimpy McClusterfuck, said that the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper.  He was right.  The Constitution’s only power comes from the hearts of a few honorable white men.  Liberia also had the U.S. Constitution.  It didn’t stop them from becoming one of the Four Horsemen of the African Apocalypse.

Libertarians do have some good ideas on how to fight back. The ones I like most are going Galt (i.e. dropping out of mainstream society) and using alternative currencies.

Silver is extraordinarily cheap.  For $20 you can buy a coin with more than your share of the world’s aboveground silver.  Since the silver market is a giant paper Ponzi scheme,  physical coins will contribute to a leveraged unwinding.  Wrecking the paper silver scam will wreck the paper gold scam which will wreck the paper dollar scam which will wreck the welfare scam which will wreck America which will wreck the world order that America enforces!

Expect gold to be the better monetary metal in the near term because Asians prefer it as a safety net, and because the electronics industry will have reduced demand for silver. DON’T chase palladium. Its main use is in catalytic converters. Auto manufacturing is about to crater due to the virus.

Cryptocurrencies might end up being the best thing created by Libertarians.  The “killer app” is evasion of capital controls.  Get cryptos by private sale if you are interested.  Get cash out at a BitCoin ATM.   Do test transactions because there is no customer service department to call if you lose coins.  Keep a separate computer running Linux and use a wallet like Exodus which will allow off-exchange trades between cryptocurrencies.  Keep your wallet files in multiple secure places.  Don’t keep wallet files at your house. Don’t use an exchange.  Exchanges have high fees, high risk of theft, and capital gains reporting (although if you live in a state with no income tax and you have no other on-books income, you should be able to get away with up to ~40,000/year of tax-free capital gains).  Check out next-generation cryptocurrencies like Monero, Zcash, Chainlink, Stellar, and BitCoin SV.  Don’t take my word for it; I haven’t done detailed research because I’m a metals-first Luddite.  Read coindesk for news about the main coins.  Read /biz/ for coronavirus investing and ideas about up and coming coins, but beware of pump-and-dumpers.

BitCoin is a good indicator of activity in the overall crypto market.  Its price looks like it’s making a cup and handle pattern, an ascending triangle, and a golden cross- all three chart patterns are bullish.  A block halving in May will be bullish.  Chinese trying to escape from their doomed currency will be bullish.

bitcoin chart 2

Source:  The long term BitCoin chart has even more insane whipsaws.  This thing is the Gom Jabbar of finance.  It went from $0.05 to $0.20 then crashed to $0.01.
It went from $0.50 to $32 then crashed to $2.
It went from $10 to $260 then crashed to $50.
It went from $100 to $1200 then crashed to $160.
It went from $500 to $20000 then crashed to $3200.

Crazy as it seems, cryptos might be a way to protect capital from parasites.  Those who keep their life’s effort within the system will increasingly see it devoured by inflation, capital controls, divorce, lawsuits, civil forfeiture, etc.  The plan is that most capital within the system will end up in the hands of the banking and government (((tribe))) and some will go to the tribes they use as middle managers, footsoldiers and pickpockets.  Most of the footsoldiers and pickpockets will squander their ill-gotten gains until the banking tribe has that money too.

We are transitioning to a third world kleptocracy.  A giant arena where tribes compete to milk the most out of others while giving nothing back.

Parasites have no gratitude to their hosts, no idea that their privilege is unearned, little concept of long-term consequences and no ability to restrain themselves even if they understand how screwed they will be if the host dies.  They do not respond to logic or moral arguments.  Feeding them only increases their numbers and makes them more aggressive.  See Seattle, or Europe.

Whites are maladapted to this world due to our general lawfulness, low tribalism, high empathy, high productivity, laissez-faire attitudes, and responsible childbearing.  Ironically, all these tendencies made our countries the most livable in the world when the populace was mostly white.  Now these traits are weaponized against us.  Most whites are chump tax donkeys or virtue signalling backstabbers, all working for the destruction of our people.

Voting by race

The power of tribalism can be seen in this chart.  Look at Asians.  They tend to make more money than whites, and they are harmed by university affirmative action policies, but most of them still voted for Hillary because she was the PC, pro-China candidate.

This tilted tribal playing field extends to the personal level.  Non-whites don’t collect high rents from their young adult children and then buy RV’s. They don’t teach their children to hate their own people.  They don’t put other races before their own.   They are not above nepotism and gaming the system, including taking over entire institutions and using them for the narrow benefit of their own people; in fact they consider such actions to be moral.  Blacks and Muslims will even establish no-go zones where they set the rules, while still collecting benefits from the outside.

It’s a winning strategy for any tribe that can pull it off in a multicultural society.  Some tribes are relentlessly parasitic.  Their goal is to use the system to extract as much as possible from everyone else, while giving nothing back.  Generosity is a one-way street.  Whites need to wake up and learn how the world really works.  We need to:

  1. Stop allowing parasitic strategies to be used against us in our own countries.
  2. Milk the current system until it crashes.
  3. Socially engineer a return to traditionalism, including multi-generational households which share wealth, work, and knowledge. This would require rolling back ALL of feminism.
  4. Become unrepentant tribal nepotists ourselves.
  5. Stop being a multicultural society.

This is generally the order in which I would try to change things.  #1 is unquestionably moral.  #1 + #2 are relatively easy on the individual level but in the long run they would be ineffective without #3 and some combination of #4 + #5.  #4 + #5 + mass murder allowed us to conquer the world but personally, I don’t want to go there. For most of my life I only sought #1.  I simply wanted to be left alone. The last decade has proven it’s not possible without #2 + #3 and some of #4 + #5.

We are the only tribe that is not allowed to act like one.  There is a very real risk that we might become hated minorities scavenging for scraps amidst the ruins of the civilization our ancestors built, while a few wealthy Jews and Chinese jockey for dominance over a world of slaves selectively bred for stupidity.  One thing our Jewish and Chinese overlords will both agree on is that the West must be flooded with a billion Africans.

The solution can be seen in this flag.  It represents a transitional stage that our people must pass through now that every non-tribal ideology has failed.  This is going to be harsh medicine.  I leave the interpretation of this flag to my astute readers.


Clown World bloodbaths

Sorry to drop off the face of the Earth for so long but summers are always busy.

I have been working, networking, working on my Jeep, Gonzo Gardening, preparing to leave my Commie state, and trying to write an Epstein article.  It’s in my growing backlog of impossibly long articles because the connections go everywhere, there are 2000 pages of newly released court documents for trolls to rummage through… and some rewriting will be necessary because Epstein just got Arkancided. [UPDATE: He was probably busted out of jail by Mossad].  It’s a very dark day for justice.  But I need to talk about the shooters first.

The Garlic Shooter was Iranian/Italian.  He seems to have hated everyone.  Calling him a white supremacist was a stretch.  Calling him white was a stretch.  The Fake News Media didn’t care.

El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius claimed inspiration from Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant.  His manifesto was similar to Tarrant’s but with more socialism. He deliberately chose a gun-free zone for his rampage.  In his brief Twitter feed, Crusius talked about how gun laws are too strict, and he tried to bait David Duke into saying something stupid.  As if Duke would take bait from this false flagging retard:

Shooter twitter

A Hispanic Jew expressed admiration for David Duke and a white kid who shot up a black church.  Also loves God and baby furries.  Geez, are all Christians this depraved?  I bet he was also a Republican, a Trump campaigner, a Q supporter, and an incel. Yup. How thoughtful of him to correct the record by updating his MyLife page from jail.

There were other signs typical of false flag shootings: Reports of multiple shooters, targeting a place frequented by normal people, news reported before it happens, major story shifts, surveillance footage inconsistent with the story, and a major push for gun control in the aftermath.

The manifesto might not have even been his.  It was first posted to Instagram. It didn’t appear on 8chan until AFTER the shooting, and was not well recieved. The anons thought the manifesto poster was FBI was because the FBI had been caught false-flagging on 8chan in order to fraudulently obtain search warrants and to blame Russia for the San Diego synagogue shooting.  The boomer cubicle monkey agent outed himself with a perfect storm of retardation: Overzealous Russia nonsense, printing out and then scanning a thread because he couldn’t figure out how to take a screenshot, and he also forgot about (You)’s which shows a misunderstanding of how the Chans work. Unfortunately, none of this matters to the sheeple.  Just push a simplistic boogeyman narrative and they will support any totalitarian measure, such as red flag laws or shutting down 8chan by squeezing CloudFlare.  8chan is collateral damage in the Shadow Government civil war.  The real target was almost certainly Qresearch because Q had been going off about Epstein for weeks. Obama has called for 4chan to be shut down too.  Expect another false flag shooter to post there.  I almost wish they would shut down 4chan because then I would stop wasting time wallowing in that ocean of piss.  And a million more trolls would would invade the normies’ safe spaces, both online and perhaps even in real life.

4chan trolls found some gems in the Dayton shooter‘s social media. Turns out he was a fan of ANTIFA and satan.  He shot his tranny sister in the bar.  An ex-girlfriend became a tranny.  The shooter had cocaine, alcohol, Xanax and antidepressants in his system.  Isn’t this Jerry Springer circus just perfect for a white nationalist?  Oh wait… the Betts family is Jewish.  The shooter’s sister (who became his brother) was talking about Hanukkah. I wonder if the Jewish media will correct the record? I wonder what other juicy details the trolls will find over the next few days?  One of the people who radicalized Connor Betts claims to be a senior editor at Newsweek; let’s see if the trolls can doxx him.  His handle is dagotron.

Check out IntheMatrixxx for timely updates and strange details about the shooters, such as Betts hearing voices (from CIA mind control tech?) and Crusius’s Jewish father doing “infused being therapy” with help from some crystals he got from the Brazilian pedo cult led by John of God.  Some of IntheMatrixxx’s stuff is a bit out there.  You be the judge.  My gut feeling is that Crusius’s father didn’t brainwash his own son and intelligence agencies are not involved in the Gilroy or Dayton shootings.

Here’s some interesting stuff I recently found regarding mass shootings in general:

Shooters Jewish

Jews are less than 2% of the population.  They are clearly over-represented among the high-scoring mass shooters.  The media and the government must do something about this toxic Jewish supremacism.  Let’s take away their guns!  They don’t need assault rifles to defend themselves from a genocidal government, that’s ridiculous conspiracy talk!

Fun fact: The word “Scapegoat” comes from an ancient Jewish ritual in which the Jews would write down their sins, tie them around the neck of a goat and drive it off into the desert to die.

Shooters mostly black

Most mass shooters are people who hold their guns sideways.  They get low scores, but together they stack up most of the bodies just through sheer numbers. For some strange reason, media, government and civic organizations don’t like to talk about these shooters even though most of their victims are members of a perpetual victim group.

Fun fact: There is a Jewish legend about a magician who sculpted a clay statue called a golem, which he sent to destroy the enemies of the Jews.  There are actually many recipes for golems.  One recipe is gangsta rap, CIA crack, malt liquor and Blame Whitey.  Another recipe is false flag terrorism, the petrodollar system, neocons, and the Scofield Bible. Another recipe is the divorce-industrial complex, degenerate celebrities, consumerism, careerism, and TV talk shows. Another recipe is open borders, welfare, and a corrupt legal system with ridiculous double standards.

guns blacks

Add more guns, get slightly less shootings. Criminals will break the law to get guns, but they fear armed victims. Add more black people and shootings go up almost in proportion. Stats for Hispanics and Muslims are hard to find because they are counted as white to muddy the water.

Fun fact:  America has a single mom problem.  Single moms are cancer.  Before he got memory-holed, Heartiste had a Hate Stat of the Day about only one of the 27 worst shooters being raised by his biological father.  I don’t have time to verify this, but Heartiste was a man of great wisdom.  I do remember most of the shooters coming from broken homes.  This problem is more important than race.  A white child raised by a single mom is more likely to become a dysfunctional adult than a black child raised by married parents.  Unfortunately, welfare has destroyed the family.  Black people have been particularly susceptible to this.  73% of black people were children of single moms.

black crime town 2

Liberals love to whine that black crime is due to underlying causes such as racism, poverty, poor schools, etc.  They always conclude that whites need to throw more money at blacks. But when you make a town from some of the most self-disciplined blacks and throw gobs of money at them, they still commit more crime than the poorest white hillbillies.

Fun fact: America’s gun violence is not “the worst in the world” as liberals like to state. They cite a study by one guy who supposedly collected and translated ALL news articles going back to 1966.  He won’t share his raw data.  The truth is that our gun violence ranks 62nd. The 61 more violent countries are all third world shitholes whose citizens are currently invading the West.  Our own mass shootings won’t deter them.  They’re used to it.  And they will bring their crime with them.

Tyson gun tweet

You can’t dispute facts from Black Science Guy.  He correctly separated out the 120 suicides by gun and he seems to have separated out justified killings too, instead of lumping everything together to make the murder rate seem ~4x higher, as the media tends to do when talking about guns. Unfortunately, he will never explain the real reasons why the government and the media are whipping us into a panic over mass shootings:  Gun control is really about political control.  The establishment wants disarmed serfs.  The Jews in particular want disarmed whites, because they want us extinct.

Fun fact: Stalin disarmed his subjects and then his Jewish henchmen murdered ~100,000 – 400,000 Russians per year, depending on who you ask.  This does not include deliberate starvation. Scaled to population, direct murder by the Soviet government would be equivalent to somewhere between 14 and 56 times our murder rate by privately owned guns. Guns don’t kill people, tyrants do.  Gun confiscation is always a prelude to genocide.  But guns also allow us to fight back against tyrants.  This is the true purpose of the 2nd Amendment.


“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking:  what would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?  Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?  [They] would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!  If . . . if . . . we didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation . . . .  We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” -Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Of course, you won’t hear any of this from the Fake News Media.  They will only screech about Orange Man Bad and Evil White Nazis and how we have to take away white mens’ guns because please think of the children.

For future reference, whenever a supposed white nationalist shoots normies in a venue frequented by normies, the story is probably Fake News in some major way.  The Deep State stages false flags to further their agenda of total control.  ANTIFA and the media are giving a misfits a socially acceptable outlet for their murderous rage.  All these traitors are going to start an all-out race war.  It will end badly for them.

But enough about who is white, who shoots the most people, who controls the media, etc.  The truth about such things can be found in many places on the internet.  There are other forces at work- insidious social and genetic undertows which must be understood in order to fully address the problem of mass shootings.  There are Ugly Truths which only a maestro like Heartiste could fully elucidate.  I’ll try to reconstruct some of this lost knowledge. Let’s start by looking at the shooters’ faces.  Note their odd similarity, general unattractiveness and distinct lack of masculinity:

Children of the Soy 2

I think over-exposure to estrogen mimics in soy and bisphenol A in plastics have given these guys permanent cases of PMS.  The ubiquity of endocrine disrupters makes me think they are part of a plot to neuter all men and turn us into over-emotional, easily manipulated useful idiots, servile omega manlets, or better yet- trannies.

The soyboys’ toxic femininity will be exacerbated by female rejection.  In the good old days of The Patriarchy, guys like this would still have been able to have a family if they first got a steady, well-paying job.  Women would have stayed home and given the kids a better upbringing than modern schools and daycare, and this would have given women more fulfillment than work.  Since women weren’t competing for corporate jobs, mens’ salaries were higher, and a family could survive on a single income.  Men and women were effectively unionized against Big Business.  For this system to work, men had to know that the children were theirs and their wives weren’t going to wreck the family and steal the nest egg. The ways to ensure this were virginity at marriage, courts requiring a good reason for divorce, a culture which valued the sanctity of marriage, and tight communities which made it hard to escape a dodgy past. Under these conditions, traditional marriage put men to work, and they built a civilization.

This is why all great ancient civilizations had some form of traditional marriage.  It wasn’t because men wanted to enslave women, or because we wanted freshly starched shirts (as the brilliantly subversive Pleasantville would have us believe)- it’s because our ancestors wanted civilization and in order keep it, they had to impose standards of decency on women.  We are transitioning to a polygamist and polyandrist society in which Tinder whores all chase after the top few hundred hustlers in each city.  Most men are losing the incentive of family.  These men are expected to live an empty life working for a system that provides nothing of real value.  Even saving for a house is becoming difficult, as increasing inflation puts savers on a treadmill to nowhere.  People are falling away from God.  Real virtue is seen as a joke. Throw in the divorce-industrial complex, absent fathers, women voting for socialism and rapefugees, women having a fetish for scumbags, and a welfare state which allows women to breed with scumbags and losers and effectively cuck responsible taxpaying men, and you have a recipe for civilizational collapse.

Women Queen Victoria

History teaches us that in welfare states / feminist states, the populace devolves into r-selected vermin.  Corruption, indolence and Idiocracy become rampant. Polygamist societies (both patriarchal and matriarchal) necessarily spawn large numbers of marginalized men.  These men gather together to form gangs of bandits who wreck the civilization most ripe for the picking, i.e. the West. Muslims do this.  The left is doing this.  I could see the alt right doing it because some of them understand that wrecking civilization is the only way to save the people who create civilization.  Sooner or later the welfare state will collapse, the managerial state will collapse, people will struggle to feed themselves and it will become unsafe to go outside.  Under such conditions, feminism will die very quickly.

womens rights cycle

We are dealing with a force of Nature.  Shaming incels will fail.  Tyrannical solutions will fail (unless tyranny was the entire point to begin with).  The only way to fix these problems is by reversing all the social engineering that has corrupted the human ecosystem and allowed degeneracy to spread. Since the necessary fixes are politically repugnant to anyone left of Charles the Hammer, our most realistic hope is that the collapse will be severe enough for Darwin to purge the rot and enable a new Patriarchy to take over.  Business as usual will lead to a dysgenics-fuelled Dark Age and interminable slavery under the satanic elite.

Trump’s “solutions” will lead to worse problems.  An assault-weapons ban will only affect law abiding patriotic Americans. Mossad is telling Kushner to tell Ivanka to tell Trump “Daddy, I want Fed-backed state gun grabs.” Red flag laws are guaranteed to be abused by any triggered snowflake or disgruntled ex.  This is reminiscent of the punitive psychiatry of Soviet Russia.  At some point, being anti-semitic or anti-government will be considered a mental illness and will be grounds for gun confiscation or worse. Trump’s proposed regulations on violent video games will only set a bad precedent which will be abused by a future Democrat.

I’m already planning to register Democrat to vote for the biggest clown who might win the nomination, and I’ll vote Democrat again in the general if Trump weakens our civil war victory odds by screwing us on immigration, guns, free speech, etc. A good economy will not earn my vote (I want worldwide competitive currency devaluation, Weimar hyperinflation and a chain reaction derivatives meltdown; hopefully the last couple weeks lit the fuse). Genius trolling is not enough. Trust the Plan is not enough. I want real MAGA before it’s too late.

virgin shooter chad saboteur

This totally random meme is only here to break up a wall of text.

Our racial cold war will probably go hot shortly after the next Democrat gets elected.  I wish the great American experiment didn’t have to end this way, but I must admit that the end is coming, and since it is coming, it would be better for everything to go down sooner rather than later.  A slow bleed now will lead to a worse bloodbath later.  Trump and the Republicans are most welcome to to stop it by draining the swamp, closing the border, deporting the parasites, and rolling back the social engineering but don’t hold your breath waiting.  Even if they wanted to do all this, doing it through legal means is impossible as long as the legal system is controlled by the Pharisees.  The power of the Pharisees can only be broken by total collapse, mass secession, or a redpilled general who cuts the Gordian knot and goes Full Animal on the establishment and the entire Left.  This won’t happen under Trump.

I am guessing there will be 6 more years to prepare.  Assuming weak MAGA, 2024 will probably see a 3rd party alt right candidate who will split the vote.  Democrats will engage in vote fraud and Electoral College trickery, someone will secede, and secession will spread. I doubt the Great Ponzi can hold up much past 2024 anyway.

Now is a good time to buy more guns and silver coins and stash them somewhere other than inside your walls.  Millimeter-wave cameras can see through walls.  5G will light up the inside of your house like Times Square and give you cancer too.  Keep a few crappy guns for the cops to take. Make sure your good guns, and any guns you acquired without a background check, are elsewhere.

Clown World and the fragility of the Left

Sorry to be an aggregator of stale news again, but I have been busy.  The news has mostly been good, because the wheels are falling off Consensus Reality.  THEY can’t keep the clownshow going for much longer.

Imagine a world run by evil clowns who push drugs, child trannies, Communism, Muslim invasions, Idiocracy, and the genocide of the people most likely to have a problem with such things. Imagine that the clowns have hypnotized most people through their TVs.  Imagine that one of the few good guys fighting them is the brain hacker known as 4chan. He’s kind of like Beetlejuice.  He can’t harm the clowns directly, but he can smear himself with Nazi memes, teleport into the Clowns’ heads, roll around in their favorite ego-garments and even wear them in  public.  There is nothing the clowns can do about this.  They wail about Nazi Beetlejuice constantly but their tears only make him stronger, and fuel his desire to contaminate every part of their identity simply by touching it. He spooks the clowns out of their mental safe spaces with the mere whiff of his presence. Meanwhile, in the basement of the collective unconscious, Beetlejuice is feeding an Id Monster that will burst forth into the real world and devour the clowns.  Welcome to the culture war post-2015.  Welcome to Clown World.


This is Honkler.  IMHO the other memes are better, but as often happens with Chan memes, the Left’s angry reaction to Honkler temporarily bloated him up to enormous size. He’s already deflating.  The choice of surrounding memes tells a deeper story: The Nazi stuff is just for trolling. Take the Honk Pill and you will laugh as the world burns. Roasties and NPCs fear this ability. Doomers envy it.

The Loony Left believes that anything touched by a racist becomes racist. 4chan trolls encourage this belief, because it is very useful to them.  They have used it to seize memetic control of Pepe the Frog, the OK sign, milk, and now they’re working on clowns, the rainbow flag, and the # symbol.  If you think none of this matters, check this out– one of the enemy’s footsoldiers has been driven to madness by a rainbow-haired cartoon frog.  This is one reason why patriotic Americans are guaranteed to win any real fight against the Left, if the fight happens in the next few years. Karl Marx was right when he said “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce”.

Another reason we are guaranteed to win is because the Left is an unstable agglomeration of tribalists and assorted useless parasites who all secretly hate each other. The things holding them together are (1) the Jews, who manipulate the diverse tribes into hating white males more than the tribes hate each other, (2) They don’t have to live with each other, (3) They don’t have to suffer the consequences of their actions, (4) White males still have something worth stealing via the government and the financial system, which means the parasites don’t have to physically steal from each other, (5) Despite the propaganda, most white males are honest chumps who play by the rules, and (6) The civilization we built is still creaking along, which means the left can get away with valuing ideological conformity more than competence, at least in the short term.  Take away any one of these six things and the entire rotten edifice will collapse under the weight of its own contradictions.

Look at Trump’s proposal to drop off illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities.

Trump troll

The Troll in Chief created another masterpiece, but it will take more than trolling to win this war.  I don’t want migrants in sanctuary cities.  I want them out of the country.  We are almost two and a half years into Trump’s presidency and illegal immigration is the worst it has been in decades.

For years, Democrats have chanted the Diversity Mantra: Open borders, nobody is illegal, immigrants do the jobs we won’t, it’s racist to say they commit crimes, they just need more of your money, please think of the children, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

An activist judge said we have to keep letting in endless caravans from Latin America until Congress fixes the asylum law- which will never happen.  Congress deliberately created the loophole in order to turn America into even more of a dysfunctional third world kleptocracy than it already is.

So Trump said he was going to give the Democrats exactly what they have been begging for, by sending busloads of invaders to sanctuary cities, particularly those with powerful Democrats like Nancy Pelosi. The response was predictable:

“WAAAAAH! Its racist to shuffle poor people around for political gain!  The white plebs are supposed to be the ones to babysit the Diversity!  Please think of the children!”

Nancy pelosi sanctuary cities

The next day, the 9th Circuit Court issued a stay on the asylum order.  It might not have been due to string-pulling.  The court has become increasingly conservative due to Trump’s appointments.  It was formerly known as the 9th Circus due to its large number of Loony Left activist judges.

More Democratic fragility was on display when William Barr triggered them by saying “spying” instead of “surveillance”. They were outraged that Barr would dare to claim that Trump was spied on. But this is exactly what the Democrats did. Obama and Hillary orchestrated the fake Steele dossier smear.  The CIA and British intelligence framed Trump with the Russia collusion hoax so they could lie to the FISA court to get a warrant to spy on Trump and his associates. The FBI lied to the FISA court about the credibility of the Steele dossier. Trump said he will soon declassify all documents related to the origin of the Russia investigation.  They will reveal that the Democrats and the Deep State essentially attempted a coup, and failed.  If Trump doesn’t respond with a Stalin-sized purge then he’s part of the problem.

Julian Assange might present corroborating evidence in court. The timing of his arrest makes me think it’s all for show, and he will be used to expose Hillary and the Russia hoax. Assuming he doesn’t get Arkancided, he will testify in court that he didn’t get the DNC emails from the Russians- he got them from DNC staffer Seth Rich, right before Seth was shot by MS-13 and then finished off in the hospital by a friend of John Podesta.  And here comes Sweden, cucked as always, saying they want Assange back so they can prosecute him for “regret rape” while Muslims get a license to rape because it’s part of their culture but white males also have a rape culture, therefore they need to be raped in prison by Muslims.  Sweden might end up delaying justice for Seth Rich.  Bill Binney says the NSA has 32 pages of communications between Rich and Assange but this won’t come out in court.


General good news from Clown World:

The California zombie outbreak continues to spread.  The zombies are spreading third world diseases via fleas and human feces.  Old diseases like typhus, shigella, and hepatitis A are making a comeback.  Homeless people are sleeping on the lawns of rich liberals, leaving trash and needles everywhere.  Obviously, the solution is to invite more 3rd world immigrants and provide more drug money for homeless people. This will buy enough votes for Democrats to ram through big-government “fixes”.

Ebola-Chan is growing stronger.

Swamp Rats are turning on each other.

Rod Rosenstein is out.

Thousands of Fake News media hacks are being fired.

Biden’s slogan is Make America Moral Again (MAMA = Suck in Spanish).  That’s rich.

Kamala Harris wants illegal immigrants to work in Congress.

Bernie Sanders wants all convicted felons to be able to vote from jail. Desperation.

Elizabeth Warren has called on the House to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump for obstruction of the investigation into a crime which the Democrats framed him for.  This will only benefit Trump if they try it. He didn’t obstruct the first witch hunt; he shouldn’t obstruct this one either.

Let’s face it, all the Democratic candidates are terrible and Trump is going to win in a landslide if he half fixes immigration (or is at least seen as making it not as bad as the Dems want it), and if he locks up 0.1% of the swamp creatures.

Trump is moving to cut off housing benefits for some immigrants.  He has talked about deporting those who have become public charges.  He understands that the invasion will continue as long as incentives remain, but is he serious about stopping it?  Maybe.  Steven Miller is purging the DHS of the migrant-welcoming Trump-haters installed by Kirstjen Nielsen and Obama.

Trump signed an executive order to harden the power grid against EMPs. It’s a sign that patriots are in control.  Obama sabotaged efforts to protect the grid because the Cabal intended to use a nuclear EMP to destroy America and bury the evidence of their crimes. The Sun can also fire off a different kind of EMP which fries the grid and satellites but doesn’t affect personal electronics.  The solar EMP which fried the telegraph network in 1859 would have caused a cascading civilizational disaster if it hit us today.  A smaller magnetic storm shut down part of Canada’s power grid in 1989.  I think it’s a genuine concern and I am glad Trump is addressing it.

Trump has put tariffs on more Chinese products.  China is running out of American products to retaliate on because the trade imbalance is so bad, LOL.

The collapsing bond yield curve is an omen of recession.  Let’s hope it leads to the collapse of the welfare state.

Yield curve

The DOD has cut ties with the Jason Group.  I try to avoid commenting on UFO-related stories due to the massive amount of disinformation out there, but one way or another, I am pretty sure the Jasons are up to no good. They have some very high-level connections.

YouTube gets woke, loses $70 billion in market cap.

Facebook’s Big Brother behavior is bleeding into normie space and backfiring. Advertisers are quitting due to Facebook’s “despicable business model”.

There is a proposed law banning social media censorship in America.  I don’t expect it to get through Congress but if it does, trolls will take over Facebook and Twitter.

Time is racist. We white males created the entire concept of time just to be racist.  We also created gravity to oppress landwhales.

SJWs got triggered when an AI “incorrectly” classified Michelle Obama and Serena Williams as men.  The insidious secret society of the White Male Patriarchy must have slipped their prejudices into the code!  Therefore we need more government regulations and more diversity.

The Midwest floods have been a total disaster. Food prices will rise significantly, in addition to inflation.  This is actually good for us. Anything to collapse the system and return the Darwinian advantage to people who aren’t useless eaters.  Now is a good time to stock up on a few years of non-perishable food and also start growing your own.  There are so many little ‘knacks’ that take years to learn.  You won’t be able to start growing when hunger comes.  Make sure you have suitable land and soil.  You will need at least half a cultivated acre per person, more if you are on marginal land or in a cold climate.  I live in a cold state and my gardens are not doing well this year.

Here’s more about food shortages due to cold, rainy weather plus millions of diseased pigs slaughtered in China.  Australia is having a bad year.  Europe has huge crop losses due to late frost. Denver just had record low temperatures plus a few inches of snow.

400 African illegal immigrants shut down a French airport terminal demanding permanent residency, open borders and no deportations, saying “France doesn’t belong to the French!  Everyone has a right to be here!” Right before EU elections. Perfect.

Euroskeptic parties are looking to surge from 10% to 35% in European parlaiment.

Theresa May has resigned.  She was secretly working for the EU, and she took a lot of flak for the recent no-Brexit vote.  The plan was to keep delaying and backstabbing until Britain didn’t even get to vote in the EU, but still remained as a vassal state and a dumping ground for rapefugees.  Her husband runs a $2.4 Trillion hedge fund which is great for kickbacks. Charles the First lost his head for less treachery.  The Brexit backlash was so bad that the Brexit Party sprung up overnight and now looks to gain more votes than any other party.


Now the bad news (If you’re a fully clown-pilled accelerationist, it’s all good news):

Facebook purged Italian political pages on the eve of EU elections in which Salvini’s party is poised to become the largest party in the European Parliament.

Australia wants five years in jail for trolling.

The EU has voted to ban memes under the guise of protecting copyright.

EU memes ban

The Neocons are banging the war drums against Iran. Trump seems to be playing both sides. Israel knows that people are getting sick of their shit and they might not get another chance for war with Iran once Zion Don is out of office.  Watch for false flags.

The Pope has donated $500,000 to help migrants reach America. This is probably an experiment and/or a shot across the bow.

Racist Democrats in Illinois want to mandate one woman, one black, and one latino on the Board of Directors of each company or they will be fined $300,000.

Clown World Economics:  Illegal immigrants can work in construction for $15/hr under the table, and get welfare, free health care, and a rent subsidy.  They will have $31,200 of spending money per year.  Legal construction workers could make $25/hr but only have $8,800 of spending money per year because they have to pay for the illegal immigrants’ welfare, rent and health care.  The illegal immigrants’ children will be able to get free college educations and advantages in applying for cushy jobs, all at the expense of legal citizens. It’s invasion and plunder in all but name.

Armed criminal gangs are escorting illegal immigrants into the U.S.  The FBI has warned that ANTIFA is working with the cartels to stage an armed rebellion at the border.  Trump needs to crush them with military force.

Militia leader Larry Hopkins has been arrested on an old firearms charge from 2017.  The real reason is that he dared to do the job that the government won’t do.  The governor of New Mexico is a Democrat and she wants open borders even though that’s the main reason her state has gone down the toilet in the last few decades.

A judge who helped an illegal immigrant escape has raised $30,000 via GoFundMe.

Multiple judges have ruled that a census question about citizenship would “threaten the Foundation of US democracy”, i.e. it would threaten the Democrats’ ability to rob citizens to pay for millions of votes from invaders who are turning America into a shithole. There is talk that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the question but I think Roberts is compromised.

The EU is giving free anonymous bank cards to rapefugees. Just another way in which our Jew-puppet governments give invaders more rights than the natives. Almost makes me want to convert to Islam and put on blackface so I can get paid to rape and pillage.

SAT scores will be adjusted by adversity fudge factors to boost “underprivileged” college applicants.  Poverty, crime rates, single motherhood, and English as a second language will be among the inputs.  The algorithm and its SAT fudge factors will be secret. Something tells me that the children of West Virginia coal miners will be considered privileged.

There was another false rape accusation. Some slut was drunk and flung herself at a guy who said no, and recorded it.  Columbia still revoked his degree.  Some years ago Emma Sulkowicz got to use her false rape accusation as course credit at Columbia.  There have been other false rape accusations there, IIRC.  It’s a problem at all universities but Columbia seems to be particularly bad.  There’s a silver lining in this case:  One less Jew with an ivy-league journalism degree.  What goes around comes around, honk honk!

The slow burn of the Library of Alexandria continues.  WordPress has memory-holed Chateau Heartiste.  His last posts were about a “Corporate conspiracy to silence and impoverish political dissidents”.

YouTuber Sargon of Akkad is running for office under UKIP.  After he got on the ballot, he was investigated for an 2016 comment in which he said he WOUDN’T rape Labour MP Jess Phillips.  YouTube has since demonetized him, along with Paul Joseph Watson and some others.  These guys are not extreme.  They are libertarians.

Monsanto has been busted for having a black-bag dirty tricks department to destroy anyone who criticizes them.  Kind of like their own private CIA.  Included in bad news because this department probably also handles political blackmail and corruption of the legal system, so the case will stagnate while business continues as usual.

Doctors who found cancer-causing enzymes in vaccines have been found murdered.

The FBI says it ‘lost’ notes about the investigation into Hillary’s private server AND the backup CD was cracked.  Their crack computer forensic investigators were unable to recover the data from the CD.  For better results, the CD should have been labeled ‘Trump Russia collusion’. Also Democrats are trying to have William Barr impeached or even locked up for not releasing the unredacted Mueller report, which it would be illegal for him to do.  They already held him in contempt for NOT violating the law.

The same Fake News networks that wanted to crucify the MAGA Kid for smiling have ignored Muslim schoolkids chanting about chopping infidels’ heads off.

Nancy Pelosi got triggered by the House’s In God We Trust sign; had it removed.

Muslims murdered 258 Sri Lankan Christians on Easter.  They said it was revenge for Christchurch but I doubt a month was long enough to plan such a big attack.  The media gave it weak coverage, so Trump tweeted that 138 million people were killed, knowing that the media would think his Twitter mistake was a bigger story than the attacks themselves.  “LOL Orange Hitler is such a retard, Muslims ONLY massacred 258 Christians on Easter.” Link shoah’d (it was Heartiste).

Easter worshippers

What would happen if Hillary and Obama spoke Christ’s Name, even indirectly?  Would their faces melt off like in Raiders of the Lost Ark?  If they said Radical Islam, would Alwaleed Bin Talal release the blackmail tapes?


Where is all of this going?

It’s obvious.  We are in a cold civil war / race war.  It will eventually go hot.  The longer the cold phase drags on, the worse the outcome will be, because time will not favor our demographics when the war goes hot.  The Constitution won’t save us because the shadow government and their invading hordes don’t value the Constitution. Cuckservatives won’t save us because they refuse to face reality. Civic Nationalism will not save us as long as the welfare state keeps funneling our money to people who only take, with no intention of giving anything back. Full socialism will make things infinitely worse, but it might be a blessing in disguise because the invaders will stop coming if the economy is destroyed.

The puppetmasters want a racial holy war. The left wants it. The alt right wants it. The gangs want it. Foreign rivals want it. Civic nationalists, cuckservatives and most libertarians don’t want it, but they cling to the illusion of magic dirt.  They can’t accept that the whole culture and incentive structure needs to go back to about 1900 in order to stop what is coming, and changing the race changes the culture, so it might already be too late.  Normies don’t want war but they are so clueless they don’t even see it coming.  They will count on the government to fix things right up until the power goes out and gangs bash in their skulls.

When the war comes, it will be horrible.  Starvation, gangs, poverty, disease, suicides.  Absolute chaos. The Left thinks they can win but as with everything else, they have gone insane.  We will win.  We have guns, food, practical skills, the truth, the military, and our backs against the wall.  Most importantly, we have Divine Purpose.  We are meant to be more than sacrificial livestock.

The left has soyboys, trannies, feminists, a tangle of problem glasses, a depraved and out of touch elite, Gender Studies commissars who have never done real work, Blacks and Muslims who secretly hate them, a permanent underclass that must be babysat and fed  and medicated OR ELSE, and a civilization so fragile it could be brought down by a single omniscient squirrel.  We got this.  Many will die but the survivors who pass through the fire will emerge stronger and wiser.


Lefties: If you don’t like this future, then DON’T WORK TOWARDS IT.  STAND DOWN.

Chaos strategies for 2020

Joker money

I love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. I want 50 more of them.

During their three months in the House, I have heard more gripes about the Loony Left than I heard all last year.  Redpill receptivity has increased.  Someone who used to extoll the wonders of Brown Socialism has not mentioned it recently. I thank AOC and Ilhan Omar for this.

AOC is a narcissistic, out of touch millenial who thinks her BU economics degree makes her a genius.  They taught her that money printing solves everything, so she might as well print $93 trillion for socialist boondoggles.  She says illegal immigrants are her constituents.  She is under four separate ethics investigations.  She scared Amazon away from her state.  The New York Democrats are talking about gerrymandering her out of her district.  It won’t matter.  She’s a replaceable puppet.

Ilhan Omar causes pearl-clutching on both sides of the aisle simply by telling the truth about Israel’s rampant bribery and war-hypnosis and Obama‘s warmongering.  Other politicians have a hard time challenging her because she has a whopping THREE victim points. It’s amazing that they can break through the PC programming enough to challenge her at all.  They never challenge her about having more sympathy for ISIS terrorists than Americans, and they never say anything about her district being America’s #1 spot for welfare fraud being used to fund terrorism, because anyone who complains about such things is a bigot.  The only reason Omar gets called out is because she triggers the (((Special People))).

Trump Israel

Our government will give Israel at least $38 billion for security, including a wall.  The (((media))) has not complained about this.  However, spending $5 billion on our own wall was so controversial that it provoked a month-long government shutdown plus extra shrieks of racism.

AOC and Ilhan Omar aren’t even real politicians- they are actressesThey auditioned for the role.  They are joined by five others like them in Congress, including one who is a literal actress.  Their campaigns were managed by a bunch of very media-savvy Communist revolutionaries and Bernie veterans called the Justice Democrats.  When AOC appears to be as dumb as a bag of hammers, it’s because she’s talking off-script.  When she proposes a communist monstrosity like the Green New Deal, someone else wrote it.  She’s just an actress.  The Justice Democrats are the director.  Soros is the producer.  The UN is the executive producer.  This site breaks it all down.

The Communists want to use the primaries to purge the last vestiges of quasi-sanity from the Democratic Party and turn America into a totalitarian dictatorship with open borders and race-based reparations for the entire world. They have a disproportionate fondness for Muslims.

muslim welfare

Here’s an accelerationist Chaos Strategy for 2020:

If you’re a conservative in a consistently blue district or a red district without a close RINO/MAGA battle, then register as a Democrat and vote for the biggest lunatic who might win the primary, especially if that lunatic is endorsed by the Justice Democrats.  Their candidates will get the rocket boost that comes from having a puppetmaster.  You won’t need to give any money.  Soros will have great data analytics which will tell him exactly how much money it will take to get his puppets into office.  Let him spend his money.  You provide your vote and maybe some votes from your conservative friends.

Would you rather have an establishment Democrat who acts sane but votes with the crazies 80% of the time?  Would you rather have a phony like Mitt Romney who pretends to be on your side but votes with the globalists every time his vote matters?  These are the other options in a blue district.  IMHO it would be better to have a loony commie who wakes people up.  Who knows, you might get lucky and have a patriot beat the commie.  A safe blue district might have 40% red thrown in to reduce the number of red districts elsewhere.  That 40% could push a patriot over the top if the Democrats run a lunatic in a year that will see a backlash against lunatics if Trump actually drains the swamp.

I want daily ANTIFA chimpouts on the floor of the House. I want daily foaming-at-the-mouth hatred against white people, and against America in general, from those sworn to uphold our values.  I want close votes decided by Muslim vs. Jew gladiator battles on the floor of the House.  I want C-SPAN to be funnier than the Jerry Springer Show. I want demands for 110% taxation, reparations, open borders, child trannies, and jail for microaggressions against protected classes. I want normies to be terrified. I want business owners to fear losing everything. I want virtue signalers to realize that the time is soon coming when they won’t be able to cuck anymore, won’t be able to hide in their gated communities, won’t have the protection of the system, etc. I want Jews and Democrats to fear that their pet underclass will rip them from their positions of privilege and devour them. I want money grubbers to realize that their bank accounts are just digits on a screen that will go blank if they keep pushing PC insanity.

The puppetmasters depend on millions of useful idiots and middle managers to do their dirty work for them.  They set up social and institutional incentives which lead to inertia.  It’s hard to change anything until some bean counter somewhere realizes that his gravy train might get derailed.  We must bait the left into inspiring this fear.  They have great institutional power but they lack self-awareness, common decency, restraint, and even a basic understanding of reality.  These weaknesses will be their undoing, one way or another.


If you don’t like this, you’re a racist.

Here are Chaos Strategies planned by Democrats. I endorse the first two:

  • A new legal witch hunt over Trump’s taxes. This will work as well as Mueller.
  • Register as Republicans to vote for Mitt Romney in the primary.  This won’t work, but it will make it easier for us to vote for the craziest Dems.
  • Remove Trump from the ballot (supposedly over taxes).
  • Allow felons, 16 year olds, and illegals to vote legally.
  • Do an end run around the Electoral College by getting states to bind electors to the popular vote. Then the swingiest swing states might as well be blue, cities would have increased influence and increased vote fraud, and if the election is close enough for a national recount there might be enough chaos to start a civil war.
  • Pass state laws to grab the guns of law-abiding people so they will be unable to resist the Left’s enforcers (including MS-13). Make sure violent illegal aliens are not deported when they try to buy guns.  This shows the Democrats’ priorities.
  • Stop Trump from making citizenship a census question.  This would give blue states more electoral votes and more representatives in later elections.
  • Invite in as much of the third world as they can.
  • [UPDATE:  Looks like their strategy is to nominate a senile old pedophile and use him as a pass-through for a puppet VP.  Keep him in the basement and let the media campaign for him.  Meanwhile, wreck the economy and blame it on Trump, spread coronavirus to justify voting by mail, arrange for rampant fraud, and fudge the polls in advance so that if Trump wins they can say Russia rigged the election.]
Caravan transported by Mexican govt

The Mexican government is escorting caravans to the border. 100,000 people crossed in March alone.  This is higher than at any time during the Obama administration.

I’m getting off the Trump train.

He just cucked on immigration again.  He gave Mexico 1 year to get its act together or he will start taxing cars.  What a joke.  He should send the Army to close the border right now.  This would also be a great way to renegotiate NAFTA, as he promised to do.  Over the last few months I have become increasingly blackpilled about Trump. It looks more and more like his whole Law Cuck thing is an act to cover up his allegiance to the Neocon/Zionist faction of the NWO.  He’s had multiple chances to pull an Andrew Jackson, i.e. send the Army and challenge the Court to send its own army to stop him.  Trump is no Andrew Jackson.  He’s Obama for white people. Larryzb and Pale Buffalo deserve credit for saying it first.

Trump said he wants plenty of immigration as long as it’s legal. Right now the biggest legal scam is that if they claim asylum, then we release them into the country to work and collect welfare while they wait for a distant court date that they will never show up for. Asylum seekers don’t even show up in the illegal immigration totals because the process is technically legal.  This is one of many ways in which white people are lulled to sleep with fake statistics so we don’t realize we are becoming hated minorities in the countries our ancestors built.

It’s a system made to be abused.  Trump complains about it, but he allows himself to be cucked by any judge with an axe to grind.  This is probably because he listens to Jared Kushner, the Neocons, and assorted Chamber of Commerce Cuckservatives. A Guatemalan human trafficker claims it has never been easier to smuggle people into America, especially if they have children in tow (often as props / trafficking victims).

There will be 30,000 extra “seasonal” guest worker visas because the economy is improving. Business leaders are clamoring for more H1b’s and Trump seems to be listening. Meanwhile, Straight White Males go to the back of the bus when applying for good jobs. Why should we care about Trump’s economy when it’s not really for us? We would be better off with a collapsed economy, because the invasion would stop and we would have a chance to purge all our civilizational rot. We are going to have to fight Trump’s economy. Varg has the right idea. White people should find creative ways to go on welfare if possible and use the money to prepare for the collapse.  Just be careful not to let welfare drain your soul. We are not content to be human yeast.

I’m tentatively endorsing Andrew Yang. I have no illusions about Universal Basic Income being a good thing, in fact I am counting on it being a disaster, but once it’s established it will be popular enough that the technocrats will have a financial incentive to end mass immigration.  I think Yang would surround himself with people who would  figure this out.  He hasn’t gone off the deep end with the social justice cult.  He does support the Green New Deal, but so do I, for accelerationist reasons.  He proposes geoengineering which would exacerbate cooling from the grand solar minimum and cause food shortages. His VAT tax and carbon tax are bad ideas that won’t go away until the system collapses, but that’s the entire point, so who cares?

Virgin Trump Chad Yang

Screenshot (350)

Here’s the Asian Capitalists’ take on Yang and why he has more of 4chan’s mental market share than Trump. Note that some of the memes are a shill campaign, some of them are organic.  Here’s another good video where these guys explain the looming choice between the Four Corners of political dystopias: Absolutism (Communism or Fascism) vs. Anarchy (welfare-fuelled Zombie Apocalypse or BitCoin-fuelled killer robots).

[UPDATE: Yang is now looking like he’s not much different from the other candidates on the issues of immigration, social justice and gun control. I cannot support him.  There are better accelerationist options.]

I will switch to Kamala Harris if she goes crazy enough to drive the last working-class white people out of the Democratic Party and inspire a long-overdue military coup in the unlikely event that she actually wins.  I will get back on the Trump train if he stops Law Cucking to activist judges, Mexicans, Guatemalans, the migrant welfare mafia, the endless anti-white inquisition, Javanka, and the rest of the swamp. Now that trust is low, he will have to work harder to prove he’s not a cuckservative. Firing Kirstjen Nielsen was a hopeful step, as is shifting the balance of the 9th Circuit Court and purging the government’s HR department, plus a flurry of small victories like stopping taxpayer funded mortgages for illegal aliens (WTF- this program was Sweden tier cuckery).  These reforms are a small fraction of what is needed.

Barring a spectacular purge from Trump, we need to find creative ways to pour gasoline on the funeral pyre of Western civilization, because burning it down looks like the only way to save it. The entire establishment hates us and wants to replace us with third world ingrates who are easier to manipulate. Arm yourselves. The Second Civil War could be a horrible slaughter to echo through the ages.

nuke clown

Christchurch looks like a false flag

New Zealand is back in the news again.  They punch above their weight.

A week ago, Brenton Tarrant massacred 50 Muslims at a mosque in Christchurch.  He livestreamed it on Facebook and left behind a manifesto that was a mixture of white nationalism and troll memes. His stated goals were to pour gasoline on the West’s slow-burning race war, avenge European deaths at the hands of Muslims, and trigger a gun crackdown and subsequent civil war in America.  He triggered a worldwide feeding frenzy.

The official story smells like a Gladio-style false flag.  I don’t know the full story, and we may never know the full story, because there have been many very suspicious shootings where the whole truth has never come out:  Parkland, Vegas, Sandy Hook, the Pulse nightclub shooting, the Bataclan nightclub shooting, the Batman shooting, and Presidential shootings all the way back to JFK.  These are just the ones that come to mind.  There are many others.

To keep up with this story as it evolves, watch the Vinny Eastwood Show.  He’s New Zealand’s #1 alternative reporter. He has been censored in the middle of his livestream so he must be on to something.  Here he interviews false flag expert Ole Dammergard, who traced the Cabal slug trails weaving through some of the major Islamic terror attacks in Europe.  Here he interviews Kurt Haskell, who deconstructed the underwear bomber false flag.  Kurt has a list of 41 red flags to look for in association with false flag attacks.  Real attacks should have few if any of these red flags.  The Christchurch shooting has 18 of Kurt’s red flags.

Here are the suspicious things I have collected thus far:

Deep State background activity:

  • John Podesta went to NZ and met with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern 5 days before the shooting.  He called NZ “A big juicy target” for election hacking and “weaponized fake news” from hacked information.
  • Jacinda is a commie with ties to the UN and other globalists and commies. She got a scholarship from the Masons. She helped cover up a masonic / police child abuse scandal in the UK.
Screenshot (346)

Jacinda Ardern’s five-year plan.

  • The Strzok transcripts were just released, showing how the DOJ let Hillary off for running a secret documents yard sale disguised as a deliberately insecure email server.  A distraction was needed.
  • Last week was a very bad news week for the Democrats.  There were TWELVE happenings, any one of which might have been Scandal of the Year in a more civilized era.
  • Q says this week will be even worse for them.  If so, it will be Spygate related.  We could see the end of the Russia investigation, declassification of the FISA warrant or the OIG report, and indictments of McCabe, Comey, Brennan, Lynch, Yates, and Clapper. Fingers crossed.  Q really needs to deliver something big, or people will start saying REEEEEE! THERE IS NO REVOLUTION, IT’S JUST A TURF WAR WITHIN THE NWO, AND Q IS A PSYOP TO STOP WHITE PEOPLE FROM CHIMPING OUT WHILE THE INVASION RAMPS UP.  [UPDATE:  REEEEEE!]
  • Israel did 100 airstrikes on Gaza during the media frenzy.
  • Students from Parkland visited Christchurch 8 months ago for discussions on how to keep a youth movement going. Expect an astroturfed anti-gun / pro-socialism / pro-immigration movement to pop up.
  • NZ is a member of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network but they are so infested with Illuminati and Chinese that there is talk of kicking them out of the network.  Q has been calling out Five Eyes recently. They aided the Deep State coup attempt against Trump.
  • NZ is the favored bug-out location for those who want to ride out WWIII aboveground.  It’s a suspected bug-out location for Hillary and perhaps Obama if Trump ever tries to bring them to justice.  The Rothschilds already have a presence there.  This is why it is important to disarm Kiwis.
  • The previous prime minister, John Key, was a puppet who sold out New Zealand to Wall Street and China.  He resigned after a suspicious meeting with John Kerry.  The meeting was right after Kerry went to Antarctica as the 2016 exit polls started coming in, and right before NZ’s last big earthquake.
  • NZ continues to give money to the Clinton Foundation.
  • NZ is often a guinea pig for NWO social engineering.
  • NZ PAYS to import pet refugees, and puts them straight on the dole.
  • NZ’s main newspaper is a clone of the Washington Compost.
  • Two years ago, Benjamin Netanyahu threatened war with New Zealand if they voted in favor of sanctions against them.
  • NZ has a vibrant criminal underworld.  Polynesian gangs run the cities, Masons run the small towns, Triads do huge meth deals in the casino in the middle of Auckland.  Auckland is a drugged-out multicultural dystopia known as Sodom of the South Seas.

Tarrant’s Manifesto:

  • Tarrant spent two years with the 8chan Nazis, he wrote a 74-page manifesto about mass immigration and white genocide, and he somehow forgot to mention the Jews’ leading role in it.

Jews mass immigration

  • He mostly blamed conservatives and capitalists. They are part of the problem, but they’re not the top of the pyramid.
  • He claimed to be an eco-fascist whose values were best reflected by China (a polluted neoliberal dystopia, but hey, at least they harvest the organs of their religious minorities)
  • “Hurrr durrr I’m just an average working class unedumacated white guy who can’t spell even in Microsoft Werd.”  This is a meme in and of itself.
  • Still smart enough to make money from Bitconnect before it imploded
  • He gave a shout-out to Candace Owens, a black Trump supporter.  He said she was even more violent and extreme than he is.  This is not true at all.  I think he was trying to give her a Kiss of Death.  Same thing for PewDiePie, who he mentioned at the beginning of his video.
  • He gave Trump a quasi Kiss of Death.  The media took the bait.  Don’t expect them to report that real fascists hate Trump even though this has been obvious for years.
  • I’m surprised he didn’t give Christians a Kiss of Death. (OK, maybe a peck on the cheek)


  • Streamed on Facebook a day after Facebook was down for a day and everyone was fiending for a fix.  Maybe the weaponized Fake News hacking was Facebook making sure they could protect the livestream and trace its viewers?
  • Why don’t we see blood, bullet holes and spent shell casings everywhere?
  • Why did he throw a gun on the ground outside his car?
  • Why didn’t he check the back area or the the rooms branching off the hallway?
  • Why didn’t the Muslims try to escape out the back?
  • Tarrant was strangely unemotional, as if he had done it before.  His victims were strangely unemotional.  They just piled up in the corners waiting to die.  The few pedestrians were unemotional.  The survivors were unemotional.  Was this a drill?  Was it a hoax? The question must be asked.  I don’t know the answer at this point.


  • Visits to Pakistan, North Korea and Israel.
  • Possibly associated with the group that raided the North Korean embassy in Spain? Was that a CIA attempt to derail the peace process?
NZ shooter pakistan

Just an average white nationalist who loves Pakistan, North Korea, Israel and China. Nothing to see here.


  • It’s hard to get guns in New Zealand. It would be even harder for a tourist to get guns. There’s a long process. The police do a thorough check and interview.
  • Unless of course you are one of their favored underworld criminals, then the police will give you guns with the serial numbers shaved off, so that the political criminals can whine about all the guns.  Remember Fast and Furious?
  • Buying that many guns should have raised suspicions.
  • He had police issue guns and armor.  No serial numbers.
  • I suspect the police (many of them Masons) expedited the process for Tarrant and maybe supplied him to make it appear that the problem is that guns are technically legal. The NWO wants decent law-abiding people to be helpless.
  • The police had shooter training nearby at the same time.  Classic false flag sign.
  • Cops were just a few blocks away but it took them 20 minutes to arrive.  It didn’t take them much longer than that to lock down the entire city.
  • The man they brought to court does not look like the man in the video.

NZ shooting police

Look at these disgusting cucks.  Look at the pristine carpet and walls.  WTF.


  • Jacinda said “New Zealand gun laws will change”.  She was more interested in talking about all the guns than about the victims.  Parlaiment had hundreds of pages of anti-gun laws ready to go, much like the Patriot Act after 9/11.
  • American media are acting like it happened here.  Commie News Newtork has nonstop coverage blaming Trump, and their already abysmal ratings are down by double digits.  AOC blamed the NRA, which isn’t even in New Zealand.
  • No mention about an armed guard stopping an attempted shooting at another mosque. Multiple shooters?
  • Police are threatening up to 10 years in jail for anyone who downloads or shares the video.  One person has already been arrested.  There must be important clues in the video.
  • Q implies Tarrant got MK-ULTRA’d by a shrink, and someone paid for his travel to the Middle East (Bitconnect would have been a good way to do that). Turns out the Sandy Hook shooter’s shrink, Dr. Paul Fox, escaped to New Zealand to dodge charges of sexually abusing his zombified patients.  He also destroyed Adam Lanza’s psychiatric records.  [UPDATE:  I no longer think Tarrant was controlled by anyone.  See comment below.  It is still possible that intelligence agencies learned of Tarrant’s plan and decided to exploit it.]
  • There is a push to censor 8chan, 4chan, Voat, and ZeroHedge. New Zealand and Australia are already censoring them; the UK will likely follow. These four sites have been leading the people-powered efforts to expose the Cabal. Q currently lives on 8chan. The media says that automatically makes him a Nazi. They don’t tell us that anyone can make his own board on 8chan, and Q got trolled off 4chan for NOT being a Nazi. ZeroHedge is mostly libertarians. They are targeted because of their history of exposing systemic financial corruption. Voat is like Reddit but with less censorship. They are targeted because they have a major pedo-ring research center and a normie-friendly Q board full of Reddit refugees. 4chan is targeted because it is the trolls’ home planet.
  • JIDF has been busy.  Good thing someone archived this.
  • I think THEY are trying to keep everyone off the Q boards because he is about to be proven right about Spygate. There is no talk of censoring Facebook.
  • White Nationalism is starting to feel like Islamic Terrorism before the PC Left started making excuses for it.
  • Expect New Zealand to be the next country to be ruined by Muslims.

New Zealand momo muslim suicide challenge

This is just the beginning.

Muslims are talking about revenge attacks on whites.  This shows another goal of the Cabal: Divide and conquer.  The neocon / masonic / MIC factions of the Cabal would like to kick off WWIII with a European civil war against Muslims.  We are going to see more attacks, both real and manufactured on both sides, and with most of the real ones by Muslims.

Ebba Ackerlund 2

This is what happens if you try to become a “humanitarian superpower”, or if you let feminists run your government.

There is no reasoning with them, there is only jihad. Jihad by fighting, by taking over institutions or by having babies at our expense. They call it the infidel tax.  We call it welfare.  They think we owe it to them just because they’re Muslims and we’re not.  They will never admit that the shooting (if done by a real white nationalist) is revenge for all the shootings and Truck of Peace attacks in Europe. They invade, they kill, they act like victims if the locals defend themselves or are insufficiently generous. This has happened many times throughout history.  And before anyone says this is revenge for them being bombed in their own lands: Most of the rapefugees in Europe aren’t even from Syria, they are from Africa, most of them wouldn’t be in Europe if there was no welfare, and the Swedes never bombed anyone.  They have been more benevolent than any other people in Europe. To Muslims, benevolence is blood in the water.

The media will never admit any of this because they are controlled by the same tribe that is using Muslims as shock troops of the New World Order.  At the time of the Christchurch shooting, Muslims were busy slaughtering 120 Christians in Nigeria, including 37 in a church.  There was no reporting on this.  There was no reporting on any of the 70 other Muslim attacks in March.

NZ shooter march madness