Live by the honk, die by the honk

Honkler laughs at you

Last month in London, Pakistani terrorist Usman Khan stabbed five people while in an early release program run by lefty academics.  The stated purpose of the program was to “bring together people in criminal justice and higher education institutions to study alongside each other in inclusive and transformative learning communities.”  Two Cambridge University graduate students died while trying to teach creative writing to their murderous pets.  Very transformative.  The most hilarious death was that of Jack Merritt, whose masters’ thesis in criminology was titled “A Critical Analysis of the Over-Representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Males Aged 18-21 in the British Prison System”.  ‘Asian’ is British Newspeak for Pakistani.  The point of Merritt’s thesis was that minority over-representation in prison was due to systemic racism and therefore nonwhite prisoners should be released.

Jack’s father David has been virtue signaling on Twitter about what a good little cuck his son was, how terrorists should still be eligible for early release, what we really need is more rehabilitative creative writing programs, and Boris Johnson is bad.  This sniveling worm wins a Darwin Award by proxy.  Darryn Frost, the guy who fought off the killer with a narwhal tusk, recently wrote a posthumous (i.e virtue-signaling) letter to killer saying that he was a pawn, and this is all Orange Man’s fault.  Frost does propaganda for the Ministry of Justice.  It’s a shame he didn’t die too.

Maybe Britain should ban narwhal tusks.


Meanwhile, yet another Pakistani gang was pimping out young white girls and the cops covered it up because they didn’t want to appear racist.  They were told to investigate white people on tenuous charges to make up for the fact that Muslims make up 84% of those charged with pimping out minors.  That’s charges.  The real numbers are surely higher due to political correctness.  It’s going to take a lot of white people to balance out the Muslims.  It should be easy to find white pedophiles by looking at the police, city councils, Child Protective Services, Parliament, and the Royal Family.  Of course none of these people will ever be arrested.  The police would rather arrest those who report on the grooming gangs.

Britain police diversity awards

Can someone please just nuke London already?

[UPDATE: (((Boris Johnson))) is bad because he campaigned on reducing mass immigration, and now that he’s Prime Minister he has says what Britain really needs is more Africans.]


The Democrats continue to shoot themselves in the foot. Nancy Pelosi gives the impression that she never wanted the impeachment farce but she was railroaded into it by extremists in her own party. She tried to avoid sending the official paperwork to the Senate. That didn’t work. Now witnesses could be called with testimony which is damaging to Joe Biden, and Senators Sanders and Warren are stuck in impeachment hearings for over a month, right at the beginning of primary season.

Pocahontas’s prospects are fading so she has accused Bernie of sexism.  CNN is spreading Fake News in support of this smear.  Bernie is a loser whose only saving grace is that he’s the best accelerationist candidate in the running, but I think he has a slim chance of beating Trump, whereas the other Democrats have no chance IMHO.  Once again, establishment Democrats are tearing down Bernie to put up a corrupt, senile, globalist pedophile as their candidate.  If they get Biden, their tears will be delicious.  Again.

democratic primary prediction market

Over the past month, Bernie’s chances have risen 5% (mainly at the expense of Buttigieg) while Biden has remained steady. I’ll trust prediction markets more than polls.

Project Veritas caught one [UPDATE: TWO] of Bernie’s campaign staffers ranting about how leftists need to burn down cities and throw Trump supporters in gulags.  I don’t hold this against Bernie [UPDATE 2: Now I do.  A bunch more ANTIFA types have been found in his campaign].  These jokers are representative of the regressive left.  There is no reasoning with such people.  The most realistic way to deal with an infestation of such insane clowns is to buy guns, accelerate the collapse, quarantine the cities, and encourage the left to eat itself.  Give them exactly what they want.  Give them what they deserve. Don’t let them escape from the hellholes they will create, and be sure to send mop-up crews later, so that we can have defensible borders after the boogaloo.

In other schadenfreude-related news, Blacks have been attacking Orthodox Jews in New York City.  The proximate cause is Mayor DeBlasio eliminating bail for assaults, but this fight has been brewing since the 1960s.  Black-Jewish relations have slowly deteriorated in NY due to decades of Jewish real estate scams, slumlording, payday loans, general arrogance, and fewer white targets for the Jews’ favorite biological weapon.  I am working on a longer post about this.


The stage is set for a gun battle in Virginia.  Democrats have recently taken over the state government (thanks to mass immigration and huge donations from Michael Bloomberg) and they are exercising their power by ramming through dozens of blatantly unconstitutional gun laws plus measures that will make it easier for Democrats to game future elections.  Most counties have declared themselves “second amendment sanctuaries” where the laws will not be enforced.  West Virginia has offered to take in any such county that decides to secede from Virginia.

There will be a big protest on Monday.  The media is preparing the narrative.  Several white nationalists, including a Canadian soldier on the lam, have been arrested. Governor Northam has declared a state of emergency and threatened to call in the National Guard.  There was an advertisement for crisis actors in Virginia- a sign of an imminent false flag.  ANTIFA operatives are in place.  It looks like they are colluding with the establishment to turn this thing into Charlottesville on steroids.  Both sides know it’s a trap and neither side cares.  This will get interesting.  Godspeed to anyone going.  Record everything on high resolution digital cameras and team up with friends to hide the video on multiple chips.  Phones will be jammed and tracked. Make sure the truth gets out.  The left seems willing to risk a civil war just to get rid of Orange Man.

Virginia guns

This jackass thinks he’s the only one who can play this game because It’s The Law.

In a civil war, the side that doesn’t shoot first usually gains the advantage of starting on the perceived moral high ground, but when both sides become belligerent enough, the trigger doesn’t matter.  We don’t know or care who fired the first shots of the first Revolutionary War.  The decades of overbearing government were justification enough, even though by modern standards, the pre-revolutionary colonies were tradcon utopia.

Here’s what I think will happen:  People will die, hundreds will be arrested, the media will cry crocodile tears over all the gun-toting deplorables, faceless state troopers will slowly pick off people one by one with arrests and gun confiscations, and other states will try to use Virginia as a model.  There are already five red flag confiscations per day in Florida and nothing has happened. Trump will make a few tweets but will otherwise do nothing because he wants states to “Take the guns first, go through due process second“.  There will be escalating shootings and civil disturbances running up through the election, all blamed on Trump and his supporters, and the real perpetrators will not be brought to justice.

The legal system is worse than useless.  Protests are useless.  Voting will soon be useless due to mass immigration.  Fighting isn’t useless but it’s likely to backfire as long as people are comfortable and/or brainwashed.  Look at the shrieking millenial NPCs.  Look at the glassy cow-like stare of the average boomer or welfare recipient.   They are putty in the hands of the establishment.  Plus, history shows that most police will enforce any injustice as long as they think they will get their pensions and there will be no personal risk.  This is why the best option is to accelerate the collapse.  If it happens soon, we will win.

civil war scorecard

Here’s the video source of this graphic. Definitely worth a watch. I would have given the Blue Team an advantage with cops, and big advantages in the unlisted categories of organization, psychopathy, and weaponization of the legal system. I think sabotage and chaos will be important enough to be worth three categories and there, we will have a big advantage. The Blue Team should be careful what it wishes for.

[UPDATE: The FBI is using eminent domain to seize night vision tubes from suppliers.  They obviously expect something big is coming and there will be a run on night vision goggles.  The military is doing an exercise which involves jamming GPS signals over half the South.  No jamming scheduled for the 20th but that could change.

I am guessing 30+ bodies should be enough to start the boogaloo and demonstrate the true purpose of the 2nd Amendment:  to enable resistance to tyranny!

…And nothing happened.  Nothing ever happens.  It was a propaganda victory for us in the eyes of the normies but at what cost?  Now the establishment can go back to picking us off one by one. The red flag law moves forward.] 

Two months of Fake News

Smollett drugs

Update: Jussie Smollett has been fired.  He has been arrested and released on $100,000 bond.  He’s preparing an insanity defense.  He must have been out of his mind.  He paid his attackers with a check.

The Mockingbird Media is worse than it has ever been.  It’s worse than in the fall of 2016.  It’s worse than in the lead-up to the Iraq War.  Those were focused propaganda campaigns.  Now it’s just shameless sloppy lies all over the place.  The lies of omission are just as bad.  Any one of these stories could be worth a post of its own but I have to catch up with this crazy news cycle.  Here it goes:

CNN had to retract the Journalist of the Year Award which it gave to Claas Relotius.  He wrote 14 fake articles, including a few about evil racist Trump voters.

In January, Buzzfeed (which first published the fake Trump dossier) claimed Trump told Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about a Moscow hotel deal. The entire Fake News Media jumped on the story without checking basic facts.  Robert Mueller had to publicly state that the story was not true.  The TV networks retracted it.  BuzzFeed didn’t.  Advertisers left.  BuzzFeed had to lay off a bunch of employees who then turned around and sued, because most of them were useless millennials with degrees in PC victimology.   Never hire such people.  They will screw you twice.  Trolls triggered them with “learn to code” memes.

Michael Cohen is now in the hotseat again for being a tax cheat and a lying conman.  Mueller could send him away for a long time, but Trump is the one he really wants.  So Mueller is tightening the screws.  He offers Cohen immunity for lying to Congress, including immunity from future prosecution!  Cohen squeals louder and louder.  Attorney-client privilege only works for Deep State toadies.  Cohen blames everything on Trump, because he could have gotten away with everything if he had not been close to Trump. Really he’s just spewing.  He says Trump didn’t want to win, but he colluded with Russia to win.  Cohen doesn’t have anything on Trump beyond tropes about Russia, the Moscow hotel (sort of), racism, Wikileaks and Stormy Daniels.  The Russia meeting was a setup by Hillary and the Deep State so they could manufacture fake evidence for their FISA warrant.  The Stormy Daniels story can’t bring down Trump even if it’s true (let’s see what happens if they try to impeach him for paying her with his own money), but the alternative media has long suspected that Don Jr. is the one who actually had the affair with her.  You won’t hear any of this from the mainstream media.

You certainly won’t hear that the Senate intelligence committee report stated there was no collusion. You won’t hear that the real colluders are Democrats.  You won’t hear that Mueller has nothing so now all hopes are shifting to Cohen and Adam Schiff.  Schiff is a CIA tool, leaker, and traitor with disturbing ties to Standard Hotels and the deaths of those who know what happened there.  The media won’t talk about any of this.  They’re still going with TRUMP RUSSIA TRUMP RUSSIA TRUMP RUSSIA.

Screenshot (345)

Qanon has been on fire recently.  The establishment’s response has been hit pieces and a purge of social media accounts.  A Facebook insider has leaked Facebook’s methods of censoring conservatives and influencing elections.  Facebook has 7500 snowflake moderators who have sex and smoke weed at work to fend off PTSD from gore, conspiracy redpills and dank Pepe memes.  We’re winning.  The technocrats are trying to juggle beachballs underwater.

There is now a browser plugin to shield sensitive minds from accidental exposure to Fake News.  It considers CNN to be Real News.

CNN tried to cover up Virginia governor Ralph Northam’s infanticide comments.  When that didn’t work, they tried to pretend he’s a Republican.  Someone released his blackmail material:  A yearbook photo of him in blackface with someone dressed as a Klansman.  The scandal has since spread to Justin Fairfax (for sexual assault), Mike Herring (for blackface), the editor of USA Today (for blackface), and Tommy Norment (racism by association, and he’s a Republican).  The media treated these people very differently than they treated Brett Kavanaugh or Hillary Clinton (who was mentored by Klansman Robert C. Byrd).

The Senate failed to pass a bill banning post-birth abortions. Presidential candidates Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders voted against the bill. Lefty news outlets flipped the script with variants of “Mean old white men failed to take away abortion rights”. The left always does this. It’s never about their own insanity. It’s about us being deplorable people for opposing it.

The media tried to pretend that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez never intended to pay people who are unwilling to work.  Twitter gave her thousands of fake likes to get the zombie herd to support her.

There were stories claiming that Trump screwed the middle class with a tax cut that turned out to be a tax increase.  The truth is that Trump’s tax deal reduced income taxes for everyone, but put a $10,000 cap on deductions of state and local taxes and cut some other deductions such as mortgage interest and alimony.  Most of the people with a tax increase either live off capital gains, or earn a high salary in a liberal state, or have a huge mortgage, or live in an expensive house in a liberal town.  In other words, the complainers are mostly well-off virtue signalers who don’t like to pay for the consequences of their virtue signaling. Such people deserve to be screwed.

Old news resurfaced:  It turns out the Syria gas attack footage was fake.  This is not a surprise, because the attack was a false flag, as discussed previously.

EA Games is crashing, again, because nobody wants to buy a game about strong independent crippled womyn battling the Nazis.  The developers (Swedes, it figures) are congratulating themselves for wrecking a once-great company for the sake of PC revisionism. Similar things are happening elsewhere in the nerd-o-verse.  Disney has thoroughly ruined Star Wars, and Marvel is ruining some of its comics.  Good.  Stuff like this spawns trolls.

The Gilets Jaunes protests are still drawing huge crowds after four months. Hundreds were wounded, and a few were killed. There is no media coverage.

Everyone jumped on the Jussie Smollett hoax. Now they are making excuses for Smollett because the whole thing makes them look terrible and it might affect the candidacies of Kamala Harris and Corey Booker.  It was a false flag to pass a social justice Patriot Act. This is just the latest of 616 documented fake hate crimes.  1/3 of them are from the past three years, i.e. the era of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  I suspect hoaxes are a small fraction of hate crimes but it’s hard to put a number on this.  It’s like asking what percentage of UFO sightings are hoaxes.  The answer will depend on real UFO activity, how thorough the investigations are, how much swamp gas is floating around, and how many overeager UFO watchers there are.  For example, prison fights and “It’s Okay to be White” posters inflate the statistics.  We might see more fake hate crimes exposed now that there is an awareness of them.  This transgender activist might have burned his house and five pets.

A much bigger problem is that the left gets to commit real hate crimes and twist them around with impunity.  The most disturbing fake news story of the last two months was the Covington incident. There’s a whole lot of nastiness here.


Is Nicholas Sandmann this generation’s Rosa Parks?

A group of white high school kids were harassed at the National Right to Life Rally.  First, a bunch of Black Hebrew Israelites called them faggots and incest kids.  This particular group (House of Israel) is so racist that the notoriously anti-white SPLC considers them to be a hate group.  The media called them upstanding Bible believers.

Native American commie activist (1:46:00) and fake Vietnam Vet Nathan Phillips went and banged his drum in Nicholas Sandmann’s face… and Sandmann didn’t back down.  He didn’t even avert his eyes from his melanin-enriched superiors.  He only smiled.  This became the Smirkocaust.  Someone used a shill farm to pump up the SJW outrage machine on Twitter.  The shills deliberately left out everything but the smirk.  It was the Worst Hate Crime Ever.  The cuckservative National Review compared it to spitting on the cross.  The Smirkocaust was worse than four blacks kidnapping and torturing a retarded white kid because of Trump.

If this was just another case of leftists being racist bullies with egos as vast as they are fragile, and a legally enforced monopoly on smugness, it would barely be news these days.  The big news is the aftermath. AFTER the full video came out, it was obvious that Sandmann’s only crime was standing his ground. But the media didn’t retract the story.  The Twitterati didn’t change their tweets.  The feeding frenzy continued. The Washington Post, CNN, the New York Times and Buzzfeed were major instigators.

Sarah Beatty said “I will blow whoever manages to punch that MAGA kid in the face”.

Disney producer Jack Morrisey tweeted about putting the MAGA kids into a woodchipper.

Jack Morrisey MAGA kids meme

This guy is brainwashing your kids for the Magic Kingdom.

An LA DJ called for the Covington Catholic High School to be burned down with kids locked inside. Twitter said he didn’t violate the rules.

There were bomb threats and a suspicious package at the school.

The media tried to rope them into the blackface scandal with a photo of kids wearing jester paint at a blackout game in 2011. This isn’t racist. But feelings trump facts.

The school rolled over.  The diocese rolled over.  They talked about having the whole class expelled, college admissions revoked, careers destroyed.  They only backed off after an independent investigation confirmed that the MAGA kids did nothing wrong.

Reporter Dan Levin announced he’s working on an exposé of Christian schools for his muckraking tabloid, the New York Times.

Democrat John Yarmuth tried to ban teens from wearing MAGA hats.  Elizabeth Warren scored cheap virtue sniveling lies in support of her fellow Native American.

Nathan Phillips and his commie friends tried to disrupt a Mass at DC’s National Shrine.  They said the the land is theirs so they can go in and bang their drums if they want to. Very disrespectful.

“We’re still gonna come on this property, it’s all our ours anyway. We came, said our part. You know, because what them boys did, you know, Trump supporters, and you know, being disrespectful. We didn’t bother them. They came over and bothered us, saying stuff, being disrespectful. You know what, we’re still here. We’ll be back.”

All of this was AFTER the whole story was proven to be a lie.  Everyone involved in the witch hunt still has a blue checkmark from Twitter.  The MSM stories have still not been retracted.

Sandmann has sued the Washington Post for $250 million.  50 celebrities, professional victims, and political opportunists are included in the lawsuit.  In a sane world, a fat settlement would be guaranteed.  We don’t live in a sane world.  The Washington Post and many judges are controlled by the CIA.

The incident itself was a setup to push a wider agenda. National March for Life is a regularly scheduled event known to attract a very white / conservative crowd. Someone scheduled the indigenous peoples’ march and the HoI protest to collide with National March for Life. Someone had the shills ready to go.  Maybe it’s an attempt to keep Amy Coney Barrett off the Supreme Court. Maybe George Soros is opening a new front in his race war. Maybe Obama’s bureaucratic moles want to stuff Catholic schools with bussed-in Muslims. 99% white Catholic schools are an affront to Diversity.  They must be destroyed.

Speaking of which, here’s a pic from the Women’s March one day later.  The leaders caused some controversy by toadying up to Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader and noted antisemite.  White Genocide is fine though. In fact, one of the California marches was cancelled for being “too white”.

Womens march white genocide

Now listen up, all you brainwashed minions. I know economics and history were never your strong subjects, but there are things you need to understand.

Smollett, Covington, and even Charlottesville are what happens when the demand for racism exceeds the supply. Counterfeits pop up. If the imbalance persists, the supply of the REAL product will rise to meet the demand. Also, words are like money. For money to have value, it must be rare. Printing money to fund your social engineering will lead to hyperinflation. Likewise, if you print ‘racist’ frivolously, the value of the word will decline towards zero.

Understand that legal justice works best when it resembles “You took something from me by violence or fraud and I can prove it, therefore you owe me”.  Social Justice means “A long time ago, someone who looks like you took something from someone who looks like me, therefore you and all those who look like you owe me a living.  You must also bow and scrape before me, or I will ruin your life.”  That’s not justice, that’s tyranny.  And your idea of equality is equally tyrannical.  The best kind of equality we can hope for is some semblance of equality under the law.  Equality of outcome is impossible.  People have different abilities, therefore achieving equal outcomes is impossible without a totalitarian dictatorship, but that implies an all-powerful ruling class.  Your string-pullers know this.  A totalitarian dictatorship is their ultimate goal.

Some of you snowflakes think you will be Commissars because you have degrees in victimology, but someone has to be the body in the ditch and Communist history says YOU will be that body.  Maybe Muslims will kill you.  They are not your friends.  They are just pretending to be your friends until they have enough numbers and political power to toss you disgusting freaks off a building. Even if you escape execution you won’t escape starvation, gangs and tribal warfare. You are guaranteed to lose.

Understand that most of us on the right never genocided, enslaved, or plundered anyone. YOU are bigger oppressors than we are, both as individuals and as groups, past and present.  Your team killed ~6x more people than our team did.  This is a conservative estimate. The starvation numbers are low due to commies in academia.  I didn’t count abortion against your team. I threw in the Neocon mad bombers as our guys even though they’re not. I took the Nazis’ body count entirely against us even though it’s exaggerated here, and they were a rebellious faction of the Cabal.

The vast majority of conservatives leave you alone. We leave you alone because we tend to see you as individuals who have the right to be left alone.  The only thing we expect of you is that you leave other people alone.  But this is impossible for you.  You are nitwit micromanagers.  You are insufferable parasites.  You abuse the system in uncountable ways.  You are nation wreckers.  You are always pushing a scam. You expect our lives to revolve around your whims.  You demand that we treat you like a sacred cow while you trample everything we have built.  You do not respect any of our rights. You don’t even respect our right to exist. Therefore, we have the collective right to defend ourselves against you.

White identity politics is self-defense at this point. You pushed us into a corner with your own poisonous identity politics.  We have shown great restraint thus far.  You see our forbearance as a weakness, and maybe it is, but remember this:  White people have a long fuse, but we do chimp out.  When we do, we don’t burn the nearest convenience store.  We burn the whole damn continent.

In your sadomasochistic quest for both dominance and victimhood, you will manifest your darkest desires.  Be careful what you wish for.

Have a nice day.

Enough rope to hang themselves


The news is moving so fast I can’t keep up with it.

Yet again, the Democrats and the Deep State have pulled out enough rope to hang themselves with.  Q says justice is coming. Again.

The budget deal is terrible:

  • $1.37 Billion for the border.  That’s couch change in Washington.
  • 55 miles of fencing + bollards.  Not even a wall.
  • Only allowed along the Rio Grande, and not in the five national parks.
  • Local officials have a say.  The Texas border counties are all super liberal and super corrupt because they are already part of Mexico in all but name. This provision is designed to tie up the Wall with 100 court cases.  DHS says it’s not as big a deal as it sounds.
  • Potential to double the number of guest worker visas.
  • More money for the Alternatives for Detention program, which transports fake asylum seekers throughout the country and plugs them into the local networks of welfare and clueless do-gooders.
  • More money for the ‘humanitarian’ groups that organize the invasion. The caravans are not spontaneous, they are organized by hostile foreign governments and Soros-linked NGOs such as Pueblas Sin Fronteras.
  • Incentives for child trafficking.  Amnesty for anyone who sponsors an unaccompanied child or who lives in a household with anyone who sponsors an unaccompanied child.  There are supposed to be safeguards here, but THEY are masters of creating loopholes and driving freight trains through them. I don’t trust the safeguards despite Q’s assurances.
  • Passed with veto-proof supermajorities in both houses.  Republicans need to be purged too.

To his credit, Trump did declare a national emergency and allocate $8 billion for building the Wall. The Democrats are going to challenge it in court.  Chuck and Nancy said “The President’s unlawful declaration over a crisis that does not exist does great violence to our Constitution and makes America less safe, stealing from urgently needed defense funds for the security of our military and our nation“.  They have never cared about the Constitution or real national security before, and now that Trump wants to divert ~1% of the Pentagon’s budget to thwart an invasion, suddenly these Wormtongues pretend to care about strength and principles.  They conveniently forget that Obama declared 13 national emergencies, often on tenuous grounds.

By the time this works its way up to the Supreme Court, RBG will probably be dead and the Dems will lose, but in the meantime they will roll out the welcome mat for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.  It’s maddening. Sometimes I think they’re not even trying to win anymore.  They’re just trying to make future civil wars as bloody as possible.  [UPDATE: Dan Bongino says Trump is winning bigly because he’s not limited to spending $1.37 billion while waiting for lawsuits to resolve.  He can spend up to $5 billion, which is what he asked for. Meanwhile, Dems look bad.]

This meme is relevant again:

Q jail meme

Q says Brennan is next for Gitmo and the Clintons’ “public” health will soon deteriorate.

The Fake News Media dedicated thousands of hours to fake collusion with Russia. They won’t even mention that the Senate intelligence committee exonerated Trump, and the whole thing was a Democratic / Deep State / British hoax to get the FISA court to let them spy on Trump. The Steele dossier was fake. The Dems paid for it. They even arranged a fake meeting with Don Jr. and some ‘Russians’ who worked for the Deep State. Obama, Hillary, Rod Rosenstein, the FBI and the DOJ knew all this and approved. They thought they could bury it once Hillary won. Mueller tried to bury it with his witch hunt.  This witch hunt bogged down President Trump for two years, while turning up nothing but unrelated process crimes. This same crew knew Hillary sold national secrets via her email server and they tried to cover it up.  A lot of people should go to jail for all this, but our government is infested with evil clowns.  That might be about to change.  The confirmation of William Barr as Attorney General seems to have set off a panic in DC.

There is renewed discussion of Rod Rosenstein’s attempt to use the 25th Amendment to organize a coup against Trump.  This wasn’t just an off-the-cuff jab.  The DOJ, Andrew McCabe and two un-named Cabinet officials were involved.  The alternative media was buzzing with this over a year ago and the mainstream media was obviously laying the groundwork before that.  The Hawaii missile seems to have been a setup for the story but Trump never took the bait.  Q says we will soon have an “information waterfall” about the 25th Amendment plot.  I hope it includes the missile.  That would be juicy. And treasonous.

Another treasonous missile might soon be in the news again, according to Q:

Missile attack Air Force One

This ‘helicopter’ launched near AF1 when Trump flew to North Korea. Nothing to see here.

In other rope-related news, Kamala Harris and Corey Booker have politically hanged themselves. It started with their bill which makes lynching a Federal crime. They are both running for President, their legislative records are poor and they need some social justice points. So they arranged for their friend Jussie Smollett to boost his ailing career with a fake lynching. The official story was that two white guys were walking around Chicago at 2am with MAGA hats, rope, and bleach. They avoided the many security cameras in the area. They screamed “This is MAGA country!” and attacked Smollett. He somehow managed to hold on to his Subway sandwich throughout the attack. He left the noose on his neck afterwards.  The Fake News Media and the Chicago PD entertained this ridiculous story for several weeks. Now it’s blowing up in their face. The real attackers were two Nigerian bodybuilders who Smollett hired. They have now ratted him out. Smollett just hired Michael Cohen’s defense attorney for a crime he was supposedly the VICTIM of. He must now be pondering whether he should turn on Harris. The Deep State must be pondering whether they should offer Smollett a lucrative job to shut him up, or just Seth Rich him.

UPDATE: The brass told the Chicago cops to find the white guys, knowing they would fail and look like a bunch of racists, which would push the narrative of needing a Federal law because the local good ol’ boys can’t be trusted to handle lynching cases in 2019. The cops were not amused.  They pretended to play along with the Kabuki theatre, while collecting enough evidence to roll up the real perps.  Now standard practice would be for the FBI to take over and turn the ‘investigation’ into a coverup to protect the establishment.  The excuse will be that Smollett mailed a death threat to himself.  This makes it a Federal crime.  We will soon find out if patriots are in control of the FBI.  Hope they can tank two Presidential candidates and the corrupt Chicago political machine.

Tariq Nasheed says there is a gay angle to this:

Kamala harris fake and gay

Pity this poor oppressed black gay celebrity who hangs with black/gay political elites. He’s so oppressed that white people won’t oppress him when the elite need an excuse to oppress white people. He has to hire black guys to oppress him instead.  Then AFTER the truth becomes known, the media, the elite, and the social media NPCs still trip over each other to make it somehow white peoples’ fault, because Orange Man Bad.  We live in interesting times.

Screenshot (344)

FF is Q-speak for False Flag.  Here’s the link in the image.  Q implied that the bill is also intended to thwart executions and lynch mobs, once all the other stuff comes out.  Maybe that’s another reason why the LGBT angle was thrown in.  The Cabal has a huge gay/bi fraction due to being abused as children (and continuing the cycle).

I’m sick of playing nice. The left sees it as blood in the water. They always fight dirty.  Everything they say is a lie. They always have double standards. They ignore the law when it suits them, and they use it as a cudgel when it suits them. They legislate with the bureaucracy and the courts. They have institutionalized kidnapping. They do things that normal people can’t imagine in their worst nightmares, and then they turn around and ruin our careers over trifles. They try to destroy us, then play the victim if we take any action to protect ourselves. They also organize, they fight as a group, they punish anyone who betrays them, they help each other when one of them is in need, and they send the bill to us.

Masochist snake

Meanwhile, we Conservatives fight honorably, we fight as individuals, we fall one by one, and nobody stands up for us as individuals. The cuckservatives and the libertarians scold us with “Serves you right for making us look bad!  Not all ____ are like that.  They just need to read more Hayek.” The Chamber of Commerce Cucks, boomers and libertarians whine “Muh free markets!  We have the right to cheap strawberries, cheap lawn care, and cheap Chinese crap.  You need to pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.  You can have any job you want if you look the boss in the eye and give him a firm handshake.  Work hard and you will get promoted.  After 30 years you can buy into our walled-off gated community with private security.”  The Law Cucks bust down our door and scream “The Law is the Law! We have sold our souls to uphold the Law! We are zombies working for satanists, but we are heroes! Rispek Mah Authoritahhh!” The Christcucks try to castrate us with “Jesus says to marry a used up whore, pay your taxes to satan’s minions, increase the population of Africa to 5 billion people, welcome rapefugees, feed them, and let them slit your throat.  Always support Israel. Fight in Israel’s wars and make some real refugees to love!”

Things got better when we stopped rolling over.  The Trolls have drawn together a loose coalition from four political tribes who used to hate each other.  They helped elect Trump, and most of the time he stands up for America against a juggernaut that seemed unstoppable just a few years ago.  Turns out the Left and the Deep State had been winning for so long that they became arrogant and soft.  Now they have a bloody nose and they don’t know what to do.  They’ve got one hand on their Nose while they flail about with the other.

Deep State traitors need to hang.  Everyone involved in the false flag missile attacks needs to hang.  Everyone who organized the invasions needs to hang.  Everyone who profiteered from the invasions needs to lose their money.  Garden-variety SJWs need a redpill suppository:  24 hours in the stocks.  In the ghetto.

Abort the left

Abortion dems brainless

They are completely insane. They are cult minions trying to enslave everyone to the global satanic elite.  We need abortions up to the 400th trimester for commie traitors.

Just since Christmas they have reminded us that they stand for baby killing, crime, MS-13, Somali gangs, welfare dependency, invasions, corruption, witch hunts, Fake News, confiscatory taxes, terrorist coddling, Sharia Law, kangaroo courts, squandering, economic collapse, groupthink, worthless education, idiocracy, broken families, drugs, pedophilia, child trannies, whores, censorship, coverups, double standards, powerlust, jackbooted government thugs, job destruction, crumbling infrastructure, pill zombies, rape, narcissism, death cults, sex cults, no future, endless war, election rigging, vote suppression, punishing the best, rewarding the worst, haughty micro-management, cronyism, neofeudalism, oligarchy, kleptocracy… and since the left projects with absolutely everything, the sin they see as the most horrible is the sin they revel in:  Racism.

Radicals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren are competing to out-virtue-signal each other over soaking ‘the rich’ to pay for retarded boondoggles and welfare for the entire third world. The first Somali congresswoman has called for abolishing the Department of Homeland Security.  New Jersey will soon have a rain tax. Democrats are balking at the wall (again) while trying to widen loopholes in the asylum laws so that any illegal immigrant who brings a child will have free run of the country- even if the child isn’t theirs.  They and their Fake News sycophants manipulate us with tearjerker stories and lob the r-word at anyone who sees the perverse incentives.  Meanwhile, yet another sex cult has been tied to the Clintons.  This cult has been trafficking babies.  They use girls as breeders and kill them when they have outlived their appeal after 10 years.

The most disturbing development has been the simultaneous push for full-term abortion / infanticide in multiple states:  New York, Virginia, and Vermont. Something this horrible could only come from the cabal. The shocker is not that they are pushing infanticide- their ultimate goal is open sacrifices to moloch. The shocker is that they are pushing infanticide as Trump prepares to appoint Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement.  They must really be desperate. Trump has been shutting down their child trafficking lines.  They need another way to get their fix. Imagine what these sickos would do with live babies that have no documents, and nobody looking for them, because they were supposedly aborted. Sacrifices, organ harvesting, blackmail fodder, pineal gland cannibalism, vaccine production, taxpayer-financed bribes, sadistic experiments, split-personality mind control slaves, breeding dungeons… The cabal is into all of this.  Babies are a great source of money, power, and even life itself. There is a company called Ambrosia which offers massive transfusions of baby blood for $8000/litre. This is how the vampires cheat death until their 90s.

The churches allowed it to get this bad.  The Vatican has been taken over by Illuminati luciferians.  Most Protestant denominations aren’t much better: Prosperity Gospel, Superfun Rockband Church, the Loonitarian Church of Social Justice, Christian Zionists, Mormons etc.  Any organized church is most likely a fraud.  The average ‘conservative’ Christian believes in providing the benefits of his labor and his universalist morality to all sorts of parasites who hate him.  The end result will be satanic world government.


Should have gone Amish or Eastern Orthodox.

The good news is that the leftist radicals are overplaying their hand.  The new faces of the Democratic Party are a bunch of cartoonish villains:  Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and Kamala Harris.  Pelosi and Waters are vile, stupid and utterly self-serving.  AOC is a Full Retard Commie.  Warren is a whiny, affirmative-action-grubbing joke.  Harris pushes fake hate crimes to advance her political career.  She wants Whitey to pay reparations. She says that being a sanctuary city worked so well for her home town of Oakland, that she wants the rest of America to be like Oakland.  Schumer is owned by Wall Street and Israel.  He wants million-dollar fines and up to 20 years in jail for anyone who boycotts or criticizes Israel.  He loves to give $38 billion of taxpayer money to help Israel build their wall, but he says it would be immoral for us to have our own wall.  Chucky is also a pedophile.  Omar hates America, wants open borders for terrorists, and might have committed either incest or immigration fraud.  At least she talks about AIPAC bribing most of Congress.  There is much kvetching about her ‘antisemitism’ (i.e. truth-telling). The Jews need to check their privilege.  Omar has more victim points than they do, and antisemitism is part of her culture.

Israel scam

The Fed can also print money to buy bonds to build jails for anyone who criticizes Israel.  Jews will get more interest on money created out of nothing and they will give a small kickback to Chuck Schumer.  No wonder he wants us in jail.  The truth is very anti-semitic.

The only major leftist who isn’t an obvious villain is the pathetic Bernie Sanders. Poor Bend Over Bernie got kicked out of a hippie commune at age 30. He kept the hippies awake till midnight with monologues on the wonders of socialism, while socializing his dirty dishes onto them. He said Cuba and Sweden are model countries.  He liked Soviet bread lines.  He kissed Hillary’s royal pinky ring for a $600,000 summer house on Lake Champlain. Now he is marginalized because he’s not evil enough.  The media loves all the other clowns because they are rabid Trump hating, Ameria hating, no-borders commies. Leftists are so high on their own collective farts they don’t realize they are becoming the perfect foils for Trump. The mushy middle is waking up. 76% of viewers liked Trump’s State of the Union speech. This included 82% of independents and 30% of Democrats. Now we know why Pelosi tried so hard to stop Trump’s speech. Now we know why the Dems hated it so much.  Trump showed them up bigly. And he got them to show their true faces yet again. Makes me wonder if Trump is leveraging treason charges to turn a few of them into pied pipers. Make them become parodies of themselves and thereby destroy their ‘brand’ of being sane and compassionate. Moderates are waking up to this big lie.


The Democratic women were all dressed in white, like cultists.  They scowled at every great thing Trump talked about:  “Food stamp usage lowest in years? Humphhh. Those people will now see us as thieves, not benefactors.  Huge increase in child trafficking arrests?  AHrrrrrggg!  There goes our adrenochrome supply!”  The only time they cheered was when Trump said we now have more women in Congress than ever.  These self-important twats think America exists to cater to their narcissism and entitlement mentality.

Moderates are also disgusted by the push for outright infanticide.  In Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam talked about allowing the murder of newborn babies. The establishment isn’t 100% stupid and tone-deaf.  They understood Northam had become a liability so they released his blackmail material:  A yearbook photo of him in blackface with someone dressed as a Klansman.  He was probably part of a mutual blackmail ring.  Blackmail rings are very stable most of the time, but when one link is broken, it can trigger a chain reaction NASCAR car crash.  This is happening in Virginia.  We now have a blackface photo of Attorney General Mark Herring, and rape allegations against Lieutenant Governor Fairfax.  Fake News CNN tried to pretend Northam was a Republican.

There is going to be a Supreme Court battle over abortion.  The establishment is trying to pull a Weekend at Bernie’s with Ginsburg.  Roberts is compromised.  Important decisions are likely to be 4-4, which will uphold the circuit courts.  It’s easy to get a decision from a compromised circuit court such as the Nutty Ninth- though this may soon change. And it looks like Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg.  I am not a fan of Barrett (see meme above), but these recent abortion laws are EVIL and they must be overturned.  The Supreme Court might uphold Trump’s proposed late term abortion ban while simultaneously giving states more authority to regulate early abortions.  I would celebrate these changes with a keg of Liberal Tears.

Will finish up with something straight from /pol/. For entertainment purposes only.

Over the past two years, the Left has increasingly shown us one very important thing about themselves: They cannot be reasoned with. They have zero qualms with concocting outright lies for the purposes of conducting smear campaigns against completely innocent men, women, and children. They are completely impervious to reality, and couldn’t care less whether what they say or believe has any factual basis. They deliberately evade, misquote, drop context, and otherwise shyster their way through any attempt at rational discussion. And they do all of this while marching toward their one goal: Your extermination, culminating in the total destruction of the West.

The Left has been in open war against us for decades. They have known this and have acted according to this aim. We, however, have largely failed to acknowledge their intentions, and too many of us have wrongfully attempted to treat the Left as if it were populated by “misguided idealists” who simply need to be educated and persuaded by logic. It is, however, a grave error to think that the mindless beast with the goal of ripping out your throat has any interest in your arguments against it.

There is but one thing the Left understands: Brute force. It is a matter of self defense, and the only rational way to deal with an enemy that is openly and explicitly bent towards your destruction is to obliterate it completely with every means at your disposal. This is not a game; they are out for blood and power, and they mean to get it. Our very lives and the survival of civilization itself quite literally depends upon eliminating these vermin that have infiltrated our nations like a vile cancer.

Organized leadership will come. In the meantime, you know best where your talents and creativity lie. Use them now in the most brutal way that makes sense to you.

p.s. Sorry for the lag.  Have been digging into ancient civilizations recently.  Fascinating stuff.  There was a worldwide advanced civilization that was destroyed by a comet at the end of the last ice age.  The Illuminati claim to be descended from their priesthood.  They are not quite human.  Will write about this.

Land of the Free?

Prison population

America locks up more people than notorious jailers such as China and Russia. Is this a side effect of printing the world’s reserve currency? Note that poor countries tend to have fewer prisoners. Exceptions are Japan (with a homogeneous population known for lawfulness) and Europe (where grandmothers who expose pedophile rings and deny the Holocaust go to jail, and Muslims who rape 13 year old girls get 40 hours of community service.)

The First Step Act is intended to improve prisoner job prospects  and reduce harsh mandatory minimums for nonviolent prisoners.  These reforms are a step in the right direction, but the law doesn’t go far enough, and it shows a misunderstanding of our so-called justice system:

  • The courts are clogged with a huge number of low-level drug offenders.
  • Consensual sex with a 17-year-old can lead to years in prison followed by a lifetime of living under a bridge.
  • There are too many laws. You commit three felonies a day without knowing.
  • There are laws so bad they can’t even be published, let alone pass a legislature.  These secret laws are called “policies”. They are usually tied to Federal grants. For example, there’s a national policy to always arrest the man in a domestic dispute, even if the woman is a batshit crazy meth addict having a violent tantrum.
  • Most assault and domestic violence cases are so stupid they would not have been worth an arrest 100 years ago.  These guys count as violent offenders today.
  • The prosecutor amplifies small crimes by throwing bigger charges to see what sticks, or to try to get a plea bargain.  Resisting arrest is a common charge. Conspiracy is a common charge, and it’s always a felony. Conspiracy to commit jaywalking is a felony.
  • Abuse of the Commerce Clause has led to 81,000 pages of Federal regulations with harsh penalties for violations.
  • The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 reduced the sentencing disparities for crack vs. cocaine from 100:1 to 18:1. The fair ratio is 1:1.  There are additional mandatory minimums for possessing crack within 500ft of schools, public housing, churches, parks, soup kitchens, etc, etc.  In a city, the safest place for a crack bum to light up is in the middle of the airport runway.  I hate to link to a bunch of SJWs who get triggered by Christmas, Trump, and MAGA, but I grudgingly admit they are right.  The sentencing disparities are racist.
  • The system is so clogged that most cases are decided behind closed doors.  I think the judge, prosecutor, public defender, and arresting officer meet in the lodge basement to decide cases. The defendant will be offered a plea bargain and he will know he had better take it, even if he is innocent.  If he lawyers up, the lawyer may bribe the judge.  If he goes to prison, the prison will give the judge a kickback. Over 94% of felony guilty verdicts come from plea bargains.  Most cases that do go to court are Kabuki theater.
  • It is standard practice to select the dumbest jury possible.
  • Jury nullification is a Constitutional right, but people have gone to jail for talking about it.
  • Private prisons encourage corruption.  There is usually a contract that the prison will be kept full.  So they fill them up with poor people and milk them, and the taxpayers, for fees.
  • Revolving-door debtors’ prisons are still a thing.
  • Sending people to jail for minor stuff causes cascading harm to employment, families, and taxpayers.  It also makes it harder to deal with real crime.
  • Nonviolent offenders get thrown in with the general population, where they are abused, or they learn to become better criminals.
  • Victims who defend themselves may risk more jail time than their attackers. Some liberal states seem more like Europe. Everything is upside down.

Land of the Free

What to do?

Discretionary sentencing is good if you get a decent judge, but it might lead to a situation like in Europe.  There, sentences are not based on damage done. They are based on the PC victim points of those involved. Brown Muslims have two victim points and white women have one, so you can guess how rape cases often go. Instead of discretionary sentencing, it would be better to keep certain people out of the system altogether by making things legal or increasing jury nullification.  There are many druggies, thought criminals, home defenders, and harmless screwups who should not be in jail.  Save the capacity for thugs, psychos, thieves and crooks.

Legalize weed, shrooms, ibogaine, DMT, and mescaline at the very least.  Cheap coke and smack were once sold in the Sears Catalogue. They were lesser evils than the War On Drugs. Sometimes I wish all drugs were legal, just to screw the gangs, the prison-industrial complex and and the CIA.

Maximum and minimum sentences for each charge should be read out at the beginning of each trial.

The right to jury nullification should be read out at the beginning of each trial.

Ban private prisons.

Enforcement should be as local as possible.  Locals know the score. Locals fix things cheaply.  The best and most local crime deterrents are strong gun rights combined with strong rights to self defense and defense of property. Petty crimes should be handled at the county level.  Crimes requiring long sentences should be handled by the state.  The Feds should only get involved with stuff like organized crime, corruption, smuggling, terrorism, money laundering, treason, etc.  Enforcement already sort of works like this in America.  I want the tilt to increase.

Another advantage of local enforcement is that if it’s not worth raising local taxes to lock someone up, then maybe they shouldn’t be locked up. Maybe they should get community service.  Maybe they should be left alone. And maybe if local Democrats had to pay for the consequences of inviting in their pet underclass, maybe those places would collapse sooner, and maybe a few people would get redpilled.

Do bust minor public crimes like shoplifting, squeegee guys, public defecation, graffiti, etc.  It’s called Broken Windows policing.  It works.  It also squeezes the underclass into the Democrat areas.  They deserve them.

But there is no need for the government to bust minor private crimes.  Most justice used to come from fists and social shunning.  These crime control tools seem to have worked better.  A lot of BS could be stopped with an understanding that a homeowner’s word is law in his own home. Any guest who doesn’t like it can leave. Anyone who doesn’t leave is not oppressed, so quit whining.  This principle should apply on a national level too.

In the long run, we must address the root causes of crime: The controlled demolition of the family, the decline of religion, the inversion of morality, political corretness, uncontrolled immigration, and multi-generational welfare dependency.  All these problems feed on each other.  They will not be solved as long as the cabal still rules from the shadows.  Right now, the biggest criminals are the ones who buy the laws. The second biggest criminals are the ones who implement the laws. The third biggest criminals are sometimes the ones who enforce the laws (depending on the town).

End the Fed

Gold dow chart historical

The Federal Reserve is one of the key institutions driving America to its doom.  Its insidious power is not widely understood. Most peoples’ eyes glaze over when hearing monetary theory.

  • There is nothing Federal about it.  It’s a privately owned corporation which answers to its shareholders- mainly the Rothschilds.
  • There are no reserves. The money is not backed by anything.  Well, actually it’s backed by murder- hat tip to Radical Marijuana of ZeroHedge.
  • ALL the money is counterfeited by the Rothschilds and their lackeys.
  • The Rothschilds pickpocket all savers.  The dollar has lost 98% of its value since the creation of the Fed.
  • All taxpayers do real work to pay the Rothschilds interest on money they created out of nothing.
  • The Fed is the #1 enabler of big government spending.  The welfare state, the warfare state, the military-industrial complex, the prison-industrial complex, the overbearing bureaucracy, etc. would not exist if the government had to go out and rob taxpayers whenever some control freak dreams up a new way to increase government power.
  • By punishing savers, the Fed encourages the crass consumerism which is polluting our environment and our culture.
  • The Fed quietly acquired the Ft. Knox gold and leased/swapped it out.  I.e. they sold it to keep the price down, and thereby maintain the illusion that the dollar is money. They sent the gold via tunnel to JP Morgan’s vault which sits on the bedrock across the street from the Fed.  It was the greatest tunnel robbery in history, and it was all legal!
  • Another way they keep the price of gold down is by allowing each ounce of exchange-traded gold to be ‘owned’ several hundred times over.  If the music ever stops for this scam, only a small fraction of insiders will get real metal.
  • The puppetmasters have a love-hate relationship with gold. JP Morgan once said “Only Gold is money, everything else is credit”.  The aboveground supply of gold increases at less than 2% per year, which means gold has a very inelastic supply and demand curve.  It’s like naturally occuring money that even the miners can’t print to oblivion.  Unless you have more gold than you can carry, it is hard for the system to steal it from you.  THEY don’t want this fact to be widely known.
  • JPM continues to manipulate prices downward by selling paper metal and hoarding real metal (mainly silver) for themselves. Trump should nationalize JPM’s fraudulently obtained silver hoard.
  • In an inflationary environment, a no-interest long term loan might as well be a gift.  The Fed can funnel this money to companies that serve the social and political goals of the Rothschilds.
  • The chosen cronies get to spend the new money before anyone else, which means its value is not diluted by inflation.
  • Inflation is higher than anyone admits. I guess it’s about 8%. The government games the numbers by swapping out products in the index (veal -> steak -> hamburger -> pink slime), making “hedonic adjustments” (i.e better iphones imply less inflation), and suppressing inconvenient categories (like healthcare). Social Security pays less than it should, and the Fed gets to print more.
  • The Fed can manufacture bubbles and panics simply by controlling interest rates and the printing rate.  Insiders know when easy money is coming, so they can make fortunes by levering up.  They also know when the Fed will tighten, and they can sell to the little people before the crash (see chart above).
  • After the Crash of ’08, the Fed bailed out well-connected banks by buying their garbage mortgage securities at full price.  The bankers then paid themselves huge bonuses and bought up a bunch of real property, at pennies on the printed dollar, during bankruptcy sales that they themselves triggered!
  • After the Crash of ’08, the Fed shoveled $17 trillion to Rothschild-owned European banks.  And Nancy Pelosi would rather shut down the government than pay 0.029% of that to secure our border!
  • The only reason inflation didn’t surge is because banks tightened their lending standards and the economy was so bad that people and businesses became more tight-fisted. The effect was similar to reducing the money supply.
  • We became a doomed society bled dry by debt, decay, zombie banks, welfare, military overreach and corrupt central planners.  It was inevitable.
  • The Fed and the U.S. Government have been abusing the reserve currency privilege by printing with abandon, weaponizing SWIFT, demanding foreign banks act as spies for the IRS, waging war against anyone who would challenge the system, etc.
  • Here are the countries with banking systems not controlled by the Rothschilds: North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, and some micro-states. Looks like America has been acting as golem for the Rothschilds.


Interest rates can be a political tool. They were at 0% during almost the entire Obama administration.  This is the financial equivalent of smoking crack.  Now the Fed is planning to trigger crack withdrawals. The media will blame everything on Trump.  See  this post from earlier this year.  Q just confirmed this conspiracy theory.  He says Trump is going to restructure the Fed before they can pull it off!

Wayne Jett has a deep two-part interview about all this.  Part 1 is about the Federal Reserve.  Part 2 is about the synagogue of satan running everything, and the plan to bring them down.  Jett broadly endorses Q and the Plan to Save the World.  He says everyone will be shocked and transformed when the satan stuff comes out.  He says the last of the gold was legally stolen during the Clinton Administration but Trump has now stolen it back.  He says Kim used to be a puppet but Trump cut his strings. I discussed this previously.  Basically, the puppetmasters know the entire financial system is a doomed Ponzi scheme because they made it that way.  They were planning to blow it up- literally!  Nuclear war would have provided a convenient explanation for the Federal Reserve Note returning to its natural value of zero.  Nuclear war would have wiped out hundreds of millions of white Christians.  Nuclear war would have inspired everyone else to beg for world government.

Q federal reserve

How could Trump end the Fed? 

He could get Congress to repeal the Federal Reserve Act and claw back any of our gold still physically at the Fed, regardless of any encumbrances.  This would require both houses of Congress to be firmly controlled by patriots.  In other words, it can’t happen before 2021 and it will become less and less likely as the years drag on.

He could send the Marines to sack the Fed, give them an audit worthy of Robert Mueller, and when the missing gold and missing trillions are revealed he could disband them by executive order and dare anyone to challenge him.  This is risky.  The Deep State could make it blow up in his face.

He could replace the Board of Governors.  This might be the plan.  Trump is allowed to fire them with cause. I’m sure Q can find a cause.  These people chose a career where exotic vices are necessary for advancement.  Check out the Road to Roota conspiracy theory about a possible decades-long plan to bring down the Fed from within.

What would happen to the money after ending the Fed?

I hear from a trustworthy source that Rand Paul has Trump’s ear.  He will be pushing for a return to the gold standard.

The problem is that even if we have all the gold in Ft. Knox, the Fed has created so much funny money that gold would need to be over $50,000/oz to back it all, depending on how you add up the money supply (I used M2).

There is no way for the Marines to re-rehypothecate enough Rothschild gold to back the dollar at current prices.  The metal doesn’t exist. Proponents of Yamashita’s Gold would say otherwise, but this conspiracy theory would involve archaeologists underestimating ancient gold mining by orders of magnitude.  There probably was some gold stashed in the Philippines, but it’s not enough to back the dollar at current prices.  The only ways to fully back the dollar are to greatly increase the price of gold, or greatly reduce the money supply.  Increasing the price of gold would call BS on every Cabal paper ponzi in the entire world and risk  bank runs and hyperinflation.  I like this scenario.  Cutting the money supply would require drastic measures, like nationalizing the entire banking system, confiscating the accounts of the cabal and anyone who has ever worked for them, and repudiating most debts, including the national debt. Trump won’t do this. I wish he was this much of a bull in a china shop, but he isn’t.

I think Trump is going to go for Greenbacks, i.e. interest-free fiat money issued by the Treasury.  There might be partial gold backing, depending on availability.  Overall debts would be reduced by a partial currency devaluation.  Debts to the Cabal could be paid with worthless Federal Reserve digits or with trillion-dollar platinum coins issued by the Treasury.  The coins would be a sweet way to surgically screw the Cabal.  They could have Trump’s smug troll face on them. Let the Rothschilds try to get change for one of them at the farmers’ market!

The Cabal won’t take any of this lying down. They would rather torpedo everything than let Trump inherit anything that works. Expect inflation, supply chain disruptions, general chaos. The recent yield curve inversion says the bond market expects chaos.

Patriots could avoid the fallout by launching their own torpedo first.  Right now, a $250m gold torpedo fired at the COMEX would be enough to blow up the Death Star, and the Cabal would take the blame because the COMEX is their ponzi.

Deutche Bank could die next year.  The EU could die next year.  Either of these would trigger a derivatives crisis which would take down the Western financial system and provide cover for the crisis and justification for drastic fixes.

Supply chain disruption could cause serious problems, including famine.  There’s a conspiracy theory that patriots in government are quietly helping cryptocurrency to mature to the point where it can take over supply chain financing.

Conclusion:  Buy a few months of food, then BUY GOLD.  The real stuff is artificially cheap, and by buying it, you force the Cabal to unwind much more money from their paper Ponzi.  I suggest Gold Buffalos or Valcambi combi-bars.  Also consider circulated silver coins (a.k.a. junk silver).  Junk silver is a very cheap and effective way to preserve wealth and bring down the system.  Silver is usually a better attack than gold but someone is bleeding the gold right now. They know a monetary reset is coming one way or another.

To save a boiling frog, turn up the heat

Yellow vests card

One of many prophetic cards in the Illuminati: New World Order card game, released in 1994.  The Game is based on the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson.  It is worth noting that the Illuminati and the Masons had a guiding hand in the first French revolution.  It wasn’t about liberty.  It was about getting rid of their main competitors for power: The aristocracy and the Church. This revolution seems to be more organic.  Let’s hope it stays that way.

The Yellow Jackets started as a protest over increased diesel taxes which would disproportionately hurt the rural French.  In typically out-of-touch liberal elitist style, the government dismissed it with “Stupid rednecks, this is for their own good!  We’re fighting global warming.  Let them eat Teslas.  Now let’s take their money and divide it between ourselves and our pet rapefugees!”  After the pathetic response to the rapes and Truck of Peace attacks of the past three years, I am surprised the last straw was a tax but hey… at least Europeans are finally standing up for themselves.  I am calling this as the beginning of Europe’s civil war.  Last country to leave the EU must figure out what to do with tens of millions of Muslims + Africans when the welfare state collapses.  IMHO the Germans will be the ones who will have to clean up the mess they made.  THAT will be fun.  And karmic.  It’s what they get for being natural-born busybodies and bootlickers.

The Yellow Jackets have the right idea: Leaderless resistance.  Economic sabotage, graduating to infrastructure sabotage as needed, while avoiding violence.  Interfering with transportation causes all sorts of problems for the system but it doesn’t cause permanent damage, nor does it alienate the police and the military.  In a country as disarmed as France, it is particularly important for the people to have the police and military on their side, as seems to be the case with these protests.

Note the contrast with ANTIFA. The Yellow Jackets don’t attack cops, small shops, or ordinary people (except in Paris, where anarchists and Muslims have joined). The Yellow Jackets have little organization and no institutional support. They were ignored by the usual leftist groups such as unions, because the initial protestors were mainly rural white French who the Left is contemptuous of. It’s not the typical sort of officially sanctioned protest for more freebies, more government encroachment. Those protests are a national sport in France. The Yellow Vests are different. They just want to be left alone. And they are sitting on top of a supervolcano of repressed anger about becoming second-class serfs in their own country.

This is what it’s REALLY about.  Macron is a Rothschild toady with a 19% approval rating.  He’s a consummate globalist.  He’s such a globalist that even the left hates him.  He’s only generous to cronies and migrants.  The invaders are costing France $84 billion per year.  Most of them have no intention of assimilating.  They intend to rape and pillage France for all it’s worth.  They get to commit all sorts of crimes with impunity, but French people who defend themselves will be jailed, and be forced to pay reparations.  The healthcare system is so overwhelmed that it is now necessary to get private insurance so as to not die waiting for healthcare.  Migrants get to cut in line for public housing and all sorts of social services.  The pension system is bankrupt because old people show up, get a fake job for one day, and then claim a full pension.  The UN wants to give anyone in the world the right to go wherever they want.  They say anyone who shows up should have the right to welfare too.  Complaining about being invaded will be a special category of hate crime.  Stefan Molyneux deconstructed all the treacly globalist doublespeak to show what an absolute nightmare this would lead to.  In practice, the UN plan would mean the flooding of ALL white countries and ONLY white countries.  White people would become total slaves in the cultural marxist gulag.  The French government has signed on to the UN plan.  They want to rule over people short-sighted enough to vote for Communism over and over and over again.   The Rothschilds want to rule the entire world this way.  The lower-tier elites looked around and saw that in Africa and the Middle East there is even less accountability than in the West.  They got jealous.  They decided to bring Africa and the Middle East here. Big Business wants high corruptibility and low price of labor.  Even if only 0.3% of asylum seekers get a legitimate jobs, business owners figure most of the financial and social costs can be foisted onto the general public.  The people will demand more cops, who will then be turned against the middle and working classes because that’s where the easy money is.  Then there are all the social service bureaucracies that need to justify their demands for increased funding.  Nation-wrecking is surprisingly profitable.

Guillotine yellow vest

The system is so rotten that ‘reform’ means they will stall for time while they mutate into something worse.  The choice is victory or slow, grinding death.  At some point, someone will have to cut the Gordian knot:  The NWO isn’t made of intractable bureaucracies, laws, financial obligations, etc.  The NWO is made of meat.

Some people have no loyalties beyond money.  So make them lose money.  Remind the champagne socialists and globalist middle managers that the people who built civilization can also take it away.  Get creative.  The goal is to provoke unjustified crackdowns and rapefugee crime sprees, causing the system to lose all legitimacy in the eyes of those it depends on, thus justifying flipping the tables.  Violence will be necessary, but don’t be the first to use it.  Be wary of ANTIFA and police provocateurs trying to undermine your support with violence.  Use it only when most people understand that it is collective self-defense against an illegitimate regime.  That time is coming soon.  Suspending the tax won’t stop it.  The tax was just the tipping point. Now the system must topple.  UPDATE: The Right and the Left seem to have decided they hate Macron more than they hate each other.  There is widespread talk of revolution.  The movement is spreading to neighboring countries.  It’s spreading to the European Parliament, even to the floor.  The globalists are afraid. The cops are cracking down.  This is all great news.  Time to turn up the heat!

The law has become a tool of oppression against honest and hardworking people.  But everyone says it must be respected, even though it was bought by the world’s worst crime syndicate.  It must be respected, even at the cost of turning what was once the world’s greatest civilization into a lawless slum.  It’s illegal for me to advocate doing anything illegal, so here are some illegal things to avoid doing:

See all those signs saying “Buried cable, don’t dig here”? Whatever you do, DON’T dig there. It might cost big businesses a lot of money.

DON’T flush stockings full of silica gel (crystal cat litter) down the toilets at banks and government buildings. Floods of human feces might stop the very important work of transforming Europe into an Islamo-commie shithole. French tradesmen might even make some money off the system. This is bad. The money rightfully belongs to Muslim dole bludgers.

DON’T attack banks.  Don’t repudiate your debts.  You might spook the bond market, trigger a chain-reaction derivatives meltdown, destroy the currency, destroy the welfare state, and make Europe a much less juicy steak on the table.

DON’T release aluminized Mylar balloons near airport flight paths. Don’t use potato guns to launch spuds onto airport runways. These things are harmless, but the airport operators don’t know that. There are elaborate safety protocols which must be followed. Sympathizers working at the airport will make sure the protocols are followed to the letter.  You would’t want to help them tie the system in knots, would you?  The globalists might miss important meetings about how to exterminate you.  They might do something stupid if they think the exit door is closing.

DON’T make fake calls to the police. Don’t do it from Christmas through New Years. The police are frazzled and demoralized. They have a very important job protecting Rothschild interests. But they also have the legal right to take 3 weeks’ vacation at a time of their choosing. This cannot be refused. If Macron tries to drag them back to work by executive order, they will hate him.  The elite are nothing without their enforcers so make sure they remain loyal.

DON’T spraypaint dicks on cop cars.  No cop wants to drive around in a dickmobile.

DON’T let 4chan trolls sniff your bosses’ dirty laundry.

DON’T reveal the hiding places of the elite.

DON’T use family as a fake address / maildrop / tripwire.

DON’T give your French brothers a cash/barter job.  Don’t learn trade skills which would allow you to get such a job yourself, plus give you knowledge and contacts which might prove useful during a revolution.

DON’T buy or grow organic food without the proper rubber stamps.  Don’t put yourself in a position to feed your circle. Don’t get a job as a farm hand.  Don’t befriend farmers, cops, rednecks or anyone who owns heavy  equipment.  It would be best if you don’t talk to your neighbors at all.

DON’T keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

DON’T hoard food, tools, medicines, gold, WWII weapons, illegal woodstoves, etc.

DON’T max out your credit with cash advances, buy gold, give the banks the finger and hope the system collapses before they can make you suffer.  Don’t encourage your elderly relatives to do this.  The globalists and their pets might starve if everyone knew that gold and silver are the only real money.

DON’T grow weed.

DON’T create no-go zones. That privilege is reserved for Muslims. They get a huge advantage when making money or solving problems, because they don’t have to obey any laws. Laws are for honest chumps. Laws are for those who were not born with PC Victim Points. Laws are for those who can pay a fine but can’t pay a political bribe.

DON’T make fake license plates.  Don’t keep an eye out for cars that look like yours, especially in liberal areas.

DON’T vandalize security cameras. Don’t even try a Vaseline-sopped sponge on a stick.

DON’T launch copper wire over substations, or shoot at the bottom of power transformers, or shoot at the ceramic insulators on high voltage lines. Power might go out, encouraging rapefugees to chimp out and burn and loot the property of those who welcomed them in. Don’t do it on welfare night. Don’t toss shopping carts onto electric rail lines. Don’t cut down telephone poles surrounding government offices, globalist businesses and rich liberal neighborhoods.

DON’T discreetly spray liquid LSD onto the office door handle of your favorite local journalist, lawyer, sociology professor, SJW, etc.

DON’T block off the wholesale food market in Rungis.  It feeds most of Paris.  Shelves would be empty a few hours later.  Three days later, the city would be in total anarchy.

DON’T make pipe shotguns or any other simple homemade firearm for self defense against rapefugees.  Trust the government to protect you from the people they brought in to exterminate you.

DON’T bake a weapon into a baguette.

DON’T make a spark-gap jammer.

DON’T experiment with amateur drone warfare.

DON’T put incendiaries on your drones.

DON’T attack fuel depots or secluded mansions.

DON’T light bonfires under overpasses.  High temperatures weaken concrete and iron.  Definitely don’t do this to railway bridges that are major choke points.

DON’T shut down all food and gas shipments into Paris and let the rapefugees ravage the entire city.

DON’T hijack a gas tanker Mad Max style. Don’t make homemade napalm. Don’t steal a fire engine and turn it into a Mad Max mobile fortress that spews napalm. Don’t smash your way towards the Elysee Palace while napalming snipers on surrounding rooftops (the buildings are never more than six floors high). Those who sold their souls to the globalists don’t deserve to be burned alive while wearing plastic.

DON’T lob mortars into the financial district.

DON’T deal redpills. Don’t drop your ideas into comment sections, including this one.

DON’T go on strike. Don’t drop out. Don’t mentally quit your job and see how long it takes them to figure it out.  Don’t develop a bad case of bureaucratic constipation.  Don’t monkeywrench stuff.  Don’t call in sick. Don’t go on fake disability. Millions of bankers and third world ingrates depend on you to work and pay for the New Europeans who will send you to the knackers.

DON’T complain about becoming a second-class serf in your own country. Don’t complain about being treated like the horse in Animal Farm.  Don’t complain about being used as a scapegoat / pinata to keep the burgeoning underclass away from the elites.  Don’t explain that your people are not evil, they are good- but this goodness is both a weapon against you, and the reason you are marked for extinction.

Never, ever talk about how luciferians and the synagogue of satan want to extinguish white Christians, because they would resist a worldwide financial dictatorship. Talking about this makes you a BAD BAD GOYIM!

VIVE LA RESISTANCE!  May you be an inspiration to all your European brothers.  If you pull this off, I promise not to call you surrender monkeys ever again.

Internet Bill of Rights

Sorry to drop off the Earth- I was off being a Russian bot.

So, it turns out Facebook really is selling everyone’s data.  I’m not surprised.  I’m just surprised who they sold it to.

Facebook is a Deep State tool. Their job is to get everyone to write their own dossiers for the government.  They got a big early boost from CIA’s data-mining firm In-Q-Tel. They seem to be working with DARPA’s Information Awareness Office.  They censor conservatives far more often than liberals.  Their algorithms have all the digital junkies toeing the political line in order to get their little dopamine hits in the form of likes.  The PC algorithm inevitably manifests in the real world through the chemistry of addiction.  If these people will sell your info to a foreign company that worked for the Trump campaign, imagine who else they will sell it to?  Probably anyone.  You’re not the customer.  You’re the product!

Now that this is widely known, Zuckerberg seems to be bugging out.  He sold a billion dollars of Facebook stock just before the crash and now he is not showing up to meetings.  Is he even a real CEO?  If we can have fake Presidents, why not fake CEOs?  Does Zuckerberg even know how to code?  He might have stolen Facebook from the Winklevoss twins.

This Russian propaganda outlet has an interesting take on the matter.

Twitter is getting blowback too. They have 400 people dedicated to archiving deleted dick pics.  Their censorship of conservatives is even worse than Facebook, yet they allow ISIS to run rampant on their platform.  It’s bad enough that lawsuits like this one have been piling up for years.  They are always against Facebook, Google and Twitter.  Especially Twitter.  They are even being sued by the Israelis, which is rich, because Mossad secretly supports ISIS- but that is a story for another day.

Internet Bill of Rights 2

Google’s censorship is even more insidious.  They de-monetize conservative YouTube videos, which forces people to get jobs, which severely cuts into their redpilling ability. They allow takedown notices based on spurious copyright claims.  They funge the search algorithms so that you are less likely to see stuff that is damaging to the status quo.  They got their start from the CIA and In-Q-Tel.  They work directly for the government, running psyops around the world.  They had 427 meetings at the White House under Obama.  The company has such an over-the-top PC culture that it is called Goolag in tech circles.  And junior SJWs think they are anti-establishment.

Internet Bill of Rights 5

When the Founding Fathers wrote the First Amendment, they were mainly thinking of some guy handing out pamphlets in the town square.  They never imagined that the internet would become our town square.  They never imagined that the corporations controlling it would be puppets of a satanic cult seeking to rule the world through Communism.

We need an Internet Bill of Rights.  There is no specific bill in the works at this point, but a good bill would include the following things:

  • No selling data unless the user consents to each specific case of data selling.
  • No censoring personal pages unless they promote seriously illegal activities.
  • No pretending that Russian bots have a million separate US phone numbers.
  • No broad tweaking of search or newsfeed algorithms to favor certain parties.
  • Any political filtering should only be based on users’ own likes and dislikes.
  • Let advertisers decide who is worthy of ad support.
  • Copyright trolls with a history of abuse should lose their ability to censor.
  • The right to be anonymous. Which is the right to be a heretic. Note how the SJWs love to doxx people. To an oppressor, nothing is more infuriating than the truth.  In America, telling the truth gets you fired. In Europe, it gets you jailed. In the Middle East, it gets you killed. Social media companies should not serve as secret police for such governments.

All this stuff is so hard to enforce that we will probably need to see a whole new crop of tech companies grow up.  Companies like or duckduckgo. In the meantime, call your representatives or sign this petition.

While you’re at it, tell them to get the Cloud Act out of the Omnibus Bill. Page 2212 of this monstrosity would allow foreign governments to demand the data of American citizens.  Hat tip to Rand Paul for pointing this out.  Tell them to get the gun control measures out of the Omnibus Bill.  Last I heard, they stuck in a few thanks to our conveniently timed false-flag school shootings and subsequent astroturfed protests.