October surprises

By now you have all heard about Hunter Biden’s laptop(s). You will be hearing a lot more about it. This will be a Chinese water torture of leaks, with juicy drips every day to keep it in the news, and allow the talking heads to lie and dissemble enough to discredit themselves. The official story is that Hunter Biden dropped his laptop off to be repaired but he smoked so much meth he forgot to pick it up, so according to contract it became property of the repair guy, who rummaged through it, and he passed it to the FBI and later to Rudy Giuliani. The repair guy has a “medical condition” which caused him to not recognize Hunter Biden.

This seems like a cover story. The truth might be that the Chinese gave Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden three hard drives’ worth of blackmail material to encourage them to get Trump out by any means necessary. A Chinese billionaire who is an enemy of Xi Jinping gave copies to the DOJ but Democratic toadies buried it. The billionaire then gave copies to Trump via Giuliani. Maybe BOTH these stories are true! [UPDATE: Now it’s three laptops. Three laptops, three hard drives.]

Contents of the first hard drive / laptop, plus leaked messages:

  • Brutal pedo tapes, made with the blessing of the Chinese Communist Party, to cement their alliance with the Democrats and hold their feet to the fire. [UPDATE: No confirmation that it’s Joe in the tapes. We would need an explanation for Joe’s blackmail tapes being on Hunter’s laptop. Maybe Hunter stole the laptops. Q implied that the Chinese mailed the files to Hunter, who deliberately left the laptop with the Trump-supporting repair guy as a way to get revenge on his pedo dad. Hunter doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would be into little Chinese girls anyway. That’s Joe. Hunter seems like he would be into strippers with big fake tits.]
  • A $4.5 billion dirty business deal as the payoff
  • Previous dirty business deals in China, Ukraine, and Khazakhstan
  • An organizational chart of the Burisma Holdings corruption, in which Hunter got a $50k/month do-nothing job on the board in exchange for Joe not holding up a billion dollars of aid. Joe got a kickback. He bragged about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating this. Trump got impeached in the House for following up on this. They called it Quid Pro Quo. The Left always projects.
  • Proof that the FBI had exculpatory evidence that they withheld from the impeachment investigation
  • Conversations and documents that make it clear that Joe knew of and approved of his son’s influence peddling. Joe has previously denied everything. The media covered for him.
  • Dirt on other Democrats including Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and others, and on some Republicans. Pervasive corruption.
  • Pictures of the Bidens and cronies out playing golf
  • Hunter’s drama queen rants from rehab
  • Court dramas with his stripper girlfriend
  • Pictures of Hunter with a meth pipe in his mouth
  • Assorted sex tapes, dick pics, sniffing coke off an ass, etc.
  • [UPDATE 2: Something about Hunter walking around naked smoking crack while facetiming his 14 year old niece / stepdaughter.

The Chinese water torture has begun. Read this archived link for a brief description of the Chinese government plan to blackmail Western politicians and get them to help destroy America. The page includes a link to a video of Hunter smoking crack while a girl of unknown age (Natalie Biden?) massages his feet. The video is poor quality and has little blackmail value by itself. The original site is being updated every hour with more degeneracy and corruption…

And it’s a bunch of dick pics, hookers, crack, and suggestive pics of his teenage niece Natalie and her friends. Joe knew knew Hunter was horning in on them and did nothing. He tried to cover it up. This is further proof he is unfit to be President.

We will probably find out more about this and about Natalie. There are 25,000 files of sleaze. Hunter is a shameless degenerate. He can’t take a dump without taking a naked pic with his unflushed trophy. Women eat him up because he’s a piece of shit. The supposedly smart and classy Hallie Biden knew what Hunter was when she started cheating on Beau Biden with him. She knew she was giving her daughter a pervy crackhead UncleDaddy. If she threw his dick pic collection in the water it’s only because she didn’t want the world to know that she thought higher social status and vagina tingles from Hunter justified setting up her own daughter for a life of scumbags and heroin. Islam is right about women.

…I am getting sick of seeing Hunter’s dick all over 4chan. The election is in one week, with more votes being cast every day, and there’s still no Creepy Joe sex tape. Nothing about Chinese blackmail involving little girls. I hope we get proof. The media is studiously ignoring this stuff for now, including the corruption, which should be much bigger news than Hunter’s dick. Maybe the leakers thought the degeneracy is the only way to attract normies to the bigger stories and force the media to cover them. It’s not working. Release the damn Kraken already.

The second hard drive supposedly contains dirt on Michael Bloomberg plus information about the hidden American wealth of Chinese oligarchs, and Chinese plans to take over America and the UN. There is a lot of infighting in the CCP right now so it looks like these plans will be undone by one of China’s periods of chaos. The leaks might partly be about which group of Chinese billionaires will be allowed to safely store their wealth in America during the chaos, and which group will have their wealth confiscated.

The third hard drive contains information about a bioweapon, presumably the coronavirus. The Chinese and the Democrats have used the virus to crush small businesses, steal the election, consolidate power, and consolidate wealth (via massive bailouts and the further concentration of retail into the hands of Wal-Mart and Amazon). They used various tricks to prop up the COVID-19 death rate so they can keep everyone scared and blame the pandemic on Trump, while ignoring the fact that the Democrats called Trump a racist for banning flights from China.

Dems defaulted on pensions, freed up dole money, made dead voters, blamed Trump

Trump will make the next debate about Joe’s sordid past. The media will try to censor him. They will have a Baghdad Bob moment. They will do everything they can to make it look like Joe is still a viable candidate instead of a corrupt, senile old pedophile who got his dirty laundry aired. They have been pushing fake polls to cover up fraud with the mail-in ballots. Look at the huge Trump rallies while Biden can’t draw crowds at all. His dementia is so bad he often forgets which office he is running for. He stays in his basement to avoid gaffes, while the media campaigns for him.

Google manipulates the search engine results to favor Biden. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been ramping up the censorship. Biden and Soros crony Anna Makanju is running Facebook’s effort to “ensure election integrity”. Anything to keep the masses ignorant for a few more weeks. The censors are going to get their Section 230 protection revoked after Trump wins in a landslide. Fraudulent ballots created AFTER the election will be rejected by the new 5-4 conservative Supreme Court (Roberts is compromised). It’s going to be a shitshow bigger than the 2000 election. Then the purge can begin in earnest. This could be the end of the Democrats, the CCP, the media, the WHO, Bill Gates, and Chinese infiltration of our tech industry. This is big. This is going to spread.

Q is starting to look like he was right all along. He has been talking about all this stuff. “Hunters become the Hunted”, the election plot, the virus, China owning various Dems, everything. There have been intelligence hearings in Congress and in Europe. They’re afraid. Let’s hope Q is right about The Storm.

Storm clouds are gathering for Hillary Obama too. Apparently Bush decided that Osama bin Laden was more politically useful alive than dead, so he allowed him to escape to Iran. At first glance it seems to be an unlikely place because the Ayatollahs are Shiite and Bin Laden is Sunni, but they share two enemies: America and the Saudi royal family. Obama decided that Bin Laden was more politically useful dead than alive, and the Iranians said they would give him up, but Obama wanted to stage a bold raid right before the 2012 election. This gave the Iranians enough time to set up a body double in Pakistan. The SEALs realized they had been played, but Obama wanted to run with the story anyway, which is why we got that suspicious burial at sea.

This is why they killed Seal Team Six. They knew too much and they weren’t accepting payoffs via phony book deals. Hillary, as Secretary of State, arranged for stinger missiles to be sent to the Taliban to shoot down the SEAL helicopter. Ambassador Stevens found out about this (and her smuggling arms to ISIS in Syria) and therefore he had to die. Terrorists were allowed to attack him while Obama ordered extraction teams to stand down. The Iranians also kept proof of their switcheroo and used it to blackmail Obama for $150b in the form of the Iran nuclear deal.

If The Storm doesn’t happen then we will have a civil war next year. We desperately need real justice. No fall guys, no FBI coverups, no slaps on the wrist, no more trusting the plan. We need dump trucks full of heads. If we get a thorough purge then civil war may be delayed for a decade or two but it will not be prevented. Civic Nationalism will still cuck us because the Left’s pets vote commie 70% of the time regardless of any other considerations. Pandering by the right doesn’t help. Whatever we do, it won’t be enough, it will just be blood in the water. Working Whites will be forced to free ourselves from these insufferable parasites.

Now for October surprises from the Democrats.

The timing of Trump’s Coronavirus infection is suspicious. It would have been easy for them to infect someone close to him, or coof on a piece of paper that would be given to him. They wanted to give Dementia Joe an excuse to drop out of the remaining debates, and they wanted to create an excuse to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. Pelosi’s screeching about it would be consistent with the timing of China’s blackmail. When that failed, some of the more unhinged blue checkmarks agitated to get rid of him for using foul language when threatening Iran.

We might see a last-ditch DNC attempt to get Biden to resign and then tell the voters and the Electoral College that a vote for Biden is a vote for Hillary. This would be hilarious and doomed to fail. Trump could declassify everything about the Russia hoax that Hillary and Obama organized. We might hear more about the recent ruling that the IRS covered up racketeering by the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons and the Deep State are going to start whacking people again. When the mafia went down there were crazy distractions, restaurant shootings, bodies piling up. This is far bigger. Wars have been started over less. The swamp creatures will fight like cornered animals. They will try crazy Hail Mary passes. Avoid DC. You don’t want to be anywhere near the place if they decide to blow up all the evidence and fake their own deaths. You don’t want to be on the same plane as someone flying in to testify.

I am guessing that the first body to turn up will be Hunter’s. He has dropped off the map. If he turns up dead of an overdose he won’t testify against others, and Joe will get to cry about how he lost both his sons and it’s all Trump’s fault. Better yet, if Joe dies of COVID-related gunshot wounds they can blame Trump for coofing on him.

The repair guy is very worried about getting the Seth Rich treatment.

We will probably see a false flag shooting of BLM protesters. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already. I think the CIA figured that in a country of 320m people and 400m guns, a real mass shooting was guaranteed, so they never bothered setting one up. They thought they could goad Trump into a harsh crackdown, which would have opened him up to a false flag shooting. This is standard color revolution bait. Trump was smart to not crack down more than he needed to. During the crackdown I also saw many shill attempts to bait Libertarians into defending ANTIFA from the cops. This was a setup for the media to rake them over the coals as “white supremacists” and sabotage the growing friendship between cops and militias. Nobody took the bait. All the unprovoked violence has been from the Left and this has been great for our cause. ANTIFA and BLM have been doing my job better than I can.

After the election we will see more riots. Biden will refuse to concede, insisting that the military should remove Trump from office. The Democrats will use every dirty trick in the book. They will game the Electoral College, they will accuse Trump of stealing the election, etc. All of this has been wargamed by John Podesta and Norm Eisen, who wrote the book on color revolutions. George Soros is also involved in the color revolution via his control of district attorneys who let arsonists free while prosecuting innocent people who dare to defend themselves. If the right did even 1% of what the left has been doing, there would be martial law already. Anarcho-tyranny is in full force. A conservative court won’t stop it. There are no paths that avoid violence.

Brace for impact. Network. Buy food, preps, and rural land. Back up your data on a USB stick, put it in a pill bottle, and wrap that with tinfoil. Time is short.

Coronavirus coverups

The virus is unstoppable. This is an approximate snapshot as of March 3: There are cases in 75 countries.  South Korea, Italy, Iran, Japan, Germany, France, and Spain have exponential liftoff.  The engines are lit in America.  It’s surely spreading in many other places. There’s no way Cambodia has only one case. There’s no way Indonesia has only two cases.  There’s no way all of Sub-Saharan Africa has only two cases.  Expect low competence, high corruption countries like these to burst onto the scene suddenly. Others will surely follow.  This is what happens when the virus is allowed to spread undetected.

Coronavirus worldwide exponential better

It will be interesting to see if Singapore can beat it.  I don’t think they can, but they are an interesting case.  They have community transmission in a city but with an important advantage:  A government that is competent, AND dictatorial, AND cares about its people.  A government must have all three characteristics in order to stop a highly contagious disease in its early stages.  Steamy climate and low pollution will probably also help Singapore.

Contrast Singapore to China, where the government is only semi-competent and doesn’t care about its people.  Their draconian quarantines have only delayed the inevitable. They know this.  They have shifted their efforts towards trying to get people back to work, fudging infection numbers and productivity numbers (including deliberately wasting electricity), suppressing all news, and cremating bodies.  Now that the virus is far beyond any possibility of containment in China, their dictatorship only makes things worse.

Rich Chinese are escaping to the West. There are still direct flights. Where flights have been stopped, they fly to Southeast Asia and then to the West. Nobody is quarantined.  Nobody cares.  When people are known to be sick, containment efforts range from dangerously retarded to non-existentGross incompetence abounds.

Western governments hate their own people, and they are only competent and dictatorial in the worst ways: Protecting elite power, plundering the populace and waging race war against them.  They have spent four generations growing a permanent underclass to wield as a zombie horde against the dwindling white middle class. The underclass must be fed and babysat and medicated OR ELSE.

This year is going to be an absolute shitshow.  Here are a few appetizers:

In America:

Nurgle California

Until this week, the CDC said there was no community transmission because they refused tests for cases that might have come from community transmission.  Recent genetic tests show that the virus was spreading undetected in Washington State for 6 weeks.  There are currently 31 known cases and nine deaths.  The high fatality rate comes from the virus burning through a nursing home.  Community spread is likely in San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Long Island and probably other places. Expect a huge spike in cases over the next few weeks.

After Japanese bureaucrats made an absolute mess of the Diamond Princess outbreak, the State Department decided to evacuate 14 people who tested positive at the last minute on the same flight as people who tested negative.  11 of these other passengers have now tested positive.  They might have seeded the San Francisco outbreak.  Wait until it gets into the homeless population.  They will probably start coughing on small business owners as a method of robbery.  They will not be punished for this.

Here’s a uniquely American way to cover up cases and encourage spreading: Sic our predatory health care system on people. Smack them with huge surprise bills for a hospital visit.  Even a brief ambulance ride costs thousands of dollars in America.  Insurance companies will be hopelessly swamped or they will declare force majeure so every working chump who needs weeks of intensive care will get a million dollar bill.  Middle class people will drop in the streets for fear of medical bankruptcy.  Of course druggies, dole bludgers and illegal immigrants will get everything for free.  They will get most of the medical care.

Trump made Mike Pence the head of the Coronavirus Task Force.  The most important job of the task force is to control the media narrative.  Pence’s office can veto all media appearances by health professionals.  Pence’s main medical qualification is covering up an AIDS epidemic in Indiana.  There are other dubious things he did as governor there. Pence said that according to the government’s “best estimate”, the coronavirus threat remains low. He added MNUCHIN to the virus task force.  Mnuchin is a Goldman Sachs alumnus who is currently Treasury Secretary.

Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General, said people shouldn’t buy masks, cleaning supplies or extra food.  That means BUY WHILE YOU STILL CAN.  Masks have been in shortage for weeks.  Basic prepping goods are developing shortages now.

Coronavirus surgeon general masks

The doublethink is strong with this one.

Trump could lose the election over all this (if the Deep State doesn’t get rid of him by infecting him… his germophobia must be in high gear right now).  He will be held accountable for the actions of Pence, the Surgeon General, the State Department and the CDC.  He will be held accountable for telling us it will be over by April and the mortality rate is less than 1% so we should keep going to work.  He will be held accountable for saying it’s a good time to buy stocks while the elite dump their shares, stuff their private jets with gold and art, and bug out to New Zealand.  This is Trump’s Katrina.  We might dump him for a President who wants to invite in the entire third world and give them free health care.  Leftists in the bureaucracy seem to understand this.  They are deftly shifting the narrative from “travel bans and quarantines are racist” to Orange Man Bad.  They are spreading Fake News about Trump calling the virus a hoax.  They have also figured out that they can declare a state of emergency, demand billions of dollars of Federal funds, squander most of it on crony-socialist boondoggles and handouts for their pets, and anyone who calls them out is a monster. Spreading the virus serves the Left’s interests as long as the entire system doesn’t collapse, but I think it will collapse.

America’s economy is heavily dependent on retail, restaurants, services, and paper-shuffling in megacorp cube farms.  These businesses will be disrupted because employees are likely to get sick or decide it’s not worth risking their lives for minimum wage.  Productive industries will have layoffs due to heavy reliance on China.  Car manufacturers, electronics manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies are already cutting production due to supply chain problems.  Most people live paycheck to paycheck.  They will default on rents and debts.  The effects will ripple through the economy.  This is going to be worse than the Crash of ’08.  Bailouts will follow, then hyperinflation, then collapse of the welfare state, then chimpouts, then a crackdown, then our cold civil war will go hot.

In South Korea:

Coronavirus cult

Shincheonji Church of Jesus.  “Jesus” is the cult leader.  Will he heal all his disciples by giving them the Breath of Life?  If it doesn’t work, wait three days and try again!  Their behavior in the midst of an outbreak shows cluelessness worthy of a collective Darwin Award.

Most of South Korea’s thousands of cases come from a woman who was in contact with 4,475 members of a touchy-feely cult. She refused tests, saying that since she hadn’t been to China she must have just had a cold.  The cult  has 245,000 members in South Korea and an outpost in Wuhan.  Members have now scattered.  90,000 cult members are unaccounted for.  Many are calling this a “death cult”.  I don’t think they actually are, I think they are just dangerously naive.  The South Korean government has been competent and transparent, with better testing than anyone else, but they lack the authority which would have been necessary to stop the outbreak in its early stages.  It’s too late now.  Millions of innocent Koreans will suffer.   [UPDATE:  Maybe they have a chance of beating it with vigorous testing.  This is another country to watch. UPDATE 2:  Their strategy seems to be working, but was set back by another church which infected 46 people by spraying saltwater deep down parishioners’ throats without disinfecting the bottle.]

In Italy:

Italy has ~50% more deaths than any country outside of china more deaths than the rest of the world outside of China, with an 8% case fatality rate in Lombardy, and ~9x more serious cases than any country outside of China.  It’s not clear whether this is due to an under-reporting of mild cases, or a mutation which spawned a more aggressive strain.  One of their first patients is a 38 year old Italian marathon runner and soccer player with no prior health problems.  He’s still in intensive care.  We should not be under any illusions that the virus is just a flu unless you’re old, unhealthy, or Asian.

[UPDATE:  Maybe it’s not a mutation, maybe it’s GloboHomo Inc. ruining everything it touches.  John Mark has a video on why Italy is having such trouble.  It’s a combination of the Chinese being allowed to take over the fashion industry for the “Made in Italy” label, plus Italy has the oldest population in Europe.  Italy began its exponential rocket ride shortly after all the travelers came back from Chinese New Year.  John also raises an interesting point about how the Left spent decades pushing unions and regulations so hard that Big Business pushed back with globalization and mass immigration, and now the Left is using immigrants to enslave the white working class, and the parasitic elite are laughing all the way to the bank.  You won’t hear this from the media.]

As recently as two weeks ago, leftist Italian politicians and talking heads were on TV whining about how quarantining travelers from China was “racist and unfounded fearmongering”. The governor of Tuscany said “it’s fascist to even talk about quarantine”.  Leftist activists, Asian associations and local government officials organized Hug your Local Asian events.

Coronavirus welcome

Now there are thousands of reported cases.  There are probably tens of thousands of actual cases because Italy hasn’t been testing contacts even if they are symptomatic.  Italy has one of the fastest exponential growth rates, and they spread the virus to 30 other countries11 municipalities most of northern Italy all of Italy is under quarantine.  Virtue signaling is all fun and games until someone loses a lung, then leftists turn into fascists when they realize there might be personal consequences for their actions. Leftism is the real death cult.

[UPDATE: (((Nicola Zingaretti))), a leftist party leader who participated in this virtue signaling, is infected!]

Even the Pope is not immune to this insanity. He has some kind of bug after touching crowds of people unprotected. He already has only one lung so I don’t think any amount of baby blood will save him, and God won’t protect him either. Francis is the first Jesuit Pope. They’re like the Vatican’s CIA, with all the hidden evil that implies. A Jesuit founded the Bavarian Illuminati. Pope Francis put the capstone on the Church’s transformation into a den of pedophiles, satanists, Marxists, rapefugee welcomers, and world government proponents. The entire Vatican deserves an Old Testament smiting. It would be fitting for the Pope to be the first major public figure to be killed by the virus.

Vatican snake 2

This is the Pope’s audience hall.  It was completed in 1971.  The Pope sits where the snake’s tongue comes out, i.e. he’s the false prophet.  Behind the Pope is a monstrous statue which they claim represents Jesus rising from a nuke crater, but it looks more like a snake-man rising from Hell.  The whole scene is an exercise in satanic inversion and Illuminati predictive programming.  The fact that this blasphemous thing exists, and is not considered newsworthy, should show you that the Vatican and the media are thoroughly corrupted.

In Iran:

Iran’s epidemic exploded out of nowhere, fueled by a combination of official coverups and people kissing and licking religious shrines.

Four senior Iranian officials have been infected. One died. The Ayatollah has probably been exposed. 23 members of Parliament are infected. Here’s the deputy health minister coughing and sweating during a press conference downplaying the virus. The real body count is in the hundreds, which would correspond to up to ~10,000 infected unless this is a particularly aggressive strain released by the usual suspects.

I’m starting to wonder if this disease won’t just kill globalism, but kill the globalists themselves.  They tend to be old, well connected, constantly traveling and meeting with travelers.  One can hope.

[UPDATE:  Oy Vey!  AIPAC has been exposed.  Who is going to agitate for war with Iran now?  “More than 18,000 people from all 50 states, over 275 synagogue delegations, thousands of students from 630 campuses, and more than two-thirds of the members of Congress attended the conference.”  Yeshiva University has cancelled classes.

CPAC has been exposed.  President Trump shook hands with someone who was exposed.

The virus has infected two Eurocrats in Brussels.  Committee hearings are cancelled for three weeks.  Greta Thunberg still gets to hold press conferences though.

UK health minister Nadine Dorries just tested positive.  She started experiencing symptoms FOUR DAYS AGO and has had contact with hundreds of people since then, including Boris Johnson. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I HOPE THE QUEEN GETS IT NEXT- I hear this Frankenvirus has some snake virus genes so maybe the Queen can catch it!]

Also In Britain:

Two baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport have tested positive.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, says there’s no risk of catching the virus on public transportation. It would be Islamophobic not to trust him. Let’s show solidarity by declaring that Fridays are Handrail-Licking Day. Anyone who doesn’t participate is a racist.

The NHS has a policy of only testing those who have had contact with a confirmed case, and only confirming by testing.  Problem solved… until next month, when the hospitals will be overwhelmed.

The World Health Organization:

The head of the WHO is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia.  He would not have gotten the job if he was not corrupt.  He covered up three cholera epidemics in Ethiopia. He is being bribed by two powerful interest groups who want to downplay the Coronavirus pandemic.

The first is a group of (((investors))) who don’t want the WHO to declare a pandemic because doing so would trigger non-payment of pandemic bonds which they bought from the World Bank.  The bonds have highly complex repayment criteria and a 13% interest rate.  Obviously the buyers decided to game the repayment criteria by bribing Tedros, World Health be damned.

China is obviously pushing this too.  Bribing Tedros would be very cheap for them, plus they can threaten to withhold their WHO funding, thereby gaining leverage over the WHO. China built Ethiopia’s Bole International Airport on credit.  It’s China’s gateway to Africa.  They will gain permanent control of the airport if Ethiopia misses a few payments.  China is actually counting on this, and sooner or later they will get it.  In the short term, they can threaten Ethiopia’s economy if Tedros goes off script.

Coronavirus WHO

This whole situation is a good example of how China is taking over Africa: Bribe the leaders, get them to run up irresponsible debts, trigger defaults, control all resources and infrastructure, and don’t take crap from anyone.  Africans don’t know how screwed they are.  The new imperialists don’t suffer from political correctness or pathological altruism.

Coronavirus is a bioweapon

This is a consolidation of updates to previous posts plus important new information.

The virus might be a bioweapon developed as a joint project between the MIC-aligned faction of the Deep State and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, especially its head, Prof. Shi Zengli.  Sir Adrian Bond laid out the evidence much better than I could. I encourage everyone to read this entire article even though it is long. Here is the conclusion:

All of the studies cited here appear related and interconnected, and considering the involvement of American defense agencies — in particular, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency which deals exclusively with matters pertaining to weapons of mass destruction and threat networks — there seems ample reason to be gravely concerned. And that concern remains whether there’s reason to suspect coronaviruses could be used by others as bioweapons of mass destruction, or that rogue, Deep State operatives within our own defense departments — colluding with Communists — are developing or have already developed a bioweapon of mass destruction.

In conclusion, though admittedly much investigation remains to be performed (especially into the numerous unanswered questions posed in this essay), it seems the likeliest source of origin for Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Further, it appears to me that, at best, there may be concerted efforts to conceal the precise nature of the virus, its source, and the parties responsible, or that, at worst, the dissemination of the epidemic coronavirus is intentional. Could the actual RNA genome source, sequencing and recombination of the coronavirus already be known, and could its vaccine have already been developed? Could it already be patented? Essentially, is this latest global pandemic threat a Communist cover-up, or a pandemic bioweapon of mass destruction developed by the global Deep State?

Supporting evidence is the fact that the business end of the virus, the spike glycoprotein, looks like a SARS glycoprotein tipped with four subunits which are found in HIV[UPDATE:  The Indian paper has been retracted (under duress?) but here is another paper about how the virus protein may have a HIV-like cleavage site that greatly increases infectiousness.]  Bats don’t catch HIV.  In the unlikely case of an early victim having HIV, It would be highly unlikely for there to be a recombination event involving these specific subunits and nothing else.  It is much more likely that these gene fragments were spliced in by Prof. Zengli, who is an expert in recombinant bat virus glycoproteins, as her many publications attest.  Check out this article for a good description of why the spike glycoprotein is so suspicious.


The spike glycoprotein attaches to ACE2 receptors in the human lung. East Asian men have more of these receptors than any other people. [UPDATE: This study was tiny; a larger study says excess ACE2 might be due to lung injury from smoking, which is common among Chinese men.  I suspect pollution would have a similar effect on ACE2.  Start with high ACE2 and the virus would get into a lung injury feedback loop.] This partially explains the high body count in China. Another possible explanation is that the Chinese are far enough along to experience the later stages of the disease.  The virus is reported to have two stages: the first stage is a mild flu-like illness; the second stage is the killer.  The hypothesis is that people reinfect themselves from their environment and then the virus uses antibodies from the previous infection to gain access to cells.  Prof. Zengli published a paper about antibody-dependent enhancement of coronavirus entry just as the virus began spreading in the market.

The HIV-1 sequences are small and the BLAST gene database is vast, so there are some lucky hits to random deep sea bacteria and stuff.  But HIV-1 is the only hit for all four spike subunits. Furthermore, the hits are at the nucleotide level, not the amino acid level.  Different combinations of nucleotides can code for the same amino acids in the glycoprotein. Therefore this is is not a case of convergent evolution.  The virus looks genetically engineered.

The release could have been a genuine accident.  I kind of think it was.  A Beijing lab leaked SARS four times.  Maybe the Wuhan lab did an experiment to see what would happen if they stuck a SARS protein on a bat virus and spiked it with HIV, and Chinese health+safety standards let the virus loose.

[UPDATE: The CCP has issued an order to “Strengthen laboratory management and resolutely put an end to the theft, leakage, and loss of pathogenic bacteria (poisons) and various samples…”   This is as close to a confession as we are going to get.  Also, the Wuhan lab has now been taken over by the military.]

Even if it was a deliberate release, I don’t think the Chinese government knew about it.  They would have known the virus could unleash their greatest fears:  Chaos, losing face, losing power, and bankruptcy.  It’s possible that both the Chinese and American establishments are controlled by the same shadowy puppetmasters.   Even so, I think the CCP would have stage-managed this better, i.e. they would not have released it so close to the only level 4 biohazard lab in China. They would have released it Calcutta, and followed up two months later with releases in Lagos, a homeless camp in San Francisco, and a halal marketplace in Xinjiang.

There are some things that are suspicious about the timing of the release.  These could be coincidence:

  • Close enough to Chinese New Year for massive spreading and chaos, but not early  enough for the CCP to realize they needed to cancel holiday travel.
  • The seafood market looks like a convenient red herring. Patient Zero does not have any known connection to the seafood market.
  • The director of the World Health Emergencies Program just died.
  • A prominent virologist in Canada turned out to be a Chinese spy who stole Coronavirus samples for the Chinese bioweapons program last summer.  The scandal is connected to the Wuhan lab.
  • [UPDATE: Another Canadian scientist who was key to the investigation has dropped dead in Kenya. We need to see the genome of the Canadian virus.  Trudeau will probably block it because he’s a puppet of GloboHomo Inc.  Someone needs to leak the genome.]
  • Last October, there was an insider leak on 4chan about a genetically engineered stealth coronavirus in eastern Canada. Could have been a LARP (i.e. Fake News).
  • A few months ago, Bill Gates did a computer simulation of a coronavirus outbreak which killed 65 million people.  One of the conclusions of the study was that such a crisis could be used as an excuse to centralize authority and redistribute resources.  Bill Gates is a consummate globalist with particular interests in vaccines and population control.

I can only speculate about reasons for a possible deliberate release:

  • Prof. Zengli might secretly hate the CCP enough to be a double agent for the Americans.  This is unlikely because someone in her position would probably be very loyal, she would have known the truth would come out, she would have to be suicidal, and then the Americans’ money wouldn’t matter. IMHO it is much more likely that she was encouraged to develop these contacts in order to steal from the Americans, and the Deep State encouraged this because they are traitors.  China was supposed to be the next host for the parasitic global elite.
  • Someone else at the lab might have released the virus in order to “blow the whistle” in a way that couldn’t be ignored, and bring down the CCP before they could make the virus even worse. Still unlikely IMHO.
  • Zengli’s American contacts might have released their own virus, or the Canadian virus, to damage the CCP or even collapse China before their bioweapons program gets too advanced.
  • Maybe The Deep State is so desperate for an Orange Man removing, totalitarian excuse-mongering, vaccine pushing narrative that they are willing to kill hundreds of millions of people to get this narrative.
  • They might know that America is headed for a period of chaos during which China will make a grab for Africa, Australasia, Canada and America.  They might want to head this off by collapsing China in advance.
  • The puppetmasters want global depopulation anyway.  It’s the only way they can maintain their gluttonous lifestyles.  I just didn’t think they would do it until after they had used their third world hordes to collectively dumb us down enough to accept global Communism.
  • [UPDATE:  The virus may cause fertility problems in men because ACE2 is strongly expressed in the testes.  How convenient.  The elite will try to protect themselves and some of their favorite slave bulls, while free range humans dwindle off.  I doubt it will be completely effective.  Men produce A LOT of sperm.]
  • The puppetmasters might be trying to get China and America to fight each other with biological weapons, in the same way that they might have tried to start a nuclear war in which we would have been nuked with our own Uranium, and the media would have blamed Russia.
  • They know the financial system is a giant Ponzi scheme on the verge of implosion, and they need some way to shift the blame for the inevitable collapse.

Or maybe someone else did it.  Making a custom virus is surprisingly easy for skilled people with the right equipment. I’m surprised someone hasn’t done it already.  Worldwide, there must be hundreds of corporations, universities, small nations, alphabet agencies, etc. with the ability to do this. All you really need are a few evil geniuses with a motive and access to equipment.


Now for the coverup.

The lab is now claiming that the HIV-1 sequences match a bat virus they found in 2013, called BetaCoV/bat/Yunnan/RaTG13/1023, but they didn’t publish the genome of this virus until the day after the 2019-nCoV HIV-1 sequences were found.

The WHO has been praising the CCP and pretending their numbers can be trusted.  They marginalized Taiwanese experts because they didn’t want to offend China.  They didn’t want to shut down travel because it would be bad for commerce.  The creator of the bioweapons act says the WHO knows this is a bioweapon.  They are complicit in its spread.

Google Maps moved the location of the Wuhan Institute of Virology 21 miles south to make it farther from the seafood market.  The lab is now transplanted into a patch of forest.  This must have been due to pressure from the CCP.

Coronavirus lab google earth moved

This is from the long article by Sir Adrian Bond.

Sir Adrian Bond had his website deleted for publishing his conspiracy theory based on publicly available facts.

ZeroHedge thinks the scientist who caused the outbreak was Dr. Peng Zhou, leader of the bat virus infection and immunization group.  Leftist lickspittles at BuzzFeed reported ZeroHedge for doxxing and got them banned from Twitter.

[UPDATE:  ZeroHedge has just published an article reiterating the reasons why Covid-19 is genetically engineered, plus an important detail:  Twelve years ago, scientists published a paper about creating a coronavirus with a cleavage site.]

[UPDATE: Now here’s a scary thought:  China has spent decades developing biological weapons in order to clear the world for colonization.  They consider getting rid of America to be particularly important for this plan.  If this was a false flag by the Deep State, or if the Chinese leaders know they are about to go down, why wouldn’t they release everything they have?  They must have plenty of viruses with affinity for whites.  They must have plenty of viruses for wheat and corn.

UPDATE:  and here’s a story from September 2019 about the Chinese smuggling virus samples into America.  I suspect they are trying to probe for our weaknesses.  The MSM is ignoring it and the FBI doesn’t seem to take it too seriously.

Check out this scary speech by former Chinese defense minister General Chi Haotian:

“Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.” The answer is found in biological weapons. “Of course,” he added, “we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind.”

The ruling Chinese Communist Party considers biological weapons to be the most important weapons for accomplishing their goal of “cleaning up America.” Chi credits Deng Xiaoping with putting biological weapons ahead of all other weapon systems in the Chinese arsenal: “When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.”

I encourage everyone to check this page for timely updates.

Here is a brief history of the American bioweapons program.]

And now for some good news, sort of.  Doctors in Thailand have cured an elderly patient in 48 hours using a combination of flu and AIDS drugs.  Unfortnately, there is not enough production of AIDS drugs for the whole world to take them at once.  You can be sure that the Important People will get them.  Maybe that’s one way to figure out if the release was planned.  Find if anyone has been hoarding the cure, find if anyone has bought airline puts like they did before 9/11, etc. And see if Prof. Zengli disappears.
[UPDATE: Prof. Zengli is still around, is making strenuous denials, and the MSM is eating it up. British researchers and Israeli researchers say they have vaccines which can be developed rapidly.  This is unlikely because there has not been an effective vaccine for any other coronavirus. An experimental SARS vaccine made infection far worse. It is likely that a vaccine for this coronavirus would do the same and the government would say “Oops, sorry, and BTW we will forbid liability, as with our swine flu vaccines causing Guillain-Barre syndrome”.

coronavirus vaccine trust it goyim

Wow, such luck!  Must be because they’re the Chosen People. Trust the vaccine, goyim.

There are dubious reports that Chinese researchers have a cure.  Existing antiviral drugs like Remdesivir and the old antimalarial drug chloroquine might help.  [UPDATE 2: Australian researchers claim that chloroquine plus an AIDS drug will cure COVID-19.] but these drugs also have problems: Chloroquine needs careful dosage control or the medicine itself can kill.  Antivirals damage the kidneys, which the virus also attacks.  There are a lot of ACE2 receptors in the kindeys.   If the lungs are any guide, then a late-stage infection treated with antivirals will trigger the virus to redouble its attack on the weakened kidneys.  It’s as if someone designed this virus to be untreatable.
Another sign that SARS-CoV-19 is a biological weapon is that every week we find it has another trick up its sleeve.  We recently found that dogs might be carriers and gut bacteria might serve as a reservoir for reinfection.   Bank notes might spread it. The control freaks would love this, so they can ban cash.  The virus might cause heart attacks.  It might be able to travel inside nerves from the lungs to the brain stem, and destroy the breath autopilot.  It’s like Freddy Krueger.  You sleep, you die!  Time to start hoarding meth?
P.S. The end of the virus’s genome has 33 A’s.  It is called a poly-A tail and its purpose is to encourage transcription of viral RNA into proteins. There is wiggle room in the choice of how many A’s.  A brief skimming of a few abstracts gives the impression that all two-digit tail lengths would be functional, but with variations in virulence, so the choice of tail length is arbitrary to a degree.  33 is the Masons’ favorite number.  I’ll call it a coincidence… for now.
Q must have sniffed out the truth by now, but just by reading his posts (up to Feb. 28) you would not think anything had gone horribly wrong in the last few months.  It’s just more of the usual Trust the Plan rah-rah patriotic BS.  Meanwhile Trump is telling us the body count will be less than 1% and now is a good time to buy stocks.  Really shows where their priorities lie.  Fuck them all.
P.P.P.S. Trump improved his coronavirus response but he and the Republicans are backsliding again, putting Big Business first.  Q did finally say something about the virus being a conspiracy to install Biden, with a little help from Harvard chemistry chair (((Charles Lieber))) and other traitors who sold us down the river. Now would be a really good time for those mass arrests.  Not holding my breath.
“the CHINA virus”
Worth remembering:
Wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?
[1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015]
City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]?
“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”
[rapid spread]
>End POTUS rally(s)?
>End POTUS econ gains?
>End POTUS unemployment gains?
>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]?
[weaken prior to P_elec?]
>Delay US/China trade negotiations?
[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]
>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?
>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?
>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]
>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?
What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?
Outside of standard deviation?
[Mueller failed]
[Impeachment failed]
>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?
[MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed]
[D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT]
Occam’s razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.

Zombie Apocalypse

INSANE news is tricking out of China.  I am just going to dump it all here because I don’t have time to process it beyond making proper links.  I haven’t checked any of these links.  Source: /pol/.  /pol/ is always right.  Now off to buy some preps.

China has a populace which is more homogeneous, obedient and responsible than the typical populace of Western cities.  Imagine what horrors there will be when Corona is running lose in the streets of LA.

China orders Mass Slaughter of all domestic pets

Scientists: 75,815 individuals have been infected in Wuhan as of Jan 25, 2020

r0 = 4.08  Each infection spawns 4.08 others on average.

Doctors arrested for revealing the truth

Wuhan mayor admitted that all suspected cases are infected, they just don’t have enough tests

Huanggang, a city of 6 million people near Wuhan, bans people from leaving their home in effort to stop coronavirus; 1 person per family can leave every other day to buy basic needs

CCP limited the use of testing kits to limit the confirmed cases
China faces shortage of testing kits
China turns patients away without testing due to shortages
China underreports number of infections and deaths

Woman fallen over dead from the flu (blood everywhere)

Local authorities welding a local shelter or hospital door full of dead/dying victims

Victims not going down quietly. Local authorities strugging to quarantine citizens, further spreading the flu

Even more victims dead

Tons of needed supplies supplied by the red cross not being used due to locals not trusting foreign aid!

Bodies piled up on the streets

Healthy 25 y/o man falls victim and suddenly dies

Dozens of body bags lined up in a local park

Two healthy young males drop dead from the flu. Chaos ensues

Riots are beginning to occur

Local authorities are quarantining citizens by welding their apartment doors shut, leaving them to die alone so their death goes unreported (the CCP is suppressing the body count through this method)

Local hospitals are overhelmed and cannot accept new patients

Some who are quarantined in the hospital-jails are trying to escape, spreading the virus to more persons

Dead Cities

Sneak peak at what CCP isn’t telling us: There are thousands who have not been tested who have died. These deaths are not being counted! Those who are dying get transported from hospitals to crematoriums that are overwhelmed with corpses.

Authorities are murdering those who report on what is actually going on. The translation of this tweet states that two persons who reported on some potential sick neighbors were murdered by the authorities.

Repeating this warning from earlier posts:

The virus is part HIV. How did it hybridize? Bats don’t get AIDS. Snakes don’t get AIDS. If bat soup is an expensive delicacy, those who eat it probably don’t have AIDS. A BIOWEAPON IS THE MOST LIKELY EXPLANATION.

“We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1…The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. “


Coronavirus triumph of death

Coronavirus is worse than China admits

This will be short on facts because I don’t really know what’s going on.  Due to heavy censorship in China, we have to rely on grim internet leaks.  Here’s what is admitted:

coronavirus map feb

The virus is spreading quickly in China. There are cases in seven 17 21 25 49 other countries.

40 60 600 760 million people are under movement restrictions due to a coronavirus epidemic.  It is most likely a bat virus which jumped species in an unsanitary exotic meat market in Wuhan  bioweapon.  It is airborne, extremely contagious, and has an incubation period of up to two weeks 24 days.  The case fatality rate is at least a few percent 5%. Most of the fatalities are people over 50. The virus sometimes kills healthy people in their 30s.  The fatality rate is expected to rise due to most cases being in their early stages, and due to the fact that the epidemic itself is in its early stages and has not yet overwhelmed hospitals outside of Wuhan.  The virus is also mutating as it adapts to its new host.  Sometimes a virus becomes less deadly in order to increase its incubation period to further its spread, but the coronavirus incubation period is already long.  If it gets into a high density population like Bangladesh it is likely to become more deadly in order to increase its early infectiousness, even if it shortens the incubation period. Another coronavirus, SARS, started in a meat market in Guangdong and went on to infect at least 8098 people accross 17 countries. The official fatality rate was 9.6%.

[UPDATE: The official fatality rate is now up to 5% in Wuhan, and it seems many of the survivors may have long term lung damage. A Chinese nurse has given a plea for help, says the real number of infected was around 90,000 as of January 25.   This is going overwhelm hospitals and cause panic. The virus is also known to survive on surfaces for up to 24 hours 9 DAYS and can infect people when they touch their faces. There are stealth phases before AND AFTER the illness in which people are contagious without displaying symptoms or even testing positive.  Therefore airport screening is ineffective and case-by-case quarantines are very difficult because they must include the potentially exposed, which is always going to be a lot of people, given the incubation time. Planes are still flying out of Wuhan.  Apparently quarantines are for the little people.  Real people need to keep greasing the wheels of the economy.]

The Chinese government has a history of lying to maintain order and save face, until reality becomes undeniable, and then they have a massive tyrannical response.  With epidemics, a little tyranny goes a long way if applied early on, but this is not the Chinese way.  For example, at a time when 59 Coronavirus cases were officially known, the local government promoted “social harmony” with a 100,000-person communal meal where everyone ate from the same dishes together only 7km away from the meat market.

[UPDATE:  Authorities are now welding the doors of hospitals with dead and dying people inside, and welding people into their apartments with nothing to eat but their dead relatives.  The Army is taking the infected out of hospitals, never to be seen again.  These measures do wonders for the official body count.  Very socially harmonious!]

Chinese New Year is the biggest migration in the world.  Authorities neglected to shut down travel until it was already underway.  300,000 people left Wuhan by train the day before authorities acted.  Millions of people will be stuck in quarantined cities far from home.  Others are desperately trying to escape.  The army is blockading streets and dousing parts of Wuhan with chemicals.  Militias are burning the houses of those who run the meat markets.  Police are are rounding up truth tellers and people outside hospitals and shipping them off to places unknown.  Others are told they don’t have the virus even though symptoms match, and these people keep going around spreading it.  The doubling time is TWO DAYS in Wuhan.  [UPDATE: The doubling time is now maybe a week thanks to the blanket quarantine.  Hard to tell because the government is still lying about the numbers.]  People are dropping in the streets.  Rancid smells are coming from apartment buildings.  Most of this is unconfirmed, but remember, in China the truth is always much worse than the official story.

Coronavirus chart 2

The average number of new infections per case is 3.8  between 4.7 and 6.6, approximately 7, which is higher than SARS, and would lead to a global pandemic unless at least 72% 79% 86% of would-be infections can be thwarted. [UPDATE: China’s draconian quarantines have reduced the reproduction number to 3.4.  THE VIRUS IS UNSTOPPABLE.  IT WILL BE A RAGING WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC BY SPRING.]

In China there is the idea of the “Mandate of Heaven” in which disasters signal that a dynasty has lost the right to rule.  It’s not superstition.  Barbarians invade when the leaders are weak or treasonous.  Epidemics are exacerbated by poverty.  The 2008 Sichuan earthquake killed 70,000 people and left 5,000,000 homeless, mainly due to shoddy construction by corrupt contractors.  7,000 schoolrooms collapsed because Ministry of Education officials built the schools below standards and pocketed the savings.  The government’s response was to sic riot squads on parents and disappear those who reported about it.

The Mandate of Heaven is why the bureaucratic bugmen greatly fear losing face over disasters, and they are absolutely terrified of chaos, so they solve problems by shooting the messenger. This mentality ultimately brings about the things which they fear the most, but they lack the collective self-awareness which could prevent disaster.  This time, they might have screwed the whole world.  If the virus becomes a global pandemic it could easily kill over 100 million people, plus extra deaths from cascading chaos. Even if most people survive the virus, many will stay home rather than risk going to work.  There might be infrastructure failures.  The hit to the economy could trigger a financial collapse, then a welfare state collapse, then civil war.

Clown World ends here

The silver lining is that Western governments will lose the Mandate of Heaven if things get bad enough.  IMHO they already lost the Mandate of Heaven over 100 years ago when they sold it for the Mandate of Hell, and now they are frantically trying to finish dumbing us down and disarming us before all hell breaks loose.

Buy more ammo, some N95 respirators, gloves, water filters (in case power goes out), and food.  Mypatriotsupply is currently offering a special $100 discount on dried food.  Watch this video by Steve Turley and follow the link in the comment section.  It seems to be a unique link for each person so I’m not going to post ‘my’ link.  If you don’t trust the CDC’s respirator standards then buy goggles and go up to N99 with 0.1 micron filters.

[UPDATE: Masks are selling out

I got my food from mypatriotsupply and can confirm that it is securely packaged, the calories approximately add up, and the southwest rice is tasty.  The only issue is that the item with the $100 discount, the 4-week emergency food supply, is heavy on carbs. Carbs are easy to grow in the form of potatoes.  I suggest supplementing with a variety of protein dishes, plus some protein acquisition devices from your local sporting goods store,  plus vitamin pills and a few gallons of olive oil from your local hippie food store.  Chickens are good for converting deer ticks into perfect packages of amino acids and fats.  Protein cannot be digested unless some fat is also present. You will starve on a diet of rabbits.

Just placed another order with mypatriotsupply.  The Turley discount is still there but I suspect it will not last long. Go buy some. I am not getting paid to write this.

UPDATE: The discount has now shifted to 40% off on a two-week food supply. Steve just mentioned this in a video in which he said that Coronavirus will kill China’s attempts at globalism.  I bought one of these a few weeks ago and they still haven’t shipped it.]

P.S. For the foodies I have seen coming through, the Chinese promoted bat-eating with a TV show called Beauties Eat Bats.  Here is a video of a Chinese cutie nibbling a bat in a fancy restaurant. This video has gone viral.  Bat Girl here might be the super-heroine who will save the world by bringing down Clown World- something even the President seems powerless to do.  Thanks, Bat Girl!

P.P.S.  There is conspiratorial talk about the virus being a weapon which escaped from a level 4 biohazard lab in Wuhan.  It’s the only facility in China that is equipped to handle the virus.  Three months ago, Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum did a pandemic simulation in which a coronavirus killed 65 million people.  The director of the World Health Organization’s health emergencies program just died.  I am going to call these things coincidences for now.  [UPDATE: DOH!  Should have kept my tinfoil hat tighter.  Diversity hires at a Canadian virus lab turned out to be agents working for the Chinese biological warfare program.  They shipped a coronavirus to China.   And the head of the Harvard Chemistry Department, Charles (((Lieber))), plus a BU researcher who was a lieutenant in the People’s Liberation Army, have been arrested for sending biological materials to China for money.  Isn’t diversity great?

UPDATE^2: The continuing updates to this article were becoming a speculative, shambolic mess.  I have deleted them and consolidated the important points here, along with important new information. 

The virus looks genetically engineered.  It has bits of HIV genes inserted.  The circumstances of its release are still not known.  If there are major developments in the bioweapon story I will update the new post.]

The Black Iron Prison

I just heard that Hollywood pozzed The Man in the High Castle by injecting Black Communists into the show.  I can’t really say that I’m triggered by this because I haven’t read the book, and I got rid of my TV five years ago and haven’t followed any shows since then.  I just want to give a little trollish pushback against the Orwellian directive of rewriting our culture and history to be Woke.  I’m going to try my hand at writing serialized sci-fi in a way that honors Philip K. Dick. He’s a master of esoteric, Matrix-style reality shifts.  He might also have been contacted by some kind of cosmic intelligence. He spent years of his life trying to work through the experience and came out deeply Christian.  If you’re curious, take the Dick Pill and then start reading Radio Free Albemuth.

I will extend the following story if and when the Muse strikes.  Every substantive update will be noted in new blog posts so that regulars will not need to check here.



In a parallel universe in which the Nazis won, budding sci-fi author Philip von Dicke just wrote a novel about a parallel universe in which the Nazis lost. While awaiting approval from the Ministry of Aryan Culture, there was a knock at the door. Two SS cyborgs.

Philip’s mind raced. “Oh Shit Oh Shit Oh Shit! Did that girl at the life extension center report me for pro-semitism after I said maybe more than 6000 Jews died in the camps? Did drones smell my weed? Maybe the flies in my house aren’t dying because they aren’t flies. I knew I should have applied for that ticket to Mars…”

A cyborg barked “The Ministry has reviewed your book and judged it subversive. We will take you in for questioning.” He activated his hypno beam.

In a mental instant, Philip was in an interrogation room with SQUID sensors pressed against his skull. The interrogator’s bulging forehead indicated that he was a product of the Reich’s selective breeding program for intelligence. His icy blue eyes showed tiny reflections of holograms that only he could see. Maps of brain activity.

“Mr. Dicke, I found your manuscript quite amusing. I think you should have called it Clown World and submitted it as a bad comedy instead of alternative history, because it’s so implausible overall.

Some parts are good. Your portrayal of Jewish duplicity and depravity is accurate, as is your portrayal of America’s inevitable fall to materialism, miscegenation and a dysgenic welfare state. Your pedo cults are very… creative.

But you give the Jews far too much credit. You make them nearly omnipotent manipulators. You portray Aryans as cowards who will gladly castrate themselves or betray their own people for a pat on the head. And the whole child tranny thing is absolutely disgusting and would never ever happen, I don’t care how many xenoestrogens the Jews put in the plastics, there should have been a rebellion long before things got as bad as you describe. Are you a pedophile, Mr. Dicke?”

Honkler nazi

Philip felt a panic attack rising. He knew he had to croak out an answer before his paranoia spiraled out of control. “No. Child trannies are a logical continuation of the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic plus the social engineering of the Frankfurt School Jews, who fled to America after Hitler was elected. We all spent years learning about this stuff in history class.”

“Hmmmm. Looks like you’re telling the truth… from your perspective. You may have dodged a bullet. I’ll still give you a delta scan- standard procedure.”

Philip dreaded the scan, but resistance was futile. The interrogator made a few finger-jabs into empty space. The interrogation chair emitted a hypno beam modulated to induce REM sleep while stimulating Philip’s visual cortex with carefully programmed interference patterns.

Philip entered a dreamlike semi-conscious state in which a series of hypnagogic images flickered by. Hitler, Jews, Somalis, child trannies, marching soldiers, General Breivik, Saint Tarrant, scenes from the Arabian genocide, money, various flags and religious symbols, Aryan women in wheatfields, etc. The computer noted the subconscious emotional response to each image. When an image provoked a suspicious response, the computer showed related images. Emotional steering was impossible because it was impossible to focus through several hours of the dreamlike state. Most suspects didn’t even retain enough consciousness to remember that they were being scanned. The computer was very good at creating a broad outline of a suspect’s psyche, worldview, and vices. Of course, the computer could not determine the exact reason for each response- that was the interrogator’s job.  Most of the time, all he had to do was ask.  Any reasonably sane suspect knew that lying was pointless and dangerous.

Philip awoke with a headache and vague memories of the scan. The interrogator cracked a faint smile. Was that little grin friendly or predatory?


Clown World news backlog

honkler news anchor

Sorry for the absence.  I will continue to be busy until December or maybe January. Just reanimating the blog with this Halloween special: Clown World News!  Our worldwide network of reporters brings you news so absurd, so horrifying and so real, you’ll think you’re trapped in a nightmarish parallel universe ruled by evil clowns! This is the Way of the World.

It has been a good year for trannies, especially in Britain

Transgendered British rugby players are now allowed to crush women and break their bones. But the good news is that feelings will not get hurt, and rugby officials who might have objected to the policy have quit to avoid being called transphobic.

In honor of International Pronouns Day, British police warned that misgendering people is considered abuse and cause for arrest. Raping young girls is still not cause for arrest as long as the rapists are Muslims, royals, police, or politicians.

Rita Cooper, who was once Britain’s youngest tranny, applied for a job in porn but was turned down “because she has a cock”.  Police are investigating this as a hate crime. This is good news because if it sets a precedent, it might destroy the porn industry.

The Anchorage Equal Rights Commission has forced a church-run womens’ shelter to accept trannies.  The Hope Center might close its doors and leave abused women out in the cold rather than violate its religious principles. Toronto did something similar, forcing rape victims to share rooms with burly pre-op men.  Trans activists got Vancouver’s rape crisis center stripped of its funding.

Remember the Christian baker, Jack Phillips, who was persecuted by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a gay wedding cake?  He ultimately took his case to the Supreme Court and won, but the haters and bullies in Colorado didn’t care. They came back demanding cakes celebrating gender transition, marijuana use, satanism, etc. The Commission backed them up with new persecution based on Phillips’s refusal to bake the gender transition cake.

A Canadian trans activist used fake female social media profiles to get female beauticians to come to his house, where he demanded they wax his balls under threats of legal action from the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. One paid a $2500 settlement.  Another closed her business. This same activist is trying to organize government-sponsored topless swims for kids 12 and up, with parents barred from attending.

He is one of five terrifying trans activists who use the legal system wage war on normal decent people.  Their goal was never equality.  It was for this small and irate minority to force the majority to cater to their narcissism, fetishes and mental illness.

A jury in Texas ruled that a father cannot stop his ex-wife from gender transitioning their 7 year old son. The child was crying when he “came out” at his birthday party so it seems his mother browbeat him into it.  The judge has since bowed to public pressure and overruled the jury.  It’s still a win for trans activists because the media brainwashed the country so thoroughly that a JURY in TEXAS validated this child abuse.  In a sane world, the mother would lose custody and her pediatrician’s license.

In Minnesota, school and county officials began gender-transitioning a minor without parental consent.

T is for Taint:  Also in Minnesota, a drag queen flashed crotch at a room full of kids at Drag Queen Story Hour.  Moms were ecstatic because they got to virtue signal to each other about how great it is to expose their kids to perverts (and vice versa).  This is great news because it proves that Islam is right about women and trannies.

An Australian judge ruled that trannies should not be punished for possession of child pornography. Not even probation. It was on his phone so he probably filmed it.

Drag Syndrome performed a Down Syndrome drag show in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  A local Republican who tried to stop it was charged with a civil rights violation. This is good news because Drag Syndrome is funded by British taxpayers.  Every time Westminster wastes taxpayer money on something retarded, it’s money not spent on paying Muslims to breed.

Speaking of retards, Hollywood is getting more trannies.

Hollywood trannies

Clowns have some zany crimefighting tricks

In Middleborough, England, the government will give junkies free medical-grade heroin to stop them from committing crimes.

The French legal system is being taken over by African, Algerian and Jewish tribalists, who support their own interests at the expense of the natives, and lock up natives who dare to speak up.

The French Police Intelligence Unit hired an IT guy who quickly rose through the ranks due to three victim points: Black, Muslim, and disabled (deaf in one ear). He stabbed four of his colleagues to death. Nobody saw it coming! Nothing like it has ever happened before! This is Clown World good news because the attacker can no longer feed secret information to Muslims, and because he took out four officers who were probably working to bust Yellow Vest sympathizers and anyone who questions Diversity.

France has 58 nuclear reactors, 300 nuclear bombs, and no real men in charge.

Muslim gangs are infiltrating the Dutch cops.  40% of “professional integrity breaches” are from officers with an immigrant background, who make up 7% of police personnel. The situation is probably even worse due to widespread fears of being called racist.

A mysterious crime wave is plaguing Minneapolis.  Up to 700 new cops will be needed.  White liberal clowns on the city council have decided that Somalis should be preferred as new hires. The good news is that some white liberals will discover that corruption and banditry are parts of Somali culture.

Somalis in Britain are sending their children back to Somalia to escape gang violence.

A judge ruled that a migrant criminal could stay in Britain because his gang membership helped prove he had socially and culturally integrated.

A 12 year old Kansas girl was arrested and charged with a felony for making the gun pointy finger in school.  This is not an isolated incident. 30,000 kids under 10 have been arrested in American schools since 2013.

Massachusetts Democrats have proposed a law that would make calling someone a bitch be punishable by up to six months in jail.

The latest Orwellian pre-crime program is HARPA.  Red Flag laws meet social credit.

Australian cops are confiscating loose coins from drivers because “safety”.  Hey, how else are cops going to get paid if all the taxes are going to drug money for Sudanese gangs?

Sweden fined a man $2000 for someone else’s hate speech.

New York City had such success with their $250,000 fines for using the wrong pronouns that they decided to issue $250,000 fines for calling people illegal aliens.

The US Military made it clear that a human wave invasion of Area 51 would end very badly. However, a human wave invasion of America will end in free food, free education, free healthcare, and free housing.

Clowns are using magic tricks to create money and food out of nothing

A freak freeze has hit most of America. Temperatures are 25 degrees Celsius below normal in places.  Only 41% of the corn is harvested. Some of the remaining 59% will be lost due to too much snow in the fields.  Much of what comes in will be immature due to a late planting.  The USDA is faking this year’s crop loss numbers because they might cause hoarding, and be bad for the global warming narrative. This is good news because food shortages will ultimately cause more chaos. Commie Clowns are always conjuring up fake news, fake money, fake happiness, fake morality, fake productivity numbers, fake jobs etc. But they have still not figured out how to bamboozle the human stomach even though they have tried for over 100 years.

There are negative interest rates in Europe.  I.e. you would pay the banksters for the honor of getting ripped off when they borrow your money, in ADDITION to the inflation ripoff due to money printing.

The Fed is quietly increasing its balance sheet under the cover of hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of emergency overnight repo operations after the repo rate spiked to 10%. This is insanely high. These aren’t unsecured loans to the public, they are short term interbank loans with Treasuries as collateral. Looks like a major player decided to pull money out but the banks don’t have enough, so central banks are electronically printing money. They are obfuscating this because they want to fleece savers instead of spooking them into buying gold, silver, food, guns, etc.  [EDIT: JP Morgan started it by putting all available cash into long term bonds. This is a bet on recession.]

Fed repo

Clowns Gone Wild

There is a new trend of e-whores making up to $150,000/month selling bathwater, pee, panties, and naughty messages to desperate nerds. 4chan trolls purged some of these degenerates by reporting them for tax evasion. It’s not clear how many were arrested, but many panties were stained.  Pay your taxes, bitchez. You love refugees, right? You don’t expect them to feed themselves, do you?  That would be racist!

ANTIFA is slowly taking over Portland. Civic nationalist group Patriot Prayer is resisting. Both groups are armed and have been hunting each other for years. ANTIFA recently lost someone to a hit and run but overall they have the advantage because they are more aggressive and local authorities treat them gently while coming down hard on Patriot Prayer. This model is spreading to other cities. Democrats + legal system + street thugs + social services + brainwashers + corporations + immigrant groups all supporting each other.  The great strengths of the Left are institutions, networking, nepotism, shameless double standards, toddlers’ morality, and aid from Bond villains and diabolical cultists. The great weaknesses of the Left are hubris, emotional incontinence, parasitism, tribal divisions, lack of practical skills, an inability to face reality, and an inability to understand consequences (because they never had to face them).

The youth wing of the Swedish Liberal Party is pushing to legalize incest, cannibalism and necrophilia.

The clown mob cancelled the first UK Chick-fil-A with 8 days of protests. Can’t have conservative white Christians selling delicious chicken sandwiches in the UK.  Muslims selling British girls in the kebab meat is OK though.

A British man was placed on a terror list for fighting off a Muslim attack.

In Rome, African migrants used a church as a base to sell heroin.

Tide Pods are so 2018.  In Britain, gangs of “youths” (Newspeak for migrant spawn) have been burning wheelie bins and dog poop bins and sniffing the fumes to get high.

SJWs are purging libraries. They are now literal book burners. They are sending dumpsters full of Penguin classics to the incinerator.

Clown Party

In other Dumpster Fire news, the Democratic Party held a cringeworthy Town Hall where the candidates pandered to the LGBTQ crowd. Biden reminisced about the good ol’ days of bathhouse sex. Two prepubescent kids came out as trans (applause all around). A black tranny took over the stage and went on a rant about how Black Trans women deserve more attention. Beto said he wanted to revoke the tax exemption of churches that don’t do gay marriages.  Elizabeth Warren said only incels believe marriage is between a man and a woman.  Chris Cuomo made a lame joke about Kamala Harris’s pronouns and had to apologize later.

Two of Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-grandfathers genocided the Cherokee, but it’s OK because she’s a Commie.

Kamala Harris loves big butts.

Kamala Harris wants illegal immigrants to work in Congress.

Creepy Joe Biden can’t stop sniffing kids on the campaign trail.

The media put a digital pimple on Tulsi Gabbard during the debates.

Trump is going to win in a landslide.  All the Democratic candidates are terrible except for Tulsi Gabbard, who has enough good in her for evil clowns to give her the Bernie Sanders treatment.  Tulsi campaigns against war, corruption and the prison-industrial complex, but she is otherwise similar to all the other clowns.  The candidates are so bad overall that Hillary is signaling she might jump in the ring to save the party from itself.   She would take votes away from the two front runners (Biden and Warren), thus making the fight go on even longer until all the clowns are battered and broke.  Maybe she is really doing it to fend off investigations for another year.  Maybe the Deep State has assured her that they will use every dirty trick to help her win.  Maybe she is so full of herself that she actually thinks she has a chance.  Regardless, I hope she runs. I might vote for her in the off chance she gets the civil war started before it’s too late. And the memes will be epic.

Hillary Arkham

George Soros and the DNC are plotting to funge 10 years’ worth of elections via gerrymandering.  Fraud, lawfare and mass immigration are their only viable election strategies at this point.

House Democrats overwhelmingly rejected gang members being red flagged. Taking away their guns would be racist! Of course the real reason is that Democrats intend to use gangs as proxy fighters after white males are disarmed.

Jews arranged a Senate hearing in which they demanded $25B in unpaid insurance claims related to the Holocaust. They admitted that they completely made the numbers up, that the money won’t even go to holocaust survivors, and that the reparations scam might never end. They expect the descendants of people who bled to liberate the Jews to now pay these claims. Sadly, they will probably get the money one way or another, because most of the Senate is blackmailed by Jews.

Our Jew-puppet leaders pay Israel to steal our tech.

1/4 of Congressional Democrats work for Clowns In America.

Orange Man Bad

With the Russia Collusion hoax dead, the Deep State had to make up some other fake charges to bring down Trump.  This time it involves Ukraine.  The truth is that there was no quid pro quo, Trump was following the law with respect to a pre-existing investigation about CrowdStrike, and the Bidens have a very sordid history of quid pro quo deals with Ukraine, China, and Romania.  Joe Biden’s son Hunter was paid $60,000 a month by Burisma, Ukraine’s largest natural gas producer, as an entirely absent non-executive director, when he had no experience in Ukraine or the gas industry, very little business experience, and he was dishonorably discharged from the Navy Reserve due to his cocaine habit. Joe Biden demanded the firing of the Ukranian prosecutor investigating this obvious corruption, or $1B in aid would be withheld.  Joe bragged about this on TV.  But the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump and it will blow up in their face, as usual.  There is much more going on but I do not have the time to track this fast moving train wreck at this point.

AOC called Zion Don an anti-semite due to his calling Intelligence committee chairman Adam Schiff a liar and a traitor for making up stories about Trump and Ukraine. Jews have a Diversity License for lying and treason. It’s part of their religion.

Justin Trudeau earned gushing praise for apologizing for wearing blackface at multiple parties. Don Lemon reminded us that the real racist here is Orange Man.

Project Veritas caught CNN staff complaining that CEO Jeff Zucker is a rabid Trump hating activist who dictates what the news will be.  CNN ratings are in the toilet.  Airports have pulled their contracts.  There are YouTubers who do nothing but read a bunch of news articles and rant about them and these basement dwellers sometimes get more views than CNN talking heads. Get Woke, Go Broke.

Eariler this year, there was a Trump rape accuser who looked and talked like a mental patient.  The media went gaga over her.

In a desperate attempt to stop hemorrhaging viewers, Batwoman added a Trump-like villain and lost an additional 300,000 viewers.

Mitt Romney’s #1 fan is… Mitt Romney.  The most odiously sanctimonious virtue-sniveling used car salesman of cuckservative politics has been caught using an Internet alias to boost himself and tear down Orange Man.

Orange Man caused Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to blow himself up along with three of his children. Orange Man is a monster. Al-Baghdadi was a shy, near-sighted youth who liked soccer and religious study, according to the media.

Orange Man snorted too much Adderall?

There was a week in late summer when it seemed like Trump had gone nuts. He asked about nuking Hurricane Dorian, he edited a weather map with a sharpie and talked about the hurricane hitting Alabama when it was not predicted to do so, he offered to  buy Greenland (actually a good idea), and he petulantly cancelled a visit to Denmark when told no.

He just announced that he is officially moving to Florida because he is sick of paying taxes to an establishment that hates him.  I can totally understand this.  So, should we call him Orange Man, or Florida Man?


Diversity graffiti ruined waterfall

Leprosy is now spreading in Los Ageles. The clown government is fixing the problem by renaming it Hansen’s Disease.

California banned taxpayer funded travel to Iowa over Iowa’s refusal to use state medicare to fund transgender surgeries.  This is bad news because California will be able to funnel more money to Latino gangbangers before the entire state collapses.

California banned woodstoves, then they taxed gas until people switched to electric blankets, then PG&E shut the power off for four days in large parts of northern California due to decaying infrastructure and lawsuit worries, then it turned out that many grid-tied solar power systems don’t work when the grid is off, then people froze.  Welcome to Communism. The end is always the same.

In order to improve retention and keep diversity numbers up, Stanford now offers special physics classes for blacks. First lab experiment: How much kinetic energy do bullets gain when you shoot while waving your gun over your head?  Seriously though- smart minorities should avoid universities that offer Potemkin courses or other egregious PC absurdities, because they will lead to the next generation of worthless degrees.  After the revolution, you will have to compete in the workforce by your own merit.  You don’t want future employers to assume that you didn’t earn your degree.

Latino gangs are infiltrating the LAPD.  This is a “cultural norm”, and therefore checking for tattoos would be racist.  Gangsters use their newfound police powers to “earn their ink” by taking out rivals or just abusing innocent people. Welcome to the Third World, where the cops are just another gang.

In Clownifornia, deliberately spreading AIDS is less illegal than deliberately spreading plastic straws.

California Prop. 47 makes property crime under $950 a misdemeanor, assuming these crimes even get prosecuted- which is unlikely. Criminals have taken this as de facto permission to steal anything they like as long as it’s worth less than $950.  They shoplift $900 of merchandise, hand it off to someone in the parking lot, and go back for more.

The zombies are biting in San Francisco.  A shopkeeper is considering closing his store after a homeless man bit him for the second time in four months for trying to prevent shoplifting.  In theory a homeless junkie could repeatedly shoplift, bite a shopkeeper who tries to stop him, give him AIDS, and not go to jail. But if the shopkeeper gives out plastic straws, he could go to jail!

Clown advisory guide

A homeless man dumped a month’s worth of hot diarrhea on a woman’s head (archive link because the original news site has a trojan).  “Heidi Van Tassel was parked in Hollywood after having a pleasant evening out with friends at an authentic Thai restaurant. Suddenly a man randomly pulled her out of the car, dragged her out to the middle of the street, and dumped a bucket of feces on her head, Van Tassel said and public records confirm.” This is great news because Heidi is a white liberal who spent years pouring shit on our heads and now that this Based Black Man did it to her, she can’t resist virtue signaling about how she has empathy for him.

And now for a word from our sponsors:

Is your empathy running low? Has Orange Man darkened your aura? Do you feel like you are being used by parasites who hate you? Come to Karma Resort and Spa on Hollywood Boulevard. Our 37 different kinds of authentic ethnic food will help you virtue signal to your friends about how it was totally worth it to ruin the greatest state in the world’s greatest civilization. Our local free-range Shit Shaman, Jere Blessings, will bless you with a hot diarrhea facial and wash away your karmic debts. As his steaming feces infuse into all your upper orifeces and down into your throat chakra, your energies (and your authentic ethnic foods) will surge upwards, and you will virtue signal as naturally as Pocahontas.

This magical experience can be yours for only $5000 in state income taxes. Price does not include sales tax, property tax, rain tax, sewer tax, gas tax, car inspection tax, registration tax, private school tax, sidewalk shit tax, needle tax, disease tax, theft tax, vandalism tax, and highway robbery by CHP.


Sewer Clowns Love Kids

Pedo blackmail ringleader Jeffrey Epstein signed his updated will in jail and was apparently happy as a clam. Two days later, his roomate was transferred out, the guards fell asleep, the security cameras malfunctioned, and Epstein “hanged” himself with materials designed to prevent this. A medical examiner reported that it was likely a homicide. I think a body double was killed and Epstein is living in a grotto somewhere in Israel, courtesy of Mossad. This is worth a post in itself. I will get to it.

Clinton super donor Ed Buck has a fetish for overdosing homeless black teenagers and raping them. He ran a drug den out of his house. 3 deaths, several more close calls. Now he’s in jail. How long until he kills himself with toilet paper?

The FBI dumped a bunch of documents related to the Finders cult, which helped inspire the satanic panic of the 1980s.  Tunnels were found under McMartin preschool. Special Agent 4chan is on the case.  Personally I don’t know much about it, because I considered the evidence to be weak and there are so many better cases to investigate.  Overall I think the satanic panic was justified but shrinks, the media and Clowns In America turned it into a conspiracy theory.

The DOD is ranked as the 19th biggest Cheese Pizza network in the US.

Leftists are planning to legalize child sex trafficking.  All in the name of love.

Why even bother legalizing it, when you have an unaccountable government?  The UK government “accidentally” sold 10,000 children to child traffickers.

88% of missing sex trafficked kids come from US foster care.

A UK pedo gang got $1m of taxpayer-financed legal aid to fight deportation.

A company called StemExpress has been keeping aborted babies alive so that heads and whole beating hearts can be harvested.

A company is developing Smart Diapers that will irradiate babies’ balls with 5G.  You can be sure these will be heavily marketed to white people.

Diversity Last ad that is not diverse

5 kids and no Diversity.  Why haven’t London’s Diversity Police investigated this ad? Those white girls need black or Muslim boyfriends.

Climate Clowns

Norwegians are told to pee in the shower to save water in a country with no shortage.

A Swedish economist has proposed cannibalism as a tool for fighting climate change.

Europe has room for four BILLION “climate refugees”.

The UK Labour Party wants to cut the work week to only 10 hours, with a corresponding reduction in pay.  There was no indication of whether the payroll tax would have to rise to over 100% to compensate, whether working people would go on the dole, or whether there would be enough people to do the real work needed to sustain the endless hordes of parasites.  Are Labour MPs really so dumb that they think all economic problems can be solved with money printing, immigrants and regulation?

Chuck Schumer wants to spend almost half a trillion dollars on a trade in program for electric cars.  For accelerationist reasons I might be inclined to support blowing this absurd amount of money, but after the collapse we might be left with no power, a bunch of government subsidized electric jalopies with burned out batteries, and a lack of parts for older diesels that might otherwise run on the rendered fat of SJWs.

There were over 100 private jets at Google’s Climate Change Celebrity Camp.

Greta Thunberg has become the latest poster child for faux-environmentalist globalist elitism.  Or maybe just a Clown World rebranding of Sweden.  She sailed to New York on a $4m yacht whose crew was flown back to Europe and replaced with another crew that flew out from Europe. At the UN she gave an angry and ironic speech about how selfish adults stole her childhood.

The UN says that by 2050 the Earth will be burdened by so many plebs that we will all have to eat compost maggots in order for the elite to retain their lifestyle. It’s either that or pay idiots NOT to breed, but the elite will never neuter their welfare pets. That would defeat the true purpose of the NWO: To allow a perfectly satanic elite bloodline to rule forever over perfectly degraded human cattle.

Homeless trash

A lovely stroll along a trail in the clean, green leftist utopia of Olympia, WA.  Watch out for needles.  Remember to pay your rain tax so that the city councilors can attract more homeless to the area while buying McMansions for themselves.

Random Honkings

The South African government condones the slow genocide of white South African farmers by black criminals.  The government is also deliberately slow in granting exit visas, and Western countries aren’t letting them in as refugees. Our own governments would rather have violent 3rd world welfare cases than productive white citizens. Britain is giving money to South Africa to make sure the genocide goes as planned.

The South African minister of education says education is not for Africans, it came from whites.

Wakandan Math is coming to Seattle schools.

A Seattle politician has ruled that it would be racist to use pressure washers to clean up homeless peoples’ poop.  Democrats decided that the proper solution is to let the poop pile up on the streets.  I wholeheartedly agree.

A brave British feminist has developed a cure for the dangerous plague of manspreading.  A special chair which forces the legs together.

It’s Okay to be White.  Signs reminding everyone of this innocuous fact are now being put up near lefty safe spaces all over America and Europe.  Tomorrow, there will be howls of outrage from the media and the Left, and some normies will become redpilled about who are the real racists these days.  This is the way it has worked for the previous two Halloweens.  It will work again.  The Left just can’t help themselves.

I was pretty sure Justice Roberts was compromised, but the truth might be even more pathetic.  Maybe the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is an intellectual coward who can be bullied by op-ed columnists.

Trudeau barely won re-election due to conservatives nominating a fetid glob of human mayonnaise as their candidate, and due to media exploitation of most Canadians’ polite and trusting nature, leading to political correctness and big government.  But many rural Canadians are sick of being tax donkeys for a government that hates them and wants them replaced.  There are now secessionist movements in Alberta and British Columbia.  Expect these movements to spread.

Britain wants to give tenants the right to rob their landlords.

But in Muslim countries, landlord robs you!  A Bankrupt Tunisian hostel held British tourists hostage for extra “fees”.

Students at Oxford University and Manchester University voted to ban clapping because it might trigger those with anxiety disorders, and because it’s more inclusive to clap in sign language.

Three and a half years after the Brexit vote, they are at yet another legal impasse which will last until at least January 31.  A snap election has been called.  It has long been obvious that MPs are trying to drag Brexit out indefinitely while continuing to flood Britain with immigrants until a re-vote is feasible.  The Eurocrats and their toadies in London are afraid that Britain will come off better economically and thereby serve as inspiration for others.  A revolution is desperately needed, but it might never happen because Brits have an Orwellian state, no guns, a cowed and dumbed down native populace, and elites and Muslims get to do whatever they want. Britain is the poster child for Anarcho-Tyranny.

Julian Assange, one of the great heroes of our time, is slowly dying an Orwellian death in the bowels of the British prison system.  The British Deep State are torturing him.  They are destroying his mind so that he won’t be able to tell anything to patriots in America.  The fact that so many violent criminals go free in Britain, while the State has dedicated infinite resources to crushing the spirit out of a man who did nothing wrong and all the soulless bug people seem to relish doing this, is further proof that a revolution is desperately needed.

clown world Venn diagram

Good News from Hollywood

The best movie of the last few years wasn’t a special effects extravaganza or a social justice remake, it was a character development piece about one man’s dystopia-driven transformation into a killer clown. Critics trashed it.  Our own Media Clowns and even the military spread a bunch of Fake News about how the movie was going to be a magnet for Nazi incel mass shooters so nobody should watch it.  The movie has already made over $850m on a $55m budget. Turns out Joker is actually a left wing movie, but the Clowns don’t want us to watch it because it might inspire the wrong kind of leftism, i.e. the proletariat of all races realize they have more in common with each other than with the establishment and the corrupt billionaires who run everything, and the only solution is to kill the bastards. In practice, this kind of revolution involves one group of elites inciting the masses against another group of elites. Nobody wants the anarchists to get any ideas about acting independently.

I haven’t watched a movie for years but I will watch Joker and try to bring some friends. Maybe some bean counter will figure out that we’re sick of capeshit and Feminist Ghostbusters and Clown Star Wars and focus group tested PC pablum everywhere and if they put some thought into the script, maybe the movie would sell itself, and they could save $50m on marketing and big-name stars.

Rumor has it that Disney screwed up Star Wars Episode 9 so badly that they have to re-shoot 75% of it two months before the release. They paid $4B for LucasFilm only to stuff it with SJWs whose sacred mission is to ruin everything.  The good news is that Disney will lose billions. Kathleen Kennedy will move on, like a locust, and get a job ruining something else.

Dave Chapelle’s Sticks and Stones was a refreshing middle finger to just about everyone.  He went after feminists, trannies, Hollywood, PC Pharisees and more.  He committed the thinkcrime of implying that poor whites might have similar experiences to poor blacks. Critics gave the show dismal ratings.  Audiences absolutely loved it, giving it a 99% rating. That’s because it was all funny. I don’t even care that he portrayed white people as a bunch of trigger-happy drug addicts. It was a good show. Definitely worth watching.

Kanye West just released a wholesome album called Jesus is King and the Twitterati are losing their goddamned minds.


This is just a small fraction of the Clown World News.  Most of the news is from this year.  I tried to avoid duplicates.  If this special report left you transfixed with horror, you can read more Clown World News on this site here and here, or watch Paul Joseph Watson’s excellent video about the Clown World Order:

Thanks to a revolutionary new medication we can take the problems of today and make them yesterday’s news. Globohomopharmacorp has spent years developing this new coverall solution to all your problems and condensing it down into one little black pill.
And the great news is you only have to take it once.
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Luckily for you CYANAID is now publicly available. Get yours at a pharmacy near you.

CYANAID – “Get euthanised!”

Clown World and the fragility of the Left

Sorry to be an aggregator of stale news again, but I have been busy.  The news has mostly been good, because the wheels are falling off Consensus Reality.  THEY can’t keep the clownshow going for much longer.

Imagine a world run by evil clowns who push drugs, child trannies, Communism, Muslim invasions, Idiocracy, and the genocide of the people most likely to have a problem with such things. Imagine that the clowns have hypnotized most people through their TVs.  Imagine that one of the few good guys fighting them is the brain hacker known as 4chan. He’s kind of like Beetlejuice.  He can’t harm the clowns directly, but he can smear himself with Nazi memes, teleport into the Clowns’ heads, roll around in their favorite ego-garments and even wear them in  public.  There is nothing the clowns can do about this.  They wail about Nazi Beetlejuice constantly but their tears only make him stronger, and fuel his desire to contaminate every part of their identity simply by touching it. He spooks the clowns out of their mental safe spaces with the mere whiff of his presence. Meanwhile, in the basement of the collective unconscious, Beetlejuice is feeding an Id Monster that will burst forth into the real world and devour the clowns.  Welcome to the culture war post-2015.  Welcome to Clown World.


This is Honkler.  IMHO the other memes are better, but as often happens with Chan memes, the Left’s angry reaction to Honkler temporarily bloated him up to enormous size. He’s already deflating.  The choice of surrounding memes tells a deeper story: The Nazi stuff is just for trolling. Take the Honk Pill and you will laugh as the world burns. Roasties and NPCs fear this ability. Doomers envy it.

The Loony Left believes that anything touched by a racist becomes racist. 4chan trolls encourage this belief, because it is very useful to them.  They have used it to seize memetic control of Pepe the Frog, the OK sign, milk, and now they’re working on clowns, the rainbow flag, and the # symbol.  If you think none of this matters, check this out– one of the enemy’s footsoldiers has been driven to madness by a rainbow-haired cartoon frog.  This is one reason why patriotic Americans are guaranteed to win any real fight against the Left, if the fight happens in the next few years. Karl Marx was right when he said “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce”.

Another reason we are guaranteed to win is because the Left is an unstable agglomeration of tribalists and assorted useless parasites who all secretly hate each other. The things holding them together are (1) the Jews, who manipulate the diverse tribes into hating white males more than the tribes hate each other, (2) They don’t have to live with each other, (3) They don’t have to suffer the consequences of their actions, (4) White males still have something worth stealing via the government and the financial system, which means the parasites don’t have to physically steal from each other, (5) Despite the propaganda, most white males are honest chumps who play by the rules, and (6) The civilization we built is still creaking along, which means the left can get away with valuing ideological conformity more than competence, at least in the short term.  Take away any one of these six things and the entire rotten edifice will collapse under the weight of its own contradictions.

Look at Trump’s proposal to drop off illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities.

Trump troll

The Troll in Chief created another masterpiece, but it will take more than trolling to win this war.  I don’t want migrants in sanctuary cities.  I want them out of the country.  We are almost two and a half years into Trump’s presidency and illegal immigration is the worst it has been in decades.

For years, Democrats have chanted the Diversity Mantra: Open borders, nobody is illegal, immigrants do the jobs we won’t, it’s racist to say they commit crimes, they just need more of your money, please think of the children, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

An activist judge said we have to keep letting in endless caravans from Latin America until Congress fixes the asylum law- which will never happen.  Congress deliberately created the loophole in order to turn America into even more of a dysfunctional third world kleptocracy than it already is.

So Trump said he was going to give the Democrats exactly what they have been begging for, by sending busloads of invaders to sanctuary cities, particularly those with powerful Democrats like Nancy Pelosi. The response was predictable:

“WAAAAAH! Its racist to shuffle poor people around for political gain!  The white plebs are supposed to be the ones to babysit the Diversity!  Please think of the children!”

Nancy pelosi sanctuary cities

The next day, the 9th Circuit Court issued a stay on the asylum order.  It might not have been due to string-pulling.  The court has become increasingly conservative due to Trump’s appointments.  It was formerly known as the 9th Circus due to its large number of Loony Left activist judges.

More Democratic fragility was on display when William Barr triggered them by saying “spying” instead of “surveillance”. They were outraged that Barr would dare to claim that Trump was spied on. But this is exactly what the Democrats did. Obama and Hillary orchestrated the fake Steele dossier smear.  The CIA and British intelligence framed Trump with the Russia collusion hoax so they could lie to the FISA court to get a warrant to spy on Trump and his associates. The FBI lied to the FISA court about the credibility of the Steele dossier. Trump said he will soon declassify all documents related to the origin of the Russia investigation.  They will reveal that the Democrats and the Deep State essentially attempted a coup, and failed.  If Trump doesn’t respond with a Stalin-sized purge then he’s part of the problem.

Julian Assange might present corroborating evidence in court. The timing of his arrest makes me think it’s all for show, and he will be used to expose Hillary and the Russia hoax. Assuming he doesn’t get Arkancided, he will testify in court that he didn’t get the DNC emails from the Russians- he got them from DNC staffer Seth Rich, right before Seth was shot by MS-13 and then finished off in the hospital by a friend of John Podesta.  And here comes Sweden, cucked as always, saying they want Assange back so they can prosecute him for “regret rape” while Muslims get a license to rape because it’s part of their culture but white males also have a rape culture, therefore they need to be raped in prison by Muslims.  Sweden might end up delaying justice for Seth Rich.  Bill Binney says the NSA has 32 pages of communications between Rich and Assange but this won’t come out in court.


General good news from Clown World:

The California zombie outbreak continues to spread.  The zombies are spreading third world diseases via fleas and human feces.  Old diseases like typhus, shigella, and hepatitis A are making a comeback.  Homeless people are sleeping on the lawns of rich liberals, leaving trash and needles everywhere.  Obviously, the solution is to invite more 3rd world immigrants and provide more drug money for homeless people. This will buy enough votes for Democrats to ram through big-government “fixes”.

Ebola-Chan is growing stronger.

Swamp Rats are turning on each other.

Rod Rosenstein is out.

Thousands of Fake News media hacks are being fired.

Biden’s slogan is Make America Moral Again (MAMA = Suck in Spanish).  That’s rich.

Kamala Harris wants illegal immigrants to work in Congress.

Bernie Sanders wants all convicted felons to be able to vote from jail. Desperation.

Elizabeth Warren has called on the House to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump for obstruction of the investigation into a crime which the Democrats framed him for.  This will only benefit Trump if they try it. He didn’t obstruct the first witch hunt; he shouldn’t obstruct this one either.

Let’s face it, all the Democratic candidates are terrible and Trump is going to win in a landslide if he half fixes immigration (or is at least seen as making it not as bad as the Dems want it), and if he locks up 0.1% of the swamp creatures.

Trump is moving to cut off housing benefits for some immigrants.  He has talked about deporting those who have become public charges.  He understands that the invasion will continue as long as incentives remain, but is he serious about stopping it?  Maybe.  Steven Miller is purging the DHS of the migrant-welcoming Trump-haters installed by Kirstjen Nielsen and Obama.

Trump signed an executive order to harden the power grid against EMPs. It’s a sign that patriots are in control.  Obama sabotaged efforts to protect the grid because the Cabal intended to use a nuclear EMP to destroy America and bury the evidence of their crimes. The Sun can also fire off a different kind of EMP which fries the grid and satellites but doesn’t affect personal electronics.  The solar EMP which fried the telegraph network in 1859 would have caused a cascading civilizational disaster if it hit us today.  A smaller magnetic storm shut down part of Canada’s power grid in 1989.  I think it’s a genuine concern and I am glad Trump is addressing it.

Trump has put tariffs on more Chinese products.  China is running out of American products to retaliate on because the trade imbalance is so bad, LOL.

The collapsing bond yield curve is an omen of recession.  Let’s hope it leads to the collapse of the welfare state.

Yield curve

The DOD has cut ties with the Jason Group.  I try to avoid commenting on UFO-related stories due to the massive amount of disinformation out there, but one way or another, I am pretty sure the Jasons are up to no good. They have some very high-level connections.

YouTube gets woke, loses $70 billion in market cap.

Facebook’s Big Brother behavior is bleeding into normie space and backfiring. Advertisers are quitting due to Facebook’s “despicable business model”.

There is a proposed law banning social media censorship in America.  I don’t expect it to get through Congress but if it does, trolls will take over Facebook and Twitter.

Time is racist. We white males created the entire concept of time just to be racist.  We also created gravity to oppress landwhales.

SJWs got triggered when an AI “incorrectly” classified Michelle Obama and Serena Williams as men.  The insidious secret society of the White Male Patriarchy must have slipped their prejudices into the code!  Therefore we need more government regulations and more diversity.

The Midwest floods have been a total disaster. Food prices will rise significantly, in addition to inflation.  This is actually good for us. Anything to collapse the system and return the Darwinian advantage to people who aren’t useless eaters.  Now is a good time to stock up on a few years of non-perishable food and also start growing your own.  There are so many little ‘knacks’ that take years to learn.  You won’t be able to start growing when hunger comes.  Make sure you have suitable land and soil.  You will need at least half a cultivated acre per person, more if you are on marginal land or in a cold climate.  I live in a cold state and my gardens are not doing well this year.

Here’s more about food shortages due to cold, rainy weather plus millions of diseased pigs slaughtered in China.  Australia is having a bad year.  Europe has huge crop losses due to late frost. Denver just had record low temperatures plus a few inches of snow.

400 African illegal immigrants shut down a French airport terminal demanding permanent residency, open borders and no deportations, saying “France doesn’t belong to the French!  Everyone has a right to be here!” Right before EU elections. Perfect.

Euroskeptic parties are looking to surge from 10% to 35% in European parlaiment.

Theresa May has resigned.  She was secretly working for the EU, and she took a lot of flak for the recent no-Brexit vote.  The plan was to keep delaying and backstabbing until Britain didn’t even get to vote in the EU, but still remained as a vassal state and a dumping ground for rapefugees.  Her husband runs a $2.4 Trillion hedge fund which is great for kickbacks. Charles the First lost his head for less treachery.  The Brexit backlash was so bad that the Brexit Party sprung up overnight and now looks to gain more votes than any other party.


Now the bad news (If you’re a fully clown-pilled accelerationist, it’s all good news):

Facebook purged Italian political pages on the eve of EU elections in which Salvini’s party is poised to become the largest party in the European Parliament.

Australia wants five years in jail for trolling.

The EU has voted to ban memes under the guise of protecting copyright.

EU memes ban

The Neocons are banging the war drums against Iran. Trump seems to be playing both sides. Israel knows that people are getting sick of their shit and they might not get another chance for war with Iran once Zion Don is out of office.  Watch for false flags.

The Pope has donated $500,000 to help migrants reach America. This is probably an experiment and/or a shot across the bow.

Racist Democrats in Illinois want to mandate one woman, one black, and one latino on the Board of Directors of each company or they will be fined $300,000.

Clown World Economics:  Illegal immigrants can work in construction for $15/hr under the table, and get welfare, free health care, and a rent subsidy.  They will have $31,200 of spending money per year.  Legal construction workers could make $25/hr but only have $8,800 of spending money per year because they have to pay for the illegal immigrants’ welfare, rent and health care.  The illegal immigrants’ children will be able to get free college educations and advantages in applying for cushy jobs, all at the expense of legal citizens. It’s invasion and plunder in all but name.

Armed criminal gangs are escorting illegal immigrants into the U.S.  The FBI has warned that ANTIFA is working with the cartels to stage an armed rebellion at the border.  Trump needs to crush them with military force.

Militia leader Larry Hopkins has been arrested on an old firearms charge from 2017.  The real reason is that he dared to do the job that the government won’t do.  The governor of New Mexico is a Democrat and she wants open borders even though that’s the main reason her state has gone down the toilet in the last few decades.

A judge who helped an illegal immigrant escape has raised $30,000 via GoFundMe.

Multiple judges have ruled that a census question about citizenship would “threaten the Foundation of US democracy”, i.e. it would threaten the Democrats’ ability to rob citizens to pay for millions of votes from invaders who are turning America into a shithole. There is talk that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the question but I think Roberts is compromised.

The EU is giving free anonymous bank cards to rapefugees. Just another way in which our Jew-puppet governments give invaders more rights than the natives. Almost makes me want to convert to Islam and put on blackface so I can get paid to rape and pillage.

SAT scores will be adjusted by adversity fudge factors to boost “underprivileged” college applicants.  Poverty, crime rates, single motherhood, and English as a second language will be among the inputs.  The algorithm and its SAT fudge factors will be secret. Something tells me that the children of West Virginia coal miners will be considered privileged.

There was another false rape accusation. Some slut was drunk and flung herself at a guy who said no, and recorded it.  Columbia still revoked his degree.  Some years ago Emma Sulkowicz got to use her false rape accusation as course credit at Columbia.  There have been other false rape accusations there, IIRC.  It’s a problem at all universities but Columbia seems to be particularly bad.  There’s a silver lining in this case:  One less Jew with an ivy-league journalism degree.  What goes around comes around, honk honk!

The slow burn of the Library of Alexandria continues.  WordPress has memory-holed Chateau Heartiste.  His last posts were about a “Corporate conspiracy to silence and impoverish political dissidents”.

YouTuber Sargon of Akkad is running for office under UKIP.  After he got on the ballot, he was investigated for an 2016 comment in which he said he WOUDN’T rape Labour MP Jess Phillips.  YouTube has since demonetized him, along with Paul Joseph Watson and some others.  These guys are not extreme.  They are libertarians.

Monsanto has been busted for having a black-bag dirty tricks department to destroy anyone who criticizes them.  Kind of like their own private CIA.  Included in bad news because this department probably also handles political blackmail and corruption of the legal system, so the case will stagnate while business continues as usual.

Doctors who found cancer-causing enzymes in vaccines have been found murdered.

The FBI says it ‘lost’ notes about the investigation into Hillary’s private server AND the backup CD was cracked.  Their crack computer forensic investigators were unable to recover the data from the CD.  For better results, the CD should have been labeled ‘Trump Russia collusion’. Also Democrats are trying to have William Barr impeached or even locked up for not releasing the unredacted Mueller report, which it would be illegal for him to do.  They already held him in contempt for NOT violating the law.

The same Fake News networks that wanted to crucify the MAGA Kid for smiling have ignored Muslim schoolkids chanting about chopping infidels’ heads off.

Nancy Pelosi got triggered by the House’s In God We Trust sign; had it removed.

Muslims murdered 258 Sri Lankan Christians on Easter.  They said it was revenge for Christchurch but I doubt a month was long enough to plan such a big attack.  The media gave it weak coverage, so Trump tweeted that 138 million people were killed, knowing that the media would think his Twitter mistake was a bigger story than the attacks themselves.  “LOL Orange Hitler is such a retard, Muslims ONLY massacred 258 Christians on Easter.” Link shoah’d (it was Heartiste).

Easter worshippers

What would happen if Hillary and Obama spoke Christ’s Name, even indirectly?  Would their faces melt off like in Raiders of the Lost Ark?  If they said Radical Islam, would Alwaleed Bin Talal release the blackmail tapes?


Where is all of this going?

It’s obvious.  We are in a cold civil war / race war.  It will eventually go hot.  The longer the cold phase drags on, the worse the outcome will be, because time will not favor our demographics when the war goes hot.  The Constitution won’t save us because the shadow government and their invading hordes don’t value the Constitution. Cuckservatives won’t save us because they refuse to face reality. Civic Nationalism will not save us as long as the welfare state keeps funneling our money to people who only take, with no intention of giving anything back. Full socialism will make things infinitely worse, but it might be a blessing in disguise because the invaders will stop coming if the economy is destroyed.

The puppetmasters want a racial holy war. The left wants it. The alt right wants it. The gangs want it. Foreign rivals want it. Civic nationalists, cuckservatives and most libertarians don’t want it, but they cling to the illusion of magic dirt.  They can’t accept that the whole culture and incentive structure needs to go back to about 1900 in order to stop what is coming, and changing the race changes the culture, so it might already be too late.  Normies don’t want war but they are so clueless they don’t even see it coming.  They will count on the government to fix things right up until the power goes out and gangs bash in their skulls.

When the war comes, it will be horrible.  Starvation, gangs, poverty, disease, suicides.  Absolute chaos. The Left thinks they can win but as with everything else, they have gone insane.  We will win.  We have guns, food, practical skills, the truth, the military, and our backs against the wall.  Most importantly, we have Divine Purpose.  We are meant to be more than sacrificial livestock.

The left has soyboys, trannies, feminists, a tangle of problem glasses, a depraved and out of touch elite, Gender Studies commissars who have never done real work, Blacks and Muslims who secretly hate them, a permanent underclass that must be babysat and fed  and medicated OR ELSE, and a civilization so fragile it could be brought down by a single omniscient squirrel.  We got this.  Many will die but the survivors who pass through the fire will emerge stronger and wiser.


Lefties: If you don’t like this future, then DON’T WORK TOWARDS IT.  STAND DOWN.

Christchurch looks like a false flag

New Zealand is back in the news again.  They punch above their weight.

A week ago, Brenton Tarrant massacred 50 Muslims at a mosque in Christchurch.  He livestreamed it on Facebook and left behind a manifesto that was a mixture of white nationalism and troll memes. His stated goals were to pour gasoline on the West’s slow-burning race war, avenge European deaths at the hands of Muslims, and trigger a gun crackdown and subsequent civil war in America.  He triggered a worldwide feeding frenzy.

The official story smells like a Gladio-style false flag.  I don’t know the full story, and we may never know the full story, because there have been many very suspicious shootings where the whole truth has never come out:  Parkland, Vegas, Sandy Hook, the Pulse nightclub shooting, the Bataclan nightclub shooting, the Batman shooting, and Presidential shootings all the way back to JFK.  These are just the ones that come to mind.  There are many others.

To keep up with this story as it evolves, watch the Vinny Eastwood Show.  He’s New Zealand’s #1 alternative reporter. He has been censored in the middle of his livestream so he must be on to something.  Here he interviews false flag expert Ole Dammergard, who traced the Cabal slug trails weaving through some of the major Islamic terror attacks in Europe.  Here he interviews Kurt Haskell, who deconstructed the underwear bomber false flag.  Kurt has a list of 41 red flags to look for in association with false flag attacks.  Real attacks should have few if any of these red flags.  The Christchurch shooting has 18 of Kurt’s red flags.

Here are the suspicious things I have collected thus far:

Deep State background activity:

  • John Podesta went to NZ and met with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern 5 days before the shooting.  He called NZ “A big juicy target” for election hacking and “weaponized fake news” from hacked information.
  • Jacinda is a commie with ties to the UN and other globalists and commies. She got a scholarship from the Masons. She helped cover up a masonic / police child abuse scandal in the UK.

Screenshot (346)

Jacinda Ardern’s five-year plan.

  • The Strzok transcripts were just released, showing how the DOJ let Hillary off for running a secret documents yard sale disguised as a deliberately insecure email server.  A distraction was needed.
  • Last week was a very bad news week for the Democrats.  There were TWELVE happenings, any one of which might have been Scandal of the Year in a more civilized era.
  • Q says this week will be even worse for them.  If so, it will be Spygate related.  We could see the end of the Russia investigation, declassification of the FISA warrant or the OIG report, and indictments of McCabe, Comey, Brennan, Lynch, Yates, and Clapper. Fingers crossed.  Q really needs to deliver something big, or people will start saying REEEEEE! THERE IS NO REVOLUTION, IT’S JUST A TURF WAR WITHIN THE NWO, AND Q IS A PSYOP TO STOP WHITE PEOPLE FROM CHIMPING OUT WHILE THE INVASION RAMPS UP.  [UPDATE:  REEEEEE!]
  • Israel did 100 airstrikes on Gaza during the media frenzy.
  • Students from Parkland visited Christchurch 8 months ago for discussions on how to keep a youth movement going. Expect an astroturfed anti-gun / pro-socialism / pro-immigration movement to pop up.
  • NZ is a member of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network but they are so infested with Illuminati and Chinese that there is talk of kicking them out of the network.  Q has been calling out Five Eyes recently. They aided the Deep State coup attempt against Trump.
  • NZ is the favored bug-out location for those who want to ride out WWIII aboveground.  It’s a suspected bug-out location for Hillary and perhaps Obama if Trump ever tries to bring them to justice.  The Rothschilds already have a presence there.  This is why it is important to disarm Kiwis.
  • The previous prime minister, John Key, was a puppet who sold out New Zealand to Wall Street and China.  He resigned after a suspicious meeting with John Kerry.  The meeting was right after Kerry went to Antarctica as the 2016 exit polls started coming in, and right before NZ’s last big earthquake.
  • NZ continues to give money to the Clinton Foundation.
  • NZ is often a guinea pig for NWO social engineering.
  • NZ PAYS to import pet refugees, and puts them straight on the dole.
  • NZ’s main newspaper is a clone of the Washington Compost.
  • Two years ago, Benjamin Netanyahu threatened war with New Zealand if they voted in favor of sanctions against them.
  • NZ has a vibrant criminal underworld.  Polynesian gangs run the cities, Masons run the small towns, Triads do huge meth deals in the casino in the middle of Auckland.  Auckland is a drugged-out multicultural dystopia known as Sodom of the South Seas.

Tarrant’s Manifesto:

  • Tarrant spent two years with the 8chan Nazis, he wrote a 74-page manifesto about mass immigration and white genocide, and he somehow forgot to mention the Jews’ leading role in it.

Jews mass immigration

  • He mostly blamed conservatives and capitalists. They are part of the problem, but they’re not the top of the pyramid.
  • He claimed to be an eco-fascist whose values were best reflected by China (a polluted neoliberal dystopia, but hey, at least they harvest the organs of their religious minorities)
  • “Hurrr durrr I’m just an average working class unedumacated white guy who can’t spell even in Microsoft Werd.”  This is a meme in and of itself.
  • Still smart enough to make money from Bitconnect before it imploded
  • He gave a shout-out to Candace Owens, a black Trump supporter.  He said she was even more violent and extreme than he is.  This is not true at all.  I think he was trying to give her a Kiss of Death.  Same thing for PewDiePie, who he mentioned at the beginning of his video.
  • He gave Trump a quasi Kiss of Death.  The media took the bait.  Don’t expect them to report that real fascists hate Trump even though this has been obvious for years.
  • I’m surprised he didn’t give Christians a Kiss of Death. (OK, maybe a peck on the cheek)


  • Streamed on Facebook a day after Facebook was down for a day and everyone was fiending for a fix.  Maybe the weaponized Fake News hacking was Facebook making sure they could protect the livestream and trace its viewers?
  • Why don’t we see blood, bullet holes and spent shell casings everywhere?
  • Why did he throw a gun on the ground outside his car?
  • Why didn’t he check the back area or the the rooms branching off the hallway?
  • Why didn’t the Muslims try to escape out the back?
  • Tarrant was strangely unemotional, as if he had done it before.  His victims were strangely unemotional.  They just piled up in the corners waiting to die.  The few pedestrians were unemotional.  The survivors were unemotional.  Was this a drill?  Was it a hoax? The question must be asked.  I don’t know the answer at this point.


  • Visits to Pakistan, North Korea and Israel.
  • Possibly associated with the group that raided the North Korean embassy in Spain? Was that a CIA attempt to derail the peace process?

NZ shooter pakistan

Just an average white nationalist who loves Pakistan, North Korea, Israel and China. Nothing to see here.


  • It’s hard to get guns in New Zealand. It would be even harder for a tourist to get guns. There’s a long process. The police do a thorough check and interview.
  • Unless of course you are one of their favored underworld criminals, then the police will give you guns with the serial numbers shaved off, so that the political criminals can whine about all the guns.  Remember Fast and Furious?
  • Buying that many guns should have raised suspicions.
  • He had police issue guns and armor.  No serial numbers.
  • I suspect the police (many of them Masons) expedited the process for Tarrant and maybe supplied him to make it appear that the problem is that guns are technically legal. The NWO wants decent law-abiding people to be helpless.
  • The police had shooter training nearby at the same time.  Classic false flag sign.
  • Cops were just a few blocks away but it took them 20 minutes to arrive.  It didn’t take them much longer than that to lock down the entire city.
  • The man they brought to court does not look like the man in the video.

NZ shooting police

Look at these disgusting cucks.  Look at the pristine carpet and walls.  WTF.


  • Jacinda said “New Zealand gun laws will change”.  She was more interested in talking about all the guns than about the victims.  Parlaiment had hundreds of pages of anti-gun laws ready to go, much like the Patriot Act after 9/11.
  • American media are acting like it happened here.  Commie News Newtork has nonstop coverage blaming Trump, and their already abysmal ratings are down by double digits.  AOC blamed the NRA, which isn’t even in New Zealand.
  • No mention about an armed guard stopping an attempted shooting at another mosque. Multiple shooters?
  • Police are threatening up to 10 years in jail for anyone who downloads or shares the video.  One person has already been arrested.  There must be important clues in the video.
  • Q implies Tarrant got MK-ULTRA’d by a shrink, and someone paid for his travel to the Middle East (Bitconnect would have been a good way to do that). Turns out the Sandy Hook shooter’s shrink, Dr. Paul Fox, escaped to New Zealand to dodge charges of sexually abusing his zombified patients.  He also destroyed Adam Lanza’s psychiatric records.  [UPDATE:  I no longer think Tarrant was controlled by anyone.  See comment below.  It is still possible that intelligence agencies learned of Tarrant’s plan and decided to exploit it.]
  • There is a push to censor 8chan, 4chan, Voat, and ZeroHedge. New Zealand and Australia are already censoring them; the UK will likely follow. These four sites have been leading the people-powered efforts to expose the Cabal. Q currently lives on 8chan. The media says that automatically makes him a Nazi. They don’t tell us that anyone can make his own board on 8chan, and Q got trolled off 4chan for NOT being a Nazi. ZeroHedge is mostly libertarians. They are targeted because of their history of exposing systemic financial corruption. Voat is like Reddit but with less censorship. They are targeted because they have a major pedo-ring research center and a normie-friendly Q board full of Reddit refugees. 4chan is targeted because it is the trolls’ home planet.
  • JIDF has been busy.  Good thing someone archived this.
  • I think THEY are trying to keep everyone off the Q boards because he is about to be proven right about Spygate. There is no talk of censoring Facebook.
  • White Nationalism is starting to feel like Islamic Terrorism before the PC Left started making excuses for it.
  • Expect New Zealand to be the next country to be ruined by Muslims.

New Zealand momo muslim suicide challenge

This is just the beginning.

Muslims are talking about revenge attacks on whites.  This shows another goal of the Cabal: Divide and conquer.  The neocon / masonic / MIC factions of the Cabal would like to kick off WWIII with a European civil war against Muslims.  We are going to see more attacks, both real and manufactured on both sides, and with most of the real ones by Muslims.

Ebba Ackerlund 2

This is what happens if you try to become a “humanitarian superpower”, or if you let feminists run your government.

There is no reasoning with them, there is only jihad. Jihad by fighting, by taking over institutions or by having babies at our expense. They call it the infidel tax.  We call it welfare.  They think we owe it to them just because they’re Muslims and we’re not.  They will never admit that the shooting (if done by a real white nationalist) is revenge for all the shootings and Truck of Peace attacks in Europe. They invade, they kill, they act like victims if the locals defend themselves or are insufficiently generous. This has happened many times throughout history.  And before anyone says this is revenge for them being bombed in their own lands: Most of the rapefugees in Europe aren’t even from Syria, they are from Africa, most of them wouldn’t be in Europe if there was no welfare, and the Swedes never bombed anyone.  They have been more benevolent than any other people in Europe. To Muslims, benevolence is blood in the water.

The media will never admit any of this because they are controlled by the same tribe that is using Muslims as shock troops of the New World Order.  At the time of the Christchurch shooting, Muslims were busy slaughtering 120 Christians in Nigeria, including 37 in a church.  There was no reporting on this.  There was no reporting on any of the 70 other Muslim attacks in March.

NZ shooter march madness

Two months of Fake News

Smollett drugs

Update: Jussie Smollett has been fired.  He has been arrested and released on $100,000 bond.  He’s preparing an insanity defense.  He must have been out of his mind.  He paid his attackers with a check.

The Mockingbird Media is worse than it has ever been.  It’s worse than in the fall of 2016.  It’s worse than in the lead-up to the Iraq War.  Those were focused propaganda campaigns.  Now it’s just shameless sloppy lies all over the place.  The lies of omission are just as bad.  Any one of these stories could be worth a post of its own but I have to catch up with this crazy news cycle.  Here it goes:

CNN had to retract the Journalist of the Year Award which it gave to Claas Relotius.  He wrote 14 fake articles, including a few about evil racist Trump voters.

In January, Buzzfeed (which first published the fake Trump dossier) claimed Trump told Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about a Moscow hotel deal. The entire Fake News Media jumped on the story without checking basic facts.  Robert Mueller had to publicly state that the story was not true.  The TV networks retracted it.  BuzzFeed didn’t.  Advertisers left.  BuzzFeed had to lay off a bunch of employees who then turned around and sued, because most of them were useless millennials with degrees in PC victimology.   Never hire such people.  They will screw you twice.  Trolls triggered them with “learn to code” memes.

Michael Cohen is now in the hotseat again for being a tax cheat and a lying conman.  Mueller could send him away for a long time, but Trump is the one he really wants.  So Mueller is tightening the screws.  He offers Cohen immunity for lying to Congress, including immunity from future prosecution!  Cohen squeals louder and louder.  Attorney-client privilege only works for Deep State toadies.  Cohen blames everything on Trump, because he could have gotten away with everything if he had not been close to Trump. Really he’s just spewing.  He says Trump didn’t want to win, but he colluded with Russia to win.  Cohen doesn’t have anything on Trump beyond tropes about Russia, the Moscow hotel (sort of), racism, Wikileaks and Stormy Daniels.  The Russia meeting was a setup by Hillary and the Deep State so they could manufacture fake evidence for their FISA warrant.  The Stormy Daniels story can’t bring down Trump even if it’s true (let’s see what happens if they try to impeach him for paying her with his own money), but the alternative media has long suspected that Don Jr. is the one who actually had the affair with her.  You won’t hear any of this from the mainstream media.

You certainly won’t hear that the Senate intelligence committee report stated there was no collusion. You won’t hear that the real colluders are Democrats.  You won’t hear that Mueller has nothing so now all hopes are shifting to Cohen and Adam Schiff.  Schiff is a CIA tool, leaker, and traitor with disturbing ties to Standard Hotels and the deaths of those who know what happened there.  The media won’t talk about any of this.  They’re still going with TRUMP RUSSIA TRUMP RUSSIA TRUMP RUSSIA.

Screenshot (345)

Qanon has been on fire recently.  The establishment’s response has been hit pieces and a purge of social media accounts.  A Facebook insider has leaked Facebook’s methods of censoring conservatives and influencing elections.  Facebook has 7500 snowflake moderators who have sex and smoke weed at work to fend off PTSD from gore, conspiracy redpills and dank Pepe memes.  We’re winning.  The technocrats are trying to juggle beachballs underwater.

There is now a browser plugin to shield sensitive minds from accidental exposure to Fake News.  It considers CNN to be Real News.

CNN tried to cover up Virginia governor Ralph Northam’s infanticide comments.  When that didn’t work, they tried to pretend he’s a Republican.  Someone released his blackmail material:  A yearbook photo of him in blackface with someone dressed as a Klansman.  The scandal has since spread to Justin Fairfax (for sexual assault), Mike Herring (for blackface), the editor of USA Today (for blackface), and Tommy Norment (racism by association, and he’s a Republican).  The media treated these people very differently than they treated Brett Kavanaugh or Hillary Clinton (who was mentored by Klansman Robert C. Byrd).

The Senate failed to pass a bill banning post-birth abortions. Presidential candidates Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders voted against the bill. Lefty news outlets flipped the script with variants of “Mean old white men failed to take away abortion rights”. The left always does this. It’s never about their own insanity. It’s about us being deplorable people for opposing it.

The media tried to pretend that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez never intended to pay people who are unwilling to work.  Twitter gave her thousands of fake likes to get the zombie herd to support her.

There were stories claiming that Trump screwed the middle class with a tax cut that turned out to be a tax increase.  The truth is that Trump’s tax deal reduced income taxes for everyone, but put a $10,000 cap on deductions of state and local taxes and cut some other deductions such as mortgage interest and alimony.  Most of the people with a tax increase either live off capital gains, or earn a high salary in a liberal state, or have a huge mortgage, or live in an expensive house in a liberal town.  In other words, the complainers are mostly well-off virtue signalers who don’t like to pay for the consequences of their virtue signaling. Such people deserve to be screwed.

Old news resurfaced:  It turns out the Syria gas attack footage was fake.  This is not a surprise, because the attack was a false flag, as discussed previously.

EA Games is crashing, again, because nobody wants to buy a game about strong independent crippled womyn battling the Nazis.  The developers (Swedes, it figures) are congratulating themselves for wrecking a once-great company for the sake of PC revisionism. Similar things are happening elsewhere in the nerd-o-verse.  Disney has thoroughly ruined Star Wars, and Marvel is ruining some of its comics.  Good.  Stuff like this spawns trolls.

The Gilets Jaunes protests are still drawing huge crowds after four months. Hundreds were wounded, and a few were killed. There is no media coverage.

Everyone jumped on the Jussie Smollett hoax. Now they are making excuses for Smollett because the whole thing makes them look terrible and it might affect the candidacies of Kamala Harris and Corey Booker.  It was a false flag to pass a social justice Patriot Act. This is just the latest of 616 documented fake hate crimes.  1/3 of them are from the past three years, i.e. the era of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  I suspect hoaxes are a small fraction of hate crimes but it’s hard to put a number on this.  It’s like asking what percentage of UFO sightings are hoaxes.  The answer will depend on real UFO activity, how thorough the investigations are, how much swamp gas is floating around, and how many overeager UFO watchers there are.  For example, prison fights and “It’s Okay to be White” posters inflate the statistics.  We might see more fake hate crimes exposed now that there is an awareness of them.  This transgender activist might have burned his house and five pets.

A much bigger problem is that the left gets to commit real hate crimes and twist them around with impunity.  The most disturbing fake news story of the last two months was the Covington incident. There’s a whole lot of nastiness here.


Is Nicholas Sandmann this generation’s Rosa Parks?

A group of white high school kids were harassed at the National Right to Life Rally.  First, a bunch of Black Hebrew Israelites called them faggots and incest kids.  This particular group (House of Israel) is so racist that the notoriously anti-white SPLC considers them to be a hate group.  The media called them upstanding Bible believers.

Native American commie activist (1:46:00) and fake Vietnam Vet Nathan Phillips went and banged his drum in Nicholas Sandmann’s face… and Sandmann didn’t back down.  He didn’t even avert his eyes from his melanin-enriched superiors.  He only smiled.  This became the Smirkocaust.  Someone used a shill farm to pump up the SJW outrage machine on Twitter.  The shills deliberately left out everything but the smirk.  It was the Worst Hate Crime Ever.  The cuckservative National Review compared it to spitting on the cross.  The Smirkocaust was worse than four blacks kidnapping and torturing a retarded white kid because of Trump.

If this was just another case of leftists being racist bullies with egos as vast as they are fragile, and a legally enforced monopoly on smugness, it would barely be news these days.  The big news is the aftermath. AFTER the full video came out, it was obvious that Sandmann’s only crime was standing his ground. But the media didn’t retract the story.  The Twitterati didn’t change their tweets.  The feeding frenzy continued. The Washington Post, CNN, the New York Times and Buzzfeed were major instigators.

Sarah Beatty said “I will blow whoever manages to punch that MAGA kid in the face”.

Disney producer Jack Morrisey tweeted about putting the MAGA kids into a woodchipper.

Jack Morrisey MAGA kids meme

This guy is brainwashing your kids for the Magic Kingdom.

An LA DJ called for the Covington Catholic High School to be burned down with kids locked inside. Twitter said he didn’t violate the rules.

There were bomb threats and a suspicious package at the school.

The media tried to rope them into the blackface scandal with a photo of kids wearing jester paint at a blackout game in 2011. This isn’t racist. But feelings trump facts.

The school rolled over.  The diocese rolled over.  They talked about having the whole class expelled, college admissions revoked, careers destroyed.  They only backed off after an independent investigation confirmed that the MAGA kids did nothing wrong.

Reporter Dan Levin announced he’s working on an exposé of Christian schools for his muckraking tabloid, the New York Times.

Democrat John Yarmuth tried to ban teens from wearing MAGA hats.  Elizabeth Warren scored cheap virtue sniveling lies in support of her fellow Native American.

Nathan Phillips and his commie friends tried to disrupt a Mass at DC’s National Shrine.  They said the the land is theirs so they can go in and bang their drums if they want to. Very disrespectful.

“We’re still gonna come on this property, it’s all our ours anyway. We came, said our part. You know, because what them boys did, you know, Trump supporters, and you know, being disrespectful. We didn’t bother them. They came over and bothered us, saying stuff, being disrespectful. You know what, we’re still here. We’ll be back.”

All of this was AFTER the whole story was proven to be a lie.  Everyone involved in the witch hunt still has a blue checkmark from Twitter.  The MSM stories have still not been retracted.

Sandmann has sued the Washington Post for $250 million.  50 celebrities, professional victims, and political opportunists are included in the lawsuit.  In a sane world, a fat settlement would be guaranteed.  We don’t live in a sane world.  The Washington Post and many judges are controlled by the CIA.

The incident itself was a setup to push a wider agenda. National March for Life is a regularly scheduled event known to attract a very white / conservative crowd. Someone scheduled the indigenous peoples’ march and the HoI protest to collide with National March for Life. Someone had the shills ready to go.  Maybe it’s an attempt to keep Amy Coney Barrett off the Supreme Court. Maybe George Soros is opening a new front in his race war. Maybe Obama’s bureaucratic moles want to stuff Catholic schools with bussed-in Muslims. 99% white Catholic schools are an affront to Diversity.  They must be destroyed.

Speaking of which, here’s a pic from the Women’s March one day later.  The leaders caused some controversy by toadying up to Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader and noted antisemite.  White Genocide is fine though. In fact, one of the California marches was cancelled for being “too white”.

Womens march white genocide

Now listen up, all you brainwashed minions. I know economics and history were never your strong subjects, but there are things you need to understand.

Smollett, Covington, and even Charlottesville are what happens when the demand for racism exceeds the supply. Counterfeits pop up. If the imbalance persists, the supply of the REAL product will rise to meet the demand. Also, words are like money. For money to have value, it must be rare. Printing money to fund your social engineering will lead to hyperinflation. Likewise, if you print ‘racist’ frivolously, the value of the word will decline towards zero.

Understand that legal justice works best when it resembles “You took something from me by violence or fraud and I can prove it, therefore you owe me”.  Social Justice means “A long time ago, someone who looks like you took something from someone who looks like me, therefore you and all those who look like you owe me a living.  You must also bow and scrape before me, or I will ruin your life.”  That’s not justice, that’s tyranny.  And your idea of equality is equally tyrannical.  The best kind of equality we can hope for is some semblance of equality under the law.  Equality of outcome is impossible.  People have different abilities, therefore achieving equal outcomes is impossible without a totalitarian dictatorship, but that implies an all-powerful ruling class.  Your string-pullers know this.  A totalitarian dictatorship is their ultimate goal.

Some of you snowflakes think you will be Commissars because you have degrees in victimology, but someone has to be the body in the ditch and Communist history says YOU will be that body.  Maybe Muslims will kill you.  They are not your friends.  They are just pretending to be your friends until they have enough numbers and political power to toss you disgusting freaks off a building. Even if you escape execution you won’t escape starvation, gangs and tribal warfare. You are guaranteed to lose.

Understand that most of us on the right never genocided, enslaved, or plundered anyone. YOU are bigger oppressors than we are, both as individuals and as groups, past and present.  Your team killed ~6x more people than our team did.  This is a conservative estimate. The starvation numbers are low due to commies in academia.  I didn’t count abortion against your team. I threw in the Neocon mad bombers as our guys even though they’re not. I took the Nazis’ body count entirely against us even though it’s exaggerated here, and they were a rebellious faction of the Cabal.

The vast majority of conservatives leave you alone. We leave you alone because we tend to see you as individuals who have the right to be left alone.  The only thing we expect of you is that you leave other people alone.  But this is impossible for you.  You are nitwit micromanagers.  You are insufferable parasites.  You abuse the system in uncountable ways.  You are nation wreckers.  You are always pushing a scam. You expect our lives to revolve around your whims.  You demand that we treat you like a sacred cow while you trample everything we have built.  You do not respect any of our rights. You don’t even respect our right to exist. Therefore, we have the collective right to defend ourselves against you.

White identity politics is self-defense at this point. You pushed us into a corner with your own poisonous identity politics.  We have shown great restraint thus far.  You see our forbearance as a weakness, and maybe it is, but remember this:  White people have a long fuse, but we do chimp out.  When we do, we don’t burn the nearest convenience store.  We burn the whole damn continent.

In your sadomasochistic quest for both dominance and victimhood, you will manifest your darkest desires.  Be careful what you wish for.

Have a nice day.