Imminent arrests, and the real reason for Trump’s Asia trip

Sent as an email on Nov. 4.

More arrests are imminent. These will include cult member John Podesta, and probably Huma Abedin. Abedin has a sham marriage to Anthony Weiner, a former Congressman and known exhibitionist pedophile. Abedein is actually Hillary Clinton’s lesbian lover and an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood. This, and other juicy tidbits, will come out when we get the “life insurance” folder from Anthony Weiner’s laptop which was seized by the NYPD after he sent a photo of Little Anthony to a 15 year old girl.

As far as swamp creatures go, Huma and Weiner are mere rats. There are much nastier beasts lurking beneath the surface. The alligators are now expected to trigger a coup attempt, which will necessitate a counter-coup. For his own safety, Trump will be in Asia for the transition.

Actually, the real coup in America was in 1913, when the Federal Reserve was established. The Republic has been dead since then. JFK was a rebel executed. 9/11 was to consolidate power and transition America into an Empire in the service of a vile cult (the Whore of Babylon and her Beast). Trump was a counter-coup. George Soros has been using the PC Left a counter-counter-coup. Now the counter-counter-counter-coup is imminent. You might actually see tanks on the streets this time!

Personal speculation: If the walls are closing in, the Cabal might decide to bug out to their underground bases, fake their own deaths, and destroy all the evidence. That’s where Kim comes in. The way he has been acting makes me suspect he is a puppet. North Korea is a model society, as far as the Cabal is concerned. At the very least, the Cabal will want to learn from that model so they can apply it to the entire world. If Kim is controlled by the same people who control Obama, the Clintons, Trudeau, Merkel, the Bushes, John Key of New Zealand, the Vatican, and most of Europe, it wouldn’t be hard to slip Kim some nuclear tech or maybe some enriched uranium. OTOH, it is said that the Great Whore of Babylon will be destroyed in one hour by fire from the sky. Is someone looking to fulfill a prophecy?

Hippies for WWIII

[Update:  Kim would have done it on Hillary’s watch even if the walls weren’t closing in.  It was all part of the plan to usher in the NWO. 

The Rothschilds have been grooming China the way a pedophile grooms a child.  They were going to be the next host after the parasites suck the West dry and destroy the evidence.  Imagine: North Korea starts WWIII, we suck Russia in (possibly via U1, with Hillary’s role covered up), America and Russia nuke each other, Muslims rape Europe, China emerges unscathed and gets America’s industrial base and Australia’s and Africa’s resources. 

(((Commies))) laid the groundwork for this by purging Chinese traditionalists and patriots.  The Rothschilds’ opium banks like HSBC wormed their tentacles through the wreckage.  Today’s Chinese are more collectivist than us, more prone to materialism (both monetary and philosophical), and they are less rebellious.   They would have been screwed.  This is why Trump got such an amazing welcome from the Chinese.  He went to Asia to secure allies and help them chop off some cabal tentacles.  Busts are already happening.  There was one at the King Tower in Shanghai.

Trump stopped in Hawaii on the way back in order to collect information and lay groundwork for turning the cabal’s missile hoax against them.]

One of my very small audience asked:  “Who controls Big Tech and Silicon Valley? The Russians?”

The CIA and the NSA.

Facebook has everyone making dossiers on themselves.

Google was started with CIA money. They fudge search engine rankings to push a narrative, and pull inconvenient YouTube videos.

Microsoft listens to everyone.

Telecoms let the NSA run their switchboards.

Intel has built-in backdoors.  [TOLDYA SO!]

All of this was achieved through the usual techniques- bribery and blackmail.


Sent as an email on Nov. 3.  Obviously none of these have come true (with the possible exception of Campos).


At some point the rats are going to turn on each other. I have no idea how it will play out. Anyone care to play Clue in advance?

Here are some combinations to get you started:

-Hillary Clinton suicide with two shots to the back of the head
-Robert Mueller car bombed. Trump framed. Media pretends it was to stop Russia investigation.
-Donald Trump with a nuclear bomb at FBI headquarters
-Bill Clinton dead from natural causes (AIDS)
-John Podesta, “auto-erotic” accident with a post-hole driller
-George Soros, dead from Kuru from a child blood transfusion, given as bait
-100,000 Antifa, eaten after being deported to Somalia.  Long Pig is halal.
-George W. Bush, fentanyl overdose (on his doorknob)
-Jesus Campos, disappeared to a landfill in Mexico
-300,000,000 Americans, dead after Kim drops an EMP on us (for NWO kickbacks)
-Janet Yellen, slipped and fell into an industrial paper shredder
-Jaime Dimon, dead from some bad adrenochrome he bought on Silk Road with BitCoin
-Justin Trudeau, “kidnapped” by ISIS on a visit to Syria and over-used as a sex slave.  He enjoyed it.
-Jared Kushner, sucked into another dimension after someone changed the stickers on his Hellraiser cube
-Dick Cheney, pacemaker hacked (by Russia of course)
-Henry Kissinger, Napalm


Arrests happening

Email from Nov. 1.

Ex-Illuminati banker Ronald Bernard talks about the cabal that secretly rules the world (starting at 12:30) and satanism / child sacrifice (23:00).  He also gets into Biblical stuff, ancient Israelites, Moloch cults, MK-Ultra, control of media, Zionism, and their need for politicians they can blackmail.

The indictment of Manafort was widely predicted.  This is part of draining the swamp.  The media will say it means Trump is dirty, but Manafort was indicted for things he did before he worked for Trump, and Trump fired him a long time ago.  If Trump was an establishment politician, he would come out of this smelling like roses.
The sequence of dominoes goes something like this:  Manafort -> Tony Podesta -> John Podesta -> Hillary Clinton -> George Soros -> the Rothschilds.
I think all hell would break loose before the Rothschilds are punished for anything.  But already John Podesta is sweating.  Look for false flags, wars, alien hoaxes, coup attempts, outlandish media behavior, and ANTIFA chimpouts (Soros recently transferred $18B to his mayhem slushfund).
The Hollywood branch of the pedo cabal continues to unravel.  The dam has broken and many more will come forward.  Corey Feldman tried to expose them but has been arrested himself.  Kevin Spacey is connected to Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton.
Ever wonder why the elite are willing to pay millions for ugly, degenerate art?  Turns out the CIA turned the art world into a front for pedo cult trafficking and money laundering. They ship large crates, exchange large amounts of money, and if a transaction looks suspicious after the fact, the worst anyone can be accused of is having bad taste in art.
You can keep up on all the most unsavory developments at voat.  Or browse their archives.  They have been researching this for a year now.
Steven Paddock’s hard drive is missing, someone broke into his house, his brother was busted for child porn, a cop claims he accidently shot off his gun in the hotel room, Campos was an internet ghost too and he disappeared (before a double showed up on Ellen DeGeneres’s show), MGM is lying about Campos’s employment, and there are rumors of other shooters at the concert.

Rumor has it that Trump won’t make any moves against LBJ, Bush I, Bill Clinton, Bush II, or Obama, nor even tarnish their legacies, even though they are incredibly dirty.  He is worried about setting a precedent!  Let’s hope it is a rumor and/or someone else leaks anyway.  Let’s hope he still goes after Hillary, Holder, the Podestas, Lynch, the entire CIA, the entire State Department, half the FBI… Basically, we need a Stalinist purge of the government… including Kushner, Ivanka and Trump Jr.  He will just pardon them if it gets that far though… [Update:  Looks like we are getting the purge!  Over 10,000 sealed indictments, no deal for Obama or Hillary, and I haven’t heard anything more about Trump’s family trying to undermine him- so let’s hope that was just a rumor].

Trump I am the storm