The Shadow Government civil war is spilling out into the streets

Tinfoilhat-wearing political astronomers are tracking a chain of incoming comets like the ones that pounded Jupiter.   This is going to be an extinction-level event.  The Democrats will become a reviled minor party.  Many Republicans will be wiped out by the blast wave.  Other comets will strike New York, LA, Chicago, San Francisco, Rome, Brussels, London, Berlin and other major cities.  There will be so much toxic gas in the atmosphere that millions of people will go insane; some might even start killing each other.  CNN will become a joke like Baghdad Bob.  There will also be a financial reset.  But all of this is necessary.  America will be reborn in freedom!  And then, Europe will be reborn in freedom!   We will turn back to God and hunt the vile world-enslaving cultists to the ends of the Earth!  #GreatAwakening

There were two happenings last night:  The California helicopter crash and the DC train crash.  Related puzzle pieces are Adam Schiff, The Memo, Standard Hotels, pedophilia blackmail rings, and an attempted coup against Trump.  It’s too early to make all the proper connections but I will attempt it anyway:

Standard Hotels has long been used for meetings and “services” for satan-worshipping pedophiles within the shadow government.  After Trump won, they met at the hotel in Adam Schiff’s district and plotted a coup against Trump.  The NSA must have been waiting for them.  Some details about this coup will come out in the memo.  Adam Schiff knows this and got some CIA clowns to try to take out Republicans on the train, so that he could then force a re-vote on releasing the memo.  Two hotel managers were killed in the helicopter crash in order to tie up loose ends.

I guess we will find out soon enough.  Pop some popcorn and buy another gun or three because IT’S HAPPENING!

Adam Schiff Returns a Favor

[Update:  No cult stuff in the memo, dammit.  Which is not to say that cult stuff is not involved in this case.  Adam Schiff might be related to Jacob Schiff, the Illuminati banker who financed the Bolshevik revolution on behalf of the Rothschilds.  And the driver of the train-wrecking garbage truck might have had ties to the Clinton Foundation.  Stay tuned.  Be on the lookout for false flag attacks in the near future.  THEY are getting desperate.]

Is Trump about to kill 5 birds with one stone?

In December, Trump issued an executive order about confiscating the assets of anyone involved in serious human rights abuses or serious corruption.  He targeted a handful of obscure foreigners.  What is really interesting is that the act is recursive.  It can be applied to cronies, cronies of cronies, etc.

Under any other circumstances this would be very troubling, because it could be used for money-grubbing witch hunts.  I am sure there are plenty of liberals out there who would love to apply it do someone who tries to kick a crackhead out of their house.  “How dare you!  That’s a disability!  Now we will confiscate your house, and your parents’ house, and give them to our pet crackheads!”

We know Trump is fighting an insidious satanic cult.  We know the Clinton Foundation is a major nexus of corruption in the world, with connections to all the main billionaire puppetmasters (Saudis, Rothschilds, and George Soros).  And it just so happens that most of the people on the confiscation list are connected to the Clinton Foundation!  In addition, Nat Rothschild is connected to two people on the list, George Soros is connected to one or perhaps two people, and John McCain is connected to one person on the list.

Trump could use this to drain the Swamp.  Taking the puppetmasters’ money takes away a major source of their power.  If the Rothschilds are as rich as some people think they are, Trump could pay off the national debt with their assets.  Finally, a lot of the puppetmasters own a wide variety of businesses- usually businesses that help them maintain control, such as media, natural resources, and banks.   Imagine what Trump would do if the government suddenly owned CNN.  Better yet, imagine what Trump could do with The Federal Reserve.  The Fed isn’t Federal at all.  It’s a Rothschild-owned private corporation that robs savers by counterfeiting our money and shoveling it to Rothschild-owned banks.  It also allows the Rothschilds to inflate and deflate financial bubbles simply by controlling the money supply.  Rothschilds always profit by knowing the right moves in advance because they control the pieces.

Trump’s executive order could be a backdoor way to wipe the national debt and end the Federal Reserve!  This is an essential part of Making America Great Again.  There are several other ways Trump could end the Fed, which I will discuss later.

There has been speculation floating around that a lot of the so-called “sexual misconduct” resignations might be related to Trump holding this order over companies’ heads, but the surge in resignations started a couple months before the executive order.  I think a lot of the people who resigned have been compromised by the cult but Trump offered them a way out, if they narc on their handlers.

I looked at the gender ratio in the resignations and it is about what one would expect based on the gender ratio of the groups resigning (4% female among CEOs, 20% among members of Congress).  One would expect that few women would sexually harass their co-workers, and one would expect that even if they did it, almost none of them would be forced to resign.  The official story makes no sense.

Trump has issued another executive order about sending terrorists to Gitmo.  The people he is fighting certainly qualify as terrorists.  False flag terror attacks like 9/11 are one of their main tools for controlling the narrative.  They invite the Muslim Brotherhood into our government.  They encourage brutal gangs and even ISIS to invade .  George Soros is the main driver of ANTIFA and the “purple revolution”, which is a campaign of subversion and political violence modeled after his Orange Revolution in Ukraine, but the purple revolution targets America.

It is deliciously ironic that all the police state tools which the puppetmasters planned to use against patriots- Patriot Act, Gitmo, FEMA camps, “enhanced interrogations”, mass surveillance, civil forfeiture, rampant executive orders, drones, military tribunals, etc.- are now in the hands of their worst enemy.

They never thought Hillary would lose.

Update on major scandals brewing

Just an update to get ahead of whatever comes out during the State of the Union address and the FISA memo release.  We are going to see some fireworks.  There are whole bunch of MAJOR scandals bubbling towards the surface right now, and we’re not even talking about the big picture (world is run by a satanic cult, the pope is a satanist, ALL the money is counterfeit, WTC was nuked, the Muslim invasion of Europe is an attempt to genocide whites, etc.)  I expect this stuff to come out sometime before Trump’s 2nd term.  Here’s what might come out anytime between tonight and the beginning of Spring:

1.  The whole Russia narrative was Fake News from the beginning.  The Trump dossier was made up by the Dems, the CIA, and the GCHQ.

2.  They took this fake dossier to the FISA court- a bunch of corrupt rubberstampers who use their spying powers for blackmail and political vendettas.  They spied on Trump and came up with nothing.  This didn’t stop them from pushing the Russia narrative.

3.  There is a “secret society” within the FBI that has been trying to stage a coup against Trump.  Violence against Trump and his family are on the table.  It’s #Treason.

4.  The Vegas shooting was a botched assassination attempt against the Saudi crown prince, and possibly against Trump himself.  Paddock was some kind of spook or arms dealer.  The FBI is running the investigation as a coverup, hiding evidence, silencing witnesses etc.  They always do this.

5.  The Clinton Foundation is a major nexus of corruption in the world.  They are connected to child trafficking, organ harvesting, arms smuggling, money laundering, drug dealing, terrorism, banksters, and billionaire puppetmasters who want to bring down the West (Saudis, Rothschilds, Soros).

6.  Hillary embezzled the $13 Billion Haiti earthquake fund and tried to abduct 33 children from there, with some help from Laura Silsby (who now works for NCMEC- talk about the fox guarding the henhouse).  If the Clinton News Network cares so much about Trump calling Haiti a shithole, why don’t they care about Hillary actively keeping it a shithole in order to steal their children for dark rituals?

7.  Hillary, Obama, McCain, and probably half the CIA and the State Department have been actively supporting ISIS.  Notice how quickly the Russians beat them back?  Notice how quickly Trump beat them back?  That is because the fight was real for once!  No “moderate rebels” BS.  No “accidentally” leaving weapons and pallets of cash for them. No refusing to bomb their oil trucks due to “environmental concerns”.

8.  Hillary and Obama have allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate our government.  Look into the Awan Brothers, Huma Abedin, Alwaleed Bin Talal’s Clinton connections and his paying for Obama’s college, and G4S Security being used to pick up terrorists at the Mexican border and ship them around the country.  They employed Omar Mateen.

9.  Hillary sold off 20% of our uranium to Russia.  This might have been a pass-through to Iran and North Korea.

10.  The Clintons, Obama, the CIA, and possibly Elon Musk have been supplying Puppet Kim with the technology he needs to nuke us in order to start a war which will lead to a world Communist dictatorship.  The puppetmasters who control our own government see North Korea as a perfect society- for themselves.

11.  Hillary stole the primary from Bernie, Seth Rich didn’t like it and he leaked the DNC emails.  They had him whacked.  Shot by MS-13 thugs, then finished off in the hospital by Dr. Jack Sava.  Sava is a friend of the Podesta brothers.  John Podesta threatened to “make an example” out of Seth Rich.  They thought they killed the one person who could testify in court that the leak surely didn’t come from the Russians, but Kim Dotcom supposedly still has proof.

12.  The Democrats are inviting in millions of illegal immigrants and paying them to vote commie by giving them very generous welfare off the backs of hardworking citizens.  They also use MS-13 as their enforcers.  Great for plausible deniability.  Disposable if discretion is essential.  And the more of them there are, the more crimes they will commit to distract from the political hits.

13. The Hawaii missile drill was an attempt to bait Trump into launching his own missiles so that he could then be impeached for mental incompetence.  The Fake News Media had prepared this narrative well in advance.  Trump knew what was coming, he didn’t take the bait, and now the shadow government is on the hook.

The shadow government is getting so desperate they will try ANYTHING to get rid of Trump or change the narrative.  Keep that in mind if there are any explosive happenings anytime soon.

Best Christmas present in 2000 years?

Sent as an email on Dec. 11.

Here’s a movie idea:

The Imitation Game 2:  Apocalypse

Suppose a few patriots in the NSA cracked RSA AND elliptic curves decades ago. Suppose they found the Cabal exchanging blackmail files, satan stuff, pizza party invites, etc.  They couldn’t act because Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama and all their immediate underlings were puppets.  They couldn’t reveal what they knew or the puppetmasters would start hand-delivering stuff like terrorists do.   So they took a page from the history books:  ENIGMA.  Remember how in order to win the war, Bletchley Park had to LET the Germans bomb cities?  Maybe it’s like that.  The NSA built a massive, secret, data-vacuuming operation.  They waited for decades as Cabal members slowly revealed themselves.  The NSA itself pretended to give in to Cabal corruption, even letting them use the NSA for blackmail and corporate espionage purposes (certainly not stopping terrorism).  Patriots watched helplessly as the puppetmasters arranged 9/11… the Iraq War… the Crash of ’08… the Muslim invasion of Europe… Thousands of child sacrifices…

Then they found out that the puppetmasters were going to start WWIII on Hillary’s watch.  The goals were fourfold: 1) shift the blame for the inevitable collapse of the giant Ponzi scheme they have turned the financial system into; 2) Destroy the evidence and fake their own deaths; 3) create an excuse for establishing world government; and 4) kill off hundreds of millions of the people who would be the most effective resistance to world government:  White Christians.  North Korea would have pressed the button, possibly using our own uranium which Hillary sold them, and the puppetmasters would find a way to suck Russia in- probably saying that the uranium came from Russia when it really only came THROUGH Russia.

The NSA knew they HAD to have a President who wasn’t a puppet.  He had to be a populist in order to win (after vote rigging was shut down), but he also had to act like a buffoon, so that (1) Hillary would choose him as her opponent, and (2) so that the puppetmasters would have some false hope of being able to treat him like a mushroom (i.e. keep him in the dark and feed him shit).  But most importantly, the President must have BALLS OF STEEL AND A PENCHANT FOR REVENGE.  He must be God’s wrecking ball.  Which obviously excluded Bernie, Ron Paul, etc.  The puppetmasters would have just hid in the woodwork and come back even stronger.

And there you have it.  The Perfect Shitstorm is brewing.  But most people think Paddock was a lone nut, old sex-for-favors accusations are a fad (not a face-saving way to get a bunch of people to retire), and Trump is going to be impeached ANY MINUTE NOW because Flynn lied about something that’s not even illegal and Trump is a disgrace and a racist because he ate a burger in Japan and dumped out his fish food.  Soon these dupes will wake up screaming in a tub full of Matrix-goo.  Most will refuse to believe the truth.  Most of the rest will go insane.

Speaking of the Matrix and insanity- what if I told you that there is no matter, no energy, no Matrix-computer, no space, no time, no physical reality at all; the only things that truly exist are the integers and the relationships between them.  All other things- including physics, the infinite universes, and even God- are products of geometric and cellular-automa-like relationships between these integers, and God is the consciousness which naturally emerges from ALL these relationships.   And this infinitely huge sentient mathematical structure loves us enough to free us from the satanists, even though we are just a sub-microscopic subpixel of its fractal consciousness.  Would you think I did too much acid?  What if I laid on a lot of gobbledeygook about Genesis Blocks, Genesis Cells, The Big Bang, prime numbers, virtual quantum computers, branching universes controlled by conscious intent, the Tree of Life, sacred geometry, cryptocurrency transaction trees, and the possibility of actually witnessing both the Beginning and the End?  But I digress.

Sentient Fractals

You will hear more talk like this in the not too distant future.  Let’s stick to RSA and elliptic curves.  When these codes are proven to be broken, all encryption on the internet will be broken, and most cryptocurrencies will become worthless (because they won’t be CRYPTO anymore).  Bank transactions will stop until code is rewritten and rigorously tested all around the world. The mid-level minions who have been trying to save their cash by laundering it into BitCoin will suddenly find themselves with nothing.  As people slowly realize that the gold is gone and Federal Reserve Notes are the devil’s monopoly money, those who have gold in hand will make out like bandits.

As for timescales (hat tip to the notorious troll named Anonymous):

Friday Dec 1st – Flynn Plea

Tuesday Dec 5th – News of possible 12/6 Announcement of Jerusalem becoming capitol of Isreal?

Friday Dec 8th – Last day to prevent US gov. shutdown

Monday Dec 11th – Shutdown begins

Monday Dec 20th – Shutdown ends?

Starting 11th – 20th = 10 days darkness

What is going to happen during that 10 days of darkness.

Non-essential fed employees would be sent home on furlough.

Perfect way to avoid excessive casualties during a raid and not raise suspicion like what was done with guests being escorted out during the Saudi Bust.

Dirty ones would also lose access to classified files, monitoring, and communications during the shutdown.

They couldn’t meet easily in person and would not have secure rooms or communication lines.

Storm in full hurricane mode.

[Update:  OK, so this is one strange and rambling email which has turned out to be thoroughly inaccurate- for now.  I think we will get some surprises re: arrests after the State of the Union address and the FISA memo release.]


For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Merry Christmas!

Wondering what revelations would cause mass freakouts

Sent as an email on Nov. 29.

The Saudi stuff leads to a joint Muslim/Jewish plot to literally rape the West.  Screw us forever like the Turks did to the Greeks.  Ever wonder how the clever Greeks turned into a bunch of dole bludging idiots?  It’s because they’re not Greek anymore!  And that’s our future!  The Cabal wants to dumb us down so they can enslave us all under one world commie government, world central bank, and world religion.  The stated goals of Communism have pretty much become the platform of the Democratic Party.  Look how much “progress” they have made since 1963.  Europe is even more far gone:  Muslims and Africans vote commie to live off the backs of the natives, therefore Europe needs millions more refugees.  Terrorism means Europeans aren’t giving and welcoming enough.  If you complain, you’re a racist.  If you think the Somalis won’t pay your pension, you’re a racist.  Anyone right of Mao is a racist.  If you have any disagreement with anyone with more victim points than you, you’re all sorts of names.  The commies better be careful about hyperinflating names and victim points.  They might start to lose their value.
There has been another big JFK document dump.  Three assassins, Warren Commission was a coverup, CIA controls the media, Kennedy was going after the Cabal, and he wanted to bust up the CIA and stop Israel’s nuke program.
Uranium One leads to North Korea, and the Cabal’s plans to use them as a reset button / bug-out base / mind control experiment / model society for the rest of the world.
The Clinton Foundation leads to Uranium One, pay-for-play, human trafficking, pedophilia, murder, and radical Islam.
The Center or Missing and Exploited Children is in on it too– ask Laura Silsby and Brian Podesta, they should know.
Hillary continues to stack up the bodies of former cronies.
Justin Trudeau is a commie who is wrecking Canada on behalf of the Cabal, hence the 3rd world mass immigration.  The Trudeau Foundation is a front for pedophilia.  The Royal Family gets the pick of the reservations.
The Swamp leads to rampant satanism, pedophilia, most people with serious influence are puppets, and they are plotting to destroy all the decent institutions of Western civilization (especially Christianity and the family).
THEY are destroying the family so that government will be the only provider.  They are destroying Christianity, for many obvious reasons.  They aim to put up a world religion whose public face will be a superficial mix of Islam, New Age, Liberal Jesuit Catholicism, Political Correctness, government-worship, and “if it feels good, do it”.  Behind the scenes would be the weird syncretic religion of the Illuminati.  These are the guys the Bible warned us about.
The satan stuff leads to a whole lot of sick stuff that was once seen as black magic but is in fact real. Examples of black magic that turned out to be real:
  • Voodoo zombies
  • Massive blood transfusions from sacrificed children being used to slow aging
  • Ritual abuse and split personality mind control (now done scientifically under Project Monarch)
  • Use of disguised mass sacrifices to program society, in ways analagous to programming individuals
  • Thousands of years of child sacrifice have caused the bloodline families to literally evolve the ability to enter dissociative states
  • Devil’s Breath (a drug which removes free will)
  • Consumption of adrenochrome and pineal glands.  Hunter Thompson was right.
  • The creation of psychological complexes to control people
  • Stockholm Syndrome
  • A whole lot of Machiavellian tricks and public speaking tricks to get idiots to worship a leader
  • Meme magic (OK, this one isn’t inherently good or evil, but evil people perfected it long before the good guys started catching up)
  • Use of social engineering to dumb down entire populations
  • Worshiping moloch really does bring wealth and power, because it ensures that the shadow government is full of ruthless sociopaths
  • Crowleyan sex magick (?) I don’t want to look under that rock.
  • The creation of secret societies with hierarchical degrees of initiation and secret knowledge (these became the shadow government)
  • Babylonian money magick (i.e. the fractional reserve fiat money scam, and manufacturing bubbles and crashes, all to concentrate wealth)
  • Manipulation of the language, including Neuro Linguistic Programming (?)
  • Archons, a.k.a. demons.  I think they might be living quantum information.  Take this with a grain of salt.
Even if you don’t believe in any of this, the people who run the world certainly do.  And people wonder why I am so apathetic about getting back on the hamster wheel.  What would I be saving for?  What would I be paying taxes for?
The Good News is that the puppetmasters are afraid of a higher power that enforces certain “rules of play” on them.  They cannot enslave us without our collective consent.  Which is why they try so hard to manufacture consent, and why they give us subtle warnings of their plans.  And it’s why I try to undermine consent.
The other good news is that there are now over 4000 sealed indictments!  This is absolutely unprecedented!
One of the main leakers, Q, has given proof that he was on Air Force One, that he has the ability to influence Trump’s tweets, and that he knew of certain things that were coming.  He knew about the Saudi purge, MS-13 working for the CIA, Hugh Hefner running a honeypot, Rothschilds on the run, and probably other stuff.  The threads were hard to follow because there was a flood of childish arguments, vague schizophrenic garbage, competing fake threads, and obvious “bots” (chat programs designed to distract people).  Someone spent millions of dollars blowing chaff.  However, there are plenty of people who are consolidating the story.  For example, the mainstream media is screeching about Trump linking to a “Fake News” website which “which supports conspiracy theories and supports a ‘flow chart’ about bloodline families”.  Be a good citizen and stay very, very far away from
Q said that only 20% of the truth will be revealed, because if the rest was widely known and believed, 99% of people would end up in the hospital.  There has been a lot of speculation on what he meant by this.  I’ve attached a chart someone made.  Sweet Dreams!Q 99pct in hospital scenarios

Sealed indictments

Sent as an email on Nov. 10

There is a huge RICO case brewing.

Obama has been going to court for “Jury Duty”.

Hint: He’s not on the jury. He is a co-conspirator who has turned states’ evidence.

Much as McCain deserves to hang for helping ISIS and trying to start WWIII, I think he will flip too. At this point, he has nothing to lose, and his soul to gain.

Now, what kind of crime syndicate could be so powerful that two major presidential candidates and at least one former president would be RATS?

The Royal Family is starting to freak out over “fake news”. Rest assured, within the not too distant future London will fall, Brussels will fall, the Vatican will fall. The ancient evil has long festered in Europe. We Americans were simply trying to get away from it, but it came here and made America into its puppet.  Trump is cutting the strings!

For some idea what is going on over there, google Dutruox affair, Leo Zagami vatican satanism, Rotherham rapes, Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, Albert Pike plan, and the Yinon Plan.

[Update: Looks like no deal for McStain or Hillary.  Maybe no deal for Obama either.  There are over 13,000 sealed indictments at the Federal level!  This is absolutely unprecedented!  A few hundred per year is typical.  Sealed indictments are typically used in organized crime cases where investigators must work in secret and then do all the arrests at once, so that the perps don’t have the chance to flee or destroy evidence.  This site describes it in more detail.]

When all else fails, start a war

Sent as an email on Nov. 9.
Looks like Israel and Saudi Arabia are gearing up for war against Iran and Lebanon.  This has the potential to suck in bigger players such as America and Russia.
Israel and Saudi Arabia have been in bed with each other for a long time.  It’s not really even a secret anymore.  The cover story is that their secret alliance is “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, with their mutual enemy being Iran.  The deeper story is that there is an ancient cult which wants to establish a world government and world central bank and to pull it off, they must destroy the West.  WWIII, a Muslim invasion, Communism, rampant legal looting, and reverse eugenics all serve this goal.  The bad guys are those countries controlled by the cult, mainly America (pre-Trump), Britian, The EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and North Korea.  The good guys are Assad, Gaddaffi (RIP), Putin, Trump, and Duterte.  The Ayatollah is probably playing both sides.  Trump is trying to flip & purge Saudi Arabia.  They are in flux.  Assume they are playing both sides until the dust settles.
Here is a list of questions and answers relating to a high-level insider (Q) who has been leaking all week.  This leak deals mostly with Saudi Arabia, the Clintons, the CIA, and rampant political corruption within the US.  He claims to have the Big Picture but says it can’t come out yet or people will flip out.  He touches on Soros but doesn’t go higher.  Nothing about the cult.  This is more about getting a bunch of details out there so that we basement-dwellers can get in front of Fake News Inc.  when more arrests come down.
[Update:  The Q&A spreadsheet has been vandalized by a schizophrenic.  Here is a better source.  Q continues to provide good intel on a wide variety of topics.  He DOES talk about the cult but he doesn’t get into the GORY details.]

Right now, the Cabal is scrambling.  Upper-middle management such as Obama and Hillary are trying to bug out but it may be too late.  I think one or maybe both of them will both come in from the cold.  Trump is gonna make great deals with them- they get to live.  They might even get to see daylight again.  Whoever finks first gets to stick it to a hated rival.  Hillary has burdened herself with the secrets of scary people.  She has taken on debts that she cannot repay.  She would be safer in an underground base and she knows it.  The Cabal has plenty of such bases but she cannot trust them at this point.

Obama might flip not for America, but for blacks.  If Obama is arrested, blacks will start a race war and lose.  Badly.  If Obama goes down with the Cabal to the bitter end, nobody will trust black leaders again.  Obama’s likely move is to play the victim.   Say how he was just a peon forced to read a teleprompter, just a fall guy, just a mind controlled coward forced to do horrible things for horrible people.  I don’t think this is the whole truth.  I think Obama loved selling us out.  I think he knew that was the goal before he was a community organizer in Chicago.  But if he at least names what he did and for who, while holding NOTHING back, I would grudgingly accept his continued freedom.   Same goes for George W. Bush.  May they destroy the Sith, and bring balance to the Force.  [Update:  Trump is pushing for justice.  This is great.  Probably no deal for Obama.  The plan is to try to redpill blacks about how the Democrats have been using them. The only thing Democrats do for blacks is keep them stuck in a mental prison.  Obama will be arrested after blacks take the redpill.  Hillary is so selfish she would probably narc on her cronies just for better room service during her last miserable days in Gitmo.  No deal for McStain.  No word about the Bushes or Bill Clinton, even though they are dirty for sure.  I doubt Bush I would ever flip.  The others might, if a deal was offered.]

Jail George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, half of Congress (from both sides) and most of Wall Street, K Street, the media and upper level department heads.  Death to Soros, Rothschilds, etc., and may ALL their dirty laundry be aired.

Hillary and McCain recently had “ankle injuries” that resulted in them getting identical braces… to hide ankle bracelets?

Slow news day

Emailed on Nov. 6.

Slow news day compared to last week but still much more happenings than usual.  The Shadow Government Civil War has officially gone hot.

-8 Saudi princes involved in a helicopter crash

-Church shooting in the middle of nowhere, TX.  24 killed thus far.

-Antifa was a no-show.  Not too surprising.  They are retards and cowards.

-Rumors of an imminent Tim McVeigh-style false flag, since the last one worked so well.

-Someone tried to pull the plug on Trump’s Twitter feed.  Alwaleed owns 30 million shares.

-Alwaleed paid for Obama’s education, paid for Islamic indoctrination in US public schools, and mentored the founders of the Black Panthers (Clinton + Bush Saudi ties already known)

-Podesta(s) and Obama missing?

-London is starting to have Hollywood-style embarrassing problems.  No surprise.  It’s a cesspool.  Pedo blackmail rings can always be found in proportion to a center’s power (whether political, financial, or cultural).

-Absolutely massive data leak about offshore tax dodges.  Includes the Queen, some Trump cabinet members, Trump donors, Trudeau, and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is tied to the Russians.  Nothing about Soros or his Rothschild bosses.  The leaking journalists are tied to Soros.  The media was very quick to find anything tangentially related to Trump.  Looks like Soros is inking the water.  My impression is that it is all true and I am still glad to have it out in the open.  I am surprised Soros threw Trudeau and the Queen under the bus though.

Prepping idea: Hoard diapers; sell to liberals when SHTF

Originally written as an email on Nov. 6.

There are many leaks floating around the internet right now.  Most fake, some real, and time proves which is which.  This fresh one is indicative of the genre and is pretty funny.

This started either before Trump announced his run for President, or soon thereafter. Someone who knew what happened told him. SOMEONE in the Intelligence community, likely Military Intel, sat Trump down and laid out the entire Uranium One bribery scheme.

How all across the breadth of the Obama Administration people in high offices took massive bribes to facilitate sell of uranium to Russia. It involved so many people, it compromised so many agencies, the people who did it counted on it never being exposed or prosecuted. The lengths to which they corrupted our government offices to enrich themselves by selling out our country virtually ENSURED they’d walk. People knew but nobody could talk, the people involved in the scheme were at the HIGHEST levels of the American government.

So patriots in our gov’t had their hands tied. There was nothing they could do to stop the sale. People knew but nobody could talk, the people involved in the scheme were at the HIGHEST levels of the American government. Even after SOME of the dirty facts behind Uranium One became known in 2015, it was easily buried, ignored, passed by.

Somebody took a chance on Trump. They sat him down, walked him through what happened. Ponder the impossible task being revealed:

Even if he WINS the election, he’d be taking over a gov’t that had been corrupted & compromised by the previous administration to a degree that was almost unfathomable.

HOW do you go about restoring the US gov’t to what it should be, instead of what it’s become?

Trump and his advisors came up with a plan.

A brilliant plan. An intelligence operation based on DECEPTION.

It started during the primaries when Trump began taking every opportunity he could to brag about what GOOD FRIENDS he’d be with Putin. Trump literally could not seem to SHUT UP about how awesomely AWESOME his relationship with Putin was gonna be. It became a running joke, a campaign feature, engendering much hand wringing & concern among Never Trumpers. WHY does Trump keep going out of his way to incessantly BRAG about the sweet, sweet deals he & Putin are gonna do together?

But go back and look. During the primaries, during the general election campaign, what happened EVERY TIME Trump did this Putin act?

He *literally* trolled all the people who took dirty Russian $ to compromise our nat’l security into ATTACKING HIM FOR IT, and all HE was doing was TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING HE HADN’T DONE YET and would NEVER really do. Literally every single time Trump talked about his good friend Vladimir, Hillary ‘reminded’ him Putin is…NOT our ally! Obama condescendingly chided Trump for his friendly talk about Putin. Holder was aghast, Lynch was stunned! etc.

They fell right into his trap. He TALKED about doing deals with a guy ALL THESE TRAITORS TOOK BRIBES FROM TO SELL URANIUM TO. He’s talking about hypothetical deals with Russia & people who took massive Russian bribes on the U1 deal rushed to ATTACK HIM for it. What possible EXCUSE are they going to have when the truth comes out?

They’re not going to have one. He made SURE of that. Everything Trump does is calculated for effect.

So now you know why he showed all that ‘Putin-Love’ during the campaign. The traitors had no idea what he was really doing & rushed to attack him for merely TALKING about doing deals with Russia. Then Trump won the election. He and Sessions went to work.

Now here’s something people overlook or don’t understand.

Pay attention:

All this stuff about Uranium One we’re now just finding out?
Trump & Sessions knew about ALL OF THIS before they were sworn in. Part of the intelligence operation Trump & Co. are running is you never show what you know, you keep your enemy in the dark. Trump & Sessions knew about ALL the details of Uranium One BEFORE the election.

Who got how much, from who, all of it. How much uranium was being shipped to Moscow, who facilitated that shipping, they already KNOW all of this. They just haven’t TALKED about until now. They PRETEND they are just now becoming aware of some of this stuff. There was NO WAY they were going to come into office in January & tip all these people off “Yeah hey we’re going after Uranium One!”

Trump & Sessions know what happened with Uranium One. All the dark, dirty details. START with that premise, replay the last 9 months:

You need to start an investigation where somebody deep dives into Uranium One BUT you can’t let anybody outside KNOW that. So here’s where the second part of the intelligence operation begins.

You convince people it’s TRUMP & HIS TEAM being investigated. All the traitors who facilitated the Uranium One deal were on high alert after the transfer of power. Will they be sniffed out? Well not to worry. Almost IMMEDIATELY the new President & his team end up being embroiled in a very public scandal.

Trump asks Comey to back off of Flynn, then fires Comey, who leaks memos to the NYT’s & DEMANDS appointment of a Special Counsel. With a President who bragged about doing deals with Russia, an advisor caught on the phone with the Russian ambassador… everybody AGREES: yeah, great idea! Let’s appoint a special counsel to investigate RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in our election! So be it.

Jeff Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. [But remember: HE ALREADY KNOWS EVERYTHING ANYWAY] Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein then appoints Bob Mueller & tasks him with investigation Russian interference in the 2016 election. MUELLER AND ROSENSTEIN *both* already know that Trump & Sessions BOTH know all the details of #UraniumOne. Everybody involved in this ALREADY KNOWS. Everybody was in on this from the start. Trump, Sessions, Mueller & Rosenstein.

A lot of scenarios go wrong because they start by assuming Trump was clueless, didn’t know any of this, Sessions didn’t either or was part of the #UraniumOne coverup. Same with Mueller & Rosenstein, whom many assume to be dirty, trying to HIDE the evidence. An intelligence operation based on deception calls for putting the enemy at EASE because they don’t understand what you’re REALLY doing.

So: what do the Uranium One traitors & DNC Media & Democrats THINK has been going on for the last 8 moths? Trump has been STAGGERING on the ropes in desperate trouble trying to avoid a KNOCKOUT BLOW as Mueller relentlessly stalks him!

The reality? Mueller has been digging even deeper into Uranium One & into Fusion GPS & the Trump dossier. He *has* found Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Do you know what it was?

Shall I tell you?

He found a MASSIVE Russian bribery scheme involving 1 of the Presidential candidates in which she compromised US national security. He *also* found this selfsame candidate illegally funding solicitation of info from Russian government sources to smear the OTHER candidate. And to compound THAT offense, this candidate also tried to HIDE her funding of this dossier by using a law firm, which is illegal.

The investigation is mostly over. Most of the indictments from the grand jury/juries have been made, sealed. You’re all about to witness something that was deemed to be an impossibility. A previous administration that was so corrupt across so many agencies with so many people involved, it made it invincible is about to be rolled up.

Dozens of people are going to prison. And you know most of the names.

Not until the hammer actually falls & all the indictments are unsealed will most people figure out what Trump & his team did. DNC Media never had a chance to compromise/thwart the investigation of Uranium One & Fusion GPS because they fell for the COVER STORY. It’s literally too late at this point to stop what’s coming. That window closed weeks ago.

Examples will be made out of these people. When Trump & Sessions are done, NO ONE will ever try this kind of treason again.
Here’s a video with this scenario laid out, plus a bit more.
I think this is a good time to talk about the Left and projection.  Everything they say about their enemies is a black mirror of themselves.
“Trump will try to steal the election.
Trump won’t respect the results of the election.
Trump will lead his supporters to violence if he loses.
Trump is a dictator.
Trump is totally corrupt.
Trump is in bed with Wall Street.
Trump is in bed with Russia.
Trump wants to start WWIII.
Trump is spewing fake news.
Trump’s supporters are a basket of deplorables.
Trump is the Evil Empire and we are the Rebel Alliance.
Trump is an angry, retarded, racist egomaniac with a huge entitlement complex .
Trump is a terrible candidate and decent people hate him and that is why he is going to lose.  He MUST lose.  The world depends on it.
Trump is another reason why white people need to go extinct.  But we’re not racist.  It’s impossible for us to be racist, whereas whites are automatically racist because they benefit from a racist system that gives them privilege.  The privilege of paying us.  Saying we’re racist makes YOU a double-racist.  So shut up and pay us, you racists, or we will witch-hunt your privileged ass out of your job!”
When we know all the stuff about uranium, the Illuminati, the CIA, 9/11, Bush, Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, pedos, 3rd world mass immigration, the Jesuits, the Pope, Jewish Communism, social engineering, the drug trade, the Fed, WWIII, human sacrifice, and many other scandals, the left (and half the GOP) are going to be the new Nazis.  They will spend the next 70 years in the howling wilderness.  Their Trail of Tears will become a salt mine.

Saudi purge

Written as an email on Nov. 5.
Radical Islamist Alalweed Bin Talal and 17 other princes have been arrested for “Corruption” in one of the most corrupt countries on Earth.  Bin Laden’s brother, with ties to George Bush, has also been arrested.  There have been other weird rumblings of missiles shot down.

Bin Talal was in bed with the Clinton Foundation for at least $25m.  He also owns the Four Seasons Hotel, which takes up the top 5 floors of the Mandalay Bay casino in Las Vegas.  As with 9/11, there was a major selloff of stock before the shooting.  Explains the ISIS connection and how the real shooters expected to get away.  Looks like Bin Talal knew the purge was coming and tried to head it off!  That is a juicy detail I did not expect at all.

Trump made a visit to Saudi Arabia early this year and it ended in a weapons deal and some interesting geopolitical shift.  He flipped Qatar.  Now it looks like he also made an alliance with a more moderate Saudi faction, conditional on a purge of the Wahhabis, and our sticky fingers on ARAMCO.

Wahhabis are a totalitarian Islamic death cult.  They were the ideological force behind Al Qaeda and ISIS.  They are allied with the Illuminati.  They have strong ties to the Clinton crime family, the Bush crime family, the CIA, and until recently, the government of Saudi Arabia.  Their main enemies are Shia Muslims (i.e. Iranians), Western civilization in general, and America in particular.

Huma Abedin will be indicted very soon.  She is Hillary Clinton’s lesbian lover and an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Those connected to the Awan brothers will probably fall very soon.  This could be the beginning of the end of the Cabal inviting Islamist infiltration of our government.

Huma email

Cabal members (possibly including Hillary Clinton) will start bugging out but where will they go to?  Dubai?  Israel?  Egypt?  Antarctica?  (Antarctica is probably a distraction- or are they unwelcome there?!?  That is a whole nuther can o’ worms).  [Update:  Hillary is going to Gitmo.  She already has an ankle bracelet.  Top cabal members might have intended to bug out to North Korea. It’s a fantasyland for them.  If there is a worldwide slave revolt, it would make sense.  It would obviously not the safest place if Puppet Kim launches a nuke so if that is their plan, they would bug out to underground bases or the South Island of New Zealand. It’s a preppers’ paradise.

The weather systems of the southern hemisphere are rather disconnected from those of the northern hemisphere so there would be much less nuclear fallout down there.  David de Rothschild has a 60ha farm in Akaroa.  Nothing spectacular, but it could be accessed by submarine.  Billionaires have been filtering into Queenstown and the remote and wrinkly terrain between Christchurch and Nelson.  New Zealand was the first stop John Kerry made after his election-day visit to Antarctica (WTF).  On the night he left NZ, there was a big earthquake, and NWO puppet John Key resigned a month later.  Did he refuse sanctuary?]