Saudi purge

Written as an email on Nov. 5.
Radical Islamist Alalweed Bin Talal and 17 other princes have been arrested for “Corruption” in one of the most corrupt countries on Earth.  Bin Laden’s brother, with ties to George Bush, has also been arrested.  There have been other weird rumblings of missiles shot down.

Bin Talal was in bed with the Clinton Foundation for at least $25m.  He also owns the Four Seasons Hotel, which takes up the top 5 floors of the Mandalay Bay casino in Las Vegas.  As with 9/11, there was a major selloff of stock before the shooting.  Explains the ISIS connection and how the real shooters expected to get away.  Looks like Bin Talal knew the purge was coming and tried to head it off!  That is a juicy detail I did not expect at all.

Trump made a visit to Saudi Arabia early this year and it ended in a weapons deal and some interesting geopolitical shift.  He flipped Qatar.  Now it looks like he also made an alliance with a more moderate Saudi faction, conditional on a purge of the Wahhabis, and our sticky fingers on ARAMCO.

Wahhabis are a totalitarian Islamic death cult.  They were the ideological force behind Al Qaeda and ISIS.  They are allied with the Illuminati.  They have strong ties to the Clinton crime family, the Bush crime family, the CIA, and until recently, the government of Saudi Arabia.  Their main enemies are Shia Muslims (i.e. Iranians), Western civilization in general, and America in particular.

Huma Abedin will be indicted very soon.  She is Hillary Clinton’s lesbian lover and an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Those connected to the Awan brothers will probably fall very soon.  This could be the beginning of the end of the Cabal inviting Islamist infiltration of our government.

Huma email

Cabal members (possibly including Hillary Clinton) will start bugging out but where will they go to?  Dubai?  Israel?  Egypt?  Antarctica?  (Antarctica is probably a distraction- or are they unwelcome there?!?  That is a whole nuther can o’ worms).  [Update:  Hillary is going to Gitmo.  She already has an ankle bracelet.  Top cabal members might have intended to bug out to North Korea. It’s a fantasyland for them.  If there is a worldwide slave revolt, it would make sense.  It would obviously not the safest place if Puppet Kim launches a nuke so if that is their plan, they would bug out to underground bases or the South Island of New Zealand. It’s a preppers’ paradise.

The weather systems of the southern hemisphere are rather disconnected from those of the northern hemisphere so there would be much less nuclear fallout down there.  David de Rothschild has a 60ha farm in Akaroa.  Nothing spectacular, but it could be accessed by submarine.  Billionaires have been filtering into Queenstown and the remote and wrinkly terrain between Christchurch and Nelson.  New Zealand was the first stop John Kerry made after his election-day visit to Antarctica (WTF).  On the night he left NZ, there was a big earthquake, and NWO puppet John Key resigned a month later.  Did he refuse sanctuary?] 

Arrests happening

Email from Nov. 1.

Ex-Illuminati banker Ronald Bernard talks about the cabal that secretly rules the world (starting at 12:30) and satanism / child sacrifice (23:00).  He also gets into Biblical stuff, ancient Israelites, Moloch cults, MK-Ultra, control of media, Zionism, and their need for politicians they can blackmail.

The indictment of Manafort was widely predicted.  This is part of draining the swamp.  The media will say it means Trump is dirty, but Manafort was indicted for things he did before he worked for Trump, and Trump fired him a long time ago.  If Trump was an establishment politician, he would come out of this smelling like roses.
The sequence of dominoes goes something like this:  Manafort -> Tony Podesta -> John Podesta -> Hillary Clinton -> George Soros -> the Rothschilds.
I think all hell would break loose before the Rothschilds are punished for anything.  But already John Podesta is sweating.  Look for false flags, wars, alien hoaxes, coup attempts, outlandish media behavior, and ANTIFA chimpouts (Soros recently transferred $18B to his mayhem slushfund).
The Hollywood branch of the pedo cabal continues to unravel.  The dam has broken and many more will come forward.  Corey Feldman tried to expose them but has been arrested himself.  Kevin Spacey is connected to Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton.
Ever wonder why the elite are willing to pay millions for ugly, degenerate art?  Turns out the CIA turned the art world into a front for pedo cult trafficking and money laundering. They ship large crates, exchange large amounts of money, and if a transaction looks suspicious after the fact, the worst anyone can be accused of is having bad taste in art.
You can keep up on all the most unsavory developments at voat.  Or browse their archives.  They have been researching this for a year now.
Steven Paddock’s hard drive is missing, someone broke into his house, his brother was busted for child porn, a cop claims he accidently shot off his gun in the hotel room, Campos was an internet ghost too and he disappeared (before a double showed up on Ellen DeGeneres’s show), MGM is lying about Campos’s employment, and there are rumors of other shooters at the concert.

Rumor has it that Trump won’t make any moves against LBJ, Bush I, Bill Clinton, Bush II, or Obama, nor even tarnish their legacies, even though they are incredibly dirty.  He is worried about setting a precedent!  Let’s hope it is a rumor and/or someone else leaks anyway.  Let’s hope he still goes after Hillary, Holder, the Podestas, Lynch, the entire CIA, the entire State Department, half the FBI… Basically, we need a Stalinist purge of the government… including Kushner, Ivanka and Trump Jr.  He will just pardon them if it gets that far though… [Update:  Looks like we are getting the purge!  Over 10,000 sealed indictments, no deal for Obama or Hillary, and I haven’t heard anything more about Trump’s family trying to undermine him- so let’s hope that was just a rumor].

Trump I am the storm

News you might have missed

Sent as an email on Oct. 23, 2017.
News you might not have heard from the Mainstream Media:
When Hillary Clinton was head of the State Department, she took a bribe from Russia in exchange for selling them 20% of our uranium stockpiles at a sweet price.  Then Obama gave $1 billion to Iran for them to buy uranium from Russia.  Then the Democrats and their lackeys in the mainstream media spent well over a year accusing Trump of colluding with Russia, based on very little evidence.  When Hillary campaigned, she seemed eager to start WWIII.  We could have been nuked with our own uranium, paid for at taxpayer expense, with Hillary getting kickbacks.  And they say the Cabal has no sense of humor.   This is almost as funny (by their standards) as the Pope being a satanic pedophile-enabling commie who welcomes a Muslim invasion.
Hollywood is a cesspool of pedophilia and blackmail.  Right now the focus is on Harvey Weinstein.  He’s a world class scumbag who assaulted many women and some minors.  The mainstream media is ignoring this, but they spent weeks on Trump’s locker room talk.
The shadow government has been in civil war for over a year.  We recently saw it burst into the open in Las Vegas.  The official story makes no sense.  Still a bit early to say what happened, but I am guessing it was a gun-running sting by the “good guys” which the CIA seized control of and turned into a mass shooting, to embarass them, and to shift the narrative, and to provide an excuse for TSA-style security everywhere plus ample moneymaking opportunities for cronies like Sheldon Adelson, Michael Chertoff and George Soros.  [Update:   It now looks like a botched assassination attempt on the Saudi crown prince, who was staying in the Saudi-owned Four Seasons Hotel on top of Mandalay Bay.  The guy who ordered it was Alwaleed Bin Talal, who was arrested in the Saudi purge.  Paddock was some kind of spook and Campos isn’t who he says he is.  What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas… for now.]
 Look for the following bombshells in the near future:
-The FBI was complicit with the uranium deal, and much more, for the last four years- but intended to cover it up when Hillary won.
-The CIA and/or the FBI and/or the DIA were involved with the Vegas shooting.
-The Fed has been printing trillions of dollars and shoveling it to cronies.  Not exactly news, but now they might be scared enough to burn documents on the roof.
-JFK was killed by the CIA / the Mafia / Mossad in order to stop him from breaking up the CIA, thwarting Israel’s nuclear ambitions, and putting America on a silver standard under control of the US Treasury (Executive Order 11110).
-Saudi and Israeli involvement in Vegas and 9/11?  9/11 is a huge and nasty rabbit hole; don’t know how much of it we will get at this point, but one can hope.
-The liberal establishment is afraid of Trump because they can’t control him through the usual dirty tricks.  They want to establish world Communism through a combination of a welfare state plus massive 3rd world immigration and Trump (and Whitey) threaten their evil plans.
This article is very interesting.  The stuff about the luciferian cabal is accurate as far as I know.  I have been researching them for a long time.  I haven’t researched anything about the secret space program.   As for the intelligence agency insiders, I saw them pop up on the troll forums weeks in advance of things happening.   For about a year and a half, insiders have been coming out of the intelligence agency woodwork as part of the shadow government civil war.  Please read all the way to page 4 at the end of the article.