The Black Iron Prison

I just heard that Hollywood pozzed The Man in the High Castle by injecting Black Communists into the show.  I can’t really say that I’m triggered by this because I haven’t read the book, and I got rid of my TV five years ago and haven’t followed any shows since then.  I just want to give a little trollish pushback against the Orwellian directive of rewriting our culture and history to be Woke.  I’m going to try my hand at writing serialized sci-fi in a way that honors Philip K. Dick. He’s a master of esoteric, Matrix-style reality shifts.  He might also have been contacted by some kind of cosmic intelligence. He spent years of his life trying to work through the experience and came out deeply Christian.  If you’re curious, take the Dick Pill and then start reading Radio Free Albemuth.

I will extend the following story if and when the Muse strikes.  Every substantive update will be noted in new blog posts so that regulars will not need to check here.



In a parallel universe in which the Nazis won, budding sci-fi author Philip von Dicke just wrote a novel about a parallel universe in which the Nazis lost. While awaiting approval from the Ministry of Aryan Culture, there was a knock at the door. Two SS cyborgs.

Philip’s mind raced. “Oh Shit Oh Shit Oh Shit! Did that girl at the life extension center report me for pro-semitism after I said maybe more than 6000 Jews died in the camps? Did drones smell my weed? Maybe the flies in my house aren’t dying because they aren’t flies. I knew I should have applied for that ticket to Mars…”

A cyborg barked “The Ministry has reviewed your book and judged it subversive. We will take you in for questioning.” He activated his hypno beam.

In a mental instant, Philip was in an interrogation room with SQUID sensors pressed against his skull. The interrogator’s bulging forehead indicated that he was a product of the Reich’s selective breeding program for intelligence. His icy blue eyes showed tiny reflections of holograms that only he could see. Maps of brain activity.

“Mr. Dicke, I found your manuscript quite amusing. I think you should have called it Clown World and submitted it as a bad comedy instead of alternative history, because it’s so implausible overall.

Some parts are good. Your portrayal of Jewish duplicity and depravity is accurate, as is your portrayal of America’s inevitable fall to materialism, miscegenation and a dysgenic welfare state. Your pedo cults are very… creative.

But you give the Jews far too much credit. You make them nearly omnipotent manipulators. You portray Aryans as cowards who will gladly castrate themselves or betray their own people for a pat on the head. And the whole child tranny thing is absolutely disgusting and would never ever happen, I don’t care how many xenoestrogens the Jews put in the plastics, there should have been a rebellion long before things got as bad as you describe. Are you a pedophile, Mr. Dicke?”

Honkler nazi

Philip felt a panic attack rising. He knew he had to croak out an answer before his paranoia spiraled out of control. “No. Child trannies are a logical continuation of the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic plus the social engineering of the Frankfurt School Jews, who fled to America after Hitler was elected. We all spent years learning about this stuff in history class.”

“Hmmmm. Looks like you’re telling the truth… from your perspective. You may have dodged a bullet. I’ll still give you a delta scan- standard procedure.”

Philip dreaded the scan, but resistance was futile. The interrogator made a few finger-jabs into empty space. The interrogation chair emitted a hypno beam modulated to induce REM sleep while stimulating Philip’s visual cortex with carefully programmed interference patterns.

Philip entered a dreamlike semi-conscious state in which a series of hypnagogic images flickered by. Hitler, Jews, Somalis, child trannies, marching soldiers, General Breivik, Saint Tarrant, scenes from the Arabian genocide, money, various flags and religious symbols, Aryan women in wheatfields, etc. The computer noted the subconscious emotional response to each image. When an image provoked a suspicious response, the computer showed related images. Emotional steering was impossible because it was impossible to focus through several hours of the dreamlike state. Most suspects didn’t even retain enough consciousness to remember that they were being scanned. The computer was very good at creating a broad outline of a suspect’s psyche, worldview, and vices. Of course, the computer could not determine the exact reason for each response- that was the interrogator’s job.  Most of the time, all he had to do was ask.  Any reasonably sane suspect knew that lying was pointless and dangerous.

Philip awoke with a headache and vague memories of the scan. The interrogator cracked a faint smile. Was that little grin friendly or predatory?


God’s shotgun

12,900 years ago, fragments of a giant comet stuck the North American ice cap and wiped out part of the advanced civilization known as Atlantis. I will be making multiple posts about Atlantis and its survivors.  This post is mainly about the impacts.

Carolina bays ellipseThe Atlantic coastal plain from New Jersey to Texas is peppered with half a million shallow, boggy depressions called Carolina bays.  Similar features are found in Nebraska, where they are called rainwater basins.  They are always ellipses with the same aspect ratio, and they are always aligned with their neighbors, although their orientation varies by region.  Ordinary earth processes cannot explain this pattern.  The bays have overlapping raised rims and ragged outside edges characteristic of impact craters, but these are not impacts from space. Space impacts have very high velocities which cause explosive vaporization and high-pressure shock waves.  The telltale signs of a space impact are shatter cones, shocked quartz, nano-diamonds, circular craters, and the presence of iridium (an element so rare, it’s out of this world).  Carolina bays do not have these signs.

Carolina bays Saginaw bay

The bays are secondary impacts from huge chunks of ice ejected by primary impacts on the Laurentide ice sheet.  The bays’ long axes converge on Saginaw Bay, Michigan and parts of southern Canada.  13,000 years ago, these areas were covered with kilometers of ice.

The shapes and locations of the bays are consistent with a continent-wide saturation bombing by chunks of ice up to a few hundred meters wide, traveling at 3-4 km/s (6700-8900 miles/hr).  The world’s most epic hailstorm wiped out the large mammals of North America and the Clovis hunter-gatherers.  Everything east of the Rockies was devastated.  The reason we don’t see Carolina bays everywhere is because they only formed in areas with deep silty/sandy soil and a high water table, so that the earthquakes from the impacts caused enough liquefaction for splat-marks to be preserved. A key prediction of this hypothesis would be inverted sediment layers under the far ends of the rims.  Carbon dating doesn’t mean much because it tells us when the soil formed, not when the ice bombardment rearranged the landscape.

The ice sheets had been melting due to 1800 years of warming climate.  To the west of the impacts, there was an enormous meltwater lake called Lake Agassiz.  An impact could have ejected enough ice to drain Lake Agassiz and disrupt the Gulf Stream, causing a 1200-year return to Ice Age conditions known as the Younger Dryas.

Here are other possible impacts within historical memory:

  • Bloody Creek, Nova Scotia.  This is either a 400m crater about as old as the Younger Dryas, or it’s the bottom of a much larger, older crater that eroded.
  • Two large craters (30km and 37km) were recently found near Hiawatha, Greenland.  They’re not dated yet, but they look geologically young.  They could be from the same time as the North American impacts.
  • 8km crater near Iturralde, Bolivia.  28,000 BC – 9000 BC.
  • Pacific Ocean, ~9300 BC (speculative, crater not found). This would be a good way to end the Younger Dryas and cause a lot of flooding, especially if the tsunami swept away large amounts of Antarctic ice.
  • 29km crater in the southern Indian Ocean, ~2500 BC
  • Sodom, Jordan.  Yes, it’s that Sodom.  Destroyed ~1700 BC
  • A spectacular near miss in 1486 BC inspired cults all around the world
  • An 18km crater and a 12km crater in the Gulf of Carpintaria, Australia, 536 AD
  • 20km crater near Stewart Island, New Zealand, late 1400s
  • Tunguska, Siberia, 1908.  This was a small one that didn’t even make it to the ground, but its explosion was 1000 times more powerful than the nuke which destroyed Hiroshima.

There may have been other impacts.  Comets are seen as harbingers of doom by every ancient culture.  This site has a treasure trove of links on the subject.

Crater-counting astronomers say there should not have been this many impacts of such size within such a short time.  They say such a run of bad luck is nearly impossible. But what if all these impacts came from the same source?

Comet jupiter

Jupiter usually protects the inner solar system from comets. It ejects most of them into interstellar space, and eats most others. Jupiter eats thousands of times more comets than Earth does. A comet will not survive a close encounter with Jupiter- it will be shredded by Jupiter’s strong gravity. In 1992, Jupiter shredded comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.  All the fragments hit Jupiter two years later. If Shoemaker-Levy 9 had been going a bit faster, its fragments might have streamed into the inner solar system!

There is evidence that something like this actually happened.  The Taurid meteor stream is thought to be the remains of a giant comet, ~100km wide, which entered the solar system sometime during the late Pleistocene.  The orbits of the Taurids suggest that their parent body had an orbit-shrinking encounter with Jupiter at some point.  Fragmentation might have occurred during that encounter or at a later date.  The beginning of the Younger Dryas is marked by a thin layer of soot, charcoal, nanodiamonds, microspherules, iridium, fullerenes containing extraterrestrial helium-3, and… moon dust. The moon dust proves there wasn’t just one object, but a swarm.  Many large chunks should still remain within the Taurid meteor stream. These chunks would be dark, because their surface ice has evaporated.  Three big ones might have have hit us within the last 5000 years.


A comparison of ancient flood myths to the Biblical story (which was based on the Epic of Gilgamesh).  It’s worth noting that the Bible’s long period of rain, and its recognition that the rain was not sufficient to produce the flood, are both consistent with an impact.  A detailed list of flood myths can be found here.  There were actually multiple floods corresponding to multiple impacts and/or glacial lake drainings. A single lake draining gives a few meters at most.  The total sea level rise was 125 meters.  The overtopping of the Black Sea in 5600 BC must have had a special influence on the mythology of the Near East.

All over the world, there are stories of a lost golden age, destruction from the sky, floods, and civilization-bringers.  12,900 years ago, Earth was just coming out of the last Ice Age, so most people were still hunter-gatherers adapted to harsh climates but unsuited to city life. The Atlanteans had explored the world but had not expanded much beyond the coasts, which left them vulnerable to flooding. I will hazard a guess that their capital was in the Cyclades.  Plato says it went down in 9600 BC, which corresponds exactly to Meltwater Pulse 1B at the end of the Younger Dryas.  7000 years later, The Minoan eruption destroyed what was left of their capital.  This location is not a perfect fit for the ancient stories, but no place is a perfect fit, because Atlantis was everywhere.

[UPDATE:  Look for their fingerprints in Giza, Saqqara, Pumapunku, Peru, Baalbek, the Crimea, Gobekli Tepe, Malta, Bimini, and possibly Yonaguni, Angkor Wat, Gunung Padang, South Africa, Antarctica and other sites.  Look for their language among the Basque people. Look for their O- blood among the Basques and the global elite.]

Graham Hancock makes a lot of interesting connections in this lecture.  I think the stories of Noah, Atlantis, the Annunaki, and the Book of Enoch could all be tied together under the framework of an advanced civilization which was destroyed at the end of the last Ice Age.  Obviously not all details can be reconciled, i.e. I think the asteroid belt is as old as astronomers say it is, and the Annunaki are not actually from Nibiru- they are from Atlantis.

Screenshot (347)

Graham Hancock’s Plato slide made readable.  Atlantis’s moral trajectory sounds familiar.  I wonder how many of God’s shotgun pellets are still out there?  Will Giant Meteor win the only vote that matters?

Stay tuned for more about the long-skulled survivors and their technology.

What next?

Good news in the short term.  Jeff Sessions is out.  We might see some movement from the DOJ, plus there might be an end to Federal reefer madness.  It’s the right thing to do, and a good way to get some oldschool hippies on the Trump train.  The Mueller investigation might end soon, with no collusion charges against Trump.  Mueller will charge other people with minor stuff to save face.  The media will blow it out of proportion.  Trump could declassify the FISA warrant after that, revealing that the whole Russia thing was a frame-up from the beginning and most of the establishment played along.  We might get some action on the Clinton Foundation and Seth Rich.  Fingers crossed.  This would be great news if it happens.

Long term, the future looks grim.

A gun grabbing, illegal immigrant welcoming commie came within 4% of winning a statewide election in Texas.  Florida’s future is blue because they will allow 1.6 million convicted felons to vote.  A Democrat just won by 5% in Montana.  Democrats have supermajorities in the California legislature.  Even in a place like Wyoming, the next generation is being raised by trashy single moms on the dole.  Don’t expect anything good to come out of them.  This is the long-term power of social engineering.  This is why the Cabal must be exposed and defeated NOW, on Trump’s watch.  And since it is impossible to purge them completely, we need a real space program.  It’s a survival imperative.

I’m getting nervous about whether Trump will even drain the swamp.  There are 65,000 sealed indictments.  There is no shortage of dirty laundry to air, no shortage of literal skeletons to dig up- starting with Seth Rich.  Trump could have declassified the FISA warrant before the election.  He could have exposed election fraud in 2016 and 2017, rammed through voter ID by executive order, and dared Democrats to stand against it.  Blowing open any one of a vast number of scandals could have let us keep the House.  We could have gotten more state legislators ahead of the census.  Trump could have had an easier time getting his immigration agenda passed.  Now it’s going to be two years of endless subpoenas and obstruction, and possibly an impeachment vote in the House.  The end result will be that Trump will be able to blame his stalled agenda on the House, while increasing his own chances of re-election.

Trump is very good at 4D chess, but is he really playing for us, or is he playing for the neocon / Zionist / military-industrial faction of the NWO?  Are they rebelling against the ascendant Rothschild / Soros / CIA / Trotskyite faction of the NWO?  Are they just squabbling over the bloated, maggot-riddled carcass of Western civilization… or worse, is the squabble just another stage-managed Hegelian dialectic?  I could see us being herded into making a choice between the Albert Pike plan, in which we lose our souls, and the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, in which we lose our minds.  In the end, we would lose both.  Both plans end in world domination by the luciferian elite.

I still think Trump wants to MAGA but the fact is that he is just one man surrounded by traitors and manipulators.  The Deep State is so entrenched that it can still get its way more often than not.  We have to consider the possibility that Trump will fail.  We also know that even if he succeeds, Civic Nationalism itself is doomed to fail because demographics is destiny.  A Globo-Commie will inevitably become President and throw open the borders to make sure there will never be another Trump.


At that point, future timelines will diverge into two broad skeins.

Skein 1 futures will involve total economic collapse, civil war, a purge to make Hitler jealous, a rebirth but under Fascism, and then WWIII. A victory of sorts will be possible, but at a terrible price: A racewar which leaves tens of millions dead.

America balkanized

Skein 1 futures may go through Balkanization stages in which the Republic is partially restored as a New Confederacy in the Heartland and the West.  Balkanization variants will be quite comfy in comparison to the racewar variants.  Balkanization would also allow for a neat political Judo move:  If Conservative states manage to secede, the Federal government and all its burdens would instantly evaporate.  No 20,000-page compromises.  The states would probably also end welfare due to a their lower tax rate and lack of a reserve currency.  All the useless idiots would flood into New Venezuela.  All the hard workers would flood into the New Confederacy.   Purple-haired HR Harridans would be fired if they’re lucky.  The economy would scream.  White men would flood in from all over the world.  Meanwhile, in New Venezuela, burgeoning hordes of parasites would compete for a dwindling number of hosts.  The New Confederacy would not feed them for free.   New Venezuela would not have anything good to offer.  Monopoly money?  Scrap metal?  Bottled snowflake tears?  As New Venezuela collapses, the New Confederacy might try to wall them off .  The Commies would be eaten by their own pets!  Globalist stooges would lose all value of their investments, especially city real estate!

I like this outcome.  It’s very karmic.  There are problems, though.  The Cabal will slither away.  Foreign powers will get involved.  The New Confederacy would likely face creeping corruption, a refugee crisis, and a world war, and they would have to deal with these challenges with a reduced landmass and lost infrastructure.  If the Cabal is not seriously weakened, Balkanization will just lead back into the other timelines.

Skein 1 futures may evolve into Starship Troopers, Warhammer 40k, Firefly, Brazil, Mad Max, The Road, the Albert Pike Plan, and the Book of Revelation.

Skein 2 futures involve a slow decline into idiocracy, jihad, gang warfare, and worldwide slavery under a satanic ruling elite.  Earth would become a stagnant hell.  No space colonies, no love, no security, no free range humans.  The people would become a separate species of fully domesticated livestock.  The elite would eat babies for the rest of time. That’s their plan.  God has other plans but He helps those who help themselves.

Skein 2 futures may evolve into the Matrix, Elysium, The Hunger Games, The Walking Dead, Slaughterbots (coming soon!), Planet of the Apes, Brave New World, China takes over the world, Thralls+Quatloos, we become the Borg, we become the Dominion, we become the Greys, Coudenhove-Kalergi’s dysgenic dystopia, and the Book of Revelation.

The Star Trek future is forever cut off from us.  That dream died in 1965, when Cabal puppet LBJ gave us 3rd world mass immigration plus a welfare state.

White man myth

I do think we went to the moon.  The real question is, why didn’t we go back?  I think the puppetmasters want us stuck on their prison planet.  Space would also demand strong selection for intelligence, trustworthiness and responsibility- traits they obviously don’t want us to have.

Skein 2 futures are broadly worse, and they are nearly impossible to recover from.  The BEST Skein 2 outcome is that we would pass through a long Dark Age and re-emerge to find that all of Earth’s easy resources are gone and we lost the technology to mine poor mineral deposits.  Skein 2 becomes more likely with each business-as-usual election cycle.  If Trump doesn’t drain the swamp then in retrospect we should have voted for Hillary and hoped for a coup. Why play by the rules while the left is allowed to break them with impunity?  But we are stuck waiting, while Trump keeps a lid on right wing rebellion.

If Trump fails, we must try to steer for Skein 1 while we still can. This would require deliberately sabotaging our own economy before the puppetmasters can flood us with refugees.  This strategy is called “right-wing accelerationism”.  It will starve the Beast.  It will encourage the underclass to bite the hand that feeds them.  It will burst normal peoples’ bubbles.  It will encourage secessionist movements.  It will burn out all sorts of useless idiots and put more power back in the hands of those who actually work for a living.

Under a system of universal corruption, voting has no effect. Traitors are everywhere.  Dissident movements are nipped in the bud, or co-opted to serve the goals of the elite. The law becomes a tool of oppression, and a psyop against the honest, to lead them to the slaughter.  Normal people regurgitate propaganda as if it is profound religious truth.  The only way to change such a system is to encourage it to collapse.

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street was the last of the Old Left protest groups.  It was also the last time I gave to leftists.  They got played.  There were a lot of expensive consultants thrown at undermining their leadership, driving “the rich” (i.e. anyone with a good job) back into the arms of the bankers, and pushing Cultural Marxism- which serves the bankers’ goals.  Now the left collectively hates the white working class enough to ally with globalist billionaires and patriarchal rape cultures.  Before Occupy Wall Street, there was the Tea Party movement, which was co-opted by neocons.

It is possible to get the attention of the globalist technocratic middle management by causing them to lose money.  The problem is that it takes years to get through their mental bubble, they won’t willingly give up their position, any changes will not be sincere, and their cabal bosses have bigger goals than money.

Average people will never change unless they are taken far out of their comfort zone by Reality itself.  There are still white liberals in South Africa and Communists in Venezuela.  This is what we can expect from most people.  Things have to get a whole lot worse before they can get better.


What can a redpilled little guy do?  It kind of depends on where you are in life.  Here are some ideas:

Drop out.  Go on disability if you can.  Spend as little as you can.  Favor local businesses.  Pay with cash.  Work like a Mexican. Find creative ways to get the system to waste money.  Sell weed. Move to a state with no income tax and flip houses (there are big exclusions for Federal capital gains).  Get a cash business and fly under the radar. Move to a rural area.  Learn to grow your own food. Buy guns and learn how to use them.  Cultivate a network of like-minded people.  Not only will the controllers lose money, but they will lose control of people. Free Range Humans would ruin the domestication project if the system collapses completely.  This whole strategy obviously works best for single men who don’t have a lot going for them.

If you already have a good job and a good wife, then carry on.  Have kids and teach them well.   Put any savings into physical silver.  Make sure banks and lawyers can’t touch it.  The goal is to trigger runaway inflation which will collapse the banks and the welfare state.  I commented before that physical silver is like a martial arts pressure point which could bring the whole system down.  In times of chaos silver could re-emerge as the currency of choice, plus it would carry your wealth into the hopefully more honest system which might emerge later.

If you are in military or law enforcement, or you have a job involving finance, critical infrastructure or sensitive information- stay put, but have a bug-out plan.  Don’t rock the boat, but don’t be evil either.  Pray for guidance.  You will know what to do when the time comes.

Winter is coming

Zombies winter is coming

I don’t think manmade global warming is a complete hoax.  I think it’s real, but exaggerated.   As with all other major globocommie policy pushes, it serves multiple agendas, with social engineering being the most insidious.  There is the UN’s Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030, which is about depopulating the countryside and herding everyone into cities, where people are easier to control.  Can’t have any free range humans mucking up the domestication agenda!  There is the goal of eliminating 80% of the population, so that a few thousand puppetmasters can keep their gluttonous lifestyles without taxing Mother Nature too much.   There is the goal of establishing a corrupt and unaccountable world government, which will be funded with a global tax that will start as carbon credits.  Goldman Sachs will skim the pot.  There is the goal of getting smart, altruistic white people to “help the environment” by forgoing children.  These same types of white people make up the bulk of every environmental activist group you will meet.  They are cucking themselves out of existence, while paying a permanent underclass to breed (right up until they vote for a worldwide communist government- then the useful idiots and most of the underclass will be starved and killed).  The environment will suffer without its stewards.  There will be polluted shitholes everywhere.  I’ve been to a handful of third world countries / enclaves and there is a striking difference in basic environmental standards like littering.  There is a fundamental difference in attitudes.  Throwing money at the problem won’t fix it.

You’ve heard that the #1 greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide.  You probably haven’t heard that most of the greenhouse effect is due to water vapor.  Ever wonder why deserts get freezing cold at night, but jungles are always steamy?  Ever wonder why the talking heads don’t like to talk about this?  Maybe it’s for the same reason that they don’t like to talk about solar cycles driving the climate!

Don’t worry about the Milankovitch cycles because the video is incorrect about them.  They operate on timescales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years.  I think the sun stuff is legit but overall, the video is alarmist and a bit tinfoily.  He’s talking about a perfect storm.  A convergence of orbital cycles, fewer sunspots, more cosmic rays, magnetic reversal (i.e. shields down –> more cosmic rays hit Earth –> more nucleation  –> more clouds), solar magnetic fields out of phase, etc.

The sunspot cycles are the elephant in the room that nobody talks about.  A lack of sunspots is strongly associated with a lack of food.  This might be happening again.  This is the main point of the video.  Here’s a longer video by senior scientist John L. Casey.  He focuses on the sunspot cycles, with a bit of cosmic rays and Earth changes mixed in.  Here is another longer video about cosmic rays and Earth changes.  Here is a paper about increased volcanic activity during times of increased cosmic rays.  Cosmic rays don’t just turn the atmosphere into a giant cloud chamber, they turn magma chambers into giant bubble chambers, and the subsequent eruptions cause even more cooling. This is a big surprise to me, because it would seem that miles of rock should block so many cosmic rays that the natural radioactivity of the rock sould dominate, but the correlation is there.  It seems the cosmic rays tickle a system which is already near a tipping point.

There’s a lot of stuff going on here.  I think the main climate driver is going to be Earth going into one of its periodic magnetic reversals (during which our ‘shield’ will be at 10% strength) at the same time that the Sun will weaken its protective bubble around our solar system. The extra cosmic rays could bring decades of cold, cloudy, soggy weather.

Don’t believe the left’s claim that all real scientists agree with them.  The only scientific consensus is about which side the scientists’ bread is buttered on.  It’s buttered on the NWO’s side. Reality will call them out.

global warming

On long timescales, the infamous global warming ‘hockey stick’ is tiny.

100 years of cold and hunger will be painful, but we will come out stronger.  Our system of global debt serfdom depends on an exponentially expanding economy.  Our system of racially gerrymandering Whites into second-class citizenship depends on an exponentially expanding supply of cheap food.   Combine with peak oil and gestating civil wars in multiple Western countries and you have a REAL perfect storm.

In the thousands of years before the welfare state, Nature kept asking us a few questions:  Can you tolerate cold, brave the wilderness, plan one year ahead, grow your own food, work like a maniac during the long summer days, stockpile resources instead of squandering them, band together for survival, and be on good enough terms with the neighbors that they will feed you from their own dwindling supplies if you show up half dead on their doorstep?  Scarcity and severe collapse will tip the Darwinian balance from r-selection back to K-selection, which will have many restorative long-term social effects.