News Backlog 4: Witch Hunts

Trump is winning and the Fake News Media is spinning furiously. Something big is coming. The swamp creatures are behaving like cornered rats. They have only a few months to stage a false flag attack or get rid of Trump by any means necessary. They know Trump has all the dirt on them.  They know the most damaging season for unsealing the 29,000 sealed indictments would be any time after the primaries but before the mid-terms. This is not because the Republicans aren’t compromised by the Illuminati- half of them probably are. It’s because most of the political resignations have been from Republicans. Trump offered them deals in order to clear the field for candidates who aren’t compromised. The Democrats are more deeply compromised but they cling to the hope that they can somehow get rid of Trump before all their crimes are exposed. If they don’t get rid of him soon, a bunch of corrupt Democratic incumbents will have to defend themselves against a bunch of fresh new Republicans AND a furious public, and the DNC will have to choose between defending traitors and pedophiles or running write-in campaigns with new candidates. The mid-terms could be a bloodbath if Trump plays this right. Then he would have the Congress he needs to cram MAGA down everyone’s throat while we drink toasts of snowflake tears.

Here’s a fraction of the legal news. The shadow government is looking like a chain-reaction NASCAR wreck:

March 6: Sergei Skirpal, the Russian double agent who was poisoned in Britain, had connections to Steele– the spy who the Democrats paid to create the fake Trump-Russia dossier.

March 13: A dodgy Seth Rich investigator was shot in a parking garage by a former DOE agent while seeking dirt on Andrew McCabe.

March 16: Sessions fired Andrew McCabe two days before he was eligible to collect his retirement. He deserved worse.  He was part of the “secret society within the FBI” that ran this witch hunt against Trump.

March 16: “They’ll squash you like a bug”- how Silicon Valley keeps a lid on leakers

March 22: The FBI tried to tie Q to the Austin bombings, even though the bomber was already dead, and the official story kept shifting, and the FBI knew about the bombings in advance.

March 24: Trump appointed John Bolton to the National Security Council.  Bolton is a Bush-era neocon who was itching for war with Iran.  His new job is supposed to be purging the Obama appointees and hangers-on who have burrowed into the woodwork. I have a bad feeling this won’t be his only job.

March 27: A judge blocked a lawsuit accusing YouTube of censoring conservatives.

March 28: Documents emerged showing that the Russia witch hunt was a joint effort by the FBI, Obama, Hillary, the CIA, and the DNC.

April 7: There was a fire at Trump Tower. At first I thought some pretentious wanna-be artist killed himself rather than be foreclosed out of his hoyty-toyty lifestyle and he decided to burn Trump on the way out.  Q says the black hats used the fire as a ruse for breaking into Trump Tower as firemen.

April 8: Twitter CEO endorsed a blueprint to drive conservatives from public life.

April 9: Rod Rosenstein came under Congressional scrutiny for essentially stealing 15 months of Trump’s presidency by allowing the Russia witch hunt to go to a special prosecutor without any evidence of a crime being commited.  Congress might also hold him in contempt for not releasing documents relevant to the Clinton email case.

April 9: The FBI violated attorney-client privilege by raiding the office of Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, allegedly in search of evidence that Trump paid $130k to Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about an affair.  This is behavior worthy of a banana republic.  Q says it was a trap.  A whole lot of dirt was in the office and now it can be legally entered into evidence, because it has become part of another case.

Around this time, I started to hear rumors that some DC elites were bugging out.

April 18: Congress referred Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Lisa Page, and Peter Strozk to the DOJ for their involvement with the fake Steele dossier being used as evidence against Trump.

April 20: The DNC tried to sue everyone over Russian hacking.  Reminder that the DNC emails were not hacked, they were leaked by Seth Rich, a DNC insider who was upset about Hillary stealing the primary from Bernie.  The Democrats then paid MS-13 gangsters to shoot Seth, and when that didn’t work, John Podesta got his friend Dr. Jack Sava to finish off Seth in the hospital.  They thought they had killed the one person who could testify that the Russians didn’t hack the DNC emails, but apparently Kim Dotcom and Wikileaks saved conversations with Seth.

April 22: Wikileaks countersued the DNC, saying that discovery should be fun.

Here’s an older article with lots of links. The most disturbing revelation is that the 2018 US Nuclear Posture Review suggested that ‘Russians’ hacking the DNC could be an excuse to start nuclear war.  What if the CIA frames Russia for hacking? They have special software for this. This was revealed by Wikileaks in its Vault 7 release. For freedom’s sake I hope Trump purges the neocons when he is done with the cabal, but I don’t think he will do that.

April 26: Trump’s VA nominee, Ronny Jackson, withdrew after allegations of heavy drinking and overprescribing pills.  Then there was a rumor was that with all the crazy stuff going on, Washington was full of drunken pill gobblers but the only reason they made a stink about Ronny is because he wouldn’t go along with the plan to have Trump declared mentally unfit for office. Now it turns out the allegations were just a garden-variety backstab from a jealous competitor who knew that even total BS would be amplified by the toxic climate.

What a shitshow.  Too bad Dr. Gonzo is dead.  He would have lived for this.

April 27: Turns out Comey leaked classified information about the Steele dossier via his law professor.

April 27:  The House intelligence committee cleared Trump of collusion with Russia.

April 28:  After being reminded that the NSA has everything, the FBI released 49 pages of texts between FBI agents Strozk and Page.  Some of them were garbled.  Undoubtedly, these were the juiciest messages about the FBI secret society’s attempted coup against Trump.

April 30: Someone in Mueller’s office leaked a list of 49 questions that Mueller wants to ask Trump.  The questions are wide-ranging.  Most of them relate to Trump’s attempts to shake off an investigation that, in a sane world, would be legally non-viable due to the “fruit of the poisonous tree” doctrine.  They will try to get him on obstruction of justice for dodging made-up charges!  No wonder Trump doesn’t want to talk to Mueller.  It’s a perjury trap.

Reminder that Q said Mueller is secretly in Trump’s pocket because Trump has so much dirt on him, going all the way back to his role in the 9/11 coverup and protecting child pornographers.  Q says Mueller is really investigating Hillary and U1.  If so, he is a very good actor.

May 3: Trump talked about gutting or disbanding the FBI.  Good luck, and good riddance if he actually does it.  For decades, the FBI has been known for persecuting the innocent and protecting the guilty.

May 3: Mueller has a long history of waging legal vendettas by any means necessary, even when doing so is clearly unjust. During the Whitey Bulger case, he tried to keep four men in prison even after it was known that they had been framed by the FBI so that the real criminal could go on a killing spree for the mafia.

May 4: The judge of the Manafort case accused Mueller’s team of lying, and of trying to switch the focus of the investigation away from collusion with Russia, which has been a blindingly obvious witch hunt ever since The FISA Memo.  The judge has demanded the Scope Memo.

May 7: House Intelligence Commitee Chairman Devin Nunes said Congress will hold Sessions in contempt for failing to turn over information about the investigation.

May 7: Trump said he is not happy with Rudy Giuliani’s handling of the Stormy Daniels affair.  Rudy is his new attorney and his old friend from New York.  He probably knows where a lot of bodies are buried.  It would be nice if he and Trump were not distracted.

Ongoing: THEY are grasping at straws.  If they can’t ruin Trump with the maliciously false Russia investigation, they will try to ruin him with charges of dodging it. If that doesn’t work, they will try to ruin him for making a $130k blackmail payment to a porn star.  Meanwhile, the FBI and the DOJ ignore satan-worshipping pedophiles, the WWIII plot, supporting terrorists, the controlled demolition of Western civilization, the looting of the entire country, etc.  They’re all in on it!

[UPDATE: May 16: It’s official:  The FBI and the Obama administration spied on Trump’s campaign.  The feckless New York Times, which once called this a conspiracy theory, now says the government did it for our own good because Russia.  The Fake News Media needs to hang along with the rest of the traitors.

May 23: House Republicans have demanded a second special counsel to investigate the investigators.  This press conference is a good overview of the witch hunts thus far, plus some extra stuff about U1, Clinton Foundation crooked deals, and Loretta Lynch being offered a Supreme Court seat in exchange for clearing Hillary.  The size of the scandal is shocking, and it’s still just the tip of the iceberg.  The goodies at the end of the original post are not mentioned.  The people giving the conference do hint that the witch hunts are part of a larger plot.]

Update on major scandals brewing

Just an update to get ahead of whatever comes out during the State of the Union address and the FISA memo release.  We are going to see some fireworks.  There are whole bunch of MAJOR scandals bubbling towards the surface right now, and we’re not even talking about the big picture (world is run by a satanic cult, the pope is a satanist, ALL the money is counterfeit, WTC was nuked, the Muslim invasion of Europe is an attempt to genocide whites, etc.)  I expect this stuff to come out sometime before Trump’s 2nd term.  Here’s what might come out anytime between tonight and the beginning of Spring:

1.  The whole Russia narrative was Fake News from the beginning.  The Trump dossier was made up by the Dems, the CIA, and the GCHQ.

2.  They took this fake dossier to the FISA court- a bunch of corrupt rubberstampers who use their spying powers for blackmail and political vendettas.  They spied on Trump and came up with nothing.  This didn’t stop them from pushing the Russia narrative.

3.  There is a “secret society” within the FBI that has been trying to stage a coup against Trump.  Violence against Trump and his family are on the table.  It’s #Treason.

4.  The Vegas shooting was a botched assassination attempt against the Saudi crown prince, and possibly against Trump himself.  Paddock was some kind of spook or arms dealer.  The FBI is running the investigation as a coverup, hiding evidence, silencing witnesses etc.  They always do this.

5.  The Clinton Foundation is a major nexus of corruption in the world.  They are connected to child trafficking, organ harvesting, arms smuggling, money laundering, drug dealing, terrorism, banksters, and billionaire puppetmasters who want to bring down the West (Saudis, Rothschilds, Soros).

6.  Hillary embezzled the $13 Billion Haiti earthquake fund and tried to abduct 33 children from there, with some help from Laura Silsby (who now works for NCMEC- talk about the fox guarding the henhouse).  If the Clinton News Network cares so much about Trump calling Haiti a shithole, why don’t they care about Hillary actively keeping it a shithole in order to steal their children for dark rituals?

7.  Hillary, Obama, McCain, and probably half the CIA and the State Department have been actively supporting ISIS.  Notice how quickly the Russians beat them back?  Notice how quickly Trump beat them back?  That is because the fight was real for once!  No “moderate rebels” BS.  No “accidentally” leaving weapons and pallets of cash for them. No refusing to bomb their oil trucks due to “environmental concerns”.

8.  Hillary and Obama have allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate our government.  Look into the Awan Brothers, Huma Abedin, Alwaleed Bin Talal’s Clinton connections and his paying for Obama’s college, and G4S Security being used to pick up terrorists at the Mexican border and ship them around the country.  They employed Omar Mateen.

9.  Hillary sold off 20% of our uranium to Russia.  This might have been a pass-through to Iran and North Korea.

10.  The Clintons, Obama, the CIA, and possibly Elon Musk have been supplying Puppet Kim with the technology he needs to nuke us in order to start a war which will lead to a world Communist dictatorship.  The puppetmasters who control our own government see North Korea as a perfect society- for themselves.

11.  Hillary stole the primary from Bernie, Seth Rich didn’t like it and he leaked the DNC emails.  They had him whacked.  Shot by MS-13 thugs, then finished off in the hospital by Dr. Jack Sava.  Sava is a friend of the Podesta brothers.  John Podesta threatened to “make an example” out of Seth Rich.  They thought they killed the one person who could testify in court that the leak surely didn’t come from the Russians, but Kim Dotcom supposedly still has proof.

12.  The Democrats are inviting in millions of illegal immigrants and paying them to vote commie by giving them very generous welfare off the backs of hardworking citizens.  They also use MS-13 as their enforcers.  Great for plausible deniability.  Disposable if discretion is essential.  And the more of them there are, the more crimes they will commit to distract from the political hits.

13. The Hawaii missile drill was an attempt to bait Trump into launching his own missiles so that he could then be impeached for mental incompetence.  The Fake News Media had prepared this narrative well in advance.  Trump knew what was coming, he didn’t take the bait, and now the shadow government is on the hook.

The shadow government is getting so desperate they will try ANYTHING to get rid of Trump or change the narrative.  Keep that in mind if there are any explosive happenings anytime soon.

Behind the scenes of the election circus

Originally sent as an email on Nov. 4.

Who is Ron Paul?  Some of you might not remember him, because the media completely ignored him.  He was a Republican congressman and presidential candidate in 2008 and 2012.  His deal is that he voted no on anything which was unconstitutional.  Which means he voted no on EVERYTHING since the late ’70s.  For this, he was blackballed by his own party.  Just one of many reasons why I loved him.  But in the end, he was simply too good to win.

Since ignoring Ron Paul worked so well on the TV-addled American sheeple, you might wonder why the media didn’t just ignore Trump.  The reason is that Hillary supported him- at least at first.  This came out in the DNC leaks.  She decided that she wanted to run against the biggest clown in the GOP Clown Car and that was Donald Trump.  She figured that once he became the front-runner she could just get the media to call him The R Word while she touted her “sanity” with all her ties to Goldman Sachs, her smug PC platitudes, and her foaming at the mouth about Russia and cartoon frogs and her plan to invite in 600,000 Muslim immigrants per year (it would have ended up being a lot more than that). Trump started to snowball, and the puppetmasters panicked, because Trump had refused to join their evil cult.  Only the most dedicated conspiracy theorists understood this at the time.  But for the white working class, it was about being stepped on by the globalists for the last 27 years.  It was about the Democrats abandoning them and becoming the Parasite Party, top to bottom.  People sensed the fear in the air and said “Oooh, so you think Trump is going to wreck everything?  Bring it on!”

Plan B was to use Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Gary Johnson as controlled opposition.  Note that these candidates all claim to be libertarian-ish so the puppetmasters had obviously anticipated a challenge from that corner of the political spectrum.    Not hard to see why.  Ron Paul made a decent showing despite the media blackout and the government had become even more intrusive since then.  So everyone piled on about how Trump is an incoherent egomaniac (I’ll give them this one), Trump will run up the deficit (true, but also true for the Democrats, and the financial system is an unfixable Ponzi anyway), Trump is sexist (true but mostly irrelevant), and Trump is Hitler (false, but he might become Mussolini during a crisis, and a crisis is pretty much guaranteed).
[Update:  It is starting to look like Trump is going to wipe out the debt to the banksters, which would be great for the economy but bad for anyone with bonds or a savings account.  Expect inflation.  It is inevitable.  As for him being a dictator… he is looking like he might channel Augusto Pinochet.  I hope he does.  Pinochet is best known for throwing commies out of helicopters.]
It became painfully obvious what Hillary was:  A corrupt globalist hack who would do anything and say anything for money and power, would destroy anyone who got in her way, couldn’t say anything in public without running it through a focus group, couldn’t bear to be “triggered” by audiences in the Rust Belt so she preached to the choir in Commiefornia, pretended to be nice while hating everybody, thought her victory was inevitable because the media was in her pocket, and thought we peons owed it to her because vagina.  She reminded me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter.  Or the Ice Queen from Chronicles of Narnia.  Or the evil nurse from Misery.  Or the evil nurse from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
No wonder she had trouble beating a guy who got kicked out of a hippie commune at age 30 because he would keep the other hippies up till midnight talking about how great socialism would be, while neglecting to wash his own dishes.
Plan C was to steal the election outright, starting with Bernie Sanders.  For this, she had to turn the DNC into her personal army.  This was easy.  She had always used the Clinton Foundation as a slushfund, and she also had access to George Soros’s money.  After years of corruption and mismanagement, the DNC was broke, and millions of dollars in debt (imagine that).
The DNC put their fingers on the scales any way they could.  They fudged the primary rules for Hillary’s benefit.  They handed her debate questions in advance.  They didn’t give Bernie any logistical help, but instead sought to sabotage him.  Seth Rich was a DNC staffer and Bernie supporter who did not like this.  He did the DNC leaks and paid with his life.  The Clintons have a body count worthy of a mafia family.   As for Hillary’s email leaks, her server was so poorly secured that the hacker Guccifer2.0 said he saw a bunch of other hackers in there, rummaging through Hillary’s dirty laundry.  Some of them came from Russian proxies.  Hackers like to use proxies that will be dead ends if Western agencies want to investigate.  Maybe the leaker was Russian.  Maybe not.  Similar story with the Podesta emails.  The hackers used a software tool that had been written by Russians.  Maybe it means something.  Maybe it doesn’t.  Rumor has it the Podesta emails were leaked by an intelligence community patriot who was disgusted with Podesta’s occult activities.  Just a rumor at this point.  His password was password so any basement dweller could have done it.
Hillary if that bastard wins
For the November election, they counted on vote buying, illegal immigrants being able to vote without ID, plus George Soros and Mossad owning vote-counting machines through shell companies.  The machines were known to be hackable.  This wasn’t a bug, it was a feature.  However, the fix had to be programmed in advance, and it couldn’t be too obvious.  They figured a few percent edge in key swing states would be enough to push Hillary over the top.  They based this prediction on polls, which were of course rigged by the media.  Disgruntled people tended to hang up on pollers or lie to them outright, either because they anticipated a fix, or because the wife was in earshot.  The real news is that Hillary is the one who tried to steal the election but she still lost because she did not understand the depths of peoples’ anger.  She forgot the #1 rule of being a cult leader:  Never drink your own kool-aid!
Plan D was to use FusionGPS to pay MI-6 agent Christopher Steele to make a fake dossier about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia.  Supposedly, Trump liked to be pissed on by Russian hookers.  Fail.  [Update: The dossier was written well before the election.  It was submitted as evidence to the corrupt rubberstamping FISA court in an attempt to get some real dirt on Trump.  Also fail.  They later passed it to the Fake News Media, which led to the year-long Russia witch hunt.  Fail Fail Fail.]
Plan E was for George Soros to pay Jill Stein and the Greens to file a lawsuit to overturn the election.  Fail.
Plan F was for George Soros to pay a bunch of druggies and butthurt social justice warriors to smash stuff everywhere and then swarm the White House with a human wave attack.  Retarded fail.  They turned out to be useless, and normal people started to hate the left.
Plan G was to encase Trump in a cyst and wear him down until he compromised on key parts of his agenda, while they set him up as the perfect scapegoat for the inevitable economic collapse.  I thought this plan was working, but now Trump seems to have broken out of the cyst.  Maybe he was only pretending to be in the cyst.  Fail.
Plan H was some kind of false flag in Vegas.  They screwed it up and are now exposed.
[Update:  Vegas was a botched assassination attempt against the Saudi crown prince.  There is some speculation it might also have been an attempt against Trump.  Consider it speculation at this point.  Fail regardless.]
Now I guess it’s back to Plan F:  Full Retard Antifa Chimpout.
[Update:  Cancelled.  Soros found out Trump would use it to justify mass arrests of the puppetmasters.
Plan I:  Prepare a media narrative that Trump is a dangerous maniac who is mentally unfit for office, then hoax a missile attack on Hawaii and try to stampede Trump into launching a real attack.  Fail.
Plan J:  Try to kill a bunch of Republican Congressmen in a train crash to stop the truth about Plan D from coming out, and get themselves a better vote margin on anything else they might try.  Fail.
Plan K: Crash the markets.  Buy more gold.  Ink the water and hide.  This is going to get interesting…]
Hope y’all stocked up on enough popcorn to last 7 years.
P.S.  In the Illuminati pyramid, Hillary is one level below George Soros.  Soros is a real-life Bond villain but he is not the top of the pyramid.  He’s below the Rothschilds.  There isn’t really even one guy at the top although the Illuminati are working on putting the antichrist up there.  Soros’s top fund manager has just been accused of running a human trafficking network and rape dungeon in NYC.  This site is DailyMail, trust me.  Used an archive link in case they pulled it.
Response to a question about Dale Sides, from Nov. 5:

Haven’t watched Dale Sides. I do believe that America is in such trouble now because we have abandoned God but there is now an underground political movement to bring America back to God. Not theocracy, but more like early 1900s, before everything went horribly wrong. Even from a strictly practical standpoint, there needs to be an understanding that 1) Things were better back then and part of the reason is because Christianity makes society better overall, and 2) Things are most definitely worse when society is run by an ancient satanic cult with dreams of world domination, and maybe vigilant Christians are the antidote to that.

If we come back to God, He will heal us. If we abandon God, He will punish us by giving us over to our enemies. From what I have seen in the last month, the Revelation 12 sign has indeed been fulfilled and God is now using the butterfly effect to trip up the servants of moloch, just like in the good ‘ol days.