The Republic is dead

This is the new model of “democracy”: Kick out the observers and steal the elections in the middle of the night. This pattern was most obvious in the corrupt Democrat-run cities that dominate Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Mail-in ballots are the cover story. Real mail-in ballots have a Trump/Biden ratio that is steady but not too steady, they have votes for other offices besides President, they have mathematical tells such as following Benford’s Law and they have physical tells such as creases. The fraud is blatantly obvious to anyone who cares to look, and yet everyone in a suit is bending over backwards to pretend it didn’t happen. 63 court cases dismissed.

Even I was shocked by the extent of the backstabbing and election fraud. I was going to post a complete list but it became an impossible task. By now I’m sure you have all read about it elsewhere so I won’t waste limited time. I was also shocked by how quickly our overlords are moving forward with the NWO agenda. Their most effective strategies are all slow: Frog boiling, financialization, globalization, dysgenics, destruction of the family, blackmail rings, cultivating narratives. I thought they would try to get things back to some semblance of normalcy as they quietly purge all patriots from the government, then sometime later this year they would stage a false flag like Covid-21 or a giant mass shooting to lead us into the next phase of the totalitarian nightmare. There must be too few patriots in the government to matter.

One of Trump’s great failures is letting swamp creatures like Jared Kushner and Mitch McConnell influence his hiring. He should have listened to Bannon but they squeezed him out. Another failure is putting undue faith in the law and its acolytes such as Jeff Sessions. The Constitution is “a goddamned piece of paper”, as Bush Jr. would say. What is written on that paper is much less important than who interprets it.

We can see this most recently with all three of Trump’s Supreme Court justices refusing to hear the Texas case, which was based on firm Constitutional ground, and would have allowed the fraud to be aired in court via the discovery process. If states are allowed to ignore Supreme Court orders and their own laws in order to steal national elections, then America is no better than a banana republic. America is arguably worse than a banana republic because most banana republics require in-person paper ballots and voter ID, but as with the law, the votes are less important than who counts the votes. Joseph Stalin and the Democrats agree on this. If riggers are allowed to kick out observers and count harvested ballots in the middle of the night, and if a shadowy cabal can use election machines can fudge the count from command centers in Europe, then Communist rule is assured. Trump even knew about a certain Dominion “bug” months in advance. His naivete may have doomed us all.

Part of Q’s plan was that the courts would have to prove themselves to be compromised before the military could do their job for them. It’s a good plan in principle. If the military was on Trump’s side, and if he had Caesar’s balls, then he could put these pharisees in their place, but much of the top brass has come out against Trump. I suspect they are compromised. The stuff about his erratic leadership is probably a cover story even though it is true.

I can forgive Trump for his handling of Covid-19 because the virus turned out to be less deadly than expected, thanks to anti-inflammatory treatments and asymptomatic cases. Covid-1984 is the deadlier virus. Also, let’s not forget that the Democrats called Trump’s travel ban racist, then Democratic governors deliberately put Covid patients in nursing homes to stack up more bodies and make Trump look bad.

I can forgive him for not invoking the Insurrection Act against Antifa and BLM, because they were alienating normies in an election year, and a crackdown would have led to an attempted Soros color revolution. But in retrospect, Trump should have cracked down because a lot of innocent people lost their businesses and the establishment just stole the election anyway.

I can somewhat forgive Trump for pandering to blacks. I, too, made the mistake of thinking that blacks might start to get on the Trump train because it was in their rational self-interest to do so. Alas, ~91% chose to remain on the mental plantation of welfare and PC grievance-mongering. Biden is the architect of the racist 1994 crime bill and Kamala Harris is a fake black who used the California prison system as a form of slavery for black stoners, giving them long sentences and even keeping them past their time. Trump gave black people jobs and sentencing reform. He still only gained ~3% of the black vote vs. 2016. 3% of 12% of the electorate is 0.36%. This paltry gain is surely less than his losses from inner city ballot harvesters and whites who stayed home because they felt neglected. Blacks as a whole will always be a golem against us.

I can somewhat forgive Trump for sucking up to Israel, because he never gave them the wars they wanted.

So brave. These worms also bravely take bribes to send us to die for Israel.

I might be able to forgive Trump for calling the MAGA crowd to Washington and then throwing them under the bus if it was part of some some desperate last move like getting the National Guard in place for a countercoup (fat chance). We don’t know the whole story of what happened on the 6th. Most likely, it is over for him. He should have crossed the Rubicon when he had the chance. He should have declassified all the dirt when he had the chance. He should have pushed to open some sealed indictments before they are flushed down the memory hole. He should have stood up for his base. As a prerequisite to all of this, he should have purged Obama’s military brass and re-hired those who Obama purged for saying they wouldn’t fire on Americans. I want to believe in some kind of Sun Tzu extradimensional chess but the situation looks terrible.

Trump now finds that he is just a man who chose his friends poorly, and he is reaping the rewards for that. He hasn’t been seen for almost a week. He will be impeached in absentia, stripped of his Secret Service detail, banned from running again (as if it matters), banned from Twitter, and effectively banned from starting his own media company as the full-court press of technocratic censorship continues. His reputation with his supporters will be destroyed and then he will probably be killed. The only hopes are that his concession speech might have been deepfaked, Nancy Pelosi is panicking, and she and Joe Biden seem to be in hiding. We will know more when Trump speaks today in Alamo, TX. He is still Schrodinger’s President but his half life is short. Pray.

The silver lining is that the Right is being cured of its optics-cucking and its illusions about the law, and much of this is a result of the Trump trolling the establishment into taking their masks off. This will be the only part of his legacy that they won’t be able to take away.

In the long run, Civic Nationalism is dead. Libertarianism is dead. The Republican Party will soon be moribund at the national level. The leadership will try to turn the GOP into a clapping gallery for the GloboHomo Party. The best Republicans will be blackballed, the worst will be primaried for backstabbing Trump but their replacements will be marginalized. The Democratic Party will be dead after they massively overplay their hand, but they will drag us through hell first. Nationalism and real populism will survive at the local level. We will see the emergence of third position parties resembling Sinn Fein as it becomes increasingly obvious that America is occupied territory.

The Right won’t need to worry about winning another national election again, because we won’t, unless it’s a fake conservative like Mitt Romney. Expect open borders, amnesty, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico, and an end to the Electoral College, just in case voting machines aren’t enough to secure the rule of the Uniparty.

We will have little to lose. Soon we won’t need to worry about losing our jobs and our bank accounts, because we are going to lose them anyway. Cancel culture, the Great Reset and selling out to China will guarantee this. We will be forced to scrape by outside the system.

We won’t get complacent with false hopes of a military coup, Trump crossing the Rubicon or Q pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

We won’t have false hopes that lawful restraint will gain us justice within the system. We will know that even if we do everything right, the system will still crush us if we lift a finger to defend ourselves against their streetfighters. Therefore it is better for them to fear coming to our areas (useful idiots and their pets will be bussed here with promises of loot).

Cop worship will decrease. People are realizing that the cops are effectively on Antifa’s side, because they protect Antifa from us, but with George Soros controlling the DAs there is a policy of catch and release. Also, a lot of cops who were on our side quit last year.

If our people are allowed into the capitol again, most of them won’t behave like tourists.

We won’t need to tiptoe around the feelings of the TV zombies, because they will hate us no matter what we do. The media will make mountains out of molehills. Even if we do nothing, some patsy or Antifa infiltrator will do it for us.

Conservative grassroots networks will grow and coalesce rapidly. People are fed up. People who might not otherwise be friends are becoming friends. These networks will be important during the dark winter. The left, in their infinite hubris, think they can keep the right atomized by ramping up the censorship, Stasi tactics and white man hate.

Alternatives to Big Tech will become more popular. Section 230 may still be repealed, but only the alternative sites will face liability problems, therefore complete decentralization will be the only viable strategy.

Centrists and cuckservative normies are going to be forced to our side because the left always purity spirals. One small slight to their feelings and the mob will try to ruin your life. The trigger could be an eight year old social media comment that was within the Overton window at the time. There could be a misunderstanding, a vendetta, a rumor, or a bad algorithm. It doesn’t matter. To question the mob is to risk being next. Sooner or later they will come for everyone, even themselves. If commie history is any guide, then Antifa and establishment Democrats will turn on each other.

The right will drop the “lose with honor” moral attachments of boomer cuckservatism. Losing means dying in the camps. There is no point in dealing fairly with a sworn enemy who uses our morality against us while they themselves have none.

For all these reasons, the Republic is dead, and many people will go down with it. Foreign powers (especially China) will squabble over the carcass, power vacuums will open up, WWIII is possible. I wish it didn’t have to come to this. The main reason why I trusted Q for over a year was because he seemed to have the only plausible plan that didn’t involve rivers of innocent blood. This plan failed because Trump underestimated evil’s reach. We now face gulags or civil war. Those who don’t secede will get stuck with any national debt that isn’t inflated away, all the Federal regulations, and any surviving useless eaters.

God help us if Q and Trump were part of a psyop all along. Project Zephyr is a chilling conspiracy about a plot to use internet gatekeepers to collect all patriots’ information and exterminate 15 million of us during a series of planned power outages.

freedom of speech under attack

Larry just wrote a good article on our clown world where the truth is anti-semitic. I think this is a great wedge issue against Democrats. Use their PC programming against them. Let Black Muslims speak the truth. Anyone who has a problem with that is a racist who doesn’t respect the cultural history of the Religion of Peace. I think any of our partisans in a deep blue district should switch to Democrats and vote for clones of Ilhan Omar and AOC as part of a Chaos Strategy for 2020. Worst case outcome, you get a lunatic instead of a RINO. What would be better for white people? Think about it. It’s time for white people to start playing this game as well as Jews do.

Check out this doublespeak: Nancy Pelosi made excuses for Ilhan Omar and then called Republicans xenophobic just one minute later.

Good Riddance

Bush lynched

With all the duplicity and treason of the Left these days, it is easy to forget that the Right can be just as bad.  Republicans in Congress have been fighting MAGA and Drain the Swamp since before Trump even won the election. Bush was the architect of the right wing of the Swamp.

You know Bush was rotten because of the glowing eulogy he got from the media and even the left.  The left now says he was a hero because he broke his promise of no new taxes!  What a joke. Reagan lowered taxes and inflation-adjusted government revenue went UP! The left just can’t stand the idea of decent people not being robbed and micromanaged by the government.

Bush’s funeral was… interesting. Swamp rats were passing notes to each other- to avoid snooping by the NSA?  White Hats might have slipped them stuff in their programs.  Jeb got something that turned him green.  The funeral itself, and maybe even the death announcement, may have been timed to suppress bad news about the Clinton Foundation.  The FBI raided whistleblower Dennis Cain on Nov. 19.  He was scheduled to talk about it with Sean Hannity but it got pulled due to news about Bush.

Now for some history memory-holed by our Fake News Media and fake education:

George HW Bush Texas School Book Depository

Bush at the Texas School Book Depository?

Bush isn’t just one bad apple.  The whole barrel is bad.  The Bushes are a crime family, much like the Clintons, the Rockefellers, etc. Jeb was involved with the murder of CIA drug runner Barry Seal. Neil was a friend of the Hinckleys.  Prescott Bush aided the Nazis and tried to instigate a fascist coup in America.  Where he failed, his grandson George W. Bush succeeded.  Dubya’s conspiratorial connections would be enough for a post in and of themselves.  Thankfully, he does not seem to be up to running a crime dynasty all by himself.  He probably spends his days pickling his few remaining brain cells.  And Jeb is a loser.  The whole dynasty is on the way out- thank God.


There is a conspiracy theory that Aleister Crowley, the father of modern satanism, conceived Barbara Bush during a ritual.  This is why the puppetmasters trusted Dubya even though he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

The Dems are about to lose bigly

I have recently discussed a few of the many reasons why: These idiots try so hard to force their glitchy programming on us that voting Republican is now an act of rebellion.  Cesar Sayoc, Christine Blasey Ford, Russiagate, and the mainstream media are all frauds.  Ordinary people are starting to figure this out.  And I think most ordinary people have reached a quiet understanding that the Democrats are hypocrites when it comes to the #1 thinkcrime:  Racism.

They are racist against white people. There are too many examples to cite- here are a few recent ones. Try to imagine what would happen if races wereswitchedinthesestories.

They are also racist against black people. They see them as pets, or as junkyard dogs. They want to keep them on the welfare plantation and keep them barking at Whitey. They think blacks are too stupid to figure out that mass immigration, welfare, and the destruction of the family have all been terrible for blacks.

In order for the left to cling to power in the face of a spreading awareness of their true agenda, they are making a giant push for racial gerrymandering.  They think open borders plus a welfare state will ensure Communism forever. The globalists who control the Democrats are doing this in ALL white countries (and ONLY white countries). They want Idiocracy.  A giant favela where a tiny and spectacularly corrupt elite can rob the people blind, and everyone will be dumb enough to vote for Communism as a solution for the failings of Communism.

This is the life’s work of George Soros and many others.  Soros is trying to do to America what he has done to Europe.  He helped to organize the migrant caravan.  The bankrupt Communist government of Venezuela is selling fake passports to any Muslim who can pay. Some of them are now in the caravan (along with MS-13 of course).

Beto O’Rourke’s campaign staff have been caught diverting campaign funds to help illegal immigrants.

Democrat voter registration line 2.jpeg

These locusts are so proud of the countries they ruined, that they carry their flags to the next country to ruin. Would we suffer this invasion if we had strong borders or weak welfare?

The puppetmasters will never stop pushing all this.  At some point, whites must necessarily become as tribal as everyone else in order to survive. I don’t think the Left understands that they are opening Pandora’s box. White people have a long fuse but when we chimp out, we don’t burn the corner store.  We burn the whole damn continent.

Speaking from experience I can say that a rattlesnake is willing to let a lot of stuff slide, but when you step on him, he rises up the right side of the political spectrum until his head is somewhere between Jefferson Davis and Augusto Pinochet.

The Shadow Government civil war is spilling out into the streets

Tinfoilhat-wearing political astronomers are tracking a chain of incoming comets like the ones that pounded Jupiter.   This is going to be an extinction-level event.  The Democrats will become a reviled minor party.  Many Republicans will be wiped out by the blast wave.  Other comets will strike New York, LA, Chicago, San Francisco, Rome, Brussels, London, Berlin and other major cities.  There will be so much toxic gas in the atmosphere that millions of people will go insane; some might even start killing each other.  CNN will become a joke like Baghdad Bob.  There will also be a financial reset.  But all of this is necessary.  America will be reborn in freedom!  And then, Europe will be reborn in freedom!   We will turn back to God and hunt the vile world-enslaving cultists to the ends of the Earth!  #GreatAwakening

There were two happenings last night:  The California helicopter crash and the DC train crash.  Related puzzle pieces are Adam Schiff, The Memo, Standard Hotels, pedophilia blackmail rings, and an attempted coup against Trump.  It’s too early to make all the proper connections but I will attempt it anyway:

Standard Hotels has long been used for meetings and “services” for satan-worshipping pedophiles within the shadow government.  After Trump won, they met at the hotel in Adam Schiff’s district and plotted a coup against Trump.  The NSA must have been waiting for them.  Some details about this coup will come out in the memo.  Adam Schiff knows this and got some CIA clowns to try to take out Republicans on the train, so that he could then force a re-vote on releasing the memo.  Two hotel managers were killed in the helicopter crash in order to tie up loose ends.

I guess we will find out soon enough.  Pop some popcorn and buy another gun or three because IT’S HAPPENING!

Adam Schiff Returns a Favor

[Update:  No cult stuff in the memo, dammit.  Which is not to say that cult stuff is not involved in this case.  Adam Schiff might be related to Jacob Schiff, the Illuminati banker who financed the Bolshevik revolution on behalf of the Rothschilds.  And the driver of the train-wrecking garbage truck might have had ties to the Clinton Foundation.  Stay tuned.  Be on the lookout for false flag attacks in the near future.  THEY are getting desperate.]

Behind the scenes of the election circus

Originally sent as an email on Nov. 4.

Who is Ron Paul?  Some of you might not remember him, because the media completely ignored him.  He was a Republican congressman and presidential candidate in 2008 and 2012.  His deal is that he voted no on anything which was unconstitutional.  Which means he voted no on EVERYTHING since the late ’70s.  For this, he was blackballed by his own party.  Just one of many reasons why I loved him.  But in the end, he was simply too good to win.

Since ignoring Ron Paul worked so well on the TV-addled American sheeple, you might wonder why the media didn’t just ignore Trump.  The reason is that Hillary supported him- at least at first.  This came out in the DNC leaks.  She decided that she wanted to run against the biggest clown in the GOP Clown Car and that was Donald Trump.  She figured that once he became the front-runner she could just get the media to call him The R Word while she touted her “sanity” with all her ties to Goldman Sachs, her smug PC platitudes, and her foaming at the mouth about Russia and cartoon frogs and her plan to invite in 600,000 Muslim immigrants per year (it would have ended up being a lot more than that). Trump started to snowball, and the puppetmasters panicked, because Trump had refused to join their evil cult.  Only the most dedicated conspiracy theorists understood this at the time.  But for the white working class, it was about being stepped on by the globalists for the last 27 years.  It was about the Democrats abandoning them and becoming the Parasite Party, top to bottom.  People sensed the fear in the air and said “Oooh, so you think Trump is going to wreck everything?  Bring it on!”

Plan B was to use Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Gary Johnson as controlled opposition.  Note that these candidates all claim to be libertarian-ish so the puppetmasters had obviously anticipated a challenge from that corner of the political spectrum.    Not hard to see why.  Ron Paul made a decent showing despite the media blackout and the government had become even more intrusive since then.  So everyone piled on about how Trump is an incoherent egomaniac (I’ll give them this one), Trump will run up the deficit (true, but also true for the Democrats, and the financial system is an unfixable Ponzi anyway), Trump is sexist (true but mostly irrelevant), and Trump is Hitler (false, but he might become Mussolini during a crisis, and a crisis is pretty much guaranteed).
[Update:  It is starting to look like Trump is going to wipe out the debt to the banksters, which would be great for the economy but bad for anyone with bonds or a savings account.  Expect inflation.  It is inevitable.  As for him being a dictator… he is looking like he might channel Augusto Pinochet.  I hope he does.  Pinochet is best known for throwing commies out of helicopters.]
It became painfully obvious what Hillary was:  A corrupt globalist hack who would do anything and say anything for money and power, would destroy anyone who got in her way, couldn’t say anything in public without running it through a focus group, couldn’t bear to be “triggered” by audiences in the Rust Belt so she preached to the choir in Commiefornia, pretended to be nice while hating everybody, thought her victory was inevitable because the media was in her pocket, and thought we peons owed it to her because vagina.  She reminded me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter.  Or the Ice Queen from Chronicles of Narnia.  Or the evil nurse from Misery.  Or the evil nurse from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
No wonder she had trouble beating a guy who got kicked out of a hippie commune at age 30 because he would keep the other hippies up till midnight talking about how great socialism would be, while neglecting to wash his own dishes.
Plan C was to steal the election outright, starting with Bernie Sanders.  For this, she had to turn the DNC into her personal army.  This was easy.  She had always used the Clinton Foundation as a slushfund, and she also had access to George Soros’s money.  After years of corruption and mismanagement, the DNC was broke, and millions of dollars in debt (imagine that).
The DNC put their fingers on the scales any way they could.  They fudged the primary rules for Hillary’s benefit.  They handed her debate questions in advance.  They didn’t give Bernie any logistical help, but instead sought to sabotage him.  Seth Rich was a DNC staffer and Bernie supporter who did not like this.  He did the DNC leaks and paid with his life.  The Clintons have a body count worthy of a mafia family.   As for Hillary’s email leaks, her server was so poorly secured that the hacker Guccifer2.0 said he saw a bunch of other hackers in there, rummaging through Hillary’s dirty laundry.  Some of them came from Russian proxies.  Hackers like to use proxies that will be dead ends if Western agencies want to investigate.  Maybe the leaker was Russian.  Maybe not.  Similar story with the Podesta emails.  The hackers used a software tool that had been written by Russians.  Maybe it means something.  Maybe it doesn’t.  Rumor has it the Podesta emails were leaked by an intelligence community patriot who was disgusted with Podesta’s occult activities.  Just a rumor at this point.  His password was password so any basement dweller could have done it.
Hillary if that bastard wins
For the November election, they counted on vote buying, illegal immigrants being able to vote without ID, plus George Soros and Mossad owning vote-counting machines through shell companies.  The machines were known to be hackable.  This wasn’t a bug, it was a feature.  However, the fix had to be programmed in advance, and it couldn’t be too obvious.  They figured a few percent edge in key swing states would be enough to push Hillary over the top.  They based this prediction on polls, which were of course rigged by the media.  Disgruntled people tended to hang up on pollers or lie to them outright, either because they anticipated a fix, or because the wife was in earshot.  The real news is that Hillary is the one who tried to steal the election but she still lost because she did not understand the depths of peoples’ anger.  She forgot the #1 rule of being a cult leader:  Never drink your own kool-aid!
Plan D was to use FusionGPS to pay MI-6 agent Christopher Steele to make a fake dossier about Donald Trump’s connections to Russia.  Supposedly, Trump liked to be pissed on by Russian hookers.  Fail.  [Update: The dossier was written well before the election.  It was submitted as evidence to the corrupt rubberstamping FISA court in an attempt to get some real dirt on Trump.  Also fail.  They later passed it to the Fake News Media, which led to the year-long Russia witch hunt.  Fail Fail Fail.]
Plan E was for George Soros to pay Jill Stein and the Greens to file a lawsuit to overturn the election.  Fail.
Plan F was for George Soros to pay a bunch of druggies and butthurt social justice warriors to smash stuff everywhere and then swarm the White House with a human wave attack.  Retarded fail.  They turned out to be useless, and normal people started to hate the left.
Plan G was to encase Trump in a cyst and wear him down until he compromised on key parts of his agenda, while they set him up as the perfect scapegoat for the inevitable economic collapse.  I thought this plan was working, but now Trump seems to have broken out of the cyst.  Maybe he was only pretending to be in the cyst.  Fail.
Plan H was some kind of false flag in Vegas.  They screwed it up and are now exposed.
[Update:  Vegas was a botched assassination attempt against the Saudi crown prince.  There is some speculation it might also have been an attempt against Trump.  Consider it speculation at this point.  Fail regardless.]
Now I guess it’s back to Plan F:  Full Retard Antifa Chimpout.
[Update:  Cancelled.  Soros found out Trump would use it to justify mass arrests of the puppetmasters.
Plan I:  Prepare a media narrative that Trump is a dangerous maniac who is mentally unfit for office, then hoax a missile attack on Hawaii and try to stampede Trump into launching a real attack.  Fail.
Plan J:  Try to kill a bunch of Republican Congressmen in a train crash to stop the truth about Plan D from coming out, and get themselves a better vote margin on anything else they might try.  Fail.
Plan K: Crash the markets.  Buy more gold.  Ink the water and hide.  This is going to get interesting…]
Hope y’all stocked up on enough popcorn to last 7 years.
P.S.  In the Illuminati pyramid, Hillary is one level below George Soros.  Soros is a real-life Bond villain but he is not the top of the pyramid.  He’s below the Rothschilds.  There isn’t really even one guy at the top although the Illuminati are working on putting the antichrist up there.  Soros’s top fund manager has just been accused of running a human trafficking network and rape dungeon in NYC.  This site is DailyMail, trust me.  Used an archive link in case they pulled it.
Response to a question about Dale Sides, from Nov. 5:

Haven’t watched Dale Sides. I do believe that America is in such trouble now because we have abandoned God but there is now an underground political movement to bring America back to God. Not theocracy, but more like early 1900s, before everything went horribly wrong. Even from a strictly practical standpoint, there needs to be an understanding that 1) Things were better back then and part of the reason is because Christianity makes society better overall, and 2) Things are most definitely worse when society is run by an ancient satanic cult with dreams of world domination, and maybe vigilant Christians are the antidote to that.

If we come back to God, He will heal us. If we abandon God, He will punish us by giving us over to our enemies. From what I have seen in the last month, the Revelation 12 sign has indeed been fulfilled and God is now using the butterfly effect to trip up the servants of moloch, just like in the good ‘ol days.