Flatten the economy

Covid-19 was destined to become a pandemic as early as mid-January, when China was still covering up the outbreak in the interests of “social harmony“.  A few weeks later, Wuhan looked post-apocalyptic.  Anyone with more awareness than a goldfish should have known there was a good chance of such scenes being repeated worldwide.

Most people don’t have more awareness than a goldfish.  This is by design.  One would think that governments would have more awareness than a goldfish, and realize that they need to protect their people.  Not out of any sense of moral or civic duty- they scoff at such naive plebeian notions- but one would expect them to realize that total systemic collapse is not in their interest, and there are some easy precautions which will lessen the impact.

The easiest thing to do is to go on TV and tell people that they will need to stock up, avoid unnecessary outings, wear masks, and cultivate OCD.  It’s also relatively easy for a government to close borders, ramp up testing ability, order PPE for healthcare workers, improve early contact tracing, and quarantine early cases and suspected cases.  These early efforts would have had the greatest lifesaving returns.  Western governments and the WHO had about six weeks during which a proactive response might have stalled exponential liftoff for one month, which would have had same effect as bringing summer forward by one month and accelerating all virus research by one month. Think of how many lives could have been saved in the late stages of the pandemic if our leaders weren’t enthralled to Wall Street.

Ongoing basic precautions can also reduce the exponential growth rate, encourage the virus to evolve into a less deadly form, and spread out the healthcare burden in a way that saves the most lives.  Hence the “flatten the curve” meme.  The principle is sound, but it requires the healthcare system to have excess capacity which isn’t there.  Think of what fraction of the average human life is spent in intensive care, and then imagine 20% of the population needing intensive care at the same time.  The curve would need to be flattened with a DECADE of social distancing.

coronavirus flatten curve

The red peak above the line represents the number of people who will die if Sars-CoV-2 is allowed to burn through the population quickly.  The flattened curve doesn’t consider negative short term effects like the decline of healthcare capacity due to supply chain failures and nurses getting sick, and it doesn’t consider positive long term effects like building more hospitals and finding more effective treatments.

Social distancing cannot be maintained this long, but whenever we let up, the virus will come back with another wave.  The rumor is that this is happening in China. The West now faces the same quandary as the Chinese:  Allow millions of people to die from the virus, or permanently cripple the economy and also risk famine.

I would put people before the economy.  I am doing my part to flatten the curve by practicing social distancing, even though I don’t hold out much hope for this strategy in the West.  Curve flattening works best in a country with high IQ, high social cohesion and a free and vigorous testing regime.  For example, see the curves for South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Taiwan fought it reasonably well by doing the exact opposite of the Chinese.  Compare these high functioning societies to the West with its parasite wars, Idiocracy, destruction of the family, and its China-like policy of “don’t test, don’t tell“.

coronavirus deaths chart

Note that this is a log plot so the situation is much worse than it appears.  A straight line on a log plot represents an exponential curve.  Don’t believe any numbers out of China or Iran.

The “herd immunity” talk from Britain really shows what their anarcho-tyrannical government thinks about their own people.  They want all the plebs to get it quickly.  The elites want to hunker down and then re-emerge when the surviving plebs can’t spread it.  We don’t know whether herd immunity is even possible with this virus, since it can come back for a second round of infection, and the second round is worse.

The elites also want to keep the masses as unprepared as possible so that as the crisis accelerates the people will get desperate, and thus be easier to control with tyrannical ‘solutions’.  They think this will stave off collapse.  It won’t, but they will still try.  Tyrannical solutions are being rolled out everywhere in the West.  The purpose is not to protect the people, but to put the capstone on the NWO.  Bill Gates is attempting to implement the Mark of the Beast.  Bill loves vaccines, depopulation, technocracy, and globalism.  He was suspiciously prescient about this pandemic.  The timing was also rather suspicious with regards to the China trade war and Fed having to do covert bailouts via the repo market.  The Great Global Ponzi was about to collapse and now the puppetmasters have a scapegoat.  How convenient.  I am trying to write more about these subjects but the news moves so quickly.

coronavirus bill gates mark of beast

Until recently, I thought we wouldn’t see the Mark of the Beast until the occult puppetmasters establish world Communism and a world fiat currency for daily transactions.  Then they would starve everyone, and bring out an implanted chip that would function as a combination bank account, rations card and Social Credit system. Deplorables would need to be able to live as hunter-gatherers.

Gates’s plan is even worse. They will have a vaccine with serious “bugs”.  Proof of vaccination will be the mark, and it will be required for any transaction or public service, even though this would not be necessary if the vaccine worked as advertised. They will say dumb white Christians are ruining the worldwide effort to stop the virus. We will public enemy #1.  Hordes of hungry NPCs and their third world pets will hunt us to the ends of the Earth.

[UPDATE: Microsoft recently advertised their new virtual reality system with the help of Marina Abramovic, the notorious spirit-cooking satanist from the Podesta emails.  There is no way to dismiss this as a PR gaffe.  It must be an advertisement to the Illuminati and all evil occultists riding on their coat-tails. Bill Gates just showed that he will be an enforcer for the satanic world government.]

P.S.  Several people have told me that the virus is being hyped by the media in order to push this NWO agenda.  There is definitely an agenda being pushed but there is no way all those hospital videos were faked.  There is no way all the apocalyptic videos out of China were faked.  In the aftermath of the first wave, Chinese companies dropped 21 million people due to nonpayment.  Chinese mobile phones are much more integrated into peoples’ lives. Having one would be even more important during a lockdown.  I suspect a good portion of these people are dead. The threat of the virus is real.  But remember, the virus is nothing compared to what the NWO has in store for us.


Coronavirus coverups

The virus is unstoppable. This is an approximate snapshot as of March 3: There are cases in 75 countries.  South Korea, Italy, Iran, Japan, Germany, France, and Spain have exponential liftoff.  The engines are lit in America.  It’s surely spreading in many other places. There’s no way Cambodia has only one case. There’s no way Indonesia has only two cases.  There’s no way all of Sub-Saharan Africa has only two cases.  Expect low competence, high corruption countries like these to burst onto the scene suddenly. Others will surely follow.  This is what happens when the virus is allowed to spread undetected.

Coronavirus worldwide exponential better

It will be interesting to see if Singapore can beat it.  I don’t think they can, but they are an interesting case.  They have community transmission in a city but with an important advantage:  A government that is competent, AND dictatorial, AND cares about its people.  A government must have all three characteristics in order to stop a highly contagious disease in its early stages.  Steamy climate and low pollution will probably also help Singapore.

Contrast Singapore to China, where the government is only semi-competent and doesn’t care about its people.  Their draconian quarantines have only delayed the inevitable. They know this.  They have shifted their efforts towards trying to get people back to work, fudging infection numbers and productivity numbers (including deliberately wasting electricity), suppressing all news, and cremating bodies.  Now that the virus is far beyond any possibility of containment in China, their dictatorship only makes things worse.

Rich Chinese are escaping to the West. There are still direct flights. Where flights have been stopped, they fly to Southeast Asia and then to the West. Nobody is quarantined.  Nobody cares.  When people are known to be sick, containment efforts range from dangerously retarded to non-existentGross incompetence abounds.

Western governments hate their own people, and they are only competent and dictatorial in the worst ways: Protecting elite power, plundering the populace and waging race war against them.  They have spent four generations growing a permanent underclass to wield as a zombie horde against the dwindling white middle class. The underclass must be fed and babysat and medicated OR ELSE.

This year is going to be an absolute shitshow.  Here are a few appetizers:

In America:

Nurgle California

Until this week, the CDC said there was no community transmission because they refused tests for cases that might have come from community transmission.  Recent genetic tests show that the virus was spreading undetected in Washington State for 6 weeks.  There are currently 31 known cases and nine deaths.  The high fatality rate comes from the virus burning through a nursing home.  Community spread is likely in San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Long Island and probably other places. Expect a huge spike in cases over the next few weeks.

After Japanese bureaucrats made an absolute mess of the Diamond Princess outbreak, the State Department decided to evacuate 14 people who tested positive at the last minute on the same flight as people who tested negative.  11 of these other passengers have now tested positive.  They might have seeded the San Francisco outbreak.  Wait until it gets into the homeless population.  They will probably start coughing on small business owners as a method of robbery.  They will not be punished for this.

Here’s a uniquely American way to cover up cases and encourage spreading: Sic our predatory health care system on people. Smack them with huge surprise bills for a hospital visit.  Even a brief ambulance ride costs thousands of dollars in America.  Insurance companies will be hopelessly swamped or they will declare force majeure so every working chump who needs weeks of intensive care will get a million dollar bill.  Middle class people will drop in the streets for fear of medical bankruptcy.  Of course druggies, dole bludgers and illegal immigrants will get everything for free.  They will get most of the medical care.

Trump made Mike Pence the head of the Coronavirus Task Force.  The most important job of the task force is to control the media narrative.  Pence’s office can veto all media appearances by health professionals.  Pence’s main medical qualification is covering up an AIDS epidemic in Indiana.  There are other dubious things he did as governor there. Pence said that according to the government’s “best estimate”, the coronavirus threat remains low. He added MNUCHIN to the virus task force.  Mnuchin is a Goldman Sachs alumnus who is currently Treasury Secretary.

Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General, said people shouldn’t buy masks, cleaning supplies or extra food.  That means BUY WHILE YOU STILL CAN.  Masks have been in shortage for weeks.  Basic prepping goods are developing shortages now.

Coronavirus surgeon general masks

The doublethink is strong with this one.

Trump could lose the election over all this (if the Deep State doesn’t get rid of him by infecting him… his germophobia must be in high gear right now).  He will be held accountable for the actions of Pence, the Surgeon General, the State Department and the CDC.  He will be held accountable for telling us it will be over by April and the mortality rate is less than 1% so we should keep going to work.  He will be held accountable for saying it’s a good time to buy stocks while the elite dump their shares, stuff their private jets with gold and art, and bug out to New Zealand.  This is Trump’s Katrina.  We might dump him for a President who wants to invite in the entire third world and give them free health care.  Leftists in the bureaucracy seem to understand this.  They are deftly shifting the narrative from “travel bans and quarantines are racist” to Orange Man Bad.  They are spreading Fake News about Trump calling the virus a hoax.  They have also figured out that they can declare a state of emergency, demand billions of dollars of Federal funds, squander most of it on crony-socialist boondoggles and handouts for their pets, and anyone who calls them out is a monster. Spreading the virus serves the Left’s interests as long as the entire system doesn’t collapse, but I think it will collapse.

America’s economy is heavily dependent on retail, restaurants, services, and paper-shuffling in megacorp cube farms.  These businesses will be disrupted because employees are likely to get sick or decide it’s not worth risking their lives for minimum wage.  Productive industries will have layoffs due to heavy reliance on China.  Car manufacturers, electronics manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies are already cutting production due to supply chain problems.  Most people live paycheck to paycheck.  They will default on rents and debts.  The effects will ripple through the economy.  This is going to be worse than the Crash of ’08.  Bailouts will follow, then hyperinflation, then collapse of the welfare state, then chimpouts, then a crackdown, then our cold civil war will go hot.

In South Korea:

Coronavirus cult

Shincheonji Church of Jesus.  “Jesus” is the cult leader.  Will he heal all his disciples by giving them the Breath of Life?  If it doesn’t work, wait three days and try again!  Their behavior in the midst of an outbreak shows cluelessness worthy of a collective Darwin Award.

Most of South Korea’s thousands of cases come from a woman who was in contact with 4,475 members of a touchy-feely cult. She refused tests, saying that since she hadn’t been to China she must have just had a cold.  The cult  has 245,000 members in South Korea and an outpost in Wuhan.  Members have now scattered.  90,000 cult members are unaccounted for.  Many are calling this a “death cult”.  I don’t think they actually are, I think they are just dangerously naive.  The South Korean government has been competent and transparent, with better testing than anyone else, but they lack the authority which would have been necessary to stop the outbreak in its early stages.  It’s too late now.  Millions of innocent Koreans will suffer.   [UPDATE:  Maybe they have a chance of beating it with vigorous testing.  This is another country to watch. UPDATE 2:  Their strategy seems to be working, but was set back by another church which infected 46 people by spraying saltwater deep down parishioners’ throats without disinfecting the bottle.]

In Italy:

Italy has ~50% more deaths than any country outside of china more deaths than the rest of the world outside of China, with an 8% case fatality rate in Lombardy, and ~9x more serious cases than any country outside of China.  It’s not clear whether this is due to an under-reporting of mild cases, or a mutation which spawned a more aggressive strain.  One of their first patients is a 38 year old Italian marathon runner and soccer player with no prior health problems.  He’s still in intensive care.  We should not be under any illusions that the virus is just a flu unless you’re old, unhealthy, or Asian.

[UPDATE:  Maybe it’s not a mutation, maybe it’s GloboHomo Inc. ruining everything it touches.  John Mark has a video on why Italy is having such trouble.  It’s a combination of the Chinese being allowed to take over the fashion industry for the “Made in Italy” label, plus Italy has the oldest population in Europe.  Italy began its exponential rocket ride shortly after all the travelers came back from Chinese New Year.  John also raises an interesting point about how the Left spent decades pushing unions and regulations so hard that Big Business pushed back with globalization and mass immigration, and now the Left is using immigrants to enslave the white working class, and the parasitic elite are laughing all the way to the bank.  You won’t hear this from the media.]

As recently as two weeks ago, leftist Italian politicians and talking heads were on TV whining about how quarantining travelers from China was “racist and unfounded fearmongering”. The governor of Tuscany said “it’s fascist to even talk about quarantine”.  Leftist activists, Asian associations and local government officials organized Hug your Local Asian events.

Coronavirus welcome

Now there are thousands of reported cases.  There are probably tens of thousands of actual cases because Italy hasn’t been testing contacts even if they are symptomatic.  Italy has one of the fastest exponential growth rates, and they spread the virus to 30 other countries11 municipalities most of northern Italy all of Italy is under quarantine.  Virtue signaling is all fun and games until someone loses a lung, then leftists turn into fascists when they realize there might be personal consequences for their actions. Leftism is the real death cult.

[UPDATE: (((Nicola Zingaretti))), a leftist party leader who participated in this virtue signaling, is infected!]

Even the Pope is not immune to this insanity. He has some kind of bug after touching crowds of people unprotected. He already has only one lung so I don’t think any amount of baby blood will save him, and God won’t protect him either. Francis is the first Jesuit Pope. They’re like the Vatican’s CIA, with all the hidden evil that implies. A Jesuit founded the Bavarian Illuminati. Pope Francis put the capstone on the Church’s transformation into a den of pedophiles, satanists, Marxists, rapefugee welcomers, and world government proponents. The entire Vatican deserves an Old Testament smiting. It would be fitting for the Pope to be the first major public figure to be killed by the virus.

Vatican snake 2

This is the Pope’s audience hall.  It was completed in 1971.  The Pope sits where the snake’s tongue comes out, i.e. he’s the false prophet.  Behind the Pope is a monstrous statue which they claim represents Jesus rising from a nuke crater, but it looks more like a snake-man rising from Hell.  The whole scene is an exercise in satanic inversion and Illuminati predictive programming.  The fact that this blasphemous thing exists, and is not considered newsworthy, should show you that the Vatican and the media are thoroughly corrupted.

In Iran:

Iran’s epidemic exploded out of nowhere, fueled by a combination of official coverups and people kissing and licking religious shrines.

Four senior Iranian officials have been infected. One died. The Ayatollah has probably been exposed. 23 members of Parliament are infected. Here’s the deputy health minister coughing and sweating during a press conference downplaying the virus. The real body count is in the hundreds, which would correspond to up to ~10,000 infected unless this is a particularly aggressive strain released by the usual suspects.

I’m starting to wonder if this disease won’t just kill globalism, but kill the globalists themselves.  They tend to be old, well connected, constantly traveling and meeting with travelers.  One can hope.

[UPDATE:  Oy Vey!  AIPAC has been exposed.  Who is going to agitate for war with Iran now?  “More than 18,000 people from all 50 states, over 275 synagogue delegations, thousands of students from 630 campuses, and more than two-thirds of the members of Congress attended the conference.”  Yeshiva University has cancelled classes.

CPAC has been exposed.  President Trump shook hands with someone who was exposed.

The virus has infected two Eurocrats in Brussels.  Committee hearings are cancelled for three weeks.  Greta Thunberg still gets to hold press conferences though.

UK health minister Nadine Dorries just tested positive.  She started experiencing symptoms FOUR DAYS AGO and has had contact with hundreds of people since then, including Boris Johnson. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I HOPE THE QUEEN GETS IT NEXT- I hear this Frankenvirus has some snake virus genes so maybe the Queen can catch it!]

Also In Britain:

Two baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport have tested positive.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, says there’s no risk of catching the virus on public transportation. It would be Islamophobic not to trust him. Let’s show solidarity by declaring that Fridays are Handrail-Licking Day. Anyone who doesn’t participate is a racist.

The NHS has a policy of only testing those who have had contact with a confirmed case, and only confirming by testing.  Problem solved… until next month, when the hospitals will be overwhelmed.

The World Health Organization:

The head of the WHO is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia.  He would not have gotten the job if he was not corrupt.  He covered up three cholera epidemics in Ethiopia. He is being bribed by two powerful interest groups who want to downplay the Coronavirus pandemic.

The first is a group of (((investors))) who don’t want the WHO to declare a pandemic because doing so would trigger non-payment of pandemic bonds which they bought from the World Bank.  The bonds have highly complex repayment criteria and a 13% interest rate.  Obviously the buyers decided to game the repayment criteria by bribing Tedros, World Health be damned.

China is obviously pushing this too.  Bribing Tedros would be very cheap for them, plus they can threaten to withhold their WHO funding, thereby gaining leverage over the WHO. China built Ethiopia’s Bole International Airport on credit.  It’s China’s gateway to Africa.  They will gain permanent control of the airport if Ethiopia misses a few payments.  China is actually counting on this, and sooner or later they will get it.  In the short term, they can threaten Ethiopia’s economy if Tedros goes off script.

Coronavirus WHO

This whole situation is a good example of how China is taking over Africa: Bribe the leaders, get them to run up irresponsible debts, trigger defaults, control all resources and infrastructure, and don’t take crap from anyone.  Africans don’t know how screwed they are.  The new imperialists don’t suffer from political correctness or pathological altruism.

Zombie Apocalypse

INSANE news is tricking out of China.  I am just going to dump it all here because I don’t have time to process it beyond making proper links.  I haven’t checked any of these links.  Source: /pol/.  /pol/ is always right.  Now off to buy some preps.

China has a populace which is more homogeneous, obedient and responsible than the typical populace of Western cities.  Imagine what horrors there will be when Corona is running lose in the streets of LA.

China orders Mass Slaughter of all domestic pets

Scientists: 75,815 individuals have been infected in Wuhan as of Jan 25, 2020

r0 = 4.08  Each infection spawns 4.08 others on average.

Doctors arrested for revealing the truth

Wuhan mayor admitted that all suspected cases are infected, they just don’t have enough tests

Huanggang, a city of 6 million people near Wuhan, bans people from leaving their home in effort to stop coronavirus; 1 person per family can leave every other day to buy basic needs

CCP limited the use of testing kits to limit the confirmed cases
China faces shortage of testing kits
China turns patients away without testing due to shortages
China underreports number of infections and deaths

Woman fallen over dead from the flu (blood everywhere)

Local authorities welding a local shelter or hospital door full of dead/dying victims

Victims not going down quietly. Local authorities strugging to quarantine citizens, further spreading the flu

Even more victims dead

Tons of needed supplies supplied by the red cross not being used due to locals not trusting foreign aid!

Bodies piled up on the streets

Healthy 25 y/o man falls victim and suddenly dies

Dozens of body bags lined up in a local park

Two healthy young males drop dead from the flu. Chaos ensues

Riots are beginning to occur

Local authorities are quarantining citizens by welding their apartment doors shut, leaving them to die alone so their death goes unreported (the CCP is suppressing the body count through this method)

Local hospitals are overhelmed and cannot accept new patients

Some who are quarantined in the hospital-jails are trying to escape, spreading the virus to more persons

Dead Cities

Sneak peak at what CCP isn’t telling us: There are thousands who have not been tested who have died. These deaths are not being counted! Those who are dying get transported from hospitals to crematoriums that are overwhelmed with corpses.

Authorities are murdering those who report on what is actually going on. The translation of this tweet states that two persons who reported on some potential sick neighbors were murdered by the authorities.

Repeating this warning from earlier posts:

The virus is part HIV. How did it hybridize? Bats don’t get AIDS. Snakes don’t get AIDS. If bat soup is an expensive delicacy, those who eat it probably don’t have AIDS. A BIOWEAPON IS THE MOST LIKELY EXPLANATION.

“We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1…The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. “


Coronavirus triumph of death


Well, that escalated quickly.

Coronavirus chart sars swine flu

Coronavirus is even more infections than it appears here, because it had only a one month lead time to the left of this graph, whereas SARS had four months of lead time.

Confirmed coronavirus infections are now at 7914, with 170 deaths.  The real numbers are higher because China.  These numbers continue to double every two days. In just a few weeks the virus has gone from a local bug to a pandemic the size of SARS.  If the pattern continues, there will be 8 million cases in 20 days.  8 billion cases in 40 days.

Don’t be fooled when the increase goes from exponential to linear as the virus saturates Chinese testing ability at 6000 tests/day.  This is already happening.  Don’t be get complacent if it tops off after China fills the 100,000 hospital beds they are frantically building.  This might happen next week.  Don’t get let your guard down if China descends into anarchy and stops reporting altogether.

By then, the rest of the world will be ramping up.  The rest of the world currently has about as many official cases as China had 20 days ago.  We could be 60 days from mayhem.  Aggressive quarantines will only delay the pandemic unless over 72% of all would-be infections can be thwarted.  Individual quarantines are unlikely to stop it because an infected person might cause two generations of infections before he even has symptoms.

The official fatality rate is low, but it’s still hard to know the real fatality rate due to a combination of rapid spread (which makes the real fatality rate higher because most cases are new), hospitals making up excuses not to count people, the Chinese government secretly cremating bodies and not adding them to the official body count, and some people are not sick enough to go to hospital (which makes the real fatality rate lower).  Nobody has died outside of China.  However, Chinese hospitals are full of people who are very sick and may have permanent lung damage. The number of people who have fully recovered is LESS than the number of people who have died.  Expect the severe pneumonia cases to start dying once hospitals are overwhelmed.  This has already happened in Wuhan.  One brave young man, Chen Qiushi, dodged the police to tell us how fucked everything is.  He’s sick.  He’s screwed one way or another.

Most of the dead are over 50 years old.  Most of the severe cases are over 40 years old. [UPDATE: The virus is capable of killing healthy people in their late 20s.  This may be due to multi-stage infections in which the virus gets worse when it returns.] I have tried warning people about this in real life.  Generation X has been responsive.  Boomers, not so much.

One boomer got all triggered because I said the disease mostly killed old people. Another was annoyed that I had tried to puncture her bubble of serene ignorance. Another was too busy with minor home renovations to worry about anything else.  Another was receptive to stockpiling food, but put faith in her “strong immune system”. A boomer couple are not going to cancel their two planned winter vacations. Their entire worldview comes from TV and if the TV says everything is fine, these two will stand there like cows on the tracks. Others haven’t responded to my emails. Others were strangely blasé. I’m kind of known as That Crazy Conspiracy Guy so they might have tuned me out because of that. The best prepared boomer couple I know had gone as far as buying some masks but I’m pretty sure they were the wrong kind- surgical masks are mainly to protect others.  The CDC says N95 respirator masks are sufficient but there are better options.  You should have eye protection and  a snug fit around your face.

Coronavirus masks

Inexcusable failures abound.  Apparently all those earthen roadblocks in Wuhan are just to quarantine the little people.  Planes are still flying straight from Wuhan so that the Important People can lubricate the economy.  People are still coming from China to America.  The “screening procedures” are a thermal scan, but this is useless if someone doesn’t have a fever, and the virus is infectious before symptoms appear. Canada’s chief public health officer is from Hong Kong and she is recommending no restrictions on Chinese flying into Canada.  The Americans on the evacuation flight from Wuhan will be quarantined for 72 hours.  Not enough.  The WHO has lavished praise on the Chinese government.  They didn’t declare a global health emergency until human-to-human spreading was confirmed outside of China, and even now, they do not recommend limiting trade and travel. German police are forbidding airport workers from wearing masks because that would cause a panic. I am hearing reports of various Western hospitals covering up cases so as not to cause a panic.

The media is still mostly celebrity puff pieces and Impeach Orange Man.  They only had regular stories about the virus this week, with a few stories about the Americans who caught it, the evacuation flight, and how the virus might be bad for oil prices and how it might have caused the stock market a 2% sneeze.  This reminds me of Cold War Duck and Cover BS.  Government policy was to not even tell us if the nukes were flying so that the roads could be clear for the Important People to escape to their bunkers.

[UPDATE: CNN is tongue-in-cheek comparing the flu, which has a fatality rate of 0.1% and an R0 of 1.28, with Coronavirus which has a fatality rate of over 3% and an R0 of at least 2.5. Watch this video to see what these numbers mean. CNN also says the main problem in the battle against coronavirus is that Trump’s virus task force is too white. I think their coverage shows a conspiracy to allow the Important People to sell their investments and prepare. Apple is at all-time highs even though their factories are in cities that are shutting down. I hate the media so much. I hate Google and Wall Street. I want to sneeze on all the locks in their bathroom stalls.]

pepe bat soup 2

Here are the potential worst-case black swans I see from a pandemic:

The Chinese work in packed hives.  They could become too sick to keep their factories running.  These days everything is made in China or has parts made in China, and major companies try to have “just in time” inventory minimization systems.  There could be cascading supply chain disruptions everywhere.

[UPDATE: Over half of China is under lockdown, accounting for 80% of GDP, 90% of exports.  Supply disruptions are showing up in car manufacturing.  How many thousands Chinese parts would a typical car have?  This is going to be a nightmare.  Cars will have to be redesigned and retested.  Aircraft too.  Electronics.  Anything complex.

China dominates the market for pharmaceuticals and precursor chemicals.  India makes up most of the rest.  India will definitely go down and when they do, the supply of medicines will be cut off.  Many overmedicated Americans will be forced to quit.

China has a near monopoly on rare earths. These 17 elements are used in a variety of high tech applications, especially super magnets, green energy, lighting, and lasers.  Uranium and Thorium are found along with rare earths so the mine tailings must be treated as low level nuclear waste. China doesn’t care.  That’s why they have a monopoly.

Who run Bartertown?  Corona-chan runs Bartertown!]

Millions of American retail workers will decide that minimum wage isn’t worth the risk death or crippling lung injury.  They will stay home.  The economy will suffer.  They will stop paying rent, knowing that it might take landlords 6 months to evict them.  The dead will stop paying.  People might stop paying credit cards or even mortgages, knowing that possession will soon be 99% of the law.

There will be deflation at first, except in food and supplies, where there will be great inflation.  Deflation will work its way back to the banks, who will of course be bailed out again by the Fed.  Once faith in the currency is lost, inflation will snowball because people will dump all their money into physical goods.  The banksters will want us to forget this fact so they will blame the inflation on the pandemic, and they will be partially right.  Either way, the end result is inevitable:  Hyperinflation, then welfare state collapse, then Zombie Apocalypse.

Deutche Bank, already very sick, could be finished off by defaults.  This would trigger a chain reaction in the interest rate derivatives market, which is huge, crooked and opaque.  The effects would ripple through the financial system like a deadly plague.  Bailouts would destroy the value of the Euro, then the dollar.  Disruptions to Letters of Credit might exacerbate supply chain disruptions.

The stock market will crash by 75%, then soar to Zimbabwe levels, then it’s lights out.

[UPDATE:  Central banks can take us straight to Zimbabwe stage if they choose. China is injecting massive amounts of liquidity and banning selling in order to prevent a market crash (i.e. in order to ensure that the little people can’t pull their money out before the elite pull theirs out at the expense of savers).  The Fed will also have the Plunge Protection Team in place ready to do this.  Probably no crash but precious metals will do well due to money printing. 

UPDATE 2: Doh!  20% crash so far despite $1.4 trillion in money printing.  $10.4T is planned up through April 13.  The Fed is not going to be withdrawing liquidity anytime soon.  Should have bought puts on oil and banks.]

If coronavirus is bad enough, we might not even get to the Zimbabwe stage.  Financial contagion will be moot because the cubicles will be empty.  It took over a year for sub-prime to give us the Crash of ’08.  This virus won’t give us that much time.

Old silver coins will re-emerge as local currencies.  Being used as money again will give silver many times its current value.  There is only about one ounce of silver per person in the world right now and it costs less than $18/ounce.

Food production and delivery will break down.  In the cities, starvation, looting, murder, and infrastructure collapse will be rampant problems.  Secondary diseases like cholera and bacterial pneumonia will kill millions.  [UPDATE: Farmers are warning about another disrupted planting season.  This will be our 2nd in a row.]

Millions of diabetics will die without their medicines.  The mentally ill will be forced to quit their pills cold turkey, which will make them go 10x crazier than they were before they started taking medication.

Hospitals will go bankrupt or become death traps.  Medical personnel will die too.  The entire health care system will break down.  Medical conditions that could be easily fixed will go untreated. Many will die for no good reason. Those who get coronavirus early on will delay treatment due to fear of America’s predatory and overpriced medical system.  It’s all very bullish for snake oil salesmen, coffin stocks and underfunded pensions.  Put that on CNBC.

The government will be incompetent and corrupt in its response (duh).  This will inspire hatred against them.  I don’t think they will be getting the country back after this thing blows over.  America will Balkanize.  The end of American hegemony will trigger wars all over the world.

The Chinese government will collapse.  They might be in for another warlords period.

Unpaid PLA soldiers might sell off the nukes.  They would have nothing to lose.  The Chinese leadership might even launch nukes if this is a bioweapon released by the Deep State.

France might lose most of its electricity if nuclear power plants lose critical staff.  This would lead to riots and maybe a few reactors cooking off.

India is doomed due to high population density and low sanitation.

Muslims will try to seize Europe outright.  They have already been stockpiling guns in mosque basements while the Europeans are disarmed.  Nobody dares to do anything about it because of political correctness.

In America, casualties will be highest among boomers (old and clueless), millennials (useless and clueless), city dwellers, the medicated, Hispanics living in packed houses, welfare recipients, those who work with the general public, and those dumb enough to go to FEMA camps.

Casualties will be lowest among Mormons (prepping is part of their religion), the Amish, rednecks, rural preppers, zoomers, tinfoilheads, wild men, and unemployed 4chan trolls.

Coronavirus mr clean

[UPDATE:  This article is not intended as a tribute to the ‘boomer remover’ meme which is being spread by little shits who just want to party while the world burns, without any care for their own relatives who may get infected downstream.  This article is intended as a preview of long-overdue systemic collapse, and a warning to a generation that, relatively speaking, has been so blessed by circumstance that they think nothing bad can happen to them.  They keep living their little boomer lives in pursuit of comfort and conformity.  The boomer bubble is about to pop!]

Coronavirus is worse than China admits

This will be short on facts because I don’t really know what’s going on.  Due to heavy censorship in China, we have to rely on grim internet leaks.  Here’s what is admitted:

coronavirus map feb

The virus is spreading quickly in China. There are cases in seven 17 21 25 49 other countries.

40 60 600 760 million people are under movement restrictions due to a coronavirus epidemic.  It is most likely a bat virus which jumped species in an unsanitary exotic meat market in Wuhan  bioweapon.  It is airborne, extremely contagious, and has an incubation period of up to two weeks 24 days.  The case fatality rate is at least a few percent 5%. Most of the fatalities are people over 50. The virus sometimes kills healthy people in their 30s.  The fatality rate is expected to rise due to most cases being in their early stages, and due to the fact that the epidemic itself is in its early stages and has not yet overwhelmed hospitals outside of Wuhan.  The virus is also mutating as it adapts to its new host.  Sometimes a virus becomes less deadly in order to increase its incubation period to further its spread, but the coronavirus incubation period is already long.  If it gets into a high density population like Bangladesh it is likely to become more deadly in order to increase its early infectiousness, even if it shortens the incubation period. Another coronavirus, SARS, started in a meat market in Guangdong and went on to infect at least 8098 people accross 17 countries. The official fatality rate was 9.6%.

[UPDATE: The official fatality rate is now up to 5% in Wuhan, and it seems many of the survivors may have long term lung damage. A Chinese nurse has given a plea for help, says the real number of infected was around 90,000 as of January 25.   This is going overwhelm hospitals and cause panic. The virus is also known to survive on surfaces for up to 24 hours 9 DAYS and can infect people when they touch their faces. There are stealth phases before AND AFTER the illness in which people are contagious without displaying symptoms or even testing positive.  Therefore airport screening is ineffective and case-by-case quarantines are very difficult because they must include the potentially exposed, which is always going to be a lot of people, given the incubation time. Planes are still flying out of Wuhan.  Apparently quarantines are for the little people.  Real people need to keep greasing the wheels of the economy.]

The Chinese government has a history of lying to maintain order and save face, until reality becomes undeniable, and then they have a massive tyrannical response.  With epidemics, a little tyranny goes a long way if applied early on, but this is not the Chinese way.  For example, at a time when 59 Coronavirus cases were officially known, the local government promoted “social harmony” with a 100,000-person communal meal where everyone ate from the same dishes together only 7km away from the meat market.

[UPDATE:  Authorities are now welding the doors of hospitals with dead and dying people inside, and welding people into their apartments with nothing to eat but their dead relatives.  The Army is taking the infected out of hospitals, never to be seen again.  These measures do wonders for the official body count.  Very socially harmonious!]

Chinese New Year is the biggest migration in the world.  Authorities neglected to shut down travel until it was already underway.  300,000 people left Wuhan by train the day before authorities acted.  Millions of people will be stuck in quarantined cities far from home.  Others are desperately trying to escape.  The army is blockading streets and dousing parts of Wuhan with chemicals.  Militias are burning the houses of those who run the meat markets.  Police are are rounding up truth tellers and people outside hospitals and shipping them off to places unknown.  Others are told they don’t have the virus even though symptoms match, and these people keep going around spreading it.  The doubling time is TWO DAYS in Wuhan.  [UPDATE: The doubling time is now maybe a week thanks to the blanket quarantine.  Hard to tell because the government is still lying about the numbers.]  People are dropping in the streets.  Rancid smells are coming from apartment buildings.  Most of this is unconfirmed, but remember, in China the truth is always much worse than the official story.

Coronavirus chart 2

The average number of new infections per case is 3.8  between 4.7 and 6.6, approximately 7, which is higher than SARS, and would lead to a global pandemic unless at least 72% 79% 86% of would-be infections can be thwarted. [UPDATE: China’s draconian quarantines have reduced the reproduction number to 3.4.  THE VIRUS IS UNSTOPPABLE.  IT WILL BE A RAGING WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC BY SPRING.]

In China there is the idea of the “Mandate of Heaven” in which disasters signal that a dynasty has lost the right to rule.  It’s not superstition.  Barbarians invade when the leaders are weak or treasonous.  Epidemics are exacerbated by poverty.  The 2008 Sichuan earthquake killed 70,000 people and left 5,000,000 homeless, mainly due to shoddy construction by corrupt contractors.  7,000 schoolrooms collapsed because Ministry of Education officials built the schools below standards and pocketed the savings.  The government’s response was to sic riot squads on parents and disappear those who reported about it.

The Mandate of Heaven is why the bureaucratic bugmen greatly fear losing face over disasters, and they are absolutely terrified of chaos, so they solve problems by shooting the messenger. This mentality ultimately brings about the things which they fear the most, but they lack the collective self-awareness which could prevent disaster.  This time, they might have screwed the whole world.  If the virus becomes a global pandemic it could easily kill over 100 million people, plus extra deaths from cascading chaos. Even if most people survive the virus, many will stay home rather than risk going to work.  There might be infrastructure failures.  The hit to the economy could trigger a financial collapse, then a welfare state collapse, then civil war.

Clown World ends here

The silver lining is that Western governments will lose the Mandate of Heaven if things get bad enough.  IMHO they already lost the Mandate of Heaven over 100 years ago when they sold it for the Mandate of Hell, and now they are frantically trying to finish dumbing us down and disarming us before all hell breaks loose.

Buy more ammo, some N95 respirators, gloves, water filters (in case power goes out), and food.  Mypatriotsupply is currently offering a special $100 discount on dried food.  Watch this video by Steve Turley and follow the link in the comment section.  It seems to be a unique link for each person so I’m not going to post ‘my’ link.  If you don’t trust the CDC’s respirator standards then buy goggles and go up to N99 with 0.1 micron filters.

[UPDATE: Masks are selling out

I got my food from mypatriotsupply and can confirm that it is securely packaged, the calories approximately add up, and the southwest rice is tasty.  The only issue is that the item with the $100 discount, the 4-week emergency food supply, is heavy on carbs. Carbs are easy to grow in the form of potatoes.  I suggest supplementing with a variety of protein dishes, plus some protein acquisition devices from your local sporting goods store,  plus vitamin pills and a few gallons of olive oil from your local hippie food store.  Chickens are good for converting deer ticks into perfect packages of amino acids and fats.  Protein cannot be digested unless some fat is also present. You will starve on a diet of rabbits.

Just placed another order with mypatriotsupply.  The Turley discount is still there but I suspect it will not last long. Go buy some. I am not getting paid to write this.

UPDATE: The discount has now shifted to 40% off on a two-week food supply. Steve just mentioned this in a video in which he said that Coronavirus will kill China’s attempts at globalism.  I bought one of these a few weeks ago and they still haven’t shipped it.]

P.S. For the foodies I have seen coming through, the Chinese promoted bat-eating with a TV show called Beauties Eat Bats.  Here is a video of a Chinese cutie nibbling a bat in a fancy restaurant. This video has gone viral.  Bat Girl here might be the super-heroine who will save the world by bringing down Clown World- something even the President seems powerless to do.  Thanks, Bat Girl!

P.P.S.  There is conspiratorial talk about the virus being a weapon which escaped from a level 4 biohazard lab in Wuhan.  It’s the only facility in China that is equipped to handle the virus.  Three months ago, Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum did a pandemic simulation in which a coronavirus killed 65 million people.  The director of the World Health Organization’s health emergencies program just died.  I am going to call these things coincidences for now.  [UPDATE: DOH!  Should have kept my tinfoil hat tighter.  Diversity hires at a Canadian virus lab turned out to be agents working for the Chinese biological warfare program.  They shipped a coronavirus to China.   And the head of the Harvard Chemistry Department, Charles (((Lieber))), plus a BU researcher who was a lieutenant in the People’s Liberation Army, have been arrested for sending biological materials to China for money.  Isn’t diversity great?

UPDATE^2: The continuing updates to this article were becoming a speculative, shambolic mess.  I have deleted them and consolidated the important points here, along with important new information. 

The virus looks genetically engineered.  It has bits of HIV genes inserted.  The circumstances of its release are still not known.  If there are major developments in the bioweapon story I will update the new post.]