Abort the left

Abortion dems brainless

They are completely insane. They are cult minions trying to enslave everyone to the global satanic elite.  We need abortions up to the 400th trimester for commie traitors.

Just since Christmas they have reminded us that they stand for baby killing, crime, MS-13, Somali gangs, welfare dependency, invasions, corruption, witch hunts, Fake News, confiscatory taxes, terrorist coddling, Sharia Law, kangaroo courts, squandering, economic collapse, groupthink, worthless education, idiocracy, broken families, drugs, pedophilia, child trannies, whores, censorship, coverups, double standards, powerlust, jackbooted government thugs, job destruction, crumbling infrastructure, pill zombies, rape, narcissism, death cults, sex cults, no future, endless war, election rigging, vote suppression, punishing the best, rewarding the worst, haughty micro-management, cronyism, neofeudalism, oligarchy, kleptocracy… and since the left projects with absolutely everything, the sin they see as the most horrible is the sin they revel in:  Racism.

Radicals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren are competing to out-virtue-signal each other over soaking ‘the rich’ to pay for retarded boondoggles and welfare for the entire third world. The first Somali congresswoman has called for abolishing the Department of Homeland Security.  New Jersey will soon have a rain tax. Democrats are balking at the wall (again) while trying to widen loopholes in the asylum laws so that any illegal immigrant who brings a child will have free run of the country- even if the child isn’t theirs.  They and their Fake News sycophants manipulate us with tearjerker stories and lob the r-word at anyone who sees the perverse incentives.  Meanwhile, yet another sex cult has been tied to the Clintons.  This cult has been trafficking babies.  They use girls as breeders and kill them when they have outlived their appeal after 10 years.

The most disturbing development has been the simultaneous push for full-term abortion / infanticide in multiple states:  New York, Virginia, and Vermont. Something this horrible could only come from the cabal. The shocker is not that they are pushing infanticide- their ultimate goal is open sacrifices to moloch. The shocker is that they are pushing infanticide as Trump prepares to appoint Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement.  They must really be desperate. Trump has been shutting down their child trafficking lines.  They need another way to get their fix. Imagine what these sickos would do with live babies that have no documents, and nobody looking for them, because they were supposedly aborted. Sacrifices, organ harvesting, blackmail fodder, pineal gland cannibalism, vaccine production, taxpayer-financed bribes, sadistic experiments, split-personality mind control slaves, breeding dungeons… The cabal is into all of this.  Babies are a great source of money, power, and even life itself. There is a company called Ambrosia which offers massive transfusions of baby blood for $8000/litre. This is how the vampires cheat death until their 90s.

The churches allowed it to get this bad.  The Vatican has been taken over by Illuminati luciferians.  Most Protestant denominations aren’t much better: Prosperity Gospel, Superfun Rockband Church, the Loonitarian Church of Social Justice, Christian Zionists, Mormons etc.  Any organized church is most likely a fraud.  The average ‘conservative’ Christian believes in providing the benefits of his labor and his universalist morality to all sorts of parasites who hate him.  The end result will be satanic world government.


Should have gone Amish or Eastern Orthodox.

The good news is that the leftist radicals are overplaying their hand.  The new faces of the Democratic Party are a bunch of cartoonish villains:  Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and Kamala Harris.  Pelosi and Waters are vile, stupid and utterly self-serving.  AOC is a Full Retard Commie.  Warren is a whiny, affirmative-action-grubbing joke.  Harris pushes fake hate crimes to advance her political career.  She wants Whitey to pay reparations. She says that being a sanctuary city worked so well for her home town of Oakland, that she wants the rest of America to be like Oakland.  Schumer is owned by Wall Street and Israel.  He wants million-dollar fines and up to 20 years in jail for anyone who boycotts or criticizes Israel.  He loves to give $38 billion of taxpayer money to help Israel build their wall, but he says it would be immoral for us to have our own wall.  Chucky is also a pedophile.  Omar hates America, wants open borders for terrorists, and might have committed either incest or immigration fraud.  At least she talks about AIPAC bribing most of Congress.  There is much kvetching about her ‘antisemitism’ (i.e. truth-telling). The Jews need to check their privilege.  Omar has more victim points than they do, and antisemitism is part of her culture.

Israel scam

The Fed can also print money to buy bonds to build jails for anyone who criticizes Israel.  Jews will get more interest on money created out of nothing and they will give a small kickback to Chuck Schumer.  No wonder he wants us in jail.  The truth is very anti-semitic.

The only major leftist who isn’t an obvious villain is the pathetic Bernie Sanders. Poor Bend Over Bernie got kicked out of a hippie commune at age 30. He kept the hippies awake till midnight with monologues on the wonders of socialism, while socializing his dirty dishes onto them. He said Cuba and Sweden are model countries.  He liked Soviet bread lines.  He kissed Hillary’s royal pinky ring for a $600,000 summer house on Lake Champlain. Now he is marginalized because he’s not evil enough.  The media loves all the other clowns because they are rabid Trump hating, Ameria hating, no-borders commies. Leftists are so high on their own collective farts they don’t realize they are becoming the perfect foils for Trump. The mushy middle is waking up. 76% of viewers liked Trump’s State of the Union speech. This included 82% of independents and 30% of Democrats. Now we know why Pelosi tried so hard to stop Trump’s speech. Now we know why the Dems hated it so much.  Trump showed them up bigly. And he got them to show their true faces yet again. Makes me wonder if Trump is leveraging treason charges to turn a few of them into pied pipers. Make them become parodies of themselves and thereby destroy their ‘brand’ of being sane and compassionate. Moderates are waking up to this big lie.


The Democratic women were all dressed in white, like cultists.  They scowled at every great thing Trump talked about:  “Food stamp usage lowest in years? Humphhh. Those people will now see us as thieves, not benefactors.  Huge increase in child trafficking arrests?  AHrrrrrggg!  There goes our adrenochrome supply!”  The only time they cheered was when Trump said we now have more women in Congress than ever.  These self-important twats think America exists to cater to their narcissism and entitlement mentality.

Moderates are also disgusted by the push for outright infanticide.  In Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam talked about allowing the murder of newborn babies. The establishment isn’t 100% stupid and tone-deaf.  They understood Northam had become a liability so they released his blackmail material:  A yearbook photo of him in blackface with someone dressed as a Klansman.  He was probably part of a mutual blackmail ring.  Blackmail rings are very stable most of the time, but when one link is broken, it can trigger a chain reaction NASCAR car crash.  This is happening in Virginia.  We now have a blackface photo of Attorney General Mark Herring, and rape allegations against Lieutenant Governor Fairfax.  Fake News CNN tried to pretend Northam was a Republican.

There is going to be a Supreme Court battle over abortion.  The establishment is trying to pull a Weekend at Bernie’s with Ginsburg.  Roberts is compromised.  Important decisions are likely to be 4-4, which will uphold the circuit courts.  It’s easy to get a decision from a compromised circuit court such as the Nutty Ninth- though this may soon change. And it looks like Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg.  I am not a fan of Barrett (see meme above), but these recent abortion laws are EVIL and they must be overturned.  The Supreme Court might uphold Trump’s proposed late term abortion ban while simultaneously giving states more authority to regulate early abortions.  I would celebrate these changes with a keg of Liberal Tears.

Will finish up with something straight from /pol/. For entertainment purposes only.

Over the past two years, the Left has increasingly shown us one very important thing about themselves: They cannot be reasoned with. They have zero qualms with concocting outright lies for the purposes of conducting smear campaigns against completely innocent men, women, and children. They are completely impervious to reality, and couldn’t care less whether what they say or believe has any factual basis. They deliberately evade, misquote, drop context, and otherwise shyster their way through any attempt at rational discussion. And they do all of this while marching toward their one goal: Your extermination, culminating in the total destruction of the West.

The Left has been in open war against us for decades. They have known this and have acted according to this aim. We, however, have largely failed to acknowledge their intentions, and too many of us have wrongfully attempted to treat the Left as if it were populated by “misguided idealists” who simply need to be educated and persuaded by logic. It is, however, a grave error to think that the mindless beast with the goal of ripping out your throat has any interest in your arguments against it.

There is but one thing the Left understands: Brute force. It is a matter of self defense, and the only rational way to deal with an enemy that is openly and explicitly bent towards your destruction is to obliterate it completely with every means at your disposal. This is not a game; they are out for blood and power, and they mean to get it. Our very lives and the survival of civilization itself quite literally depends upon eliminating these vermin that have infiltrated our nations like a vile cancer.

Organized leadership will come. In the meantime, you know best where your talents and creativity lie. Use them now in the most brutal way that makes sense to you.

p.s. Sorry for the lag.  Have been digging into ancient civilizations recently.  Fascinating stuff.  There was a worldwide advanced civilization that was destroyed by a comet at the end of the last ice age.  The Illuminati claim to be descended from their priesthood.  They are not quite human.  Will write about this.