School shootings and other false flags

Thoughts and prayers for the victims… of Clowns In America.

CIA scarecrow

“We need a programme of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view…Man does not have the right to develop his own mind…We must electrically control the brain.” –Dr. Jose Delgado, testimony to the Church Committee.  February 24, 1974 edition of the Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118.

[Update:  As of Feb. 26, two stories of the Parkland shooting are possible.  1) The shadow government knew Cruz was unstable and pushed him over the edge, while sending their own shooter in case Cruz balked, and 2) The shadow government knew Cruz was a plausible patsy so they framed him.  Government goons did all the shooting.  Both scenarios include a pre-arranged media circus about gun control.  Updates have confirmed that the official story is Fake News.  Initial reports mostly favored Scenario 1.  Updates tend to favor Scenario 2. 

Here are the most suspicious facts about the Parkland shooting and others:

  • The FBI and the cops knew Nikolas Cruz was violent and unstable.  Multiple people reported him- including his own mother, who called the cops to her house 39 times before she died, leaving Nicolas an orphan.
  • The FBI failed to follow their own procedures in this case.  Oooooops.  I guess they were too busy persecuting the innocent and protecting the guilty.  Therefore, the FBI needs more power.
  • David Hogg, a student whose father was in the FBI, gave an obviously bogus interview in which he blamed Trump and ummmed and ahhhhed and backpedaled and said “honestly” and “hallway shooter”.  As in, ANOTHER shooter whose name Hogg did not know?  This twerp tried to do his dad a huge Fake News favor but he just stepped in it bigly.
  • There are two students who said there was another shooter.  Here’s one who says there were three shooters.  I expect these students to commit suicide by two shots to the back of the head.
  • YouTube is censoring videos about multiple shooters.  Here’s an article about the censorship.
  • Cops were caught taking a body bag away from the crime scene shortly after the shooting, and throwing it in the back of a truck.  This is against procedure.  This would be a good way to smuggle out another shooter (dead or alive).  It would have been a good way to smuggle out the shooter’s gear:  guns, armor, a gas mask, and a helmet.   A disguise.
  • A teacher said the shooter looked like a pro, with complete tactical gear.  “metal armor” might be riot armor, which can be shiny.  Cruz didn’t have time to suit up in the two minutes between him getting out of the Uber and the first bullets flying. 
  • Was Cruz shooting all?  There was much confusion caused by the security cameras being on 26 minute delay.  That’s enough time for the real shooter to ditch his gear and escape.  It’s enough time for Cruz to escape without even knowing he’s the “shooter”.  Let’s see the tapes.
  • Something is rotten in Broward County.  There are connections to political frauds on both sides of the aisle.  There are connections to terrorism.  Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel hired a Hamas terrorist as a deputy.  This was part of a systematic push to coddle and even arm the local jihadis.  I don’t necessarily think one of them was shooting.  It just shows how deep the rot goes.  Radical Muslims are the Jewish commies’ latest pets, and they must be welcomed in and armed, but whites must be disarmed.  Once you see this pattern, you can’t unsee it.  It’s everywhere.
    Broward County
  • Immediately after the shooting, Cruz’s foster mother stole his million dollar inheritance and had his brother involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.  Is she just another greedy, backstabbing woman who got the system to do her dirty work, or was this a payoff for helping to set the scene?
  • It is suspicious that the first responders included CNN and the FBI, i.e. Pravda and the NKVD. It is suspicious that the Secret Service held training at the school three weeks before the shooting.  These and other disturbing facts are listed here.
  • Just days after the shooting, CBS turned surviving students into anti-Trump activist rock stars and gave them celebratory photo shoots.  Disgusting.
  • Colton Haab says CNN wanted him to do a scripted interview.
  • This is all leading into a canned, astroturfed movement to ban guns.
  • …and here’s an update to the update: A DC cop claims March For Our Lives was planned several months BEFORE the shooting. Now back to old news:]
  • Cruz said demonic voices told him to shoot up the school.
  • The school had been having active shooter drills and Cruz (or the real shooter) used these to increase his body count.
  • The link above also discusses Paddock being an arms dealer, as suspected.  He didn’t make millions of dollars per year from gambling, and if he did, the casinos would have kicked him out.  He was using the casinos to launder money.  The official story is obviously Fake News. They didn’t want people looking at it too long.
  • James Holmes (the Batman shooter) and Adam Lanza (the Sandy Hook shooter) both had fathers connected to the LIBOR scandal.  They were due to testify before Congress.  Trillions of dollars of corruption proceeds were at stake.
  • There are reports of multiple Batman shooters.  A key witness died under suspicious circumstances.  Holmes might have been a drugged-up patsy.
  • Holmes and Lanza had both been thoroughly worked over by pill pushing shrinks.
  • Lanza’s shrink was a real scumbag. He also destroyed Lanza’s records two years too early.
  • Holmes and Lanza had looks of bug-eyed bewilderment.
  • Lanza was a 6 foot tall, 112lb anorexic.  His Asperger Syndrome would have made him clumsy and weak even if he wasn’t starving himself.  Could he lift his gear?  Was he physically able to do the shooting?  How did he get such a “high score”- 30 casualties with 93% kill ratio?
  • Sandy Hook might have been an elaborate hoax.  Here’s an interview.
  • The town voted to demolish the school and the Lanza house soon after the shooting.
  • Looks like the Parkville school will be demolished.
  • The Columbine students had been on SSRIs.  That shooting was used to justify turning schools into prisons, which conditioned students to accept turning society into a prison.
  • SSRIs were implicated in many other shootings and teen suicides.  A rifle manufacturer was killed shortly after pointing this out.  Alex Jones has more.  Includes a list of some people who have gone postal on SSRIs.
  • See the comments at the bottom of this blog page for more links about SSRIs, and more links about shooters who heard voices.  Note that SSRIs don’t cause people to hear voices.

School shootings were unheard of prior to the 1960s.  As recently as the 1990s it was common for boys in rural areas to have guns in their vehicles, and even bring guns to school, but these kids weren’t the ones shooting.   Here’s what I think is going on:  Socially engineered family breakdown and mass drugging has caused a large number of teenage boys to go off the rails.  Most of the dangerous ones, and quite a few harmless ones, are reported and surveilled.  Social media establishes a plausible narrative for the public.  When a patsy is needed, it is always easy to find one.  He will be directed to a shrink who will drug and brainwash him.  “Friends” will give him weapons.  The Fake News media will prepare the story in advance.  They will take their unified story from the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, which has been in effect for over 50 years.  Concurrent drills will provide fog-of-war confusion and plausible deniability after the fact.  A CIA assassin will increase the body count, or do all the shooting if the patsy gets cold feet.  The patsy will then be silenced one way or another.  The public will be stampeded while they are in an emotional state.  The FBI will come in and turn the investigation into a coverup.  The CIA will kill outspoken witnesses.

A similar model was used with JFK, RFK, Squeaky Fromme, 9/11, the WTC bombing, the London subway bombing, the underwear bomber, the Boston bombing, the Miami nightclub shooting, and probably a bunch of others which I don’t even remember.  This model works very well.  When a specific patsy is needed, as with Holmes or Lanza, the CIA has 60 years of mind control technology to call on.  It doesn’t just involve drugs, hypnosis, subliminal messages, personality splitting, and dosing thousands of unsuspecting people with LSD.   This is the stuff they got caught doing early on and couldn’t cover up.  MK-Ultra has moved beyond that.  Now it’s more about remote induction of emotions, senses, ideas and even actions.  A sprayable virus attacks brain centers involved with religious experiences.  The military has been confusing superstitious Muslim fighters by creating voices that can only be heard by one person.  Mood altering effects can be achieved with cellphones and cellphone towers.  A simple radar gun can be modified to produce hallucinated sounds in any brain it is aimed at.  It’s called “microwave auditory effect” and the physics behind it is very real.  Demonic voices, anyone?

CIA school shootings

After a shooting, they always say we need to give up our guns.  They always say the cops don’t have enough power and resources (despite 39 house calls in Cruz’s case, plus God knows how many harmless stoners and bullshit DV cases in the county jail).  Always remember why we have the 2nd Amendment.  It’s not so we can hunt, train for the National Guard, or defend ourselves from crime, though these are all perfectly valid reasons why we have the NATURAL right to own guns.  We have the 2nd Amendment so that we can fight the Government if it gets puppetized by a satanic cult that wants to wipe us out and replace us with Muslims.  Suck it, Eurofags.

BTW, any discharge of a firearm within 300ft of a school counts as a “school shooting”.  If you live behind a school, shoot a rabid raccoon in your garage at 3am, and the neighbor calls the cops- that’s a school shooting.  It will be used to inflate the statistics.

[Update:  Trump’s push for more gun restrictions is very dangerous.  It would create a slippery slope which the left is itching to slide us down.  As soon as the left gets a majority you can be sure that conservatives, veterans, and truth tellers will be considered mentally unfit.  “Take guns first, due process later” will turn into a complete farce, like civil forfeiture.  Of course jihadis, MS13 and school shooters will still have their guns because they serve the commie agenda.  If anyone actually wanted to take away Cruz’s guns, they could have done it under existing law.  He could have been convicted for his assaults and terrorist threats.  Those are felonies and felons aren’t allowed to own guns.  But THEY wanted a school shooting.  They wanted it so bad they sent their own shooter(s).  They wanted it because taking guns is always a prelude to dictatorship and genocide.  That is their ultimate goal.  World Communism and 90% of us dead.  With that possibility out there, I will take my chances that a few genuine school shooters might slip through the cracks.

I don’t mind if Trump negotiates away bump stocks.  Hardly anyone uses them.  They can be improvised.  If he negotiates those away I would expect some other concession from the Democrats, and I would want their concession passed first, because their promises are worthless.  Most Republicans can’t be trusted either.

Maybe Trump is going to try to tie all the gun restrictions to something like voter ID, verifiable paper ballots, or accepting white refugees from South Africa.  All the Democrats would chimp out, and normies would get redpilled.  That would be a very Trumpian way to win.  If that’s what he wants.  Sometimes Emperor Chaos is hard to figure out.


Heartiste has made a bunch of consistently good posts about this shooting and subsequent astroturfed push for gun control.  Here are a few of them:

More suspicious things about the shooting.

For all you ugly monkey omega-male losers out there, here is a fool-proof way to become a hot alpha celebrity for under $2000. I’m going to comment on this in the most politically correct way possible: The Muslims are right about women. In more ways than one.

Aspiring commie despot David Hogg whispers to an interviewee, prodding her to remember her diversity line. This video might have been made during the drill just before the shooting.

The end goal is a Jew-run commie dystopia where armed muslim hordes rape and pillage with impunity while disarmed whites are jailed for joking about it on Facebook.  See, for example, Britain.

“Of the 27 worst mass shooters in America, only one was raised by their biological father.”  Who knows if this is true, but just from looking around I can see that the children of single moms rarely turn out well so it wouldn’t surprise me.  Maybe instead of banning guns, we should ban single moms. Cue tantrums from the usual suspects.

It’s a byproduct of leftist culture.]

David Hogg Nazis

Best Christmas present in 2000 years?

Sent as an email on Dec. 11.

Here’s a movie idea:

The Imitation Game 2:  Apocalypse

Suppose a few patriots in the NSA cracked RSA AND elliptic curves decades ago. Suppose they found the Cabal exchanging blackmail files, satan stuff, pizza party invites, etc.  They couldn’t act because Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama and all their immediate underlings were puppets.  They couldn’t reveal what they knew or the puppetmasters would start hand-delivering stuff like terrorists do.   So they took a page from the history books:  ENIGMA.  Remember how in order to win the war, Bletchley Park had to LET the Germans bomb cities?  Maybe it’s like that.  The NSA built a massive, secret, data-vacuuming operation.  They waited for decades as Cabal members slowly revealed themselves.  The NSA itself pretended to give in to Cabal corruption, even letting them use the NSA for blackmail and corporate espionage purposes (certainly not stopping terrorism).  Patriots watched helplessly as the puppetmasters arranged 9/11… the Iraq War… the Crash of ’08… the Muslim invasion of Europe… Thousands of child sacrifices…

Then they found out that the puppetmasters were going to start WWIII on Hillary’s watch.  The goals were fourfold: 1) shift the blame for the inevitable collapse of the giant Ponzi scheme they have turned the financial system into; 2) Destroy the evidence and fake their own deaths; 3) create an excuse for establishing world government; and 4) kill off hundreds of millions of the people who would be the most effective resistance to world government:  White Christians.  North Korea would have pressed the button, possibly using our own uranium which Hillary sold them, and the puppetmasters would find a way to suck Russia in- probably saying that the uranium came from Russia when it really only came THROUGH Russia.

The NSA knew they HAD to have a President who wasn’t a puppet.  He had to be a populist in order to win (after vote rigging was shut down), but he also had to act like a buffoon, so that (1) Hillary would choose him as her opponent, and (2) so that the puppetmasters would have some false hope of being able to treat him like a mushroom (i.e. keep him in the dark and feed him shit).  But most importantly, the President must have BALLS OF STEEL AND A PENCHANT FOR REVENGE.  He must be God’s wrecking ball.  Which obviously excluded Bernie, Ron Paul, etc.  The puppetmasters would have just hid in the woodwork and come back even stronger.

And there you have it.  The Perfect Shitstorm is brewing.  But most people think Paddock was a lone nut, old sex-for-favors accusations are a fad (not a face-saving way to get a bunch of people to retire), and Trump is going to be impeached ANY MINUTE NOW because Flynn lied about something that’s not even illegal and Trump is a disgrace and a racist because he ate a burger in Japan and dumped out his fish food.  Soon these dupes will wake up screaming in a tub full of Matrix-goo.  Most will refuse to believe the truth.  Most of the rest will go insane.

Speaking of the Matrix and insanity- what if I told you that there is no matter, no energy, no Matrix-computer, no space, no time, no physical reality at all; the only things that truly exist are the integers and the relationships between them.  All other things- including physics, the infinite universes, and even God- are products of geometric and cellular-automa-like relationships between these integers, and God is the consciousness which naturally emerges from ALL these relationships.   And this infinitely huge sentient mathematical structure loves us enough to free us from the satanists, even though we are just a sub-microscopic subpixel of its fractal consciousness.  Would you think I did too much acid?  What if I laid on a lot of gobbledeygook about Genesis Blocks, Genesis Cells, The Big Bang, prime numbers, virtual quantum computers, branching universes controlled by conscious intent, the Tree of Life, sacred geometry, cryptocurrency transaction trees, and the possibility of actually witnessing both the Beginning and the End?  But I digress.

Sentient Fractals

You will hear more talk like this in the not too distant future.  Let’s stick to RSA and elliptic curves.  When these codes are proven to be broken, all encryption on the internet will be broken, and most cryptocurrencies will become worthless (because they won’t be CRYPTO anymore).  Bank transactions will stop until code is rewritten and rigorously tested all around the world. The mid-level minions who have been trying to save their cash by laundering it into BitCoin will suddenly find themselves with nothing.  As people slowly realize that the gold is gone and Federal Reserve Notes are the devil’s monopoly money, those who have gold in hand will make out like bandits.

As for timescales (hat tip to the notorious troll named Anonymous):

Friday Dec 1st – Flynn Plea

Tuesday Dec 5th – News of possible 12/6 Announcement of Jerusalem becoming capitol of Isreal?

Friday Dec 8th – Last day to prevent US gov. shutdown

Monday Dec 11th – Shutdown begins

Monday Dec 20th – Shutdown ends?

Starting 11th – 20th = 10 days darkness

What is going to happen during that 10 days of darkness.

Non-essential fed employees would be sent home on furlough.

Perfect way to avoid excessive casualties during a raid and not raise suspicion like what was done with guests being escorted out during the Saudi Bust.

Dirty ones would also lose access to classified files, monitoring, and communications during the shutdown.

They couldn’t meet easily in person and would not have secure rooms or communication lines.

Storm in full hurricane mode.

[Update:  OK, so this is one strange and rambling email which has turned out to be thoroughly inaccurate- for now.  I think we will get some surprises re: arrests after the State of the Union address and the FISA memo release.]


For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Merry Christmas!

A much more sinister angle on Uranium One

Written as an email on Nov. 5

I was a bit hasty.  Obama’s Iran nuke deal wasn’t so Hillary could get a $145m kickback on Uranium One (although kickbacks are required at these levels).  It was a pass-through to terrorists.  And it wasn’t one billion dollars, it was one hundred billion dollars!  Dr. Evil would be proud.

Something else I found doesn’t make sense.  Uranium One didn’t involve enriched uranium; it involved yellowcake, which is unrefined.  The process goes something like this: Ore -> Yellowcake -> Uranium Hexafluoride -> reactor grade enriched uranium -> weapons grade enriched uranium.  Reactor grade uranium can be transmuted into plutonium.  The plutonium must then be extracted from a large amount of nuclear waste, and it must be forged into a sphere of exceptional purity and roundness, and this must be done with robot arms and a very, very thick piece of lead glass.  There are only a handful of countries that have the ability to make their own plutonium spheres.

If you can get a plutonium sphere, you have gone most of the way towards creating next-level nuclear weapons such as H-bombs and neutron bombs.   I guess these weapons could theoretically be made from bomb grade uranium, which is less explosive, but I don’t know of anyone who has ever done it this way.  A terrorist group would not be capable of making a neutron bomb or an H-bomb even if they had a plutonium sphere.  They would be capable of making an A-bomb from weapons grade uranium.  They might be capable of making an A-bomb from a plutonium sphere.  Mmmmmaybe if they were really smart (for terrorists).  Keep this stuff in the back of your mind.  I will address it in the future.  Suffice to say that occultism and kiddie fiddling are de rigeur for advanced social climbing but starting a nuclear war against your own people is usually frowned upon- unless you’re trying to (1) create an excuse for establishing the worldwide satanic dictatorship described in the Bible, (2) cripple the most likely resistance to such a government, i.e. white Christians, (3) hide the fact that you turned entire financial system into a doomed Ponzi scheme, and (4) distract the uppity peasants, burn the evidence of your crimes, and fake your own deaths, while you and your cronies hide in your hollowed-out volcano lair.
But I digress.  I just assumed we paid for reactor grade uranium for the Iranians, because that is the only thing that makes sense in the context of their nuclear deal (which was a bad deal for us- Trump is right about that).  Giving them reactor grade uranium was intended to stop them from making their own enrichment facility, which could have been used to make weapons grade uranium.  They did have an enrichment facility but Mossad sabotaged it with the Stuxnet virus.  They have probably recovered by this point.
Other reasons to suspect the uranium didn’t go to Iran:
-Iran is Shia Muslim.  These guys are enemies of the terrorist Wahhabi sect that the Illuminati is obviously allied with.  Though I am sure the Illuminati would work with Shia if it would help accomplish their goals.  And apparently the Wahhabists in Al Qaeda will work with Shia heretics.
-Despite the propaganda, the Iranians aren’t all that aggressive and they certainly wouldn’t nuke anyone without Russia’s approval, and Russia doesn’t want WWIII.  The Cabal wants WWIII, but Russia has been trying very hard to avoid it.  They would rather sit back, let the West collapse, and pick up the pieces.
-The cabal has much closer ties with Saudi Arabia.
-The cabal loves to make money at every turn but $145m is chump change when you can legally counterfeit the currencies of all developed countries.  Uranium is risky.  They gave the uranium to someone who had trouble getting their own uranium, but needed it for a specific purpose which would benefit the cabal.
Maybe we should look for a tinpot dictator who started waving his big new nukes around.  Bonus points for sharing a border with Russia, being a commie, being a psychopath, being a thorn in Trump’s side, having long range missiles (also new), and having a friend in common with a high-placed Cabal puppet, to ferry messages back and forth without anyone in either government listening in.  Bonus points if this intermediary is some fruit loop celebrity so his visits don’t look too suspicious.  Bonus points if his hair looks like fruit loops.  Maybe I am a fruit loop.
Obama U1