October surprises

By now you have all heard about Hunter Biden’s laptop(s). You will be hearing a lot more about it. This will be a Chinese water torture of leaks, with juicy drips every day to keep it in the news, and allow the talking heads to lie and dissemble enough to discredit themselves. The official story is that Hunter Biden dropped his laptop off to be repaired but he smoked so much meth he forgot to pick it up, so according to contract it became property of the repair guy, who rummaged through it, and he passed it to the FBI and later to Rudy Giuliani. The repair guy has a “medical condition” which caused him to not recognize Hunter Biden.

This seems like a cover story. The truth might be that the Chinese gave Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden three hard drives’ worth of blackmail material to encourage them to get Trump out by any means necessary. A Chinese billionaire who is an enemy of Xi Jinping gave copies to the DOJ but Democratic toadies buried it. The billionaire then gave copies to Trump via Giuliani. Maybe BOTH these stories are true! [UPDATE: Now it’s three laptops. Three laptops, three hard drives.]

Contents of the first hard drive / laptop, plus leaked messages:

  • Brutal pedo tapes, made with the blessing of the Chinese Communist Party, to cement their alliance with the Democrats and hold their feet to the fire. [UPDATE: No confirmation that it’s Joe in the tapes. We would need an explanation for Joe’s blackmail tapes being on Hunter’s laptop. Maybe Hunter stole the laptops. Q implied that the Chinese mailed the files to Hunter, who deliberately left the laptop with the Trump-supporting repair guy as a way to get revenge on his pedo dad. Hunter doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would be into little Chinese girls anyway. That’s Joe. Hunter seems like he would be into strippers with big fake tits.]
  • A $4.5 billion dirty business deal as the payoff
  • Previous dirty business deals in China, Ukraine, and Khazakhstan
  • An organizational chart of the Burisma Holdings corruption, in which Hunter got a $50k/month do-nothing job on the board in exchange for Joe not holding up a billion dollars of aid. Joe got a kickback. He bragged about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating this. Trump got impeached in the House for following up on this. They called it Quid Pro Quo. The Left always projects.
  • Proof that the FBI had exculpatory evidence that they withheld from the impeachment investigation
  • Conversations and documents that make it clear that Joe knew of and approved of his son’s influence peddling. Joe has previously denied everything. The media covered for him.
  • Dirt on other Democrats including Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and others, and on some Republicans. Pervasive corruption.
  • Pictures of the Bidens and cronies out playing golf
  • Hunter’s drama queen rants from rehab
  • Court dramas with his stripper girlfriend
  • Pictures of Hunter with a meth pipe in his mouth
  • Assorted sex tapes, dick pics, sniffing coke off an ass, etc.
  • [UPDATE 2: Something about Hunter walking around naked smoking crack while facetiming his 14 year old niece / stepdaughter.

The Chinese water torture has begun. Read this archived link for a brief description of the Chinese government plan to blackmail Western politicians and get them to help destroy America. The page includes a link to a video of Hunter smoking crack while a girl of unknown age (Natalie Biden?) massages his feet. The video is poor quality and has little blackmail value by itself. The original site is being updated every hour with more degeneracy and corruption…

And it’s a bunch of dick pics, hookers, crack, and suggestive pics of his teenage niece Natalie and her friends. Joe knew knew Hunter was horning in on them and did nothing. He tried to cover it up. This is further proof he is unfit to be President.

We will probably find out more about this and about Natalie. There are 25,000 files of sleaze. Hunter is a shameless degenerate. He can’t take a dump without taking a naked pic with his unflushed trophy. Women eat him up because he’s a piece of shit. The supposedly smart and classy Hallie Biden knew what Hunter was when she started cheating on Beau Biden with him. She knew she was giving her daughter a pervy crackhead UncleDaddy. If she threw his dick pic collection in the water it’s only because she didn’t want the world to know that she thought higher social status and vagina tingles from Hunter justified setting up her own daughter for a life of scumbags and heroin. Islam is right about women.

…I am getting sick of seeing Hunter’s dick all over 4chan. The election is in one week, with more votes being cast every day, and there’s still no Creepy Joe sex tape. Nothing about Chinese blackmail involving little girls. I hope we get proof. The media is studiously ignoring this stuff for now, including the corruption, which should be much bigger news than Hunter’s dick. Maybe the leakers thought the degeneracy is the only way to attract normies to the bigger stories and force the media to cover them. It’s not working. Release the damn Kraken already.

The second hard drive supposedly contains dirt on Michael Bloomberg plus information about the hidden American wealth of Chinese oligarchs, and Chinese plans to take over America and the UN. There is a lot of infighting in the CCP right now so it looks like these plans will be undone by one of China’s periods of chaos. The leaks might partly be about which group of Chinese billionaires will be allowed to safely store their wealth in America during the chaos, and which group will have their wealth confiscated.

The third hard drive contains information about a bioweapon, presumably the coronavirus. The Chinese and the Democrats have used the virus to crush small businesses, steal the election, consolidate power, and consolidate wealth (via massive bailouts and the further concentration of retail into the hands of Wal-Mart and Amazon). They used various tricks to prop up the COVID-19 death rate so they can keep everyone scared and blame the pandemic on Trump, while ignoring the fact that the Democrats called Trump a racist for banning flights from China.

Dems defaulted on pensions, freed up dole money, made dead voters, blamed Trump

Trump will make the next debate about Joe’s sordid past. The media will try to censor him. They will have a Baghdad Bob moment. They will do everything they can to make it look like Joe is still a viable candidate instead of a corrupt, senile old pedophile who got his dirty laundry aired. They have been pushing fake polls to cover up fraud with the mail-in ballots. Look at the huge Trump rallies while Biden can’t draw crowds at all. His dementia is so bad he often forgets which office he is running for. He stays in his basement to avoid gaffes, while the media campaigns for him.

Google manipulates the search engine results to favor Biden. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been ramping up the censorship. Biden and Soros crony Anna Makanju is running Facebook’s effort to “ensure election integrity”. Anything to keep the masses ignorant for a few more weeks. The censors are going to get their Section 230 protection revoked after Trump wins in a landslide. Fraudulent ballots created AFTER the election will be rejected by the new 5-4 conservative Supreme Court (Roberts is compromised). It’s going to be a shitshow bigger than the 2000 election. Then the purge can begin in earnest. This could be the end of the Democrats, the CCP, the media, the WHO, Bill Gates, and Chinese infiltration of our tech industry. This is big. This is going to spread.

Q is starting to look like he was right all along. He has been talking about all this stuff. “Hunters become the Hunted”, the election plot, the virus, China owning various Dems, everything. There have been intelligence hearings in Congress and in Europe. They’re afraid. Let’s hope Q is right about The Storm.

Storm clouds are gathering for Hillary Obama too. Apparently Bush decided that Osama bin Laden was more politically useful alive than dead, so he allowed him to escape to Iran. At first glance it seems to be an unlikely place because the Ayatollahs are Shiite and Bin Laden is Sunni, but they share two enemies: America and the Saudi royal family. Obama decided that Bin Laden was more politically useful dead than alive, and the Iranians said they would give him up, but Obama wanted to stage a bold raid right before the 2012 election. This gave the Iranians enough time to set up a body double in Pakistan. The SEALs realized they had been played, but Obama wanted to run with the story anyway, which is why we got that suspicious burial at sea.

This is why they killed Seal Team Six. They knew too much and they weren’t accepting payoffs via phony book deals. Hillary, as Secretary of State, arranged for stinger missiles to be sent to the Taliban to shoot down the SEAL helicopter. Ambassador Stevens found out about this (and her smuggling arms to ISIS in Syria) and therefore he had to die. Terrorists were allowed to attack him while Obama ordered extraction teams to stand down. The Iranians also kept proof of their switcheroo and used it to blackmail Obama for $150b in the form of the Iran nuclear deal.

If The Storm doesn’t happen then we will have a civil war next year. We desperately need real justice. No fall guys, no FBI coverups, no slaps on the wrist, no more trusting the plan. We need dump trucks full of heads. If we get a thorough purge then civil war may be delayed for a decade or two but it will not be prevented. Civic Nationalism will still cuck us because the Left’s pets vote commie 70% of the time regardless of any other considerations. Pandering by the right doesn’t help. Whatever we do, it won’t be enough, it will just be blood in the water. Working Whites will be forced to free ourselves from these insufferable parasites.

Now for October surprises from the Democrats.

The timing of Trump’s Coronavirus infection is suspicious. It would have been easy for them to infect someone close to him, or coof on a piece of paper that would be given to him. They wanted to give Dementia Joe an excuse to drop out of the remaining debates, and they wanted to create an excuse to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. Pelosi’s screeching about it would be consistent with the timing of China’s blackmail. When that failed, some of the more unhinged blue checkmarks agitated to get rid of him for using foul language when threatening Iran.

We might see a last-ditch DNC attempt to get Biden to resign and then tell the voters and the Electoral College that a vote for Biden is a vote for Hillary. This would be hilarious and doomed to fail. Trump could declassify everything about the Russia hoax that Hillary and Obama organized. We might hear more about the recent ruling that the IRS covered up racketeering by the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons and the Deep State are going to start whacking people again. When the mafia went down there were crazy distractions, restaurant shootings, bodies piling up. This is far bigger. Wars have been started over less. The swamp creatures will fight like cornered animals. They will try crazy Hail Mary passes. Avoid DC. You don’t want to be anywhere near the place if they decide to blow up all the evidence and fake their own deaths. You don’t want to be on the same plane as someone flying in to testify.

I am guessing that the first body to turn up will be Hunter’s. He has dropped off the map. If he turns up dead of an overdose he won’t testify against others, and Joe will get to cry about how he lost both his sons and it’s all Trump’s fault. Better yet, if Joe dies of COVID-related gunshot wounds they can blame Trump for coofing on him.

The repair guy is very worried about getting the Seth Rich treatment.

We will probably see a false flag shooting of BLM protesters. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already. I think the CIA figured that in a country of 320m people and 400m guns, a real mass shooting was guaranteed, so they never bothered setting one up. They thought they could goad Trump into a harsh crackdown, which would have opened him up to a false flag shooting. This is standard color revolution bait. Trump was smart to not crack down more than he needed to. During the crackdown I also saw many shill attempts to bait Libertarians into defending ANTIFA from the cops. This was a setup for the media to rake them over the coals as “white supremacists” and sabotage the growing friendship between cops and militias. Nobody took the bait. All the unprovoked violence has been from the Left and this has been great for our cause. ANTIFA and BLM have been doing my job better than I can.

After the election we will see more riots. Biden will refuse to concede, insisting that the military should remove Trump from office. The Democrats will use every dirty trick in the book. They will game the Electoral College, they will accuse Trump of stealing the election, etc. All of this has been wargamed by John Podesta and Norm Eisen, who wrote the book on color revolutions. George Soros is also involved in the color revolution via his control of district attorneys who let arsonists free while prosecuting innocent people who dare to defend themselves. If the right did even 1% of what the left has been doing, there would be martial law already. Anarcho-tyranny is in full force. A conservative court won’t stop it. There are no paths that avoid violence.

Brace for impact. Network. Buy food, preps, and rural land. Back up your data on a USB stick, put it in a pill bottle, and wrap that with tinfoil. Time is short.