Starve the Beast

To all you good little white male wageslaves with taxes on your mind, consider this:

  • Is the swamp still as overflowing as ever? Are the swamp monsters untouchable?
  • Is there a shadow government? Is it ruled by satanists who want to establish a worldwide dictatorship? Do they see white males as the most likely fly in the ointment? Do they want whites to pay for their own destruction?
  • Does the middle class have a higher tax burden than billionaires and their pet underclass?
  • Do illegal immigrants have more rights than you?
  • Are you a second class serf in your own land?
  • Are you expected to delay or forgo having children while paying Somalis to have eight?
  • Is marriage like giving a flamethrower to a spoiled, mentally ill toddler?
  • Are you systematically discriminated against in employment, domestic disputes, college admissions, tax policy, and access to advocacy groups?
  • Does it seem like everyone else has a retinue of professional excuse-makers making excuses for them, and blaming every failing on you?
  • Did the Fed just print another half a trillion dollars and shovel it to the banks?
  • Did the government spend $6 trillion fighting wars for Israel, $35 billion for border security for Israel, pallets of cash for Iran, etc., but the government struggles to come up with $5 billion to defend you from an invasion from fucking Guatemala?
  • Did Epstein work for Mossad?  Did they fake his death and break him out of jail?  Did the FBI cover it up?
  • Is the Finders cult still out there?  Did the FBI cover it up?
  • After Michael Aquino schismed the church of satan because they weren’t evil enough, was he made a colonel in charge of the Army’s psychological warfare program, and was he given an entire daycare center full of servicemembers’ kids to fiddle?  Did the FBI cover it all up?
  • Are blackmailed pedophiles a significant fraction of politicians on both sides?
  • Did Hillary collude with Russia, sell national secrets to China, murder Ambassador Stevens, supply ISIS, try to start WWIII, embezzle billions of dollars from the Haiti earthquake fund, help abduct 33 Haitian children for walnut sauce, and does the FBI continue to cover it all up?
  • Was the head of ISIS allowed to enter America and kill 58 people as a distraction during a failed assassination attempt against the Saudi crown prince?  Was the patsy, Stephen Paddock, actually an arms dealer who was working for the Feds until he was double-crossed by traitors in the government?  Did the FBI cover it all up?
  • Did the Democratic establishment steal the 2016 primary from Bernie Sanders, murder the whistleblower, blame the Russians for the leaks, and frame Trump for colluding with Russia? Did the FBI cover it all up?
  • Did the shadow government attempt to steal the 2016 election and then attempt multiple legal coups against a duly elected president and get away with all of it?
  • Did Andrew McCabe just get let off?
  • Did Trump, our last hope of legal change, still sell us out to a slightly different group of oligarchs?
  • Is Qanon a trick to make us go quietly to the abattoir?
  • Did the FBI just declare that they will treat white supremacists as an extreme terror threat?  Note that the FBI doesn’t distinguish between white nationalists and white supremacists.  To them, and to the rest of the establishment, white people who don’t embrace serfdom and extinction are white supremacists.
  • Do the Feds still jail people for weed?
  • Has the entire legal system become a tool of oppression?

If the answer to ANY of these questions is yes, then tax avoidance is your patriotic duty! Good thing audits are at a four-decade low. There were only 636 criminal indictments for tax evasion in 2018. Half of all audits involve suspicious claims of the Earned Income Tax Credit. Many audits were flagged by an automatic trigger so if you can avoid these triggers you will most likely be fine. Complex stuff like partnerships, S corporations, and small business deductions are hard to audit. Cash under the table is hard to audit. Check out this article with many useful tips for tiptoeing around the IRS.

Black welfare chart

Taxes are the main driver of these racial budgetary impacts. The major welfare programs are considered. The study did not consider other expenses such as useless affirmative action employees, grants for “nonprofits” and other special programs which mainly benefit minorities, state and local programs, and extra spending on police and prisons. The study did not consider that the numbers don’t balance, therefore the national debt is increasing, and this debt must ultimately be inflated away, which will steal from savers, who are mostly white.

Welfare cliffCivic Nationalists, cuckservatives and capitalists will not fix things.

These people are either actively involved in looting the white middle class, or they are too comfortable and cowardly to speak up.  They think they can hide in their gated communities while benefiting from cheap labor.  Their little walls won’t protect them when the lights go out and the digits they spent their lives chasing become worthless.  These clueless boomers will be raided shortly after the barbarian hordes run out of city-dwelling white liberals to plunder.

Libertarians will not fix things.

Their little party has been crashed by hippies, assorted degenerates, and delusional anarcho-capitalists who think Somalia is secretly a utopia. Their last presidential candidate was a globalist stooge.

Libertarianism brings freedom and prosperity in the short term, but it ultimately sows the seeds of its own destruction: Libertarianism is a social construct which seems to only reach critical mass among white males. Libertarians apply the blessings of liberty to people who will then turn around and use corruption and collectivism to take over society. The libertarians don’t fight back because they see each person as an individual who must be given the benefit of the doubt. They tolerate capitalists who sell out the country. They tolerate social ills which lead to the destruction of a free society. They tolerate immigrants who vote commie every chance they get. Tolerance will be the death of Libertarians.

Libertarian Planet of the Apes

King George Bush II, a.k.a. Chimpy McClusterfuck, said that the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper.  He was right.  The Constitution’s only power comes from the hearts of a few honorable white men.  Liberia also had the U.S. Constitution.  It didn’t stop them from becoming one of the Four Horsemen of the African Apocalypse.

Libertarians do have some good ideas on how to fight back. The ones I like most are going Galt (i.e. dropping out of mainstream society) and using alternative currencies.

Silver is extraordinarily cheap.  For $20 you can buy a coin with more than your share of the world’s aboveground silver.  Since the silver market is a giant paper Ponzi scheme,  physical coins will contribute to a leveraged unwinding.  Wrecking the paper silver scam will wreck the paper gold scam which will wreck the paper dollar scam which will wreck the welfare scam which will wreck America which will wreck the world order that America enforces!

Expect gold to be the better monetary metal in the near term because Asians prefer it as a safety net, and because the electronics industry will have reduced demand for silver. DON’T chase palladium. Its main use is in catalytic converters. Auto manufacturing is about to crater due to the virus.

Cryptocurrencies might end up being the best thing created by Libertarians.  The “killer app” is evasion of capital controls.  Get cryptos by private sale if you are interested.  Get cash out at a BitCoin ATM.   Do test transactions because there is no customer service department to call if you lose coins.  Keep a separate computer running Linux and use a wallet like Exodus which will allow off-exchange trades between cryptocurrencies.  Keep your wallet files in multiple secure places.  Don’t keep wallet files at your house. Don’t use an exchange.  Exchanges have high fees, high risk of theft, and capital gains reporting (although if you live in a state with no income tax and you have no other on-books income, you should be able to get away with up to ~40,000/year of tax-free capital gains).  Check out next-generation cryptocurrencies like Monero, Zcash, Chainlink, Stellar, and BitCoin SV.  Don’t take my word for it; I haven’t done detailed research because I’m a metals-first Luddite.  Read coindesk for news about the main coins.  Read /biz/ for coronavirus investing and ideas about up and coming coins, but beware of pump-and-dumpers.

BitCoin is a good indicator of activity in the overall crypto market.  Its price looks like it’s making a cup and handle pattern, an ascending triangle, and a golden cross- all three chart patterns are bullish.  A block halving in May will be bullish.  Chinese trying to escape from their doomed currency will be bullish.

bitcoin chart 2

Source:  The long term BitCoin chart has even more insane whipsaws.  This thing is the Gom Jabbar of finance.  It went from $0.05 to $0.20 then crashed to $0.01.
It went from $0.50 to $32 then crashed to $2.
It went from $10 to $260 then crashed to $50.
It went from $100 to $1200 then crashed to $160.
It went from $500 to $20000 then crashed to $3200.

Crazy as it seems, cryptos might be a way to protect capital from parasites.  Those who keep their life’s effort within the system will increasingly see it devoured by inflation, capital controls, divorce, lawsuits, civil forfeiture, etc.  The plan is that most capital within the system will end up in the hands of the banking and government (((tribe))) and some will go to the tribes they use as middle managers, footsoldiers and pickpockets.  Most of the footsoldiers and pickpockets will squander their ill-gotten gains until the banking tribe has that money too.

We are transitioning to a third world kleptocracy.  A giant arena where tribes compete to milk the most out of others while giving nothing back.

Parasites have no gratitude to their hosts, no idea that their privilege is unearned, little concept of long-term consequences and no ability to restrain themselves even if they understand how screwed they will be if the host dies.  They do not respond to logic or moral arguments.  Feeding them only increases their numbers and makes them more aggressive.  See Seattle, or Europe.

Whites are maladapted to this world due to our general lawfulness, low tribalism, high empathy, high productivity, laissez-faire attitudes, and responsible childbearing.  Ironically, all these tendencies made our countries the most livable in the world when the populace was mostly white.  Now these traits are weaponized against us.  Most whites are chump tax donkeys or virtue signalling backstabbers, all working for the destruction of our people.

Voting by race

The power of tribalism can be seen in this chart.  Look at Asians.  They tend to make more money than whites, and they are harmed by university affirmative action policies, but most of them still voted for Hillary because she was the PC, pro-China candidate.

This tilted tribal playing field extends to the personal level.  Non-whites don’t collect high rents from their young adult children and then buy RV’s. They don’t teach their children to hate their own people.  They don’t put other races before their own.   They are not above nepotism and gaming the system, including taking over entire institutions and using them for the narrow benefit of their own people; in fact they consider such actions to be moral.  Blacks and Muslims will even establish no-go zones where they set the rules, while still collecting benefits from the outside.

It’s a winning strategy for any tribe that can pull it off in a multicultural society.  Some tribes are relentlessly parasitic.  Their goal is to use the system to extract as much as possible from everyone else, while giving nothing back.  Generosity is a one-way street.  Whites need to wake up and learn how the world really works.  We need to:

  1. Stop allowing parasitic strategies to be used against us in our own countries.
  2. Milk the current system until it crashes.
  3. Socially engineer a return to traditionalism, including multi-generational households which share wealth, work, and knowledge. This would require rolling back ALL of feminism.
  4. Become unrepentant tribal nepotists ourselves.
  5. Stop being a multicultural society.

This is generally the order in which I would try to change things.  #1 is unquestionably moral.  #1 + #2 are relatively easy on the individual level but in the long run they would be ineffective without #3 and some combination of #4 + #5.  #4 + #5 + mass murder allowed us to conquer the world but personally, I don’t want to go there. For most of my life I only sought #1.  I simply wanted to be left alone. The last decade has proven it’s not possible without #2 + #3 and some of #4 + #5.

We are the only tribe that is not allowed to act like one.  There is a very real risk that we might become hated minorities scavenging for scraps amidst the ruins of the civilization our ancestors built, while a few wealthy Jews and Chinese jockey for dominance over a world of slaves selectively bred for stupidity.  One thing our Jewish and Chinese overlords will both agree on is that the West must be flooded with a billion Africans.

The solution can be seen in this flag.  It represents a transitional stage that our people must pass through now that every non-tribal ideology has failed.  This is going to be harsh medicine.  I leave the interpretation of this flag to my astute readers.


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