Clown World news backlog

honkler news anchor

Sorry for the absence.  I will continue to be busy until December or maybe January. Just reanimating the blog with this Halloween special: Clown World News!  Our worldwide network of reporters brings you news so absurd, so horrifying and so real, you’ll think you’re trapped in a nightmarish parallel universe ruled by evil clowns! This is the Way of the World.

It has been a good year for trannies, especially in Britain

Transgendered British rugby players are now allowed to crush women and break their bones. But the good news is that feelings will not get hurt, and rugby officials who might have objected to the policy have quit to avoid being called transphobic.

In honor of International Pronouns Day, British police warned that misgendering people is considered abuse and cause for arrest. Raping young girls is still not cause for arrest as long as the rapists are Muslims, royals, police, or politicians.

Rita Cooper, who was once Britain’s youngest tranny, applied for a job in porn but was turned down “because she has a cock”.  Police are investigating this as a hate crime. This is good news because if it sets a precedent, it might destroy the porn industry.

The Anchorage Equal Rights Commission has forced a church-run womens’ shelter to accept trannies.  The Hope Center might close its doors and leave abused women out in the cold rather than violate its religious principles. Toronto did something similar, forcing rape victims to share rooms with burly pre-op men.  Trans activists got Vancouver’s rape crisis center stripped of its funding.

Remember the Christian baker, Jack Phillips, who was persecuted by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a gay wedding cake?  He ultimately took his case to the Supreme Court and won, but the haters and bullies in Colorado didn’t care. They came back demanding cakes celebrating gender transition, marijuana use, satanism, etc. The Commission backed them up with new persecution based on Phillips’s refusal to bake the gender transition cake.

A Canadian trans activist used fake female social media profiles to get female beauticians to come to his house, where he demanded they wax his balls under threats of legal action from the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. One paid a $2500 settlement.  Another closed her business. This same activist is trying to organize government-sponsored topless swims for kids 12 and up, with parents barred from attending.

He is one of five terrifying trans activists who use the legal system wage war on normal decent people.  Their goal was never equality.  It was for this small and irate minority to force the majority to cater to their narcissism, fetishes and mental illness.

A jury in Texas ruled that a father cannot stop his ex-wife from gender transitioning their 7 year old son. The child was crying when he “came out” at his birthday party so it seems his mother browbeat him into it.  The judge has since bowed to public pressure and overruled the jury.  It’s still a win for trans activists because the media brainwashed the country so thoroughly that a JURY in TEXAS validated this child abuse.  In a sane world, the mother would lose custody and her pediatrician’s license.

In Minnesota, school and county officials began gender-transitioning a minor without parental consent.

T is for Taint:  Also in Minnesota, a drag queen flashed crotch at a room full of kids at Drag Queen Story Hour.  Moms were ecstatic because they got to virtue signal to each other about how great it is to expose their kids to perverts (and vice versa).  This is great news because it proves that Islam is right about women and trannies.

An Australian judge ruled that trannies should not be punished for possession of child pornography. Not even probation. It was on his phone so he probably filmed it.

Drag Syndrome performed a Down Syndrome drag show in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  A local Republican who tried to stop it was charged with a civil rights violation. This is good news because Drag Syndrome is funded by British taxpayers.  Every time Westminster wastes taxpayer money on something retarded, it’s money not spent on paying Muslims to breed.

Speaking of retards, Hollywood is getting more trannies.

Hollywood trannies

Clowns have some zany crimefighting tricks

In Middleborough, England, the government will give junkies free medical-grade heroin to stop them from committing crimes.

The French legal system is being taken over by African, Algerian and Jewish tribalists, who support their own interests at the expense of the natives, and lock up natives who dare to speak up.

The French Police Intelligence Unit hired an IT guy who quickly rose through the ranks due to three victim points: Black, Muslim, and disabled (deaf in one ear). He stabbed four of his colleagues to death. Nobody saw it coming! Nothing like it has ever happened before! This is Clown World good news because the attacker can no longer feed secret information to Muslims, and because he took out four officers who were probably working to bust Yellow Vest sympathizers and anyone who questions Diversity.

France has 58 nuclear reactors, 300 nuclear bombs, and no real men in charge.

Muslim gangs are infiltrating the Dutch cops.  40% of “professional integrity breaches” are from officers with an immigrant background, who make up 7% of police personnel. The situation is probably even worse due to widespread fears of being called racist.

A mysterious crime wave is plaguing Minneapolis.  Up to 700 new cops will be needed.  White liberal clowns on the city council have decided that Somalis should be preferred as new hires. The good news is that some white liberals will discover that corruption and banditry are parts of Somali culture.

Somalis in Britain are sending their children back to Somalia to escape gang violence.

A judge ruled that a migrant criminal could stay in Britain because his gang membership helped prove he had socially and culturally integrated.

A 12 year old Kansas girl was arrested and charged with a felony for making the gun pointy finger in school.  This is not an isolated incident. 30,000 kids under 10 have been arrested in American schools since 2013.

Massachusetts Democrats have proposed a law that would make calling someone a bitch be punishable by up to six months in jail.

The latest Orwellian pre-crime program is HARPA.  Red Flag laws meet social credit.

Australian cops are confiscating loose coins from drivers because “safety”.  Hey, how else are cops going to get paid if all the taxes are going to drug money for Sudanese gangs?

Sweden fined a man $2000 for someone else’s hate speech.

New York City had such success with their $250,000 fines for using the wrong pronouns that they decided to issue $250,000 fines for calling people illegal aliens.

The US Military made it clear that a human wave invasion of Area 51 would end very badly. However, a human wave invasion of America will end in free food, free education, free healthcare, and free housing.

Clowns are using magic tricks to create money and food out of nothing

A freak freeze has hit most of America. Temperatures are 25 degrees Celsius below normal in places.  Only 41% of the corn is harvested. Some of the remaining 59% will be lost due to too much snow in the fields.  Much of what comes in will be immature due to a late planting.  The USDA is faking this year’s crop loss numbers because they might cause hoarding, and be bad for the global warming narrative. This is good news because food shortages will ultimately cause more chaos. Commie Clowns are always conjuring up fake news, fake money, fake happiness, fake morality, fake productivity numbers, fake jobs etc. But they have still not figured out how to bamboozle the human stomach even though they have tried for over 100 years.

There are negative interest rates in Europe.  I.e. you would pay the banksters for the honor of getting ripped off when they borrow your money, in ADDITION to the inflation ripoff due to money printing.

The Fed is quietly increasing its balance sheet under the cover of hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of emergency overnight repo operations after the repo rate spiked to 10%. This is insanely high. These aren’t unsecured loans to the public, they are short term interbank loans with Treasuries as collateral. Looks like a major player decided to pull money out but the banks don’t have enough, so central banks are electronically printing money. They are obfuscating this because they want to fleece savers instead of spooking them into buying gold, silver, food, guns, etc.  [EDIT: JP Morgan started it by putting all available cash into long term bonds. This is a bet on recession.]

Fed repo

Clowns Gone Wild

There is a new trend of e-whores making up to $150,000/month selling bathwater, pee, panties, and naughty messages to desperate nerds. 4chan trolls purged some of these degenerates by reporting them for tax evasion. It’s not clear how many were arrested, but many panties were stained.  Pay your taxes, bitchez. You love refugees, right? You don’t expect them to feed themselves, do you?  That would be racist!

ANTIFA is slowly taking over Portland. Civic nationalist group Patriot Prayer is resisting. Both groups are armed and have been hunting each other for years. ANTIFA recently lost someone to a hit and run but overall they have the advantage because they are more aggressive and local authorities treat them gently while coming down hard on Patriot Prayer. This model is spreading to other cities. Democrats + legal system + street thugs + social services + brainwashers + corporations + immigrant groups all supporting each other.  The great strengths of the Left are institutions, networking, nepotism, shameless double standards, toddlers’ morality, and aid from Bond villains and diabolical cultists. The great weaknesses of the Left are hubris, emotional incontinence, parasitism, tribal divisions, lack of practical skills, an inability to face reality, and an inability to understand consequences (because they never had to face them).

The youth wing of the Swedish Liberal Party is pushing to legalize incest, cannibalism and necrophilia.

The clown mob cancelled the first UK Chick-fil-A with 8 days of protests. Can’t have conservative white Christians selling delicious chicken sandwiches in the UK.  Muslims selling British girls in the kebab meat is OK though.

A British man was placed on a terror list for fighting off a Muslim attack.

In Rome, African migrants used a church as a base to sell heroin.

Tide Pods are so 2018.  In Britain, gangs of “youths” (Newspeak for migrant spawn) have been burning wheelie bins and dog poop bins and sniffing the fumes to get high.

SJWs are purging libraries. They are now literal book burners. They are sending dumpsters full of Penguin classics to the incinerator.

Clown Party

In other Dumpster Fire news, the Democratic Party held a cringeworthy Town Hall where the candidates pandered to the LGBTQ crowd. Biden reminisced about the good ol’ days of bathhouse sex. Two prepubescent kids came out as trans (applause all around). A black tranny took over the stage and went on a rant about how Black Trans women deserve more attention. Beto said he wanted to revoke the tax exemption of churches that don’t do gay marriages.  Elizabeth Warren said only incels believe marriage is between a man and a woman.  Chris Cuomo made a lame joke about Kamala Harris’s pronouns and had to apologize later.

Two of Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-grandfathers genocided the Cherokee, but it’s OK because she’s a Commie.

Kamala Harris loves big butts.

Kamala Harris wants illegal immigrants to work in Congress.

Creepy Joe Biden can’t stop sniffing kids on the campaign trail.

The media put a digital pimple on Tulsi Gabbard during the debates.

Trump is going to win in a landslide.  All the Democratic candidates are terrible except for Tulsi Gabbard, who has enough good in her for evil clowns to give her the Bernie Sanders treatment.  Tulsi campaigns against war, corruption and the prison-industrial complex, but she is otherwise similar to all the other clowns.  The candidates are so bad overall that Hillary is signaling she might jump in the ring to save the party from itself.   She would take votes away from the two front runners (Biden and Warren), thus making the fight go on even longer until all the clowns are battered and broke.  Maybe she is really doing it to fend off investigations for another year.  Maybe the Deep State has assured her that they will use every dirty trick to help her win.  Maybe she is so full of herself that she actually thinks she has a chance.  Regardless, I hope she runs. I might vote for her in the off chance she gets the civil war started before it’s too late. And the memes will be epic.

Hillary Arkham

George Soros and the DNC are plotting to funge 10 years’ worth of elections via gerrymandering.  Fraud, lawfare and mass immigration are their only viable election strategies at this point.

House Democrats overwhelmingly rejected gang members being red flagged. Taking away their guns would be racist! Of course the real reason is that Democrats intend to use gangs as proxy fighters after white males are disarmed.

Jews arranged a Senate hearing in which they demanded $25B in unpaid insurance claims related to the Holocaust. They admitted that they completely made the numbers up, that the money won’t even go to holocaust survivors, and that the reparations scam might never end. They expect the descendants of people who bled to liberate the Jews to now pay these claims. Sadly, they will probably get the money one way or another, because most of the Senate is blackmailed by Jews.

Our Jew-puppet leaders pay Israel to steal our tech.

1/4 of Congressional Democrats work for Clowns In America.

Orange Man Bad

With the Russia Collusion hoax dead, the Deep State had to make up some other fake charges to bring down Trump.  This time it involves Ukraine.  The truth is that there was no quid pro quo, Trump was following the law with respect to a pre-existing investigation about CrowdStrike, and the Bidens have a very sordid history of quid pro quo deals with Ukraine, China, and Romania.  Joe Biden’s son Hunter was paid $60,000 a month by Burisma, Ukraine’s largest natural gas producer, as an entirely absent non-executive director, when he had no experience in Ukraine or the gas industry, very little business experience, and he was dishonorably discharged from the Navy Reserve due to his cocaine habit. Joe Biden demanded the firing of the Ukranian prosecutor investigating this obvious corruption, or $1B in aid would be withheld.  Joe bragged about this on TV.  But the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump and it will blow up in their face, as usual.  There is much more going on but I do not have the time to track this fast moving train wreck at this point.

AOC called Zion Don an anti-semite due to his calling Intelligence committee chairman Adam Schiff a liar and a traitor for making up stories about Trump and Ukraine. Jews have a Diversity License for lying and treason. It’s part of their religion.

Justin Trudeau earned gushing praise for apologizing for wearing blackface at multiple parties. Don Lemon reminded us that the real racist here is Orange Man.

Project Veritas caught CNN staff complaining that CEO Jeff Zucker is a rabid Trump hating activist who dictates what the news will be.  CNN ratings are in the toilet.  Airports have pulled their contracts.  There are YouTubers who do nothing but read a bunch of news articles and rant about them and these basement dwellers sometimes get more views than CNN talking heads. Get Woke, Go Broke.

Eariler this year, there was a Trump rape accuser who looked and talked like a mental patient.  The media went gaga over her.

In a desperate attempt to stop hemorrhaging viewers, Batwoman added a Trump-like villain and lost an additional 300,000 viewers.

Mitt Romney’s #1 fan is… Mitt Romney.  The most odiously sanctimonious virtue-sniveling used car salesman of cuckservative politics has been caught using an Internet alias to boost himself and tear down Orange Man.

Orange Man caused Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to blow himself up along with three of his children. Orange Man is a monster. Al-Baghdadi was a shy, near-sighted youth who liked soccer and religious study, according to the media.

Orange Man snorted too much Adderall?

There was a week in late summer when it seemed like Trump had gone nuts. He asked about nuking Hurricane Dorian, he edited a weather map with a sharpie and talked about the hurricane hitting Alabama when it was not predicted to do so, he offered to  buy Greenland (actually a good idea), and he petulantly cancelled a visit to Denmark when told no.

He just announced that he is officially moving to Florida because he is sick of paying taxes to an establishment that hates him.  I can totally understand this.  So, should we call him Orange Man, or Florida Man?


Diversity graffiti ruined waterfall

Leprosy is now spreading in Los Ageles. The clown government is fixing the problem by renaming it Hansen’s Disease.

California banned taxpayer funded travel to Iowa over Iowa’s refusal to use state medicare to fund transgender surgeries.  This is bad news because California will be able to funnel more money to Latino gangbangers before the entire state collapses.

California banned woodstoves, then they taxed gas until people switched to electric blankets, then PG&E shut the power off for four days in large parts of northern California due to decaying infrastructure and lawsuit worries, then it turned out that many grid-tied solar power systems don’t work when the grid is off, then people froze.  Welcome to Communism. The end is always the same.

In order to improve retention and keep diversity numbers up, Stanford now offers special physics classes for blacks. First lab experiment: How much kinetic energy do bullets gain when you shoot while waving your gun over your head?  Seriously though- smart minorities should avoid universities that offer Potemkin courses or other egregious PC absurdities, because they will lead to the next generation of worthless degrees.  After the revolution, you will have to compete in the workforce by your own merit.  You don’t want future employers to assume that you didn’t earn your degree.

Latino gangs are infiltrating the LAPD.  This is a “cultural norm”, and therefore checking for tattoos would be racist.  Gangsters use their newfound police powers to “earn their ink” by taking out rivals or just abusing innocent people. Welcome to the Third World, where the cops are just another gang.

In Clownifornia, deliberately spreading AIDS is less illegal than deliberately spreading plastic straws.

California Prop. 47 makes property crime under $950 a misdemeanor, assuming these crimes even get prosecuted- which is unlikely. Criminals have taken this as de facto permission to steal anything they like as long as it’s worth less than $950.  They shoplift $900 of merchandise, hand it off to someone in the parking lot, and go back for more.

The zombies are biting in San Francisco.  A shopkeeper is considering closing his store after a homeless man bit him for the second time in four months for trying to prevent shoplifting.  In theory a homeless junkie could repeatedly shoplift, bite a shopkeeper who tries to stop him, give him AIDS, and not go to jail. But if the shopkeeper gives out plastic straws, he could go to jail!

Clown advisory guide

A homeless man dumped a month’s worth of hot diarrhea on a woman’s head (archive link because the original news site has a trojan).  “Heidi Van Tassel was parked in Hollywood after having a pleasant evening out with friends at an authentic Thai restaurant. Suddenly a man randomly pulled her out of the car, dragged her out to the middle of the street, and dumped a bucket of feces on her head, Van Tassel said and public records confirm.” This is great news because Heidi is a white liberal who spent years pouring shit on our heads and now that this Based Black Man did it to her, she can’t resist virtue signaling about how she has empathy for him.

And now for a word from our sponsors:

Is your empathy running low? Has Orange Man darkened your aura? Do you feel like you are being used by parasites who hate you? Come to Karma Resort and Spa on Hollywood Boulevard. Our 37 different kinds of authentic ethnic food will help you virtue signal to your friends about how it was totally worth it to ruin the greatest state in the world’s greatest civilization. Our local free-range Shit Shaman, Jere Blessings, will bless you with a hot diarrhea facial and wash away your karmic debts. As his steaming feces infuse into all your upper orifeces and down into your throat chakra, your energies (and your authentic ethnic foods) will surge upwards, and you will virtue signal as naturally as Pocahontas.

This magical experience can be yours for only $5000 in state income taxes. Price does not include sales tax, property tax, rain tax, sewer tax, gas tax, car inspection tax, registration tax, private school tax, sidewalk shit tax, needle tax, disease tax, theft tax, vandalism tax, and highway robbery by CHP.


Sewer Clowns Love Kids

Pedo blackmail ringleader Jeffrey Epstein signed his updated will in jail and was apparently happy as a clam. Two days later, his roomate was transferred out, the guards fell asleep, the security cameras malfunctioned, and Epstein “hanged” himself with materials designed to prevent this. A medical examiner reported that it was likely a homicide. I think a body double was killed and Epstein is living in a grotto somewhere in Israel, courtesy of Mossad. This is worth a post in itself. I will get to it.

Clinton super donor Ed Buck has a fetish for overdosing homeless black teenagers and raping them. He ran a drug den out of his house. 3 deaths, several more close calls. Now he’s in jail. How long until he kills himself with toilet paper?

The FBI dumped a bunch of documents related to the Finders cult, which helped inspire the satanic panic of the 1980s.  Tunnels were found under McMartin preschool. Special Agent 4chan is on the case.  Personally I don’t know much about it, because I considered the evidence to be weak and there are so many better cases to investigate.  Overall I think the satanic panic was justified but shrinks, the media and Clowns In America turned it into a conspiracy theory.

The DOD is ranked as the 19th biggest Cheese Pizza network in the US.

Leftists are planning to legalize child sex trafficking.  All in the name of love.

Why even bother legalizing it, when you have an unaccountable government?  The UK government “accidentally” sold 10,000 children to child traffickers.

88% of missing sex trafficked kids come from US foster care.

A UK pedo gang got $1m of taxpayer-financed legal aid to fight deportation.

A company called StemExpress has been keeping aborted babies alive so that heads and whole beating hearts can be harvested.

A company is developing Smart Diapers that will irradiate babies’ balls with 5G.  You can be sure these will be heavily marketed to white people.

Diversity Last ad that is not diverse

5 kids and no Diversity.  Why haven’t London’s Diversity Police investigated this ad? Those white girls need black or Muslim boyfriends.

Climate Clowns

Norwegians are told to pee in the shower to save water in a country with no shortage.

A Swedish economist has proposed cannibalism as a tool for fighting climate change.

Europe has room for four BILLION “climate refugees”.

The UK Labour Party wants to cut the work week to only 10 hours, with a corresponding reduction in pay.  There was no indication of whether the payroll tax would have to rise to over 100% to compensate, whether working people would go on the dole, or whether there would be enough people to do the real work needed to sustain the endless hordes of parasites.  Are Labour MPs really so dumb that they think all economic problems can be solved with money printing, immigrants and regulation?

Chuck Schumer wants to spend almost half a trillion dollars on a trade in program for electric cars.  For accelerationist reasons I might be inclined to support blowing this absurd amount of money, but after the collapse we might be left with no power, a bunch of government subsidized electric jalopies with burned out batteries, and a lack of parts for older diesels that might otherwise run on the rendered fat of SJWs.

There were over 100 private jets at Google’s Climate Change Celebrity Camp.

Greta Thunberg has become the latest poster child for faux-environmentalist globalist elitism.  Or maybe just a Clown World rebranding of Sweden.  She sailed to New York on a $4m yacht whose crew was flown back to Europe and replaced with another crew that flew out from Europe. At the UN she gave an angry and ironic speech about how selfish adults stole her childhood.

The UN says that by 2050 the Earth will be burdened by so many plebs that we will all have to eat compost maggots in order for the elite to retain their lifestyle. It’s either that or pay idiots NOT to breed, but the elite will never neuter their welfare pets. That would defeat the true purpose of the NWO: To allow a perfectly satanic elite bloodline to rule forever over perfectly degraded human cattle.

Homeless trash

A lovely stroll along a trail in the clean, green leftist utopia of Olympia, WA.  Watch out for needles.  Remember to pay your rain tax so that the city councilors can attract more homeless to the area while buying McMansions for themselves.

Random Honkings

The South African government condones the slow genocide of white South African farmers by black criminals.  The government is also deliberately slow in granting exit visas, and Western countries aren’t letting them in as refugees. Our own governments would rather have violent 3rd world welfare cases than productive white citizens. Britain is giving money to South Africa to make sure the genocide goes as planned.

The South African minister of education says education is not for Africans, it came from whites.

Wakandan Math is coming to Seattle schools.

A Seattle politician has ruled that it would be racist to use pressure washers to clean up homeless peoples’ poop.  Democrats decided that the proper solution is to let the poop pile up on the streets.  I wholeheartedly agree.

A brave British feminist has developed a cure for the dangerous plague of manspreading.  A special chair which forces the legs together.

It’s Okay to be White.  Signs reminding everyone of this innocuous fact are now being put up near lefty safe spaces all over America and Europe.  Tomorrow, there will be howls of outrage from the media and the Left, and some normies will become redpilled about who are the real racists these days.  This is the way it has worked for the previous two Halloweens.  It will work again.  The Left just can’t help themselves.

I was pretty sure Justice Roberts was compromised, but the truth might be even more pathetic.  Maybe the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is an intellectual coward who can be bullied by op-ed columnists.

Trudeau barely won re-election due to conservatives nominating a fetid glob of human mayonnaise as their candidate, and due to media exploitation of most Canadians’ polite and trusting nature, leading to political correctness and big government.  But many rural Canadians are sick of being tax donkeys for a government that hates them and wants them replaced.  There are now secessionist movements in Alberta and British Columbia.  Expect these movements to spread.

Britain wants to give tenants the right to rob their landlords.

But in Muslim countries, landlord robs you!  A Bankrupt Tunisian hostel held British tourists hostage for extra “fees”.

Students at Oxford University and Manchester University voted to ban clapping because it might trigger those with anxiety disorders, and because it’s more inclusive to clap in sign language.

Three and a half years after the Brexit vote, they are at yet another legal impasse which will last until at least January 31.  A snap election has been called.  It has long been obvious that MPs are trying to drag Brexit out indefinitely while continuing to flood Britain with immigrants until a re-vote is feasible.  The Eurocrats and their toadies in London are afraid that Britain will come off better economically and thereby serve as inspiration for others.  A revolution is desperately needed, but it might never happen because Brits have an Orwellian state, no guns, a cowed and dumbed down native populace, and elites and Muslims get to do whatever they want. Britain is the poster child for Anarcho-Tyranny.

Julian Assange, one of the great heroes of our time, is slowly dying an Orwellian death in the bowels of the British prison system.  The British Deep State are torturing him.  They are destroying his mind so that he won’t be able to tell anything to patriots in America.  The fact that so many violent criminals go free in Britain, while the State has dedicated infinite resources to crushing the spirit out of a man who did nothing wrong and all the soulless bug people seem to relish doing this, is further proof that a revolution is desperately needed.

clown world Venn diagram

Good News from Hollywood

The best movie of the last few years wasn’t a special effects extravaganza or a social justice remake, it was a character development piece about one man’s dystopia-driven transformation into a killer clown. Critics trashed it.  Our own Media Clowns and even the military spread a bunch of Fake News about how the movie was going to be a magnet for Nazi incel mass shooters so nobody should watch it.  The movie has already made over $850m on a $55m budget. Turns out Joker is actually a left wing movie, but the Clowns don’t want us to watch it because it might inspire the wrong kind of leftism, i.e. the proletariat of all races realize they have more in common with each other than with the establishment and the corrupt billionaires who run everything, and the only solution is to kill the bastards. In practice, this kind of revolution involves one group of elites inciting the masses against another group of elites. Nobody wants the anarchists to get any ideas about acting independently.

I haven’t watched a movie for years but I will watch Joker and try to bring some friends. Maybe some bean counter will figure out that we’re sick of capeshit and Feminist Ghostbusters and Clown Star Wars and focus group tested PC pablum everywhere and if they put some thought into the script, maybe the movie would sell itself, and they could save $50m on marketing and big-name stars.

Rumor has it that Disney screwed up Star Wars Episode 9 so badly that they have to re-shoot 75% of it two months before the release. They paid $4B for LucasFilm only to stuff it with SJWs whose sacred mission is to ruin everything.  The good news is that Disney will lose billions. Kathleen Kennedy will move on, like a locust, and get a job ruining something else.

Dave Chapelle’s Sticks and Stones was a refreshing middle finger to just about everyone.  He went after feminists, trannies, Hollywood, PC Pharisees and more.  He committed the thinkcrime of implying that poor whites might have similar experiences to poor blacks. Critics gave the show dismal ratings.  Audiences absolutely loved it, giving it a 99% rating. That’s because it was all funny. I don’t even care that he portrayed white people as a bunch of trigger-happy drug addicts. It was a good show. Definitely worth watching.

Kanye West just released a wholesome album called Jesus is King and the Twitterati are losing their goddamned minds.


This is just a small fraction of the Clown World News.  Most of the news is from this year.  I tried to avoid duplicates.  If this special report left you transfixed with horror, you can read more Clown World News on this site here and here, or watch Paul Joseph Watson’s excellent video about the Clown World Order:

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